Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 936: Flying mothership and flapping wing aircraft

The “Warthog” can reach a maximum speed of 29 knots, which is not much slower than a torpedo with a speed of 30 knots, and its rudder efficiency is excellent.

With the concerted efforts of the chief engineer and the helmsman, the steel hull of the fast cruiser, as huge as a city wall, drew a perfect arc on the water.

Let the deadly waterline pass by the stern of the battleship, and the whole journey will be unpredictable.

“Irina, start [Head of the Ship·Pilot Whale]…”

Elantra’s order has just been issued halfway.


The elemental ripples of a riot have suddenly spread from the position of the submarine.

This is the inspiration that the dark wizards got during the development of “Broken Star Sea”-[Magic Element Turbulent Bomb], also known as [Poverty Bomb].

Just like the [Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb] can paralyze electronic equipment, this low-cost weapon can temporarily paralyze [Witchcraft Items] and greatly interfere with the cast.

For the weaker side, this weapon is a cheap and good artifact.


Even if the extraordinary power of the [Prince Prince] is temporarily eliminated, the speed is slightly slower than the torpedo, but it is not very afraid of this kind of direct torpedo that does not have the ability to track.

Reliable power system is one of the biggest advantages of [Super Dreadnought].

12 oil-fired boilers, 2 Watt IV steam turbines, 2 gear-driven cruise steam turbines, with a power of 26,500 horsepower and a speed of 27 knots.

While launching a large-angle evasion, the Elantra has issued commands to the gun crew through the shipboard radio system:

“The target appears, the secondary gun fires quickly!”

The powerful battleship’s main guns have a slower firing speed, and the amount of ammunition that can easily reach a ton is relatively limited. At this time, a series of secondary guns will come in handy.


Different from sea monsters that can attack from deep water, since submarines need to float to the surface of 3-15 to launch torpedoes.

At such a shallow depth, its shadow is naturally easy to be found, especially in the shallow waters of the Eritrea Sea.

Especially when the [Sea Snail] fired two torpedoes in one salvo in order to expand the results, the submarine lost its balance and surfaced for a while, becoming a very conspicuous target.


Snow white steam gushes.

In the “ship-based analyzer” modified by Babbage, countless brass gears turned and quickly spit out a printed cardboard, which fell into the hands of the ranging team.


As the most powerful warship in the Principality, the upper half of the gun commander of the [Prince Prince] gun crew is held by experienced [gunners].

Not to mention the two fire control officers, one is the [Steam Division] who can also control the ship-based analyzer and understands the parameters, and the other is the pinnacle level 2 [Gunner].

Boom! boom! boom! boom! …

With the order of the fire control officer, all the turrets within the firing range of the millimeter secondary guns of the [Prince Prince] fired simultaneously, and the fiery muzzle storm set off a Category 8 hurricane on the sea.

At the beginning, there were two secondary artillery designs submitted by the Academy of Engineering to Aiwen, namely, the [artillery-type secondary artillery] placed on the side and the [turret-type secondary artillery] located on the upper deck.

[Gallery type secondary battery] The advantage is that it can lay the secondary armor belt uniformly, the cost is relatively cheap, and the secondary battery is not easy to be destroyed by the enemy’s medium-caliber artillery.

However, the firing range of the secondary battery of the warship is so poor that it cannot be airborne, and if it is hit by a large-caliber artillery shell, the secondary battery on the side of the ship may pass through.

Finally, under the prophetic and foresighted Ivan’s opposition, the battleships of the principality all chose the [turret-type secondary artillery].

[Turret-type secondary battery] has a better range of fire, it can be on the surface or in the air, even if it is hit, the entire secondary battery will not be reimbursed, and it can also save space and install the necessary anti-aircraft weapons.

Wow! Wow! ….

Huge splashes of water exploded next to the outcropping [Sea Snail]. Although the target above the water is extremely small, these hot shells seem to have eyes, and they are closer to each other than the submarine.

This is the cross-fire method of the [gunners]. The front turret of the battleship fires according to the parameters set by the “ship-based analysis machine”, and the rear turret is modified to further fire.

Then repeat the shooting until the bullet can trap the target, and then start shooting in all directions, taking the target away in one wave.

Of course, while the [Prince Edward] is performing evasive actions, it can also do this, which is probably the ability of the [Gunner] who specialize in shooting extraordinary people can do it.

At the beginning, I captured the mysterious source of the [Gunner] [Eagle Spirit], and then, in response to the expectation of a rapid battle with hot weapons in the future, Ivan has been vigorously training [Gunner] in the army over the years.

Let this new profession unique to the New World, almost able to compete with the [Knights] in the Principality.

There are even [gunners] who have been knighted for their meritorious service, stepping into the ranks of the upper ruling class. You know, in almost all monarchy countries, this is almost the patent of [knight occupation].

All members of the fleet will never deny it.

Even if his Majesty has not personally participated in this battle to witness history, all aspects of the fleet’s response are the manifestation of the wise majesty’s wise and foresighted majesty for many years.

“Quick! Fill in the water and dive again!”

The captain of the submarine was surprised and caught the Principality fleet by surprise, but he did not expect the Principality Navy to react so quickly.

He even felt that the training subjects of the Principality’s Navy already had the same content as dealing with submarines.

But the fierce battle situation did not allow him to think about it.

It’s been so many years. The [Song of the Sea Monster] invented by Irving has long been no secret. Since it was equipped in the entire alliance in the Age of Sailing, it has inevitably flowed into the hands of other countries.

However, although the Palme d’Or has an [electrical engineer], the progress of the research on the [sonar system] is still unsatisfactory.

For the time being, the “periscope” is the key when launching an attack.

Even if the submarine is intact, if the protruding periscope is damaged, it means that the submarine can almost completely withdraw from the battlefield.

However, the captain of the Federal Navy was not too disappointed. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the communication antenna was still exposed on the sea, he ordered:

“Send a signal to let them provide support!”

At the last moment when the cannonball submerged the location, [Sea Snail] finally completed the action of re-entering the water in time at the cost of a slight depression of the shell, and escaped the tragic ending torn apart.

Just a moment after an electromagnetic wave broke through the air.

I just dodged the torpedo and re-adjusted its posture to the [Prince Prince], which rushed towards the submarine’s dive position. The radar chief stared at the control console in front of him and suddenly got up to report:

“Report to the captain that there is a behemoth floating in the clouds.”

Elantra looked up at the dark sky, [Mind Network] has not yet reached the point of covering the entire planet, and the accuracy in the Eritrean Sea is not as good as radar~IndoMTL.com~The knight of the pinnacle can already hear the subtleties of the sky The noise, frowning slightly, wave his hand vigorously:

“Captain Voyager, turn on… the Cloud Breaker!”

A weird machine consisting of a series of parallel hollow metal pipes was manipulated by two [electrical engineers] to point at the cloud layer where the radar detected anomalies.

Warden Cliff, who has the title of “Electric Magician”, finally completed his masterpiece that broke the boundaries of science and transcendence some time ago-[Cloud Breaker], also known as [Weather Controller], and Applied to actual combat.


When the strong and controlled electromagnetic field rushes into the sky, like a pair of invisible hands pushing away the clouds in the sky. The officers on the bridge opened their mouths one after another:

“What a big…airship!”


A triumphant voice was introduced into everyone’s ears through the loudspeaker:

“Hahaha, the buns of the Alliance, give me a taste of the power of’Akron’!”

[Akron] is a giant airship with a length of 305 meters and a load capacity of 260 tons, with a maximum speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour and a maximum range of 11,000 kilometers.

But this is not the most amazing.

In the friction of the “broken sea of ​​stars”, the navy has long practiced that if the airship dared to fly within the range of the anti-aircraft gun, the only one would be a crash.

Although he is huge, he can’t put too much pressure on everyone.


Wow! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

A series of six manned aircraft, flapping their wings like giant birds, flew out of the airship and swiftly launched a high-speed dive toward the fleet.

Each aircraft that does not seem too large is carrying two large black bombs.

This turned out to be a “flying mothership”? !

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