Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 863: Snatchers and world mainstream


Along with the long whistle sound, on the battlefield where the sailing fleets of the two sides were fighting, a huge black steel battleship appeared brightly.

Except for the unexpected material.

The most notable feature of this warship is that it can’t find the standard equipment of the ship of this era-towering masts, huge sails, and replaced by towering chimneys with thick black smoke.

This is actually a creation that was skipped by the “Tulip” technology tree-[Steam-powered Ironclad Ship]!

“Atlan, an Icelandic country with a weak industrial base, can suddenly produce weapons of this level? And the steam engine is no longer auxiliary power, but all the sails are removed in one step?!”

Of course, the war between the two strong neighbors is something they love to hear, and the three of Aiwen also wish they could rush out of their brains, but this kind of change was unexpected to them.

Go back and check your own equipment warehouse for the first time.

The results are not surprising.

Including the prototype of the [Full-Heavy Battleship] [The Armored Knight], Falettis has launched four new battleships one after another in the past three years.

As the killer of Tulips, it is still parked in a secret military port intact.

The Principality of Galliot has three [full-heavy battleships] headed by the first [Dreadnought Class·Black Sea Pearl], and none of them are missing.

The cost of [Dreadnought Class·Full-Heavy Battleship] is about 400,000 Golden Lions, which is equivalent to the cost of ten Class 1 sailing warships.

Even Falettis and Galliot, who are rich and powerful, can only temporarily maintain the speed of one ship per year and stock up on weapons.

Furthermore, in the era of the big bang of science and technology, weapons were updated very quickly, and Ivan and Livina were not prepared to dig themselves into a big hole that they couldn’t climb out of.

As for the cost of [Steam Ironclad Ship], it is much lower, and much weaker than the power of [Full Heavy Battleship], but it still has a huge advantage when dealing with ordinary sailing warships.

Boom! boom! boom! boom! …

As soon as it got out of stealth, this [steam-powered ironclad ship] launched a swift and violent offensive against the fleet of the Sark Empire.

The extremely sharp cone-shaped projectile easily penetrated the thick hull of the Sark warship with the precision that conventional ship-borne artillery could not imagine.

Far beyond the range of conventional sailing battleships, just fired four guns in a row and sank one of the opponent’s main Tier 3 ships.

In the eyes of Aiwen and their three bystanders.

Compared to the mainstream sailing battleship of this era, this battleship not only uses steam power, but also creatively uses the design of the upper turret to accommodate the main weapons.

It is equipped with a 304mm front-mounted rifled naval gun, using a tapered shell that pursues range and precision.

A major advantage of the turret is that it solves the problem of gunner protection when loading front-mounted artillery.

The artillery can be retracted into the turret when it needs to be loaded, cover the loading with armor plates, and then push back to the gun position.

In this way, the gunner does not have to risk his life to reload the artillery on the deck where the shrapnel is flying, and safety is greatly guaranteed.

Furthermore, the two twin main turrets are arranged above the hull, instead of on the side of the hull like conventional battleships, and the number is greatly reduced.

This design concept, which is in the same line as the [Full-Heavy Battleship·Dreadnought Class], is not a patent of Ivan and Watt, but an inevitable choice made by engineers following the development of battleships.

Because there are a large number of side guns, it is not more advantageous than a small number of guns arranged in a rotating turret.

Because of the contradiction between the displacement of the battleship and the armor of the hull, a large number of side guns will also seriously occupy the load and make the armor of the battleship thinner.

In addition, the flexible steam-powered battleship also makes the side artillery less and less useful. The heavy armor can completely withstand the artillery shells used by the sail battleship.

So the warship engineers, of course, began to shift from the pursuit of artillery quantity to the pursuit of artillery quality. Larger caliber, stronger shells, stronger penetrating killing effect!

It is also the mainstream of the future “Huge Ship Cannon” era.

But Irving still hasn’t figured out how Atlan got this stuff out?

Without an industrial foundation, no relevant technical personnel, and no consistent technical route, is it impossible to pop out of the cracks in the stone?

Driven by a strong thirst for knowledge.

Ivan simply gave up the indirect surveillance of [Mind Network], and instead used the [Demon Eyes of Insight] to launch remote viewing, and looked directly at the battlefield filled with gunpowder thousands of kilometers away from Long Island.

In the next second, the main parameters of this battleship are already rolling in Aiwen’s eyes.

Displacement of 9448 tons; length: 87 meters; width: 20 meters; main equipment: two turrets and four 304mm front-mounted rifled guns, huge collision angle; cruising range: capable of driving 12 hours at a speed of about 15 knots ….

[Insight into the Demon Eye] It also penetrated its steel body and saw the delicate system inside.

Steam is used not only for power, but also for steering rudder systems, mooring systems, rotating armor systems, loading ammunition, pumping water and lifting shipborne boats, harpoons, and so on.

Some of them are also used on the [Full-Heavy Battleship], but some make Aiwen feel refreshed.

What? You say that stealing technology is wrong?

Hey, can you steal something from a technician? This is called plagiarism!

“Well, the technology seems to be very mature, not like a genius who created it on a whim.

But without any front-end technology, it is really amazing to be able to do this level! “

In the rushing tide, some people are leading the trend, and some are being swept forward by the trend.

Ivan has always believed that no great person is indispensable, and that the people are the creators of history.

The world will not be completely stagnant because of the lack of Mennon Watt or Irvine Galliot, at most it will be delayed for dozens or hundreds of years.

Suddenly, when his eyes moved to the core power room of [Steam Ironclad Ship], Ivan’s brow lightly raised.

“This thing… really does not stop there!”

[Power Core·Steam Ball]

The working principle on the surface is that on both sides of a closed steel container, a brass tube is installed on each side, and there is a hollow ball that can rotate around an axis in the middle of the tube.

On both sides of the ball, install two reverse elbow nozzles in the direction of the vertical rotation axis, fill the container with water and then burn charcoal for heating.

The water boils and turns into steam, carrying huge energy out of the nozzles on both sides of the sphere, and the water vapor will drive the hollow ball to spin at high speed.

The rotation speed is as high as 3000 revolutions per minute, which provides endless surging power for this battleship.

Looking at the [steam-powered ironclad ship] in the battlefield of the sailing battleship fleet that was an era behind, Ivan gradually fell into deep thought.

“The one who invented this ironclad ship…not a man!”

Since Watt can break through the knowledge and cognitive circles of all intelligent creatures and successfully become the “Crown Wizard”, it is impossible for anyone to be able to compete with “steam-powered machinery”.


As far as this iron-clad ship is concerned, the weapon system, steel armor, ship-based artillery, etc. are nothing but the powerful [Power Core·Swivel Ball] should never be the creation of a human mechanical engineer.

Combined with the fact that the Kingdom of Atlan is the first place where demons appeared in the intelligence, and even the demon gods descended, Iwen has reason to suspect that this is the “demon technology” given by the demon gods from the lower realm to certain Atlan people.

At least in the mystery that Ivan possesses.

The third demon **** “Vasak” among the seventy-two pillars of demon gods; the sixth “Valif”; the ninth “bymon”; the twenty-fifth “Kasimo” “Lal”; “Belle” in the twenty-eighth place; “Gabo” in the thirty-third place.

A total of six demon gods have knowledge of science or alchemy.

But if you add the “stealth” ability that was not even noticed by [Mind Network], this goal can be reduced to the sixth, ninth, and twenty-fifth demon gods. .

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are plural demons with various abilities “helping” the Atlanians.

It’s a pity that Solomon’s contract with the seventy-two demon gods prevented him from taking the initiative to trouble them.

“MD, the intention of these demons to seek vitality behind the door is not difficult to figure out~IndoMTL.com~ But as it stands now, they are simply robbing us!”

Either from adventures, from personal experience, or from independent thinking, Ivan has gradually sorted out a main line with a detached look.

The so-called “Renaissance”, “Era of Great Navigation”, “Steam Industrial Revolution”, “Capital Flood”… everything is just a small tributary of the big trend.

The trend of “weak compensation” that runs through the entire Hrag star is the mainstream that has always accompanied this world.

Individual power is weakened, and scientific power makes up for it.

No matter who it is.

Every beneficial promotion of “compensation” in this process should be able to get a huge amount of feedback from [the world’s favorite].

Maybe you can really go “behind the door” and hug the thighs of the true god, and walk out another brand-new road of “crossing the catastrophe”.

Even if you can’t reach the level of a true god, you can safely enter the next era with your current strength and reason. Let me ask, which true **** has thick legs with world consciousness!

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