Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 849: Sack the world gracefully

A group of people used a sumptuous dinner.

The Duchess Olivia feels distressed for the Prime Minister whose workload has doubled due to the start of “Westward Movement”. After greeted Her Majesty the Queen, she ran out to help the old father with his government affairs.

Others should work overtime, study and practice.

Only two monarchs, Ivan and Livina, walked together into the small side hall in the White Swan Castle with exquisite decoration.


Ivan cooked this year’s new tea skillfully, and organized that exciting grand blueprint in his heart:

“There are so many things in this period of time. If it weren’t for the small actions of the bankers to remind me, I would have almost forgotten this good deal.

As long as the two of us agree and let the allies follow up, it shouldn’t be difficult to accomplish this unprofitable thing. “

Ivan has long established a policy of “crossing the river by touching the evil gods” and is very concerned about everything that happens within the opponent’s sphere of influence.

The information about the issue of banknotes in the “Lower Republics” due to the shortage of precious metal currencies came back the first time.

As for how to go to Yin, the bankers can talk about it later, but a golden opportunity has been placed in front of him and Livina.

Ivan said while talking, but found that there was no movement on the other side. When he looked up, he couldn’t laugh or cry:

“I said… what are you doing so far from me? Is there even this kind of trust between people?”

Liverna, who overlaps a pair of long legs and sits far away on the other side of the Xiaobian Hall, stares at Irving with a pair of beautiful lake-green eyes, and nods vigorously:

“Um, yes!”

I added another sentence in my heart: ‘especially when you withdraw money from me. ’

Seeing that Ivan took a sip of tea slowly, he said leisurely:

“Hey, this time, it’s not for you to spend money, but to make money, and it’s to make a lot of money!”

Levina’s face was a little more solemn, and she gently lowered her cocked legs, with a slight suspicion in her eyes:

“Big money? How much money?”

The “Tulip Alliance”, which has established a dominant position now, is no longer the pain of tightening its belt to catch up with Hilius in the past few years.

Even if the wealth from the successful robbery of the “Treasure Fleet” is placed in front of her, her majesty, who is gradually dignified, cannot be moved.

Ivan smiled mysteriously at her:

“Is it enough to rob the world?”

The corners of her skirt flashed before her eyes, and Livina had already sat in front of Ivan with a gust of fragrance, and she stood up straight like a schoolboy.


Aven: …reality!

“[The Faceless Man] just sent a letter…”

Hearing Alvin introduced the actions and intentions of the bankers, Livina’s expression could not help but gradually become more solemn, thinking:

“So… shall we learn from them too?”

Livina also agrees that the issuance of banknotes will be a big trend in the future.

Because the amount of currency must correspond to the product one by one.

However, as the steam industrial revolution continues, the total economic volume of the human world has gradually increased exponentially. At this time, the reserves of gold and silver may not be able to meet the needs of economic life.

After all, precious metals in the world are limited, while the growth of industrial products, transaction scale and frequency in human economic activities is unlimited.

If all transactions are to use precious metals as a medium, then one day many transactions will not be able to proceed.


A long time ago, various countries have discovered that because of the widespread phenomenon of “bad money driving out good money” in precious metal currencies, full-value currencies are secretly collected, and most of the precious metal currencies circulating on the market are not worthwhile.

In the end, it severely affected economic life, causing deflation, a vicious circle.

But banknotes are different.

It has national credit and statutory binding force, and its value can be widely recognized. It is easy to trade and carry, and the government can print and distribute it as needed.

Replacement of precious metals should be a historical necessity.

However, like the Low Country…

Levina’s face couldn’t help but be a little weird.

The establishment of a private central bank, the government borrows money from bankers in the form of national debt, and pays high interest rates, so that the entire country can work for bankers. It is simply ridiculous!

Even ordinary citizens can’t feel the mystery at all, but probably only when bankers are the real rulers of the country, this kind of ridiculous situation will happen.

Seeing that Li Wei Na has realized the key to the problem, Ai Wencai refilled her with a cup of tea and announced his grand plan with a smile:

“Yes, nor is it. Banknotes are indeed going to be implemented, but they cannot be supported by government credit alone, but must continue to be bound to precious metals like gold tickets.

Let’s tentatively call the currency of this tulip “golden pound”. “

The currency backed by gold and silver is not a “debt currency” that “overdrafts the future”, but an “honest currency” based on the fruits of people’s labor.

There is no need to fight at all. When the gadget launched by the “Lowland Republic” meets the “honest currency”, there will be no second possibility other than collapse.

But the key point Ivan wants to say is more than that, staring into Livina’s eyes, he slowly uttered a word:

“I don’t know if you have a concept of the word’international currency’?”

“International currency? Is it gold and silver?”

As the name suggests, relative to the currency circulating in the country, “international currency” is of course the currency recognized by various countries and used for international trade and international payments.

As the new world structure takes shape, transportation conditions become more convenient and international exchanges become more frequent. The birth of an “international currency” that facilitates international settlements is becoming more and more necessary.

Seeing that Li Wei Na is not clear about the key behind him, Ivan did not sell the key, and directly dialed:

“What I mean is to use our paper-printed’gold pound’ linked to gold and silver, so that this sovereign currency will become an international currency, so that all countries in the world can use the’gold pound’ to settle international trade!”

Now the “Tulip Alliance” is the most powerful national coalition in the entire material world. It has established itself as the “Sea Power Hegemon” through successive wars, and has a well-trained and excellent navy.

The fourth-order peak transcendents below the demigods are not weaker than any national power.

Moreover, the largest land and colony in the world, most of the northern part of the New World, the small half of the southern continent, the entire Peacock Islands… have created a huge raw material supply and dumping market.

After taking the lead in completing the steam industrial revolution, they have the most abundant industrial products, and any commodities needed by various countries can be bought here.

Military, economy, and credit go in step with each other, and all obstacles have been cleared for “international currency”.

Of course.

If you want to truly become an “international currency”, you must also make this “golden pound” widely circulate, export economically like the lowlands, and make the world dependent on the “golden pound”.

At that time, it is possible that 60% or even more of the currency will be used in foreign circulation.

The financial handling fees and service fees alone will also give the “Tulip Alliance” a huge advantage in global resource allocation.

The most ruthless trick is to levy “seigniorage” on the world!

The difference between the actual cost of minting money and the surface value of the money belongs to the mint’s income. This income earned by the mint is called “Seigniorage”.

Under the paper currency system, the monetary authority issues currency and obtains all income!

At that time, all the countries in the world can only curse: MMP, while they have no choice but to continue to use the golden pound for settlement, and use their own labor to contribute to the tulips.

“You can still play like this?”

Levina’s face was gradually sluggish at this time, her slender hands pinched her bone china teacup for a long time without moving.

Ivan smiled, picked up his teacup and touched her:

“Civilized people like us who have washed their feet and landed ashore don’t bother to do things like fighting and killing. Civilized people naturally have a civilized way. They put away the pirate flag and gracefully… ransack the world.”

Livina subconsciously took a sip of the cold tea soup, but it seemed to have drunk a sip of strong alcohol, her face ruddy and a little bit agitated.


The body leaned forward slightly, and then lowered his voice and whispered to Aven while biting his ears. The plan to divide the spoils was completely completed. The two people hooked their shoulders on their backs, and couldn’t help but laugh out.


These two monarchs, who are downright young people all over the world, have grown to the point where they can set off violent storms all over the world with just a sneeze.

And this is a twelfth-level storm that is destined to affect the world for dozens of years!

In addition.

The “International Currency” plan is not only for sustained economic growth and taxation of the world, but also for the ambition of bankers.

As long as this “international currency” linked to gold and silver exists for one day, they will not want to quickly harvest wealth through large-scale artificial financial crises.

The invisible government of “money rights” has been completely legalized by bankers, and Ivan knew at a glance what they wanted to do.

With the continuous development of finance, capital will prefer the financial speculative market with short cycles and quick money, instead of investing in a down-to-earth real economy.

And “inflation” is one of the most powerful weapons in the hands of capital.

In this way, the government can secretly and imperceptibly confiscate the wealth of the people, and it is difficult for one out of 1 million people to detect this kind of theft.

But here is not the “popular” government that performs this function, but the hereditary “Eye of Wealth”.

When the “gold pound” became popular.

Financial game? Things that never create value, let me work honestly on the plate of industry!

Later, Livina suddenly thought of another question~IndoMTL.com~ gradually stopped the laughter:

“Then as the economy develops further, precious metals will one day be under-used, causing severe deflation, and some people will exchange for gold and silver on a large scale. What should I do then?”

Suddenly spit out the tip of the pink tongue cutely, and gave me an answer:

“Looking at the bill? Slightly…”

Of course, the “gold and silver standard” also has inherent limitations. Although precious metals are still sufficient for the time being, the total amount is limited, and the rate of increase will gradually fail to keep up with the commodity growth since the completion of the “Steam Industrial Revolution” speed.

This is obviously not a perfect system once and for all.


A gleam of blue-and-white electric light burst out from Irvine’s fingertips, and he said lightly in his chest:

“Shanren has a clever plan, it is nothing more than a change in the anchor of the currency.

With the advancing of the “electrical industry” in the next step, the rigid demand of this world is more than just gold. “

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