Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 737: Minor surgery! Aging is accelerated!

The shadow of the entire forest was turned into the claws of the banshee, and the ears were filled with the piercing screams of nails scratching the glass.

[Corrupted Stench Walker] Staring fiercely at Aiwen, who was surrounded by waves of ghost claws, as if regaining his confidence at the beginning, the lips made of fly maggots wriggled and spit out “poison”:

“Gaga, I have inherited most of the power and knowledge of a high-ranking wizard of the’Shadow School’, and I have been promoted to the fourth rank with the help of the power of the gods and the long years.

Conspiracy and trickery are just my hobby. In the home field of the Shadow Realm, even facing two or three titled knight-level combat power at the same time, I can retreat. Relying on a young shadow dragon to chase the shadow world? Damn it is you! “

Stab it—-

Before the voice fell, the sound of cracking brocade had already resounded throughout the world.

A bright electric light burst out from the dark shadow screen, easily tearing the wave of shadow ghost claws into a big hole.

The witchcraft of the “Tree of Life School” is good at change and creation, while the “Heraldic Knight” has brought the most powerful force of Thunder into full play!

Ivan stepped out while pressing his hand on the hilt of the sword. There was not even a wrinkle on the black military uniform, and Ka Ka had already hid back in his shadow.

A whole body is blazing white and dazzling. I don’t know whether it is a long sword made of sword energy or electro-optical energy. It surrounds him like a swimming fish, cutting off the ghost claws that dare to go forward.

It is said that the saber composed of steel, dragon scales and morning star [Thunder Dragon Sarkani] can kill 10,000 elephants in one blow. Even if Aiwen can’t reach that level for the time being, he still has the basic ability of [Exterior].

“One to three? People and people cannot be generalized. I once punched through fifty meters in a situation of extreme anger…cough cough.”

With a light cough, Ivan’s counterattack came at the same time, and the black and red light flashed from the fingertips, and the electricity shot towards the crowned monster on the opposite side.

[Witchcraft·Crash of Flesh]

Although this group of creatures has stronger survivability and can continue to recover as long as part of the body is retained, the resistance to this type of witchcraft is lower.

Ivan really couldn’t completely kill a Tier 4 magical post or even tens of millions of [Crawlers] in an instant. But the longer the time delay, the more algebras the other party reproduces, the more “dying ill”, so Ivan is not in a hurry.

When you enter your home court, you can’t underestimate the naming monster that Ivan is here to kill with all your skills.


A black rune circle twisted like a snake and a bug exploded around it.

[Cure·Black Demon Aura]: Produces the effect of a temporary ritual altar, amplifies the power of black magic, and speeds up the recovery of magic power. It is also loved by the poor black wizards who are incapable of krypton gold.

At the same time, I took the [Witchcraft Shield·Shadow Cloak], and instantly it seemed to cover the large black forest below with its teeth and claws, and the black and red light beams disappeared immediately after submerging into the heavy shadow.

Subsequently, he plunged into the darkness below his body.

Shoo! call out! call out! …

The ubiquitous shadows in the shadow world blinked and turned into a constantly wriggling swamp. Thousands of dark tentacles that grew ugly heads like giant worms rose in the air and woven into giant nets that block the sky and the earth. .

They wandered under Aiwen’s feet and above his head, as if each tentacles had its own independent consciousness, and some seemed to be shadowed by thousands of fly maggots.

[Talented Spells·Jiying Demon]

Being both offensive and defensive, one move can destroy a human army.

“Dumbfounded? Not only the fly maggot body, I am immortal in the shadow world! Ahaha…”

The entire dark forest is reverberating with wild laughter from the titled monster.

“That’s not necessarily.”

Ivan, who was surrounded in the center of the “Ban Basin”, gradually let go of his body and mind, and the human form quickly dissipated, penetrating the insect net and ascending into the sky. Accompanied by the billowing thunder, it has turned into an invisible and intangible form of huge energy that obscures a small part of the sky.

[Heraldic Knight·Weather Elf Form]

Even if the shadow element of the shadow world is extremely active, it suppresses the activity of other magic elements.

But as long as there is a physical environment similar to the material world, even in a completely invincible environment, it will not prevent Ivan from using physical means to induce a large-scale thunderstorm.

In the material world before, the naming monster can escape to the shadow world at any time. Now that it shows a form of deep integration with the shadow world, where can you escape?

In the position corresponding to the material world, there are three hundred swordsmen who are already ready.

‘Since I’ve set my posture, I’m so sorry for your cooperation if I don’t rush. ’

There was no time for the titled monster to react, after blinking.

With very little power, Ivan moved a huge energy group like a lever, and countless blue and white electric snakes swam in the air and gathered into a giant spherical thunder.

Boom–! ! !

After half a minute, the dazzling thunder light slowly dissipated.

Facts have proved that unless the Black Sea goddess Hipponoah was burned to ashes and never died, the so-called “immortality” will always be relative.

When Ivan regained his human form.

I saw that after the collapse of [Feiying Demon], the titled monsters that had recovered their flesh and blood had been torn apart and scattered everywhere within a few kilometers.

But it didn’t choose to regroup as one, but turned into seven independent clones, and opened up seven black chambers at the same time.

“You wait for me, I will…Bah, I will kill you next time!”

After finally recognizing the insurmountable gap between the two, it was a gap that a “shadow school” senior wizard could not equalize, the seven titled monsters dropped a ruthless word at the same time, and they drilled one after another. Go in.

Although it will lose, it never thinks it will die.

You may pay a heavy price when you run away, but as long as a small half of the clone can escape, it will not take long to regenerate into a new Tier 4 titled monster-[Corrupted Smelly Creeper].

It’s just that it didn’t notice that it had suffered this heavy blow at this time, and after another round of large-scale reproduction, the renewal degree of the fly maggots in its body had already exceeded 100% compared to before the war began.


Ivan remained silent, pulled out seven or eight hairs, and blew gently.

Hair fluttering, and before landing, he has transformed into a three-meter-high shadow dragon who is covered with black scale armor and has a third-tier senior level.

The “software” that Aiwen implanted for them is very simple, no communication and no thinking are required, and the fighting instinct is strengthened to the extreme, transformed into the most powerful biological weapon, and frustrated to death!

Nowadays, the witchcraft abilities of the upper wizards, combined with the physical nature of the fourth-order [heraldic knights], can achieve a level far beyond that before the breakthrough.


The shadow dragon dragon screamed with red eyes, and opened the [Heiqiang] one after another and went in.

Immediately, everywhere in the shadow world, between the shadow world, and even the material world, became a battlefield for the “titled monsters” and the shadow dragons to fight over time and space.

Dragon’s breath and shadow witchcraft are intertwined. If these dozen Tier 3 individuals get together, it would be easy to destroy a city in a short time.

With a move in his heart, Ivan himself chased a clone and jumped out of the shadow world and returned to the large gold mine in the Elbert Mountains.

Looking at the monster clone who is responsible for attracting firepower in front of you, seemingly confident. Aiwen didn’t rush to do it, and even reached out to stop the three Anita who surrounded them, because at this time… the winner was already divided!

On the contrary, I am preparing to tease their naming monsters, looking at the four people around me, feeling baffled:

“You guys…”

But I was interrupted directly by Aiwen:

“Don’t talk, you are dead!”

Although the naming monster didn’t understand what he meant, he also felt a great discomfort. In the pitying eyes of Ivan, he hurriedly sensed the situation of the other clones.

Before [Genetic Hounds] inserted the positioning information for the five or six fly maggots, but they didn’t come out again.

When you really enter the body of the titled monster, although there is no circulatory system that can move quickly like a normal human body, it can also take advantage of the opportunity of the fly maggots to continue to multiply and attack all individuals at the same time, setting off a genetic change. storm.


“What is going on? What did you do to me?!”

Soon, the naming monster realized that it was wrong, and glared at Ivan and roared.

It turned out to be just a clone of the titled monster a little smaller than normal humans. It should be able to reproduce rapidly by consuming magic power. It is far more difficult to kill than normal transcendents of the same rank. This is also one of its strongest reliances. .

However, in the battle with the shadow dragon dragon people, the fly maggots became fewer and fewer, and the clones became smaller and smaller, and they began to fall into a disadvantage in a short time when facing the dragon people.

But I saw Aiwen glanced at him from top to bottom, and bursts of weird smiles came out of his mouth:

“Hehehe, from now on you will be a man full of masculinity, no maggots are exceptions, don’t thank me.”

The “Spiral cone fly” has a very fast metabolism, and the average life span is only about 20 days. Even the titled monsters often use them as weapons, which consume extremely fast, so they need to be constantly updated.

It is better to say that these flies are [corrupt, foul-smelling worms] as the system they are in. It is similar to the “Theseus school” of Jeros.

But now it can’t reproduce anymore, because Aiwen’s genetic hound has forced all female fly maggots to become males, completely eliminating the possibility of this system’s repetition.

Finally understood what Ivan meant, and the titled monster was shaking all over:…is this a human thing? ! !

This is not over yet.

“Turn on [Aging Accelerator]!”

At the end of human chromosomes, there is a repetitive and non-expressed DNA fragment ~ IndoMTL.com~ every time it is copied, it will “lost a segment”. This repeated segment is called a “telomere”.

Based on this theory, the “derived enzyme preparation” that can extend the natural life span of ordinary humans by 30% is now Sekhmet’s leading product.

With the assistance of the “Alchemy Light” led by the Dilis family, it has become the darling of the upper-class powers of many countries in the mainland, and it has also won a huge hidden influence for the Duchy of Galliot.

If you can extend it, you can cut it down, so that DNA that was originally enough to replicate dozens of times can only be replicated a few times.

And when no offspring is born in a collective system, and the whole is rapidly aging, there can only be one ending-destruction!

Ivan is not sure where the survival limit of this Tier 4 [corrupted stinky creeper] is, one-third of the total? one fifth? Or can single-digit fly maggots reproduce?

Then let the attack intensity fully overflow, and kill all fly maggots at the same time! ! !

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