Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 771: Road migration

Two days later, the original calm in the Santa Monica Bay has been restored.


A line of black streamers from the south and a flock of crows from the north came here one after the other to complete the confluence.

The big crow headed by the flock of crows turned into a middle-aged big shaman with a feather crown and oil paint on her face. Standing in the air, she stood one step ahead of the other side in fear. Explained:

“Madam, I am extremely sorry! During this time, the air knight patrols within the Duchy of Galliot have become more and more intensive, and the east coast is slightly better.

But to come to the west coast, we can only choose to cross the entire continent first, and then arrive here from the north along the coastline…”

Unexpectedly, “Ms. Crow” Yekher, who stood elegantly holding a colorful umbrella, did not mean to pursue their negligence, and waved his hand casually:

“Well, pay attention next time. Time is almost up, let’s do it now.”

In the past, she might severely punish subordinates who lost time, and she would also be aggrieved by the increasingly domineering style of the Principality of Galliot.

But now there is only a light cloud on her face, just because she has seen a wider world and unlimited possibilities in the future!

Yeher is the one who has received the most in-depth acceptance of foreign culture among the many totem gods in the New World. Although the “Mourning Church” in his hands has always been a little different, it is also stronger than the “stubborn” kind. many.

Particularly after catching up with the “Angel of Disease”, during this period of time in the city of Kamsid, he conspired with a group of evil axes to subvert the pattern of Cabral. Both the vision and the insights are no longer the same as in the past. And language.

How about making the seemingly prosperous Principality of Galliot proud for a while? Sooner or later, I will be blown away by the rain and wind.

Let’s start with Melo, the “Mother of Water” who has been against himself for hundreds of years. From now on, there will only be one voice among the Totem Gods in the north of the mainland!

A group of shamans heard the words and rushed into the sea after unfolding [Divine Magic Shield].

Everyone knows that this is cheap. Reaching out can do a great job for “Mrs. Crow” and make the “Mourning Church” the only high-level totem **** power in the northern part of the mainland. Naturally, they can also rise up.

But only a few minutes later, a big shaman rushed up with a panic:

“Madam, it’s not good, the secret has been broken, and there is no one inside!”

Yeh’er’s face changed suddenly, turned into a streamer, and rushed into the water himself, before rushing out in a hurry, venting her supernatural power in his hands, blasting the sea into huge puddles.

“Okay, in the New World, no one except Galliot has this ability. You fight against me everywhere, you wait for me! After the southern incident, how long can you be proud of?!”

A group of shamans were silent at this moment, for fear that Yehel’s anger would burn themselves.

They know very well that whether the “Mother of Water” is killed or captured, it is a huge change beyond expectations, which will have a huge impact on the pattern of the north of the mainland.

They don’t know that their every move has been transmitted back to Long Island by the extremely strict [Psychic Network], and it has fallen into Aiwen’s ears.


Sitting under the luxuriant wisteria tree in the [Witchcraft Garden], Ivan took a sip of sweet green tea.

“Is it up? Earlier, Beth reported that Yehel suddenly went to the south of the mainland to feel something wrong. It really was an ulterior conspiracy. Hilius? Or Cabral?

Well, since she has been able to use the power of the ‘Angel of Illness’ freely, there is a high probability that she has already climbed onto the branch of the ancient gods. I need to seize the time to perfect the layout of the [Mind Network] in the South, at least to know what they are going to do. “

Ivan’s proposition is very simple. The south of the mainland is to the Principality what the Old World is to the Tulip Islands. The Southern Continent is the de facto back garden of the Principality, and the rise of a unified power will not benefit the Principality at all.

The chaotic region where the various forces are shattered and gnawed at each other is the most in line with the interests of the Principality. This has nothing to do with justice or not, it is purely a simple matter of position where the **** decides the head.

Although I don’t know what the enemy in the south is planning, the Cthulhu’s circle of friends has made it clear that the arms race on my own side is bound to keep up.

“Did you see? Ms. Mellow, I am not harming you, but saving you.

If you fall into Yehel’s hands, you can get the current treatment? I’m afraid I’m not thinking about peach. Give me a little enthusiasm to return me! “

The “Mother of Water” sitting across from him has changed its shape, with long blue hair curled up high behind his head, wearing a jeweled hair crown. She was wearing a long golden dress, and her fishtails turned into slender legs with shiny high heels.

This totem **** has walked all the way to the position of the Totem God Sequence Pyramid since the birth of consciousness. He has spent more than a thousand springs and autumns, and easily replaced Sara the “Snake Witch” as the oldest of the powers of the principality. .

But after two days of contact, Ivan also found that her personality is a bit impatient and dual-faced, far from the steady look that a thousand-year-old “old man” should have.

Probably influenced by power, Mellow’s treatment of young children and pregnant women is gentle and drizzle, especially to the newborn Abel in Whiteschwanstein Castle; he is very irritable when dealing with fishing boats that use fishing as a business. , I can’t wait for the fishermen who dig kelp to pass through the sinking sea.

In short, it is a complex of contradictions with a distinct personality.

At this moment, Mellow’s ears suddenly moved. He heard the footsteps of a group of people walking from the second floor of the city of Poseidia to the top floor. The lower lip said something that makes people unable to help but imagine:

“How do you want me to repay you? My master! Or… let me give you a son, right? Coco…”

Well, obviously the personality is still very bad, it is clearly the revenge of Aiwen’s “mitosis” before the revenge. Moreover, seeing that she is now in the mood to make a joke, she is obviously completely cured.

After using the [Prisoner of Oath] to subdue her under the witness of “World Consciousness”, Ivan sent countless [Genetic Hounds] strengthened by [Creator’s Blood] into Melo’s body.

Even if pathogens of the highest level want to act on organisms in the material world, they also need to rely on the projection of high-dimensional information states in low-dimensional—[Golden Chain].

As long as this key key hidden in the DNA intron remains unchanged, [Genetic Hound] can take effect on them. Without any medicine, the root cause of the disease can be directly cut into useless DNA fragments directly to the lesion.

Moreover, “the drug is three-point poison”, no matter what kind of specific drug, it will always affect normal cells. But the “Genetic Hounds” for targeted strikes is different. It only cuts off specific pathogens and is also the strongest and fantastic treatment method.

She was cured cleanly in a few minutes, and the large number of totem gods, shamans, and mermaid family members under her command are naturally not a problem.

Evan, who noticed that the person came earlier than Melo, had the same expression, stood up straight, and patted her shoulder encouragingly:

“That’s not necessary. Your current job is just to use the power of [birth] to protect the mortals in the principality.

However, since you are so motivated, the net population growth target for this year should be increased from 4% to 5%, which we said at the beginning. If the performance appraisal cannot be completed…hehe, come on, look forward to you! “

The expression on Mellow’s face suddenly stiffened.

I feel grief and anger in my heart, and I want to cry and cry again. Isn’t the life of a tool man a life?

And performance appraisal? To me, a 1135-year-old comrade? This… Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? !

Ivan has already calculated that under the premise of ensuring the necessary growth resources for Mellow, maintaining the balance of the power of faith can completely increase the population growth rate of the territory to 4.9% in 15 years. You can turn over the population of the territory.

Although it has been a bit hard, what is the difference between a person without a goal and a salted fish? And it’s still a thousand-year-old salted fish…

As for the 0.1% that is bad? Aiwen believes that the potential of human beings is infinite. Isn’t the goal of performance appraisal to set a place where you can touch it in just one jump? There is no problem at all.

I really am a good boss who focuses on employee growth! Well, there should be applause here.

“Teacher! Here we are.”

At this time, under An Qi’s guidance, Serra, sisters Clarissa and Leonara had already reached the third floor of Poseidia City, and Ivan hurriedly greeted them.

Ivan has worked hard like an old farmer for many years, and this period of time is finally about to usher in an outbreak of concentrated harvest.

Olivia and An Qi’s promotion ceremony was scheduled for a week later, but now Aiwen has to use the modified “Chimera Secret Apparatus” to hold a road migration ceremony for the three masters and apprentices of Sai La!

If you say that on a big tree, every wizard is a fruit that grows gradually, and the fruit on different branches is almost irrelevant except for having the same main stem.

But there is a certain possibility from branch to trunk, because the trunk contains all the knowledge of the branch.

[The Gate of Truth] Since it can unite all witches, and [Chimera Secret Apparatus] can forcefully “graft”, [Tree of Life] of course can also unite some witches of similar roads.

The three masters and apprentices, including Sai La, are very similar to the “Tree of Life School”. Ivan has also used the identity of the head of the school to communicate with the “Tree of Life” to test them, and the problem should not be big. , Even if it fails, it will not be harmful.

Furthermore, “The School of Truth” is all-encompassing. The other side that has all the characteristics is that it has no characteristics~ IndoMTL.com~ In Aiwen’s view, it is only a tool to unite tens of millions of witches, which takes more than an epoch. The [Tree of Life] that hasn’t been realized is still unreliable.

Cooperating with [Chimera Secrets·Change] is enough to change the foundation of the witches, allowing them to move freely on similar roads, becoming a branch of the “tree of life”, and sharing the dividends of the school’s continuous growth.

After absorbing these three generals, the strength of the “Tree of Life School” will inevitably be greatly improved.

Although Ivan himself has not yet been promoted to Tier 4, he is already preparing for the [Crown of Miracle], the sub-final creation of [Concrete Truth].

One of the major prerequisites is that there are nine other people of the same path who are at least Tier 3 or equivalent to serve as the “angels” guarding the [Ten Primitives of the Tree of Life], and can lift him up high and take down ten. The most dazzling first original quality in the great original quality-[Crown]!

“Ms. Sairah, Lisa, Nara, are you ready?”

“No problem!”

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