Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 766: The wall is pushed down by everyone

South of the New World, the chaotic region Cabral.

On this huge land that occupies half of the southern part of the mainland and is as high as 9 million square kilometers, there are rich products and active magic elements, whether it is a variety of secular minerals, forestry resources or many magical materials needed by the extraordinary world. Very rich.

Of course, before it became a treasure, what made this world famous, but it was a mixture of fish and dragons!

The colonies of civilized countries, the remnants of the Atrians of the destroyed country, the fugitives from the colonies of various countries, the schools of wizards large and small, and the superhuman forces of various non-mainstream paths are arguing with each other. They are the forces on the entire New World. There is no one that constitutes the most complicated place.

It can be called a blind spot of order, a paradise of chaos.

On this day, a foggy morning.


A dark stream of light has just appeared from the northern sky, and it has suddenly come to the front, lightly falling on the streets of the small coastal city of Kamsid.


With light steps, a slim waist and a graceful posture, she is a big beauty full of feminine charm.

The long black hair is curled up high behind the head, the delicate face is painted with blue lip gloss and purple eye shadow, and the temples seem to have a bunch of chic green “flowers.”

Slim and slender, wearing a long black dress in the style of Neimanste, holding a lace umbrella of the same color.

From appearance, dress to temperament, she is a lady of Neimanster with all kinds of style.

However, her reputation in the New World is enough to silence the young and old, and the children stop crying. It is Yehel, the “Ms. Crow” whose nest should be located in the northern continent.

At this time, the high-level totem idol has eaten something big tonic, and his face is radiant from the inside out, and the aura on his body is a lot stronger than before, and his steps are even lighter.

Obviously, I am in a very good mood at this time.

Looking at the small city filled with faint mist in front of me, I subconsciously raised my hand and touched the green mycelium on the sideburns. The perfect corners of the lips were slightly raised, with cunning and meaningful meaning:

“The blood of the demigod really brought me a big surprise. The days when I monopolized the northern part of the mainland are not far away, Mellow, the Duchy of Galliot…haha.”

Walk forward towards the center of the city.

There are a group of mysterious figures in hoods and robes on the side of the road, facing the sour sea breeze blowing in the direction of the “Mist Sea”, chanting sacred prayers loudly in their mouths:

“…The mystery comes from the foul mist, because the devourer can show up in any moisture; the phosphorous fire of the dead lives in this room and fills this room, and the spirit of the devourer will also From there; he lives deep in the deep sea, waiting to return to the surface. His eyes are everywhere, his ears can hear six ways…”

Comsid, together with the city of Brichester not far to the north, belong to the human settlements closest to the “Sea of ​​Misty”. The belief in the “fog of order” had completely ruled these two cities a few years ago.

It’s no surprise to recite the Cthulhu’s prayers openly.

From their prayers, the “God of Labyrinth” who has officially changed its name to the “Angel of Justice” or the “God of Engineering and Arena” Eholt of the Fourth Era, has not yet put himself The semi-sacred place migrated into the kingdom of the true **** “Black Wing God”.

I don’t know if the current accumulated strength does not allow it, or there are other plans.

However, it seems that this place is not just the “fog of order”. Yekher just walked a few steps forward when he encountered another group of almost dressed figures singing:

“The gods come from far away Kalksa!

Along the shore, cut through the clouds; the dim sun sinks into the lake.

The long shadow fell…

Only dryness and silence remain in the lost Kalksa…”

The keen senses made Yeheer easily catch the anomalies of these two waves. Under the robes of the first wave, things like tentacles were squirming slightly, and the second wave was full of insects. Clearly, no one is a normal human!

It’s obvious.

The ancient gods have “corrupted blood” in their hands, a good thing that can turn enemies into their own people. They have even been applied to Celebes Island in actual combat. How can they let go of the chaotic area of ​​Cabra? you?

And unlike the space for development, only those transcendents have great value on Celebes Island. The ancient gods obviously have a soft spot for the rich and densely populated Cabral area.

Because of many scruples, the Church of the True Gods did not vigorously develop the new world, resulting in the reality that the gods here are weak. It happened to be exploited by the ancient gods, and to a certain extent has become their stronghold in the material world.

Yeher ignored the weird followers of the evil god, and went straight into the headquarters church in the “fog of order” in the city center.

This cathedral is mainly composed of three parts, the holy altar, the main body of the church, and the nave. Divided into three parts also means the three levels of believers: saints in heaven and earth, believers, and people who are ready to accept the faith.

It is also a common pattern in most churches.

Led by a “blasphemer” who had already completed the transformation, Yehel entered the nave of the cathedral and came to the holy altar where the “angel of justice” was enshrined.

“His Royal Highness the Son of God!”

After saluting the host who was wearing a teaching gown and who was much taller than a normal human being, he sat straight on an empty seat on the far right side of the first row of several rows of benches.

At this time, there are five people sitting here, but the ambitious Yehel did not have the slightest arrogance here, and he nodded to them very friendly.

The first person on the left hand side is a white-black mixed-race Mastizo who is dressed in white clothes and a white hat. Her name is-“Voodoo Empress” Laview, and she is a high-level wizard of almost peak level.

When the slave trade just started a hundred years ago, she formally established the organizational form of “Voodoo” that is currently a foreign denomination as a school.

This stunningly talented wizard combines the concept of “mysterious source” and the concept of “god” into one, and uses the faith of believers to accelerate the growth of the mysterious source, creating a place of both wizards and gods. Long special road.

The effect is immediate. In just one hundred years, countless wizard schools have gone through a road that has not been completed for thousands of years. She has also benefited tremendously from this, which is faster than the “snake” who has lived for four hundred years. Sai La the witch is even stronger.

Because of the new villain, “Voodoo” as a whole has just moved here from St. Dominic Island in the “Golden Sea”.

The second person seems to be an Atrian native with a naked upper body and a black crown, but actually has the same identity as Ms. Crow Yehel, one of the three high-ranking totem gods in the south of the New World, “Rain God” “Chuck.

Different from the “Ms. Crow” Yehl, who rose recently after the arrival of the colonists, Chuck, the “Rain God” who was once the official **** of the Azk Empire, has a long and extensive belief foundation in the New World.

In the Cabral area, which is full of the fugitives of Azik, still has a huge influence.

The third place is a seemingly ordinary black-robed official wizard “Poison Bee”, but Yehel knows that for some reasons that are not considered to be outsiders, he now officially represents Cabral’s most The powerful “Curse School” of dark wizard forces.

The dark wizards who are used to meeting the windshield are obviously ready to jump off the broken ship of Hilius, and they have already found their next home. Due to the contract with Hilius, the top leaders of the school will not come forward and are even more unlikely to take action, but as long as the war of independence is decided, everything will come naturally.

The last two are the real leaders of this important gathering.

Although secular rights will not be placed in the eyes of the gods at all, there are two high-levels within the family of the ancient gods who are very keen on secular powers, and even their obsession when they were born is to become true kings.

One is the leader of the “Corruptionists” under the “Chaos Worm”, the former Crown Prince Yellen of Ilya in exile, and the one with the least contact with Yehel.

The other is the supreme leader of the “fog of order” under the command of “Angel of Justice”. Today, “the son of Ehhot born in the light”, the former “Oath-worshiper”, the pirate king of the Golden Sea Bradley.

As for Yehel himself, after all, he did not withstand the temptation of power. When trying to analyze the power of the gods through that drop of half-god blood, it was no surprise that he touched the consciousness of that great existence because of similar powers.

I also took the opportunity to throw into the arms of the ancient gods.

Gradually amended my own path to be able to draw strength from the [death] caused by [Uncleanness] and [Plague], and stepped on the path of Cthulhu with one foot, and “Lord of the Flies” was in charge of [Disease] ] Simply perfect match.

It just so happened that the “Gospel Church” lost the title of the monster “Corrupt and Stinky Wanderer”. The two sides hit it off. “Ms. Crow” quickly took office and became the spokesperson of the “Angel of Disease.”

Yellen, who holds the “corrupted blood” and can “turn enemies into friends”, is backed by the demigod in Bradley, the strongest dark wizard organization “Cursed School”, with a broad mass base. Chuck, the **** of rain, controlled a huge portion of Anuma’s slaves, the “voodoo”, and the “gospel church” who was best at working behind enemy lines.

Needless to say, you can guess what such a group of people are going to do together.

Slap! Snapped!

The burly Bradley clapped his hands:

“Since the people are here, let’s start. The chaotic Cabral, and the entire south of the continent need us to give new order!”

People don’t have a thousand days to be good~IndoMTL.com~ Flowers don’t have a hundred days to be red.

With Aiwen’s establishment of the Duchy of Galliot last winter to give them a picture, Hilius, who has ruled the sea on all sides for nearly two hundred years, finally ushered in the day when everyone pushed the wall down.

As for…When the tall man of the Hilius Empire finally fell, it is natural who the second child needs to go up next is self-evident.



Sixty long oars are neatly aligned, and [Theseus] is still running at full speed on the sea.

Even if a few people have already returned home, in this perilous and dangerous world, they can only return to the voyage honestly for the sake of safety.

They almost wiped the “eternal white land” in the south, and gradually separated from the depths of the “broken sea of ​​stars”, reaching a place where they could reconnect with the spirit world and let the [Crown of Miracles] in the principality launch [Dream Cruise] , It has almost come to the end of August.

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