Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 763: [Golden Holy Gun·Langinus]

   Even after the Jerross’ last visit, the “Golden Country”, which has been closed for a hundred years, has reconnected with the outside world, but it is only confined to the limited settlements of intelligent creatures on the west side of the “Broken Star Sea”.

   is the appearance of a small country with few people and self-sufficiency. Until the real big development of productivity, the circulation of commodities will not flourish at all.

   And this semi-independent secret area, the extremely complicated entry and exit procedures, also really helped a lot.

  The sparse external population cannot support the large third-party service industry, and few people even have the privilege of entering this secret kingdom ruled by gods, let alone a “commodity economy.”

  The place where Aiwen three people settled is just a small tavern that integrates dining, entertainment, and accommodation. This is also a rare high-end service place in the city-state.

   At this time, the “essence fruit” planted with “Son of Poseidon” has fully matured. A total of 14 small trees, full of Dangdang bear 76 crystal clear “essential fruits” as big as watermelon.

  Even the small fruits wrapped in the light green skin are plum-sized, and they look like flawless watermelon tourmalines.

   people can’t help but utter fluids at a glance.

The quality of    is much higher than the hundreds of fruits harvested by Irving and Olivia on the battlefield to protect the “King of the Sea Monster” Kraken. No matter how large the number of ordinary sea monsters is, how can it be compared to the fourth-order “child of the sea god”?

   Just like Wei Niya said, although the “son of the sea god” in the storm belt is not bright, because of the inexplicable power radiation, this flesh and blood bone may be stronger than the son of the sea **** of the same level in the outside world.

   You don’t hear it, are you foolish?

   This kind of baby is of great use to the Jeros couple, but if they only have two and one bird, how much can they digest even if they eat it every day? But for a monarch like Aiwen, who raises tens of millions of people and countless loyal horses, no amount is enough.

  Jeros simply went along and took six for his own use, leaving the rest to Irving.


  The upper body is a human male with perfect muscle lines. The lower body is extremely strong and white stag, and Ivan, who can only maintain the half-deer form, is puffing out wind and thunder in his mouth and nose.

   Swallowed a Tier 4 “essence fruit”, sat in a room that was not too luxurious but spacious enough, and transported his [Thunder Sword Breathing Method] to completely absorb it.


  ha, a bite of sweet fruity aroma, the whole body is warm, like a big sip of wine, the whole body is comfortable.

   Through the “data-based vision” Ivan saw his physical sensitivity three-dimensional, the two decimal places jumped at the same time, from 18.13 to 18.14.

   Being able to see my continuous progress at any time, even a little bit is a great encouragement.

   The acquisition of these fourth-order fruits also means that the physical fitness of Elvin and Anita’s brothers and sisters has improved, and they will enter the fast lane again, adding another cent for them in the turbulent world situation.

  The time came quietly to the evening.

   from the easternmost side of the “East One Islands” where the Zondrik Empire is located, across the entire sea of ​​broken stars, from midnight to daytime.

  After experiencing the floods and storm belts and entering the Golden Kingdom again, he once again ushered in the night of July 31.


   did not light up the whale oil lamp in the room, and Ivan’s forehead was like a “mountain-shaped crown” on the huge horns with insignificant electromagnetic waves radiating out.

The intensity of    is not much higher than the natural microwave background radiation, and even the gods cannot detect the difference.

   then easily bypassed the complex obstacles. This electromagnetic wave carrying Ivan’s will, like a mercury puddle, covered the neighborhood he was in as concealed and meticulously.

   first noticed the luxurious “automatic” kitchen on the first floor of the tavern. The degree of “automation” has completely exploded with “Taling” stationed at White Swan Castle.

   I’m a direct friend.


   I saw a large mottled paint drawer in the kitchen was automatically opened. First, five or six pink piglets got out, tidying themselves up and jumping on the grill one by one.

   Seven or eight wild ducks with gray fur and green heads quacked and rushed out. The cleaned ducks were smeared with honey and sauce by the brush that jumped up, and they fluttered in the oven.

   Zi La… Zi La…

   grease drips on the charcoal, sparks are constantly emerging, they are like a group of skilled chefs, the outside and the inside are tender and fragrant.

   Aiwen just glanced at him and showed himself hungry.

   did not look at the pile of oranges that he squeezed into juice, the auto-sliced ​​vegetable salad, the big fat beef cut into a long piece… His perspective has followed the electromagnetic waves to the street outside.

   Strings of pumpkin lanterns with carved faces are flying in the night sky, and the outside has become a large-scale night market. Although the transactions in the “natural economy” are primitive, they are very lively.

   Seeing this familiar sight, Ivan has automatically made up for their shouting:

   “The bag is hot, the bag is hot, keep on it, this bag is hot, the steamed bag is hot.”

  ”You have to taste the dates first.”

   “I will buy the broken ones.”


   shook his head and threw out all these things that were not right in the style of painting. Ivan soon heard the information he wanted, and gradually gained an overall understanding of the mysterious “Golden Kingdom”.

   The citizens of the “Golden Kingdom” are all born transcendents, claiming to be descendants of gods, or more accurately, descendants of ancient gods and descendants of this era. The total population size is only a few tens of thousands, even if compared to the city-states of human beings, it can only be regarded as small.

   There is no specific historical record, and even the secret scroll “Sacrifice of Flesh” does not know how many years have passed since this era. But isn’t the true giant Mars, the **** of agriculture, war, kingship, order, and riots also gone?

   or **** wars, or spiritual exploration, or other accidents, time can’t kill them, but there are always accidents that can silence them, and most of the gods here originate from this.

   And after meeting them, Ivan also somewhat believed that human “wisdom” is their natural and extraordinary characteristic.

  Because these “people” are just like demonic creatures that form stable and multiplying races. Although they are powerful, they have high and low wisdom.

   For example, in the legend of the last life, Poseidon, the sea god, can give birth to a foolish son like a cyclops. He is said to be a branch of human beings, but in fact they are all monsters. The combat power may be 100, but the IQ is only 5 scum.

   But seeing this, Ivan was slightly pleased.

   “Good opportunity! How about the foolish son of the landlord!”

   Then he opened [Ancient Scroll].

   Excluding the red and black top-level palace area, it was found that this city located on the seashore is also a dark red color. Keep it in the “myth-like form” and it is dark red. Then turn on [Meteorological Wizard] or dark red, and then open the most The strong [Exterior] is still crimson.

   I have confirmed the look in my eyes, there are people I can’t afford to provoke.

   There are at least divine creature-level bosses in the lower urban area.

  ”Then, Galliot…cough, the boss is online, it’s about to open.”


   pulled out a piece of hair and blew it lightly, fluttered along the window and flew out, turning into a very wealthy middle-aged businessman.

   Soon there was another stall in the night market, and as soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of countless people on the street.

  ”The rare and exotic treasures brought from the human world in the far east are limited in quantity, first come first served!”

   shouted out, and the booth was immediately surrounded by the ebony crowd.

   Sugar cubes made from sugarcane, exquisite snow-white porcelain, exquisitely printed and dyed cotton cloth, high-end muskets that are like works of art, a few silver pocket watches, extraordinary weapons from the hands of the great wizard…

   both high-end and low-end, only unexpected, there is nothing he can’t get out. And the target, of course, is their body, ah, their ancestral chromosomes, ah, ah, um, their genetic information.


   Aiwen’s abacus is not very loud. Although many people have poor brains and only “ababa”, they are also very keen on these rare things in the local area and are full of consumption desire.

   Out of the instinct of extraordinary creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, few people are willing to sell their bodies to exchange for these super high-end “kidney 6”.

   In the end, Aiwen could only retreat and exchange the hard currency precious metals of the material world with them. Platinum, gold, and silver were all accepted. This place is worthy of being the “golden country” known as gold everywhere. Even if everything in Aiwen was overpriced by 1,000%, it was quickly wiped out.

   But it would be a big mistake to think that Ivan just gave up.

   While the clone was busy doing serious business, the majestic and domineering [Life Magnetic Field] in the past has turned into meticulously flowing water, sweeping gently across the streets and alleys of a small city like the finest brush.

   has already adsorbed a large amount of biological hair through static electricity when returning, even though there are few parts with somatic cells in it, it cannot hold the base large enough.

  ”A bumper harvest, sure enough, I still prefer this unprofitable business.”

  The society is very simple, but the complicated thing is…people. Where did the people of the “Golden Country” with their simple folk customs beware of Aiwen’s routine?

   rubbed his hands, he couldn’t help but took out the [Golden Chain] he had accumulated with An Qi and started to do it.

   Although they hold the [Holy Grail of Blood] created by the Demon God of the Lower Realm, they claim to be able to produce the blood of any creature known in the world out of thin air.

  , but it’s not a high level. For example, it’s okay if you want the blood of a Tier 4 adult dragon. Second, you want to know what kind of blood you want. At least you have to know this race~IndoMTL.com~ But the time when they were out of human sight It has been too long, most of these gods and descendants of gods have not even left a legend in the material world, let alone blood races.

   The looming thing in the past [Golden Chain] has faintly revealed its true meaning. It is a spear with a double-helix structure with a long spiral handle but a double-edged tip.

   is still very illusory, far from being fully formed.

   After getting enough material, Ivan didn’t even eat dinner. The golden brilliance kept flickering in Ivan’s room, and the [golden chain] in his hand was also spliced ​​and extended a little bit.

   is close to midnight.

   Ling Ling Ling…

   There is no vision of Hongdae, and with the crisp ringing that only rang from the bottom of Ivan’s heart, the golden spiral spear finally manifested completely!

   With a light grip on the spear, it turned into an invisible airflow and disappeared, and then reached out and reappeared in his hand.

   will take shape! Disperse and become angry!

   Just holding it in the hand is a little bit mysterious, and Ivan even has the feeling of punching the world out of a hole with a single shot. The eyes reflecting the golden light are mysterious, and said softly:

   “You are called… [Golden Holy Spear·Langinus]!”


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