Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 770: Lord, I wish you all generations!

“Cough cough… Blame the **** Yehel! And Garriot who took advantage of the fire. Didn’t this **** disappear suddenly? Why didn’t he die directly outside!”

It seems that he has entered a period of severe outbreak of the bacteria. After only one night, Mellow’s condition has worsened again.

The thin green line has stretched from her elbow to her right shoulder, and the golden fishtail that was originally brilliant and beautiful is also dim, and her whole body is weak from the inside to the outside.

At this time, he was hit by a sudden and powerful lightning.

Mero knows that his current state is completely unsuitable for hands-on, not to mention that his opponent is still the fierce human grand duke with several Tier 4 blood on his hands.

However, she has long been completely unable to decide whether to fight or not.

“It’s up to you, pokeball, catch!”

Suddenly there was a loud shout of unknown meaning in the ear, and the “Mother of Water” was just about to move, but was in a daze for some reason.


There was a flash of golden light in front of me, followed by a series of buzzing in the cranial cavity.

It was the lock-shaped treasure [Prisoner of Oath Lock], which slammed on her smooth forehead, knocking Melo back, or almost sitting on the ground in the water. However…

Other than that, nothing happened!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh? Isn’t’prison lock” used this way? Sorry, there is no instruction manual for this thing. Let’s change the position and do it again.”

Mero stretched out his hand and stroked his forehead, which was not abnormal. The attack just now failed to break her defenses.

However, although this “hidden weapon” is not very lethal, it is really insulting. Coupled with the “proposal” followed by Irving, it instantly detonated Mellow’s anger.

Even if she is in a bad state at the moment and doesn’t want to fight anymore, she vowed to give this hateful guy a lesson that she will never forget before running away.

“Ah! Galliot, you are looking for death! No one can treat a great **** like this!”

With a roar, her body grows rapidly as if inflated. The upper body still retains the human appearance except for the enlargement, but the lower body rapidly swells into the appearance of an inverted octopus head.

Extending from it is a large number of scaled arms and legs, winding snake body, crustacean claws, jellyfish stings…

Mero has activated the exclusive ability [hybrid], which is a combination of powers [aquatic creatures] and [fertility]. As long as it meets the concept of aquatic creatures, you can load it all on yourself.

This is the strongest battle form that can only be used in the ocean!

The moment to complete the transformation.


Among the many appendages, two huge chelating teeth suddenly closed, sparks flickered, and loud thunderous noises reverberated on the bottom of the sea.

The instantaneous maximum temperature at the tip of the pliers reached 5000°C, and the seawater instantly vaporized into majestic water vapor. Two high-temperature shock waves containing countless bubbles rushed to the nearby Aiwen.

But in the face of this attack that could easily collapse a rock fortress, Ivan did not evade, holding his hands high above his head, and the infinite sword energy that was as cold as a stream of frost was already in his grasp. Turned into a blazing long sword in both hands.

On the long sword, even the guards and patterns are all available, which can almost reach the level of fake and real, and it also shows his terrible control.

Stab it–!

Only a sword slashed away the majestic shock wave, and the figure flashed onto Melo’s huge body, the sword light in his hand waved, and in the few sparks, there were countless tough arms, stingers, and claws. .. have been cut to the ground.

Before he was promoted to Tier 4 [Heraldic Knights], Ivan had been able to kill the titled knight “Fire of Thorns” independently. At this time, dealing with Melo, who was in a weak state, was not a problem at all.

At the same time, Anita, who showed a half-dragon attitude like Ivan, rushed over with the roaring current. Until now, no shaman under Mai Luo came out to “rescue”, and the battle seemed to be so far The suspense has been completely lost.

The only concern is that, except for Anita, as a “titled knight” who can turn “name” into strength, her belief is strong enough to achieve miracles that cannot be achieved no matter how much manpower and time it consumes. Kind of resistance points are full.

The other three women don’t want to face Melo, who has the power of “fertility” at all.

Sure enough.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Melo found that fighting with Ivan was too much of an overestimation of himself, and suddenly returned from the hybrid monster form to the original murloc form.

After I opened the distance, I didn’t look after Anita, who was rushing over. Instead, the eyes flickered, sending the most sincere “blessings” to Aiwen who was close at hand:

“Lord, I wish you all generations!!!”

Finally, the most feared horror ability was activated-“Who is pregnant”.

Stab it—-

Ivan’s body suddenly stiffened, and then suddenly split into two from the middle, with white silk still pulled in the middle, and then quickly grew into two identical Aiwens. The two looked at each other, and then they pulled the silk again.

Ah! I cracked! what! I’m split again! I’m double… I’m… I’m…

In this way, one becomes two, two becomes four, and four becomes eight in front of Mellow…until she is surrounded by her. When the power of the wide-eyed “Mother of Water” was completely exhausted, Ivan had split into 256.

Hundreds of Aiwen looked at themselves on the left and right, shrugged nonchalantly, and approached Mellow step by step.

In fact, when the second “Aven” appeared, the expression on the face of this high-ranking totem **** had gradually collapsed. At this time, watching the army of “Aven” pressing on, couldn’t help but retreat step by step.

After stepping back a few steps, she was already unable to retreat. Under the strong crowd of hundreds of eyes, she was shocked to cry by this scene that completely violated her cognition of power.

The collapse of the worldview and the exhaustion of strength, Mellow knelt softly on the ground with frustration:

“I take it, I surrender! You can do whatever you want, oooooo…”

The voice just fell.

Crack, crack…

The [Prisoner of Oath Lock] picked up by Aiwen jumped out of his trouser pocket, endless golden chains spread out from a ball of golden light, and 256 “Iwen” and mermaid-shaped wheat Luo surrounded it.

Obviously this is the correct posture to subdue.

Ten minutes later, when the chain was reopened, the “Aven Legion” had become a person again.

Many “Avens” are like “beacon jellyfish” that can live forever, reverting from differentiated cells back to undifferentiated stem cells, returning to Aiwen’s body like a tired bird homing.

For a “native species”, it splits eight times, which is no more difficult than eating and drinking.

As for the “Mother of Water” Melo, who followed him with a low eyebrow, a lock-shaped golden mark appeared between the clavicle above his chest.

It is completely self-evident which party has the initiative of the vow.

To subdue the high totem **** “Mother of Water” Melo, and a member of the generals enters my scorpion, and Ivan is in a very happy mood.

This is not just as simple as a high-level combat power. Her path is compatible with the “Tree of Life School” and can also replace the “Father of Creation” to perform some functions. It can also increase the current population of the Principality by 3% per year. The rate is up to the next level.

“It’s a perfect tool to use to death! It’s a big profit!”

Seeing Mellow’s suddenly resentful eyes, Ivan touched his nose awkwardly, accidentally speaking out what was in his heart.


“Teacher, come and take a look, no wonder no shaman came out to help, it turns out that they are all sick.”

In these ten minutes, the few people who stayed outside have already cleaned up the head and tail of the sea basin palace, and discovered the mermaid tribe, the shaman group, the totem god… A few years ago, the “Sea Serpent” Natapie who had hunted down Irvine and Angie.

All of these people have blue lips and listless spirits. Only the very strange group of mermaids are in better condition.

In the previous melee in the “Unknown Sea of ​​Clouds”, Yehel, who had gained new power, did not have a deep understanding of the strength of Anita and his party.

Furthermore, she had picked up the “demi-god blood” from the land of the duchy at the beginning, which meant that the duchy had defeated the demigod body that had descended, and it was calculated that their cost-effectiveness was really not high.

But Yekher knew very well about the strength of the “Mother of Water” who had been hostile for hundreds of years. With mental arithmetic or unintentional, he suddenly let his cognition stay in the past “Mother of Water” and his subordinates. A big loss.

After more than half a month of gestation, the planted germs have fully erupted. Maybe Yekher had planned to harvest the fruits in two days, but he didn’t want Ewen and the others to pick up a ready-made bargain.

“Tsk, the stable population of mermaids, really rare species.”

Ivan walked up to his group of novices, exclaiming in surprise. Except for seeing some in the “Golden Nation”, there are really few human-like intelligent demonized creatures outside.

Their race is a bit like the Thunderbird clan at the time. The “totem gods” made by animal spirits protect human believers while also sheltering their own living demonic creatures.

At the beginning, the Thunderbird “Sassimo” was a fourth-order totem **** that was stronger than the giant bear spirit “Graham”. There are real demonized creatures “Thunderbirds” near the Thunderbird clan, and they have giant dragons. The bloodline of the subdragon species is similar, and the standard of adulthood is third-order.

Ivan also hunted and killed one, and made it into the [Thunderbird Robe] that helped him a lot in the early stage. Now it has been given to Bach, the fifth disciple of the Thunder attribute.

It’s just that.

At the beginning of the rise of the Duchy of Galiot, the Thunderbird “Sassimo” had already led the indigenous people of the Quinaintl clan to migrate to the northern border of the Duchy and to the north of the Elbert Mountains, taking root at altitude Logan Mountain at 6000 meters.

The climate there is cold, life is not thriving, and there are not many spirit bodies naturally. Moreover, it is close to the coastline and far from the inland, and the impact of the spiritual tide is not serious~ IndoMTL.com~ From Logan Mountain to the northwest, it is the highest peak in the north of the mainland, “McKinley Mountain”, which is also another famous totem god. “Spirit of the Eagle” Avaanka’s lair.

As one of the beliefs of the Aziks, Avaanka’s transcendent level is only one step away from the high totem gods.

Ordinary Tier 4 totem gods dare not look at the “spiritual origin” of high-level totem gods, but he does not have so much scruples, and has become more and more high-profile in recent times with the speed of the new world.

In addition to the great benefit of Aiwen and his party, “Spiritual Origin Overflow” has indeed given many people the opportunity to soar into the sky.

The actors, please be in place, maybe the next star will be you!

Including Yeheer and Melo, the guys who took advantage of this opportunity to become active gradually did not realize that everything in the northern part of the mainland is now firmly monitored by [Psychic Network].

And so-and-so, who regards the north as her own place, has…had a bow.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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