Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 734: Divination and surprise attack

Things have priorities. It’s not time to think about your wedding right now. As long as the existence behind the scenes stays for a day, don’t think about being able to live your life in peace and stability.

Ivan believes that as long as the other party sees that he has come up with a plan to combat cholera, he may not even wait until it is effective, and he may be able to pick up the second move again, making the principality official who can’t catch his tail exhausted.

Different from the warrior-type enemies who used to be frontal, this time I was facing a conspirator from the ground up, and a viper who curled up and waited for the moment. Conspiracy and trickery were the deadliest poison in his mouth.

The previous slave riots and widespread plagues can be solved by relying on the technical reserves in their own hands. But how could a target as big as the Principality be invulnerable there?

If you keep it for a long time, you will lose.

The only way to get it done once and for all is to pull it out and… give it all the ashes!

Don’t care about giving Milan and Apsuya a banquet, Ivan explained the current situation to him straightforwardly.

Then, frowning slightly, not sure:

“Our opponent is most likely a Tier 4 naming monster with a demigod behind it. With your current ability, is there a way to find a trace of this level?

Just like the last time Hudgens raided the Kingdom of Tyrol, indirect divination may not be effective. “


Milan smiled confidently and snapped his fingers:

“It didn’t work in the past, but now it’s a trivial thing. But when my dad came to the New World, my title certificate and medal must be able to fling that old antique’s face.”

After hearing his domineering saying “I want her all the information in three minutes”, Ivan unambiguously patted his chest, and assured him very cooperatively:

“It’s nothing to get this guy, the earldom or anything.”

He knows very well that this guy in Milan has never obsessed with military ranks, titles or rights. His elder brother enjoys the family resources and is directly upholding the king’s ** Fang Qingyun, and inheriting the family name makes the Snet family’s responsibility for the prosperity of the family naturally not falling. His body.

Milan, who has nothing to do with everything, used to be proficient in eating, drinking and having fun, but now that he has offspring, it is really different.

Also, although he may not care at all, his identity as a “Mastizo” requires him and Apsuya’s children to carry on his life.

The word “Mastizo” originated from the Hilius language and refers to the white-skinned Nemansters of the Old World, and the brown-skinned Atrians of the New World natives or the black-skinned Anuma The offspring of mixed races between people.

Mastizos may be very rare on the Old World, but they are everywhere on the New World, which has been colonized for a hundred years, and their situation varies with the country they live in.

The most typical is Hilius, who initially implemented an extremely cruel genocide policy.

A large number of male indigenous people were driven into plantations and mines to perform various heavy physical labor and become consumables. It does not take long for them to become exhausted and die.

With the passage of time, the number of indigenous peoples has been rapidly decreasing, from tens of millions to more than 8 million in less than a century, and the social status of mixed-race children is naturally not much higher.

As for the mixed-race children born in powerful families in the Old Continent, they will hardly have inheritance rights, let alone be recognized by the upper class, at most they are just marginal figures.

Milan is a prophet. Since he said that the child in Apsuya’s belly is a boy, it must be a boy. In the future, the pressure to make contributions may be greater than that of a girl.

This title is not for himself, but to provide the child with the best starting point within the principality that encourages national integration. Well, a “starting point” that can hardly be reached even if others work hard for a lifetime.

By the way, I would like to prove his and Apsuya’s determination to stay in the new world to the lieutenant who may hope they can return to the mainland in the future.

“Okay, it’s exciting!”

Milan, who was already full of energy, started to take things out of his magic pocket without a word, seven candles, a pot of holly leaf essential oil, a piece of incense, three white crystal jewelry, and a complete set of silver utensils. ..

The action quickly set up a divination ritual in the “between the thrones”, and finally put the “Echo of Time and Space”, the inheritance magic book of the “Clock Tower School” in the middle of the ritual.


When the spiritual wind gradually flooded the “between the thrones”, Milan rolled up his sleeves, revealing the golden witchcraft markings on his arms, and proudly introduced to Ai Wen:

“This time I also took a special trip to the School of Prophecy. This branch of my school is not without background. Today, I will let you see the good things I found in the school’s oldest documents, the same The inheritance from the’Clock Tower’.”

Raise the arms that each depict part of a certain ritual, and slowly draw them together in front of them.

“Hey, let me come to Kangkang, where is my knighthood medal!”


The ethereal curse sounded, and the golden engravings on Milan’s arms began to flow like gold liquid, and gradually formed a pattern that looked like reptile scales and hourglasses.

[Witchcraft Marks·Scales of Quicksand]


Immediately, as if connected to an unfathomable great existence, a pleasant sound of moving pointers gradually sounded in their ears.

In any case, the mysterious source of the “Clock Tower School” has been completed. [Concrete Truth] has a fifth-order personality, which is much stronger than the semi-finished [Tree of Life] and [All-Seeing Eye].

Milan has borrowed the power of [Clock Tower] through the engraving of its arms.

The use of indirect divination is not to directly divination where the opponent is hiding, but where the divination is best for them.

Even if there is a demigod standing behind the opponent, Milan’s transcendent level is somewhat low, but with the help of [Clock Tower], which belongs to the fifth-order power, it is enough to avoid interference to the greatest extent.

They are professional after all.

Ivan took a step forward, put his hand on Milan’s shoulder, and helped him with his [World Love].


I saw Milan’s eyes turned into a hazy piece of sand and dust, and the scenes flashed quickly. After a few minutes, he unconsciously opened his mouth and reported a time and place like a dream. :

“The second night from now, between 9 am and 12 am, the city in a dry lake, the tallest building.”

Ivan, who was standing behind him, moved in his heart, quickly checked his seat, and determined his position in the divination.


The night is deep.

In the city of Huarez, “Shattered Star Sea Coast Area”.

Built from basalt and gray sandy stones, the tower is so tall and majestic that it is inside the Cathedral of San Seville, which is second to none in the entire New World.

A silver-haired old man wearing a simple black robes with a spirited spirit is struggling to write in his room, preparing for tomorrow’s first mass in the city by the “Black Iron Cross Church”.

Converting millions of Hilius who originally believed in the “eternal fire” is not as simple as changing the owner of this church. Even if they promised to change their beliefs on the surface, they could only reshape their spiritual world a little bit subtlely.

The childless Bishop Ralph dedicated his life to the goddess, and after retiring from the mainland, he voluntarily came to the New World to shepherd his lambs for the goddess. Although the work is unusually heavy, he enjoys it instead.

Once stationed at the “Glorious Church”, the first church built by Falettis in the New World, it continued to shine here after it was established in the Duchy of Galiot.

As the highest priest in the New World, Bishop Ralph has an extraordinary position in the minds of many followers of the “Goddess of Kingship and Navigation”.

This time.

While working overtime, he was eating bread and drinking water very contentedly. There is no difference between the predecessors and the others. He is still the kindness that he had when he shared biscuits with the children.

Also set a good example for the priests under him.

Boom boom boom…

Suddenly, there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Come in.”

A young priest in a black robe opened the door and walked slowly to the bishop’s desk after saluting.

“Reid, why are you still not asleep? Don’t worry, you just need to be by my side for the Great Mass tomorrow. If there is something wrong, I will remind you in time.

Every priest of the goddess comes here like this. “

The old bishop raised his head, looked lovingly at the student he had cultivated by himself, and eagerly encouraged him.

“Your Excellency, it is better for you… to demonstrate!”

The priest stared straight at Ralph and suddenly opened his mouth.


Countless fat flies and maggots have rushed towards the old bishop like a fountain.

Ralph’s face changed drastically, and he grabbed the black iron cross beside him abruptly.

A golden halo burst.

【Divine Art·Royal Power·Command! 】

Using the powerful divine art extended from the goddess’s [kingship] clergy, it absolutely orders enemy units (mainly living organisms, archbishop-level can order non-organisms to respond) in a short time, and the specific number is calculated based on the comparison of the strength of both parties.

But in front of a demigod family member who possesses both divine art and fourth-order extraordinary powers, a civilian bishop who was suddenly attacked was too weak, and the aperture was quickly suppressed.

In the body of the young priest, thousands of small voices sneered at the same time:

“You can’t resist me at all, let me merge with me!”

Although ~IndoMTL.com~ the slave riots were eliminated due to some special ability of the other party, and cholera was quickly controlled two days ago, in the eyes of its conspirator, this new country still has too much Many weaknesses can be handled.

Just occupy the body of this priest and erase his memory tonight.

When he holds a big mass tomorrow, he will be turned into a breeding ground for maggots on the spot, and the san value of the believers in the city will burst, which can completely shake the already unstable belief.

“Let me think about it. I played tomorrow’s game of faith collapse. When the young king woke up in the morning, he found out that his wife had turned into a bunch of wriggling maggots. Like?

What kind of expression will he look like, I’m really looking forward to it, hahaha…”


A huge buzzing sound filled the room, and behind it appeared a huge black shadow of a fly, like a swaying ghost that surrounded the whole room without revealing a trace of movement.

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