Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 730: Slave riots

“Hahaha, Aiwen, look at it, it’s really fighting!”

St. James’s Palace, in the blossoming palace garden, Livina, who is admiring the scenery on a pair of diamond-encrusted high heels, can’t help but pulls Ivan’s arm and jumps happily.

After proposing the persecution plan, [Mind Network] has already covered Antwerp in Frisia. When the armed personnel under the “Eye of Fortune” fired the first shot, the seagull “elves” sent them a signal .

Although there is no brief exchange between the three angels, what happened in the city is clear.

The effect of this trick is unexpected and easy to use. It is less than the two-month deadline given by them. A maximum pressure and a rise in resistance have already been brainstormed.

Boom! boom! boom! …

Just as the two people were talking and looking down from the sky, the civilian governor who had just taken office in the Privy Council has been tragically beaten into a sieve by guns.

Maybe it was thought that within the empire, too much force was not needed, and the governor who was sent only had the strength of an official knight. Blocked by the sudden rebellion, he couldn’t even run away.

Now even if the Frisians want to die, Hilius can’t give up.

The two tulip monarchs saw this scene in their eyes, and they couldn’t help but be pleased. Only at this point is the revenge calculated by others.

It’s cool to eat melon for a while, and it’s always cool to eat melon all the time.

At this time.

They sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and sincerely hope that they can fight this battle a little longer, and then finish the battle…there is no more.

“However, as soon as this battle begins, your ransom may not be paid. No matter how fast Philip II is, the ransom of 3.6 million golden lions cannot be collected in such a short time. .”

After the excitement, Livina couldn’t help feeling sorry for the little money Ivan missed.

“Ha, I think that because the civil war started, this group of experienced veterans is more valuable. Even if Philip II was selling iron, he would redeem them and put them on the battlefield against Frisia.

It’s just that, my majesty, since the purpose of inciting them to armed conflict in a short period of time has been achieved. You might as well ask the messenger to tell Philip II that if the two-month deadline is exceeded, we will raise the ransom by half, love or not. “

“Hey, do you think this war will drag on for a long time? It won’t be the same as our original rebellion against Ilya?”

Livina is obviously not very optimistic about Frisia’s strength. They let the feudal dynasty fear the scourges of [capital] and [democracy] rather than force.

Her Majesty’s greatest expectation for them is that they can greatly consume Hilius’ strength. In any case, the Hilius Empire is still the world’s largest power.

In addition.

One and a half months later, while the news that the Duchy of Galiot became the seventh nation of the Alliance spread throughout the entire human civilization, the monarchs of the seven nations also received oracles from the goddess.

Take this opportunity to make every effort to pull the Hilius Empire off the altar, and completely rectify the name of the goddess, the “goddess of kingship and navigation”-“sea kingship”!

Obviously, it is not just their human monarchs, even the goddess feels that the Hilius Empire has occupied the position of the first power of sea power for too long, and now is the time when the alliance and the goddess are closest to that position!

“Of course, this war of independence still has to be fought. The mortals entering the arena are just appetizers. As far as I know, the peak combat power of the two sides should be at least evenly matched.”

Ivan was not an exaggeration when he said this. He himself had personally seen two fourth-order transcendents from the ancient gods.

Affiliated to Mordiggian, the “Lord Leng”, the ghoul named the demon “Sneerful Tunnel Forager”, and belongs to the heir “Blue Beast” of “The God of Labyrinth” Ehhot .

Not yet counted as the “eight million” divine heir of the “Chaos Worm” who was hacked to death by the [Libra Balance Sacred Sword].

Recently, the activities of the family of the ancient gods have become more and more active, but I don’t know whether the “blue beast” with Tier 4 strength can leave after the “children of Ehhot born in the light” appeared. “The Sea of ​​Mist”?

In addition.

Although the “God of Black Wings” has not had any fixed place of faith for many years, it should be said that there is no Tier 4 “titled knight” under his command, and I would not believe that he killed Aiwen.

Maybe a well-known free “titled knight” (without establishing a country) on the mainland is a secret hand that the true **** has left behind.

Judging from the establishment of the Shipwreck Bay, a pirate stronghold in the “Sea of ​​Misty”, we know that it has been deployed for a long time, and its potential is definitely not to be underestimated.

Livina is still very convinced of Aiwen’s judgment, nodded lightly, and then smirked again:

“By the way, didn’t the Ministry of Intelligence say that it might be due to some hasty preparations. Frisia is still recruiting mercenaries on a large scale and purchasing arms?

If by then Hilius really paid the full ransom, he would exchange those soldiers.

We will deregulate trade and provide Frisia with a batch of first-class goods. Even Georgia rifles and large-caliber artillery are not bad, and we will try our best to maintain their balance of combat power. “

Ivan glanced at her approvingly, and Livina understood the essence of “Offshore Balancer” more thoroughly.

Raising his left hand, a sharp white light and shadow like a flying knife leaped on his fingertips. This is the [Exterior Scene·Thundering Dragon Sound] that can easily destroy a palace in one blow.

“When the conventional war is about to progress, see if we can come to a backstab to make the war completely slide into the abyss. It would be great if the two families can die together.

Even if only one of the guardians of the kingdom of Sirius is killed, we are still making a lot of money. At that time, we could almost switch from a strategic defense to a strategic offensive when facing Hilius. “


Shattered Xinghai coastal area, early morning.

The Marquis of Duke and his wife Nymph are enjoying a hearty breakfast under the two Eidolon maids who have been specially brought here.

This luxurious deputy mansion in the city of Huarez has been renovated and has become the residence of the new consul of the Marquis.

And Nymph is reluctant to let her husband become a real “lonely old man”, and possesses [Borning Gems·Dream Parade] more convenient than the global strike of [Crown of Miracles]. The east and west coasts come and go freely, from time to time. I’m going to stay with my husband for a few days.

I inserted a large piece of Black Forest ham into his mouth, and the Marquis was in a good mood. He chatted with his wife about the topic he is most concerned about:

“In the past few years, big and small things have been constant. I don’t really care when the two children will be officially wedding.

But now that even the Principality has been established, it’s time to continue the blood of Galliot and Amore. You remember to go back and urge them both. “

“Hehe, we had little Hessie when we were less than 40 years old. It was already very difficult, and at that time I hadn’t broken through the great wizard, only you were Tier 3.

Ivan is now a Tier 4 [heraldic knight]. Seeing Hessie has also reached the peak of Tier 2, it will not take long to try to be promoted to a high-level wizard. We want grandsons but some wait. “

“Isn’t Aiwen’s “Tree of Life School” good at doing this? Let him study…”


With the rapid sound of footsteps, Hawkins hurriedly walked into the restaurant, and after saluting, under their doubtful gaze, he explained some hastily:

“Your Excellency Marquis, today is a one-day-a-month holiday you set for your slaves. But a large group of Anuma people came outside, clamoring to see you, saying that they wanted to obtain the same nationality as the Atrians. Treatment.

It is unfair to exclude them from citizens completely. “

“Hehe, unfair? Yuanfanling is not without Anuma slaves. I have already seen their essence. They are lazy by nature, bullying and afraid of hardship, fearing the Nemansters as their masters, and despising the same slaves. The Atrians.

They pursue power not for equality, but for privilege. I can discriminate against others and others cannot discriminate against me. “

The Marquis Duke obviously didn’t care about their trouble, took the napkin handed by the maid, and wiped his mouth slowly.

Of the nine million slaves received by the Principality, only less than 400,000 were Anuma people. Most of the Anuma people who came to the New World through the triangular trade went to the south.

Actually, the top management of the Principality has long established policies, and Ivan doesn’t want these inferior populations at all.

In his vision, in the future in his own vast continental country, the main ethnic group will be composed of the Neimans, Neimans, and Atrian’s mixed-race Mastizos.

There is no position of the Anuma people who are lazy by nature, do not seek advancement, and who always like to resort to force. By absorbing them, it is purely uncomfortable for themselves. The same is true of the old father-in-law’s thoughts.

The image of the “good old man” who just wanted to hug his grandson was instantly shattered, and the Marquis stood up with a cold snort, and the majestic aura of the great knight and nobleman naturally revealed:

“What we give you is yours. If you don’t give it to you, you can’t grab it! Hawkins, inform the guards to prepare and authorize the [Gunner] to make a decision on the occasion, and go out and see together.

Let these guys understand that we are not philanthropists, let alone liberators! “

In just the short time Hawkins came in to inform, the hundreds of Anuma people gathered at the door had already made a noise, shouting loudly for the same treatment as the Atrians.

“We want equal rights and oppose discrimination.”

“We also want citizenship, and we are also willing to believe in a goddess~IndoMTL.com~Believe in the “Father of Creation”!”

“The Anuma people are also human!”



When the Marquis couple, Hawkins, and two beautiful Eidolon maids had just walked out the door, they hadn’t waited to ask their appeals.


After the slight hum in the crowd.


“They are not going to give us a way to survive, they are going to enslave us to death!”

“Fight with them!”

Several tall and burly Anuma men in the front row suddenly reddened their eyes and burst into blue veins all over their bodies.

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