Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 830: The Great Crash

The 830th chapter of the main body crashes

“Ladies and gentlemen! After our public opinion offensive in various countries and continuous fermentation for more than half a year, a large number of foreign investors have already brought massive amounts of funds in place.

Prices rebounded strongly within one day after a small drop caused by the delivery of tulip bulbs. But because everyone is waiting for the tulip to appreciate further, there is very little circulation of bulbs on the market.

I think it’s time to put the futures contracts in our hands on the market. The first shot of tulip winter trading will be launched by the ‘eye of wealth’. “

Argo, wearing gold glasses in the ring-shaped conference room, was talking on the stage.

The unique emblem with a ruler and golden eyes hung on the wall in the middle. Obviously, this is an internal meeting belonging to the “Eye of Wealth”.

The “Eye of Wealth” was originally a secret society composed of major bankers and capitalists from various countries.

But after taking power in the Low Countries Republic, they have come to the forefront generously and gained tremendous economic, political and influence.

Have a splendid headquarters building in Antwerp, as well as its own independent armed forces.

After hearing Argo’s introduction, combined with his own research on market conditions, the members of these wealthy organizations are already a little moved.

They have never thought about actually harvesting next year’s bulbs in accordance with the tulip contract, and none of the big figures here are stupid. They all know the truth that the greater the return, the greater the risk.

It’s just that, driven by interests, everyone wants to sell at the highest position to get the most profit.

And the current consortium that monopolizes next year’s output exists to ensure this.

“Although the prophets and priests of the Church of Fortune, there is no way to get any useful information from this frenzy.

However, our analysts still make reasonable predictions based on the current supply and demand relationship. Prices cannot continue to skyrocket indefinitely, and risks are real and real.

The suggested time point is best placed before the beginning of spring next year.

Moreover, with this experience, there are still many application scenarios for futures, such as cotton, steel, coal, ink tree, indigo, etc., which can be used in commodity trading.

For everyone, this is another broad road to harvest wealth! “

At present, they have clearly realized that futures are mainly not goods, but standardized tradable contracts in the form of financial assets such as stocks and bonds.

Take the tulip contract as an example. There are no clear rules in the futures market, and there are no specific restrictions on both buyers and sellers. The contract is easy to be bought and sold, and it changes hands several times in a short period of time.

This makes it possible for them, the big bankers and big capitalists, to turn the tide, buy short and sell short, and reap their wealth arbitrarily.

The prospects are infinitely bright!

“And… here is a resolution that has been officially passed this morning, and it should have been sent to exchanges around this time. The road for large-scale futures trading has been completely paved!”

Argo took out a document and showed it to the members of the organization, which immediately aroused cheers.

Driven by huge interests, speculation is crazy and irrational.

In order to promote the further continuous growth of this kind of transaction, the Upper Parliament and the government controlled by the “Eye of Wealth” have introduced a targeted policy.

As long as speculators are willing to pay 5% of the government’s amount of insurance premiums, the government is willing to provide guarantees.

When speculators default in the transaction, they will be responsible for taking over the order, adding another fire to the extremely hot tulip transaction.

Their idea is also simple. According to the current price increase momentum, it takes less than a few hands to trade to hedge the risk. And in the hot tulip trading, this is not a high probability event.

The resolution is now reached.

All the members could not help standing up and shouting the motto of “Eye of Wealth”:

“When money stands up and speaks, truth must be silent! The future of the world belongs to the ‘eye of wealth’!”

“The future of the world belongs to…”

However, just at the moment when the torrent of capital is about to sweep out.


The closed door was suddenly pushed open, and Summerfield, the major shareholder of the Tulip Guild, who had been exceptionally absorbed into the “Eye of Wealth”, rushed in breathlessly.

His face was horrified, as if crying out for help:

“It’s not good! Today, some people on the exchange started to sell bulbs, not one or two people, but many, many people. The price of tulips… collapsed!”

Even if they are used to the big scenes, many people present can’t help but feel a whirl of heaven and earth after a sudden jump in their hearts.

“Oh~ my god!”


Actually three days ago.

In the entire territory of the “Lower Republic”, there are tulip exchanges, taverns, private clubs in many cities, etc. where tulip bulbs can be traded.

A very similar scene appeared in all of them.

Suddenly a foreign or local speculator will get close to someone, and said mysteriously:

“Hey! Friends, we have spot tulip bulbs in hand. They are all top-quality varieties. Are you interested?”

The answer is of course without exception.

[Faceless Men] implemented Aiwen’s plan, quietly entered the village, did not shoot guns, did not conduct transactions through guilds, but conducted private settlements with interested buyers.

Compared with a futures contract that requires an additional year of “time cost” and various uncertain factors in between, buyers are more willing to accept the tangible spot based on the psychology of “buying the bag”. trade.

Just like in the early days of the savings business, old people are willing to trust a bankbook in black and white instead of a savings card with only one number.

The most important thing is that the price of tulips in the trading market has been growing, and it is different every hour when it is updated.

But these sellers are very talkative and give them the opportunity to raise money. As long as the delivery can be completed on the same day, they will be settled at the price at the opening of the morning.

Therefore, all those who can grab these tulips all lament their luck.


When this situation lasted for three full days, as long as you wanted to buy the situation that the other party could always provide the supply, some smart and caring people finally realized something was wrong.

Moreover, the scope of selling tulip bulbs is in the entire Lowland Republic. Although the transaction volume of a single city is not too high, looking at the whole country is enough to shake the soaring price curve.

Ivan is about to take advantage of the frenzy of the market is still not sober, first harvest in the Low Republic.

Bite it down, your mouth is full of oil!

During this period, the holy angels and goddesses also cast their attention, and the chaotic spiritual world that was already involved in such a wide range was stirred up even more turbulent.

No prophet can use extraordinary means to make accurate predictions about this hugely influential international event, as well as Aiwen’s sniper operation.

On the fourth day, the confidence of some wise people began to waver, and they also started selling after [The Faceless Man], which also shook the “Eyes of Wealth” consortium.

The “Drumming and Passing Flower Game” is officially launched.

“This is just a flower! How many people are willing to exchange it for a house, dozens of tons of cheese, and dozens of sheep?”

Once reflection begins, you can no longer stop.

Previously, in a short period of six months, the price of tulips has been raised nearly seventy times, and tulips have reached unprecedented glory.

But the peak period only lasted until the first month of winter.

With the exploratory market launch that morning, it only took less than a day to panic and large-scale selling.

The blowing bubble finally collapsed completely.

“Sold, sold, discounted, I only need half of the contract amount!”

“I only need one third!”

“Buy mine, buy mine!”

The massive selling by speculators has plunged the market into an unprecedented state of panic.

The still bright and beautiful tulip has become a hot potato, and no one dares to take over. The price of bulbs is like a boulder rolling down a cliff, slumping a thousand miles, and plummeting.

At this time, the Republican government decided to intervene to curb panic selling.

But it is too late. The collapse of confidence cannot be easily restored by administrative means.

Subsequently, an unprecedented crash flooded the country like a landslide. The tulip market in the “IndoMTL.com~Lowland Republic” changed from the blooming flowers and the raging fire a few days ago to the horrible storm and the evasion of debts. Hell!

Thousands of people went bankrupt in an instant.

Many speculators who went bankrupt and borrowed to buy tulips, or used bank leverage to buy tulips, even jumped into the sea like dumplings.

Even large businessmen and large organizations with strong financial resources are caught off guard because of the large number of bulbs that have been hoarded.

In just one week, the entire “Low Country”, including several neighboring countries, is full of grief.



Ivan and Livina, who were remotely commanded by St. James’s Palace, touched their wine glasses, and the harvest in just a few days was almost the highest of the Principality’s GDP that year.

The firm heart of an industrialist can’t help but waves.

Just blame the feeling of swinging a sickle and cutting leeks, it’s really cool!

However, things didn’t stop there.

At this time.

Seeing that it is already a chicken feather, a large number of innocent “flower farmers” and “planters” quickly unite.

Waving the trade contract signed when the price of tulips was high, and a large number of tulip bulbs picked up everywhere came to Antwerp.

The parties and the holders of the current contract are required by many banks and investment institutions, also known as “Eye of Wealth,” to redeem it.

In addition to the 20% advance payment that has almost drained the “Eye of Wealth” liquidity, the remaining 80% of the purchase price needs to be paid according to the contract.

And this step is the real lore that Aiwen points to the core!

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