Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 938: Retaliation

This time Olivia’s [Concrete Truth] promotion ceremony was far more vigorous than the scene when Watt, Irwin, and Milan were promoted.

Within thousands of kilometers, the vision in the sky can be seen clearly.

Many speculators who are exploring in the “Broken Star Sea” have looked up, all believing that this is a precursor to the birth of some kind of strange treasure in the depths of the sea.

If it weren’t for the entire dangerous “Broken Star Sea” in front, they would have liked to fly over it desperately at this moment.

Golden country, in the bright white beam of light cast by the bright moon.


The surging spiritual wind blows.

The various auras and treasures in [The Gate of Secret Collection] turned into a shining river, surrounded by Olivia, who had turned into colorful gems in the middle.

It is the public assets collected by the “gemology school” for thousands of years. They are full of jewels, antiques, weapons and various witchcraft props that are full of age, historical deposits, or involved in huge events.

Only by using the key shape [jewel sword], which symbolizes the chief status, can you open this school’s secret storehouse that houses various treasures and transform it into a valuable resource for the promotion of [Concrete Truth].

Furthermore, the number of treasures in [Secret Hidden Gate] has at least quadrupled from the beginning.


Under Aiwen’s powerful “calling power”, the Duchy of Galiot, the Kingdom of Falettis, the Tulip Kingdoms, the Peacock Islands, the Kingdom of Heymar, the Empire of Hilius…

[Sovereign Shield] A considerable part of the treasure house of the royal family and the treasures of the great nobles of various countries have come here.

Except for Livina’s strong support, who took the lead and almost emptied the treasure trove in a prodigal manner, it is not convenient to repeat it elsewhere.

In short, since you are a kid, you must have the consciousness to pay protection fees.

Fortunately, these things are useless except to declare the royal family background. They can be exchanged for military and economic assistance supported by the principality, and the monarchs of various countries are not dissatisfied.

In the center of the ritual presided over by a group of [Treasure Girls], Olivia gently raised her hand.

Something incomparably heavy came out from the treasure river, and the mighty [World Watching] above her head also swept down, rushing into her tucked up body.

She seems to have become the center of the entire planetary system.

Beside, even though Ivan was confident, he couldn’t help but clenched his fist hard at this time.

It is said that Olivia, who had just been promoted to the “Grand Wizard” four years ago, would be promoted again in such a short period of time [Concrete Truth].

Even if the knowledge system of the “Gem School” has been completed, it is an extremely difficult task.

The only good thing is.

Now is not the time to lay the foundation at the low-level stage. The “Grand Wizard” has already reached the pinnacle of personal efforts.

Next, whether it is [Concrete Truth] or [Demi-God], you need to gather the power of the crowd.

There is no essential difference between borrowed human power or the power of the world. They are all fast elevators to the top of the mountain, so there is no need to worry about the unstable foundation.

For Irving and Olivia, there are of course many ways to obtain the dream power of [World Appreciation].

The continuous development of “Broken Star Sea”, the continuous advancement of the “Electrical Industrial Revolution”, the new inventions that help the world consciousness “remove tumors” and “compensate for weakness”…

It’s just that these methods are not short in cycle, and it’s useless to worry.

Fortunately, in the past year when they started exploring the universe, their one-stop operations were as fierce as a tiger, and Ivan and Olivia have become the parents of all life on the three planets.

But in order to get [world favor] as soon as possible.

Aven has the worst environment among them. Even after the transformation in the future, it will be almost impossible for humans to survive, but the primitive planet that still has the conditions for the birth of life has been implanted with… [Golden Chain]!

Different from other planets, including “Sailing Star”, both of them used the genetic information of the two to create their creations, and what was left was also a high-dimensional projection of Ivan’s own.

On the planet named “Mist”, the world consciousness was implanted with the [Golden Chain] projected onto the material world.

It means that the tentacles of Herrag’s “world consciousness” have extended to another planet.

Even if the distance in between is calculated in light years, it does not prevent him from expanding the scope of his rule at least twice!

Even if Ivan has not yet been able to reach that level, he still knows that this kind of operation will inevitably bring huge benefits to “world promotion”.


Under the care of Olivia by “World Consciousness” more meticulously than her relatives, there is no surprise in her promotion process.

When the white moonlight converges again.

The entire “Golden Kingdom” has completely disappeared, turned into a huge mountain of gems shining with colorful rays, and with a flash of divine light, it is completely integrated with the gemified Olivia.

[Concrete Truth·Madonna of the Rose]

And just as Ivan became the [God of Abundance of All Things] at the time, Olivia also obtained the [Title] that she had analyzed for a long time.

It’s just that the priesthood she got was not only [Moon], but also [Morning Star] of Quetzalcoatl. It is more appropriate to say it is [Moon Goddess] rather than [Star Moon Goddess].

Miss Moonstone, who was young and lush, has finally completed the most important transformation of her life.

The cold moonlight enveloped her, no, it was his body that turned into a silky silver satin, outlining the exquisite and convex perfect figure.

On the long black hair that seems to be flowing with moonlight, there is a bright crescent-shaped hairpin pinned to it, and two star-like earrings hang down on the white jade-like cheeks.

It looks simple and refreshing, but it is more noble than all her priceless [Gem Arms] combined.

On the ground gently, a pair of soul and career partners took each other’s hands again, and smiled as they looked at each other.

‘Although there is no way to grow old with you anymore, whether it’s the other side of the sea or the end of the starry sky, I will witness with you! ’


The battle on the Eritrean Sea has gradually come to an end.

Following the burst of four torpedoes, the [Sea Snail] lost its balance again and was exposed to the observation posts of three warships.

The officers and soldiers on the submarine were greatly excited after seeing the fire on the [Prince Prince].

“Hit, mission completed, dive!”


The time period when the submarine launches a torpedo until the ship evades or is hit is the best window period for the submarine to escape.

Unfortunately, in the first show of this submarine that has just made it onto the stage of history, the underwater speed and endurance of the “Sea Snail” are just as urgent as its name, and this window period will not go far.

Also, even though the submarine can dive underwater, the current diving depth will not exceed 100 meters, and the speed is relatively slow.

If the battleship drops a few depth charges, the submarine will also get into big trouble.

The most important thing is that when the escaped submarine is running at high speed, it will make a huge noise, which also completely loses its concealment.

The only thing that can be done is to change the course and then dive in an emergency, hiding as much as possible under the “thermocline”, so as to greatly increase the probability of the submarine’s subsequent survival.

The so-called “thermocline” is an area where the temperature changes drastically underwater.

If the sound wave touches this area at a shallow angle, it will bounce back, making it impossible to transmit the cline, causing the sonar to fail. Such a sea layer is called a “thermocline.”

This is also the main reason why “Sea Snail” chose this sea area for ambush.

However, the submarine that greedily approached and launched the torpedo did not notice, and a steel monster behind him had rushed towards him at high speed.

Stab it–!

There was a sound of tearing steel.

The fast cruiser “Pangolin” with a draft of 5.8 meters, the steam turbine roared and pounced. The sharp bow of the ship was like a blade, and the hull of the “Sea Snail” was neatly cut into pieces. In two halves.

Let this submarine, which made its debut on the battlefield, set off as a way home.

On the other hand, thanks to the strong armor protection, the damage to the starboard side of the [Prince Edward] is not too serious.

The “damage pipe group” responsible for the relevant area has gradually blocked the hole, and the electric water pump runs at a high speed to pull the sea water away again, so that the warship will not lose its balance and become a living target for aerial bombs.

At the same time, with the continuous output of the strong magnetic field in the [Cloud Breaker].


The gale is howling, the waves are surging, the black clouds are rolling, and the thunder is bursting.

Over the battlefield filled with water vapor, a large storm has already rushed rapidly, and the thick cumulonimbus clouds reaching thousands of meters dragged this sea area directly into the night.

“What is this? Why can the transcendents of the principality still cast spells in the elemental turbulence?!”

The wizard captain of the [Arkron] stared wide-eyed at the large thunderstorm that was rushing towards him, and just before he let out a scream, he was violently involved in the sudden storm.

As for the “flapping wing aircraft” that survived the anti-aircraft guns, they were blown away by the rain and wind a step earlier than the “flying mothership”. Falling into the sea will be destined to be their best ending.

The people on the boat were slightly surprised at this scene. The experiment and the actual battle are different in the end. After a long time, they began to shout in unison:

“Long live your majesty!”

“Long live the Principality!”

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Although the fleet is a little passive in the first half~IndoMTL.com~, it’s like a [equipped knight] facing [Assassin]. The latter can have many tricks, but as long as you catch a flaw, you will die on the spot.

Small tricks are possible, but the competition of military power depends on hard power after all.


The return journey of the fleet is fairly smooth.

However, without waiting for them to return to the New World, when they passed through Falitis for repairs, Her Majesty, who did not treat herself as an outsider at all, was already furious.

Although in this era of blooming flowers, even in some small countries, refreshing advanced technology can be obtained from time to time. It is indeed impossible to prove that the attackers are members of the Palme d’Or Federation.

But where do they need evidence?

Although her own side is totally zero casualties, Her Majesty the Queen raised her arms and screamed at the wind, and immediately started the revenge against Palme d’Or.

With the gradual increase in the rate of loss of control of the transcendents, the material world has gradually become lively.

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