Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 789: Hematemesis

Santa Cruz, Dome Palace.

Even though the flames of war have burned through most of the world, all the turmoil and turmoil seem to have failed to affect this place. In the “Museum of All Nations” in early summer, there is only a flowery and magnificent scene.

The benefits of the Xu have been promised, the various forces that should be united have been united, and all the combat power that should be sent out has been sent out, and the remaining part is only for the national fortune of the empire.

Since it’s useless to be anxious, Philip II has restored a bit of the grace that the emperor should have, at least on the surface.

Surrounded by a group of court ladies, the rare leisurely Philip II is accompanied by his Queen Teresa, outing in the exquisitely designed royal garden which has been carefully managed by hundreds of gardeners. flower.

After a long tour, I came to a corridor made of white marble, and Philip II took his queen to a seat leisurely.

He teased the son who was lying in her arms very lovingly a few times, and he was also the established prince Aldrich of the Hilius Empire.

“Oh oh oh…”

Simply plucked a delicate gorse from the flower branch hanging above the corridor, and put it on the hairline of his wife who was still thin as paper.

There are many beautiful flowers in the blooming season in May, but he chose this gorse. Obviously, subconsciously, it is not as bland as it seems on the surface.

“Your Majesty…”

“Huh? What’s the matter, my beautiful queen?”

“I…Neither did I expect that the bankers and businessmen of the kingdom would have such ambitions, causing such a big trouble to the empire.”

The Invincible Fleet was attacked in the three naval ports of Galicia, Valencia, and Algeciras, and news of a large loss of military power came back in the first time.

Although the dignitaries of Santa Cruz did not believe that the Frisians dared to attack the mainland, they were still filled with indignation at this shameless act. At this time, the palace was full of condemnation.

Furthermore, the wealthy Kingdom of Frisia was originally the dowry of Queen Teresa, and the people there were also her people. At this time, a counter-attack made her situation quite embarrassing.

Theresa also only criticized the national rebellion, but did not mention the empire’s violent expropriation, but she also understood the reason why marrying her husband’s **** decides her head.

At this time, the queen, who is still a girl, has small eyebrows and pitifully. She is a simple little woman who considers her husband wholeheartedly.

Sure enough, Philip II, who seemed to be in a better state of mind than the previous day, patted her hand and in turn comforted:

“Theresa, there is the true God of Black Wings behind the fire, how can we mortals really control the situation, there is only one fight.

You don’t have to worry about this matter at all. Is there someone in the palace talking about it?

I’ll give an order, if anyone dares to talk nonsense in front of you…”


The words were not finished yet, but a big mouthful of blood spewed out, and he lifted his head back and fell straight down.

“Ah! Your Majesty!”

“Call the Pope!”

In the exclamation of the court ladies.

The face of Queen Teresa, who was splashed with scarlet all over her face, was stiff. After experiencing a moment of panic, she subconsciously clung to the baby in her hands.

I don’t know why, as if…in the blink of an eye, that has become her ultimate support.


A few minutes ago, the Andaman Strait.


A huge empty tornado connects the sky and the sea, surrounded by roaring high-speed vortex cloud walls, and countless small vortices swimming in it, making ear-piercing screams.

A huge black shadow hovered up hundreds of meters in the sky, and then was thrown into a thrilling free fall by the tornado.

Boom! Boom! …

Two waves of rockets rushed to catch up and turned into the most brilliant fireworks.

Although the sharp wind knife that can shred the body of the third-order great knight, it is completely ineffective against [Sea King].

But within ten seconds of its continuous falling, it is enough to make the rockets that roar past like a fish in the air attack two waves, and then when it falls to the sea like a meteor, it will trigger another “damage transfer.” “.

Like a Contra who had ordered 30 lives, it was constantly tumbling in the air, but he passed away three times in a short period of ten seconds. It was simple and efficient.

Hey, just play!

My own fleet has been sent out of this area ruled by thunderstorms and hurricanes by the current controlled by Ivan, and only a group of high-level extraordinary men and three legendary warships remain here.

The [Sea Soul] that is under constant restoration, the unharmed [Theseus], ​​and the [Gorse] that has temporarily obtained [Legendary Battleship Skill·Dream Cruise], but there is a species The tiger eats the hedgehog and feels nowhere to lay his mouth.

It can only be driven away toward the edge of the battlefield, and Ivan will take down the most difficult [Sea King] first.

“It’s not that easy!”

He has come to the “Hurricane’s Nest” great wizard Meredith near Ivan and raised the [Storm God] in his hand.

From this treasure that came from the “Nation of the South Wind” and was infested by the power of “Howling Storm” Billys, a bright beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Ivan immediately felt that his control of the storm had begun to decline rapidly, and he needed to play a game with others every time he used his power.

However, just when the great wizard distracted him.

“La la la.. la la…”

The gentle singing like the gurgling of a forest creek rang from the mouth of his opponent “Snake Witch” Sairah.

The eyes of the beautiful witch wearing a flimsy veil flowed, and the black hair that had been pulled behind her head was scattered. Standing on tiptoe with the charming red-painted toe tip, twisting his waist and dancing slowly in the air like a beautiful snake.


When the slender waist was twisted, a shiny ruby ​​ornament on the belly button also swayed gently, the red dance skirt was flying, and the snow-white legs sometimes appeared charming and seductive.

Not only her opponent Meredith, but Marshall and Farhad who were fighting next to him couldn’t help but turn their gazes, and Nymphs and Anita, who are women, were a little swayed by the scene, but He abruptly resisted the restlessness in his heart.



In a pair of erected snake eyes, yellow extraordinary auras began to flicker, and the witch’s long hair spread out suddenly turned into a twisting viper, from the most beautiful to the terrifying to the extreme in just a moment.

The eyes of countless snakes glowed bright yellow like torches.

[Spell-like·Petrified Magic Eye]

After completing the road migration and getting the support of [Mysterious Source·Tree of Life], the power of Saila’s magic eye has obviously increased to a new level.


In Serra’s AOE, Meredith’s casting was directly interrupted, and his body began to stiffen gradually, which was a sign of being petrified.

But the great wizard who has been on Celebes Island for many years reacted extremely quickly, and once again activated the elementalization and turned into a gust of wind to leave the warband far away, and never dared to come closer, as did Marshall next to him.

It’s just unavoidable that there are debris flying in the air, that is part of the body tissue that has been irreparable.

Of the three great wizards, only the “Yellow Sand Society” Fahad, who had a different path from them, slowed a step. The sea.

Thanks to the [Vampire Mask] that has been soaked in the power of the Demon God of the Lower Realm, the wearer can obtain the “immortality” of a vampire and a series of spell-like abilities.

Otherwise, there will only be a “sorrowful wizard” who has just entered the third level of strength. Facing the strongest attack from the senior wizard of Sai La, it may be directly accounted for.

However, then he was surrounded by the five-member group of Anita, Syrah, Nymph, Jeros, and Princeton who had vacated their hands. Jeros stared at the bandage-wrapped wizard and smiled freely:

“Oh, although it is a small shrimp, but after a trip, you won’t come back empty-handed!”

But it was not them that took the first shot, but Milan, who had already prepared.


Two hourglass-like marks appeared above him and Fahad on the opposite side.

[Hourglass of Time]

Time accelerates/slow/stays, forming a time bond with the opponent, speeding up the opponent will decelerate, and decelerating the opponent will speed up. The biggest side effect is that over time, the body will really get old.

Looking at the two “Elemental Breath School” wizards who had rushed to the sky and had no intention of rescuing, Farhad cursed secretly, but he was unwilling to sit and wait for death:

“It is not so easy to want the life of a wicked wizard!”

Take out a piece of moss that grew on the head of the corpse, put it in your mouth and chew, and then shouted.

Stab it–!

The bones of the body pierced the skin and flesh, and then there were bone spurs in the joints that continued to differentiate, ten, hundred, thousand…turned into a jungle of white corpses, piercing toward the five people who came from all directions.

[Prison and Punishment Bone Prison]

Only one head suddenly broke away from the body and rushed to the sea below her feet, apparently already aware that something could not be done, and was not ready to sacrifice her life to Hilius.

“You can’t escape! Your spells are now backlashed, and the magic is not working smoothly!”

Milan, outside of the battle circle, took on the role of support, popping a gold coin and closing it on the back of his hand.

“I guess it is the word!”

Moving the hand away, it turned out to be a word, and then I saw the human head with a slow speed, the eyes suddenly congested, and the movement was slightly stagnant.

[Witchcraft·Dice of Probability]

According to Graham, the chief of the “Clock Tower School”, fate has long been doomed, and it is even written in the first particle at the beginning of the world.

But before possessing the kind of mighty power that is impossible even if the truth is concrete, most people still do not believe that fate is destined. Graham.

Another example is this developed by the “prophecy school”-[Witchcraft·Dice of Probability].

Does the gods roll dice or not?

In the macroscopic world, many wizards firmly believe that the universe is classically physical, tick-and-running mechanically like a clock, and each moment determines the outcome of the next moment.

This witchcraft can control the probability with the help of dice or coin games, so that the development of things will advance in the direction expected by the caster. This ability develops to the extreme, that is, as long as there is a certain possibility, it will definitely happen!

The attacks of a titled five great wizards fell on that man’s head at the same time.


Under the control of Milan, who is a well-known enemy of the “Huangsha Hui”, Farhad’s third-order “life” ended, and then he killed three second-order transcendents, five each. Different first-order transcendents.

The “sorcerer” finally turned into smoke.

At this time, the two elemental wizards had already disappeared from the horizon without looking back.

Like the old saying of the ancients, those without background were killed by monkeys, and those with background lived well.

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

At this time, witnessing the huge turning point of the historical torrent, coupled with the life of this wicked wizard, Milan’s way forward has been opened. It will not be long before the great wizard in the principality will add another person.

There is no suspense after the war.


Countless light-quality butterflies filled the [Gorse] and the remaining invincible fleet, and then suddenly disappeared into the material world. Half an hour has not passed, and the effect of [Law of the First King] is still there.

They wanted to take the [Sea King] together, but the legendary battleship was in a state of battle and was bombarded by rockets at all times. It was impossible to bring it into the spirit world.

The moment the fleet disappeared.

Boom–! ! !

With the last loud noise, all the note warships above the battlefield disappeared.

[Sea King] once again fell from the air, it had become a pile of incomplete and tattered pieces, and was directly received by Aiwen in his [Witchcraft Garden].

As for the Prince Rodrick, he had already turned to ashes under the rocket bombs.

At this time, Philip II, who was far away in the mainland, vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The [Sea Kingship] full of media power is obviously deeply connected with the empire of Sirius and the emperor Philip II.

Since the fall of the empire will cause the [Golden Olive Triple Crown] to produce a terrible curse that is enough to brew [Black Olof], how can Philip II remain unscathed when [Sea King] is sunk?

“Kill! For Your Majesty~IndoMTL.com~ Take the Peacock Islands!”

“For our goddess “Sea Kingship”!”

“Haha, we are the new maritime overlord!”

When the Alliance fleet cheered like a chicken blood to kill the “Peacock Islands”, which is already close at hand and no longer has the ability to resist.

Ivan rubbed his trophy [World Conqueror’s Sword] ([Tyerfeng·Splitting Sword]) and looked towards the west of the source continent.

It seems to be seen across thousands of mountains and rivers that in this war, the central battlefield between Hilius and the Low Republic, muttered to himself:

“This national battle is not over yet, it is advisable for the remaining brave to chase the poor, not to be famous and academic…”

At this time, although Hilius had been cut off the last root that provided for the empire, there were still three legendary warships in his hand, and three titled knights, and the remaining vital power was a bit too much.

If you want to step Hilius completely into the dust, you need at least one titled knight to sacrifice the flag! It depends on whether the nations have the ability to set foot on 10,000 feet for Hilius!

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