Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 729: War of Independence and Buzzing

In the glorious golden light that mortals are unknowable, invisible, and inaudible.

Hundreds of millions of pious voices are intertwined into a grand hymn:

“Holy, holy! All-powerful god!

The angel of prosperity, the lord of gold, the ruler of capital…

In the early morning, all my singing voices pass through the clouds and reach the holy soil;

Holy, holy! Compassion and omnipotence,

Glory and majesty are all in one;

Holy, holy! All saints are revered,

Wear the golden crown and surround the shore of the crystal sea;

Thousands of heavenly troops bow down and chant the name of the Lord God together…”

Ding Ding Dong Dang…

A gold coin, a gold bottle, a gold watch, a crown, a sword, a necklace, a ring, an armband… jumped out of the divine light, and piled up in the sky full of more than five meters. High shining throne.

After that, a tall figure as stalwart as the sky stepped out and slowly sat on a throne made of gold. He was dressed in a snow-white robe, and behind him were three pairs of wings that seemed to be made of pure gold. His whole body was rippling with circles of golden light, gorgeous and dazzling.

The figure is much taller than normal humans, and every inch of detail is the perfect golden ratio. But even an angel can hardly see his true face, only those two bright pupils that melted like golden **** in a bright light.

At this time, the “Lava Angel” Suter, who had seen the idol of his patron deity destroyed, was about to erupt and raised his head. However, he realized that he was not only a voice, but even a body of a demigod level was shuddering slightly.

Facing this existence in front of me is like facing my own lord god. That is a great power on another level!

In this world.

True Gods are great beings that surpass humans in terms of ability, wisdom, form, personality, thinking, cognition, and even their dimensions. Their images cannot be observed by humans, and what they say cannot be understood by humans. , Their thoughts cannot be understood by human beings…

Of course, you will never be able to bring your true body to the material world. The apex of the material world has always been demigods and angels with both [divine nature] and [human nature].

The true God is composed of the “hidden” Tai One and the “obvious” Tai One.

The hidden “Taiyi” means “singleness, uniqueness, no boundaries, no distinctions, and oneself as one”. There is one and only one, which belongs to the essence and transcendence of God; and the obvious ” There can be more than one “One”, which is also interpreted as an “angel”.

As a bridge and medium for communication between the true God and man, there are two main sources of angels:

The first is the “outer gods” of other civilizations or regions conquered in the battle of the gods; Personality attenuation is independent of personality.

There is no doubt.

This strange angel with a brand new power is part of the power manifestation belonging to the true **** “God of Black Wings”, and is in charge of the [Capital priesthood]-“Prosperity Angel”.

Why has the “Eye of Wealth” that has secretly controlled this country and decided not to endure it anymore and choose to bottom out at this time?

That’s because with the joint efforts of many big capitalists in the “Eyes of Wealth”, the [Capital priesthood] of the “Black Wing God” has been completely condensed and formed!

High in the sky.

The “Angel of Killing” bowed and stood by the side, the great being in the golden light looked at the “Lava Angel” in front of him “with great interest”, slowly speaking like a golden stone but unexpectedly gentle:

“It’s… Suter. Keep your anger down, this time you are indeed doing something wrong.

In the material world, business activities are the best way to accumulate wealth.

If we can manage to improve the economic circulation of the entire world, then all ethnic groups will be further developed and prospered, and will bring lasting happiness to the entire human society!

Both gods and humans should try to break down all barriers that hinder trade and social development, otherwise they will only be completely overwhelmed by the rolling tide. This is the case in Frisia and it is the same in Hilius. Do you think my philosophy is correct? “

Hearing the rhetoric made by the existence of the evil god, the “Lava Angel” had a wonderful face and felt extremely absurd, but he was also somewhat speechless.

Except for the Kingdom of Frisia, which has just been incorporated into the Hilius Empire, the inherent territory of Hilius, which has very few handicrafts, is the farthest place from the [capital] such a scourge.

Frisia’s original belief was not “eternal fire”, and the [natural priesthood] possessed by “eternal fire” is not sensitive to social changes, and the “Black Iron Cross Church” who knows the truth most has no obligation. Notify them.

The “Lava Angel” Souter realized only now that the “Black Wing God,” who has many negative clergy and concealed the first of the evil gods in the material world, has quietly completed a road migration.

This is the one who forsakes evil and does good…righteous? !

The Shariye standing beside the “Angel of Prosperity”, with blood-red eyes on its wings turning, an inexplicable voice sounded from the void: “In the past, Frisia did not belong to any of the seven gods, but now, It’s the place of my god’s favor. “Those who belong to God belong to God, and those who belong to the King belong to the King” seem to be your own new doctrine, right?”


As a veteran true god’s commander, Suter, who is full of confidence, is not worried that the true **** will do it on himself, but this scene of shattering the three views of the angels brings him more impact than the wolves of the world. Even more intense if you don’t eat meat.

“I will tell God what you mean!”

When he said this, the “Lava Angel” also bowed deeply, irrespective of the position, this was awe of power.

The true **** actually descended into the material world, and Suter had clearly realized the firm determination of this great existence. Without a word, he quietly turned into a burst of crimson brilliance and disappeared into the material world.


Even if he does not discuss with the Lord God, He also knows that the Lord God will not take the initiative to end the battle and intervene in the human battle. Just as King Enrique II of Ilya was executed by the bourgeoisie, the gods did not intervene.

On the contrary, it is a migration of the way of a true God, and what profound impact will it have? He cares more about it.

At the same time.

At the foot of the Golden Throne, with Antwerp as the center.

The big bankers and big capitalists who secretly organized the “Eyes of Wealth” have completed their assembly. Under their leadership, a demonstration against the oppression of the empire and defending the right to belief is rapidly evolving into an armed uprising .

Boom! boom! boom! …

The flintlocks fired one after another, and smoke filled the streets.

Mostly mercenaries, a large number of well-trained armed men began to attack the Treasury and Privy Council just established by the Hilius Empire.

Their original plan was actually to use economic means to corrode the body of this country a little bit.

Before it was aware of it, all the banks in Frisia had changed from banker’s bank to government’s government.

But Philip II’s ruling methods were too violent.

Especially after the Battle of “Dearborn Fort”, many people have seen the weakness of this empire, and no one is willing to give continuous blood transfusions to the huge empire that has been strong for two hundred years and has grown old.

Saint William Orange stood on the steps and raised his arms to the fans below:

“There is no luck if you want to build a country, it can be recast in blood and fire! A country that truly belongs to the bourgeois! The’God of Capital and Wealth’ is with us!”

Countless people responded in unison:

“The gold coins are with us!”

At this moment, the blood is burning, and at this moment it seems that the “God of Wealth” is the King of God!


When the armed uprising of the Kingdom of Frisia was in full swing, the New World “Shattered Star Sea Coastal Area”, Huarez, was still shrouded in the night before.

With the capital of Huarez as the center, this area is dotted with many large and small manors and small towns.

The current managers are mainly dispatched personnel from the Principality and Hilius naturalists who have been selected by Beth to perform better. Of course, there are more Azik survivors and Anuma slaves who are close to ten times this. .

In a simple slave room, there is still a faint light of fire. Several Azik survivors are sitting around and talking about something. A middle-aged man who seems to be more than 30 years old waved his bonfire and said to his companion. :

“The shamans have shown us their power today. The great “Father of Creation” belief spreads across the east and west coasts, and is not limited by region. He is obviously the most noble and powerful totem god.

I have decided that I will no longer wait for the return of the high **** Omad Kutli to lead the Azks out of the sea of ​​suffering, but to truly become a part of this country like those Hurons and Arawaks. . “

Hearing this kind of remarks from my peers that betrayed traditional beliefs, the others did not refute them, and there was silence in the room.

Even when the Azk Empire was at its strongest, it was easily defeated by the Hilius.

After nearly a hundred years of assimilation for several generations, apart from the chaotic area of ​​Cabral, there are very few wild Azks that still retain their traditional culture and beliefs.

The Hilius language is also spoken now, including them, and the so-called belief is just a stubborn tradition.

Now that the new master who has defeated the old master generously gave everyone a way to ascend, it is not that difficult to abandon the main **** of the Aziks, the “high **** Omod Kutli”.

Moreover, after the Marquis Duke took office, this is not just a question of faith, but also a real issue.

More than ninety years ago, the old Earl Emore led the family private soldiers. It was after defeating a powerful remnant party of the Azk Empire that he was able to occupy Yuanfanling.

That piece of feng shui treasure land with warm climate, fertile land, and abundant water sources is called “Tallahasi” in the native Azik language, which means “the place where flowers bloom”. Among the aboriginals that Yuanfanling has now completed integration, a considerable part of them are the former Azk survivors.

Furthermore, the Emore family has also maintained a smuggling relationship with the Deputy Royal District of New Sirius for many years, and they know the situation in this area best.

So, in addition to being the old father-in-law of Irving, the Marquis of Duke is the best person to manage the “Smashed Star Sea Coastal Area”, knowing what the people here really want.

As soon as they took office, they formulated a corresponding ethnic integration policy, instead of using knives and guns to force them to naturalize.

Instead, all the conquered people, including the Hilius, Atrians, and Anuma, were divided into three, six or nine grades, and each level would have different treatment and social status.

In order to live better than the past, better than their companions, and even better than their former masters~IndoMTL.com~ They will naturally scramble to climb up according to the promotion rules set by the principality.

Until being portrayed as a qualified citizen who obeys the government, fears gods and nature, and is hardworking and thrifty, what the Principality needs.

So human nature!

“I…I also want to be naturalized. I want my sister to live a good life so that I won’t be under 35 years old like my parents…”

“Me too. Useless gods will fall into eternal silence. For a whole hundred years, we have experienced enough suffering!”




Following the buzzing of flies and insects in the dark, the manor suddenly turned into a dead silence, and after a long time the flames reappeared, as if everything was business as usual.

Farther away, one, two…a dozen manor houses are the same.

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