Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 754: Alternative rescue

It’s midnight.

Dark, damp, cold, and countless rodents and bugs, rustling in the dark corners of the cell.

A female transcendent who can clearly see the characteristics of outsiders even in ragged clothes has wandering eyes, and is obviously a little unstable in emotion, looking at the third-order “blasphemy” who is the backbone of the ancient gods.

Hesitated for a while before speaking slowly, I don’t know if I was cheering myself up:

“Mr. Chapatik, isn’t there a Tier 4 transcendent in our army? The agreed time should have almost arrived. They will find a way to find us when we are not there, right?”

No matter how bad the bad guys are, they are afraid of death. Of course, the extraordinary in the “Black Obelisk” are no exception.

The front-line combatants distributed in various places don’t know the overall plan of the main gods, they only know that they have to prepare for a long-term battle. The purpose is to collect the fingernails of the surviving clan Zongdrik. The more the number, the better .

Also pay special attention to activities only on the periphery of this archipelago, and don’t go too deep into the territory of the ancient survivors, which means absolute danger and uncontrollable.

As for these people, they don’t need to have their own ideas, they just need to follow the instructions of the high-level executives.


It’s been a long time since the accident. The depression of not seeing hope of rescue for a long time made most people nervous, and they urgently need some external support to keep them going.

But this “blasphemy” named Chapatik, who has also lost the patience to maintain the morale of the team in the past, opened her mouth and ruthlessly pierced her illusion:

“Don’t lie to yourself any more. We have been abandoned. The church style will never send people to bring us dangerously and rescue us. Everyone still think about how to survive the fighting and live an extra day. One day.”

Even though these “blasphemers”, who originally belonged mostly to the nobles of the Atrian indigenous empire “Kuma Empire”, were imprisoned in the sea of ​​mist along with the “god of the labyrinth” Ehhot for three hundred years.

I have never been to the outside world, let alone “Broken Xinghai”.

But the “Kuma Civilization”, which has existed for more than three thousand years, is not only ahead of the entire era in mathematics, astronomy, and calendars. It is even more because it is the oldest “existing” civilization in the entire material world, and it still inherits many hidden histories of the material world.

The most typical representative among them is the ancient secret scroll-“Zoerjin Calendar”, which combines calendars and prophecies.

They not only know what is on the “Dongyi Islands” among the four major islands of “Broken Star Sea,” they also know exactly what is on the other three islands!

These “Kuma survivors” who invested in ancient gods for immortality may be the material world, apart from the ancient gods who survived the cataclysm of the era, none of the ethnic groups that know these ancient secrets best.

It’s hard to say that “the **** of the labyrinth” Ehud and the mysterious owner of the sea of ​​mist, Loy Gor, chose the Kuma Empire and the feathered snake **** Kukulkan to start, without considering this factor at all.

In addition to not knowing the inexplicable time limit because of the lack of level, Chapatik has a better understanding of this place than Petrich’s “Son of the Sea God”.

So, apart from the task of collecting nails, they didn’t dare to have anything to do with the ancient civilization here at first. At this point, he understood the danger of his party’s current situation, and staying in the Zondrik Empire for a long time would definitely suffer.

And his frankness, without any surprise, resulted in a wailing in the cell.

“I don’t want to die!”

“We accept the employment of’Eye of Wealth’ for more wealth and stronger power. How can we die in such an inexplicable place for nothing?”


At this time, there are less than three days before the Ten Kings Meeting.

Including a group of black wizards from the “Black Obelisk”, transcendents from non-mainstream paths, and several family members of the Cthulhu Church have been transferred from the original dungeon to the big arena, including slaves brought by the kings or Gladiators also came here.

The Jeross and First Mate Ram will naturally be no exception.

Just because there are still three days left to fight, the treatment has improved a lot these days, at least I can eat every day.

Hearing the guys in the cell opposite, they were talking hysterically and crying. Jeros couldn’t help knocking on the metal railing of his cell and yelled to them:

“Hey, what are you afraid of? Even if it is a duel with the slaves of other kings, it is not necessarily dead. If you behave well, it is not impossible to put yourself under the command of that king.

Besides, isn’t there an evil **** behind you? Let them manifest their spirits to save you! “

Although the three people’s greatest hope still rests on Aiwen, they themselves have not given up the idea of ​​self-help. Since realizing that these people obviously know more information, they have been trying to gather more information all the time.

But, don’t wait for a response from over there.


The door to the supporting cell of this arena was opened, and a line of dozens of brightly-dressed Zondrik men entered.

“Your Majesty Arion, please see. These people can also speak Cartha and can communicate normally, but there is a crude slang among them that we can’t understand.

If they want to pretend to be stupid, just give them a severe lesson. “

Although the relationship between the two countries is rivals in the forthcoming “Fight of the Kings”, the general is not too concerned about the loss of these “slaves”.

Since the “Children of God” decided to use the trivial method of “Fighting before the King” to determine the distribution of rights and benefits between the kingdoms, they naturally knew that they were not so concerned about the prizes after the fight.

As the existence that has reached the end of the secular and the transcendent at the same time, standing at the top of the pyramid, what they enjoy is the process of fighting and the supreme honor of paying homage to the gods when they personally write the covenant on the pillar of the gods.

After all, their crowns are so dazzling and precious that they can only look up to the sky, not allowing them to lower their heads to look at those humble mortals.

Leading the team straight to the door of the cell where the outsiders were being held, the vanguard who had just been noisy immediately turned silent, looking anxiously at these Zongdriliks with ill-faced faces.


The harsh environment made the sun-like son of God uncomfortable. Arion took out a silk paw and covered his nose, already regretting that he was here on a whim.

Looking intently, female black wizards with pale faces and shriveled bodies, extraordinary people who make themselves inhumane and unscrupulous… totally inconsistent with his aesthetics, not to mention those who are like monsters. The general old gods belonged to them.

After just one glance, I couldn’t help but lose interest.

“General Iamos, these slaves you captured are really weird, but there is really nothing to do…”

At this moment, the noble king suddenly turned his gaze to the cell on the other side, and his eyes lit up when he saw a figure.

Although she has been in tattered clothes after several battles, she can’t hide the attractive color of Stephanie herself.

The female knight with bright golden-red hair, with a trace of wildness in the delicate features, tall and vigorous, with perfect curves. Simply sitting on the muddy ground covered with straw, it seems to be a beautiful female leopard who is about to get into trouble at any time.

Even among the two million transcendent citizens of the entire empire, there are not too many women who are gifted to naturally grow to the third rank.

And this beautiful woman who was born in the royal family and has been in the sea for many years, cultivated a unique temperament and struck Arion’s heart like a bolt of lightning.

Stretched out a hand.

“This woman…I want it!”


Unidentified two people and a parrot, they saw the wolf-like soldiers opening the prison door and wanting to arrest people. They were waiting to resist, but they saw the Zondrik soldier rushing to the front suddenly gently attacked them. Blinked.

The two people’s hearts suddenly shaken, although their looks are not right, but the familiar look in their eyes…


The general named Iamos outside the cell didn’t mean to explain to the slaves. Anyway, this woman was destined to not survive tomorrow morning when she fell into the hands of the Son of God.

Holding a piece of [copper plate key] with a blue light pattern in my hand, directly excited.


The collars on the slaves’ necks were all cast from Zondrilik’s unique metal material “Occitan”, which was not only indestructible, but also shielded from the influence of any extraordinary force, and was widely used in cutting-edge technological creations.

Of course, it is also an excellent material to make [Supernatural Handcuff Lock].

The strong blue electric light on the oenix collar stunned Jero and Stephanie, who were controlled by their abilities, to the ground easily.

“Hahaha, take her, let’s go.”

Dacteria next to him was about to step forward and perform in front of the king, but Irvine took the first step to carry Stephanie up.


Wow, wow…

The inexplicable sound of water in her ears awakened Stephanie suddenly, and she found herself lying in a luxuriously decorated bathroom next to two young female slaves sleeping on the ground.

“Ha, Your Highness, are you surprised?”

Seeing Ivan who had changed her original appearance and was watching her with a smile, Stephanie’s nerves that had been strained during this period of fear and fear finally loosened slightly, she got up from the ground and exhaled fiercely.

Then curtsey of a lady very solemnly:

“Your Majesty Galliot is really reliable. He can really find this kind of ghost place. Stephanie will not forget your kindness.”

“His Majesty, stop talking, we are going to be faster. Although your Majesty Arion has just ordered the slave girl to wash you for nothing, it does not seem to have too much patience.”

Stephanie straightened out the messy hair around her ear, and gave Irving a white look, but did not entangle his teasing, she just reached out her hand to touch the metal collar on her neck and frowned slightly:

“This collar has the functions of punishment, positioning, power limitation, etc., keeping it is a timed alchemy bomb, and it can’t run far.

The key with disciplinary authority is in the hands of the jailer and the arena manager, but the key that can unlock the lock should be kept by the king Oyufermos who has seen his heart.

And we have tried it a long time ago. This kind of collar is completely unaffected by extraordinary powers. Jeros also used polymorphism on me, but it was completely ineffective. Shouldn’t your spells work for this kind of thing? “

After hearing this, Ivan thought for a while but didn’t feel embarrassed at all~ IndoMTL.com~ patted his chest and proposed a foolproof solution:

“It’s okay, leave it to me! Just cut off your head, remove the collar, and connect it for you.”

Scare! The queen could not help taking a step back and beheading? Are you afraid that you are teasing me?

“Your Majesty, you have to trust my technique, it’s okay. And my sword is very fast, and I will definitely not make you feel any pain in the process. Hurry up, stretch your neck out, time waits for no one. “


Looking at Aiwen, whose frosty sword gas turned into a sharp sword in her hand, approached step by step, and realized that this guy was actually going to play for real, Stephanie’s lake-green eyes that resembled Livina suddenly stared. Big.

“Well! In ancient times, there was bone scraping to treat poison, but today there is beheading and circle removal. It’s a good story to say it.”

The voice is still in my ears, and the lady who still accepts Irving’s suggestion that she can’t accept it, only sees a flash of light in front of her eyes, she suddenly feels a cold in her neck, and she…flies.


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