Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 719: Change the sky

Hilius Empire, Santa Cruz.

The domed palace known as the Museum of All Nations, a perfect combination of imperial power and art, is being enveloped by a low pressure that makes people almost breathless.

Slap! Snapped! Snapped! …

In the discussion hall, the exquisite ground made of colored slates shattered piece by piece in the flames of the riot, and even the whole hall was buzzing.

“Hahaha…my guardian of the empire, my [Flaming Light], my invincible fleet!

Galliott, it’s Galliot again! It was him during the Battle of Benin and it was him during the Battle of Fort Dilben. I never want to hear this nasty name again!

Send soldiers, send me soldiers! I want to make Tulip’s stupid **** pay a terrible price, so that those who dare to resist the empire live forever in a nightmare! “

All the subjects bowed their heads, but no one took Philip II’s angry words seriously.

The “Battle of Fort Dilburn” that was unexpected by everyone has come to an end. Some survivors who survived the catastrophe and the “Death Messenger” who were able to retreat have also passed on the situation there.

Prince Hilius thought that he had overestimated the opponent’s strength as much as possible, and made sufficient preparations in advance, and used the [Flaming Light] to carry out a sneak attack. With the overflow of combat power, it was enough to win a fierce battle.

However, they didn’t expect that what was waiting for joy was the news that their army was annihilated. For them, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

The destruction of the invincible fleet is of secondary importance. As long as it is deliberately supplemented, the world’s dominance can always be used to search for ship materials.

However, the fall of a legendary battleship plus a titled knight represented the destruction of a quarter of the kingdom’s peak combat power. This was a painful loss that could not be filled in a short period of time.

This is not yet considered the resulting combat power vacuum, which has a profound impact on the entire world structure.

Since the empire became the overlord of sea power, it has been a situation of enemies on all sides, fighting all the time, battles for maritime dividends, battles for beliefs, battles for colonies, battles for local expansion of the source continent…

For this, a large-scale military force had to be maintained.

The traditional army power of the Sark Empire, the desert kingdom of Heymar that originally monopolized the east-west land transportation, the Icelandic country Atlan, and the new sea power power Falettis, powerfully conquered the old continent with the power of Hilius. The strongest countries in China.

Of course, there are more people who hate them, just because they are frightened by their powerful military and dare not speak. When there is a problem with military deterrence, the undercurrent under the water is almost predictable.

Let’s listen to the information about the military power allocation of a host country in Falettis area:

Three legendary battleships ([Sea Soul] did not show up from beginning to end, but highly suspicious), three great wizards who did not lose the title of knights, and a “dragon vein” who killed Tier 4 combat power…

Is this the power that a remote colony can produce?

Excluding the church power that represents theocratic power, even the existence of equivalent power in the mainland kingdom is rare.

“Oh, who said that it was foolproof? Why are you dumb now? Ah?!”

The face of Philip II was black and dark, and the huge loss had almost shaken the foundation of the empire’s rule. This was a heart twisted like a knife that he hadn’t experienced even when the prince was assassinated.

If it were not for the strength of the emperor himself as a great knight, he would have been sad enough to vomit blood.

Even so, after annoyed the officials, the grudge ran away and accidentally knocked his throne to the ground, making a loud “bang”.

Like most natural superiors who took the path of “compassion” and “justice” in the “Eight Virtues”, Philip II also took the path of “justice”, but he followed the group of “sworn-backers” “The situation is similar.

As a solemn totalitarian, he believes in his heart that the people’s selfless dedication to the monarch is the real justice, and the people of countries and colonies all over the world accept that the blood sucking of the empire is the real justice.

Falitis’s face-slapped behavior is not only a confrontation of interests, but also a serious conflict between beliefs and roads!

“Your Majesty!”

Seeing this scene, the officials couldn’t help exclaiming, but no one dared to move.

But seeing the Emperor staring at them like a lion, he said coldly:

“Go, the religious reform has been completed, and theocracy is no longer our constraint.

Go to Celebes Island and contact the wizards and extraordinary people there. As long as you are willing to work for me, as the greatest king in the world and the ruler of most of the new world, I will give them shelter and let them have the right to live in the sun again Right down! “

Philip II’s eyes were cold. Titled knights were indeed the core dominance in the Old World, but the useful thugs were not necessarily limited to titled knights.

Even if he fails once or twice, he still has a chance to stand up again, but Falettis will be forever if he loses the last time.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


The monarchs and ministers who were planning retaliation, did not realize that a bigger bad news was already on the way.


New Hilius Deputy King District, located in Huarez, the capital inland on the west bank of the Golden Sea.

“Your Excellency, the information about the defeat of the Invincible Fleet has been sent back. What should we do now?”

In addition to the Flavio Deputy King with the highest status in the New World, the special envoys of the new Granada Deputy King District, the Secret Dragon Deputy King District, and La Plata Deputy King District also came here. City.

Originally, they were meant to reflect the importance of the colony, and to celebrate the protection of the empire and the invincible fleet together. But at the place closest to the front line, he received the terrible news that caught people off guard.

Not only the invincible fleets, kingdom guards, and legendary warships sent by the empire, but also the already stretched naval forces in the New World garrison.

From the [quasi-Legendary Battleship·Stay Jellyfish] Captain and the Supreme Commander of the Garrison, Admiral Triviere, and [Quasi-Legendary Battleship·Guide Commander] Captain Adonis Auston, Also died in battle.

Not only did they fail to get the support of the empire, they also lost their last wealth. It simply killed them.

Among them, the New Hilius and New Granada, which surround the Golden Sea, have suffered the most losses. There are already faint signs of instability in the territory, almost ten times the number of slaves of the Hilius. It’s like a time bomb.

Hearing what they said, the expressionless Vice King Flavio couldn’t help looking out the window.

Huarez is a large city built a hundred years ago when Hilius pioneers flattened Tenochtitlan, the capital of the indigenous Azk Empire, and then backfilled a lake. The climate is pleasant and suitable for farming.

There are large and small tropical plantations nearby.


A series of loud whiplashes sounded constantly on the heads of a group of Atrian slaves, and they still fell on them from time to time, leaving bloodstains behind them.

It’s not like the leaders in the Avon Territory can go to literacy classes to improve themselves in winter, and even in the winter, the tropical areas can still grow flax. These slaves are simply happy to mention 007.

Also, Huarez originally belonged to the heart of the entire Azk Empire. There are also the largest number of Azk survivors here, but after several generations of domestication, they have completely transformed into qualified slaves.

Most people suffer from the gloomy look in their eyes, and there is hardly any look that belongs to living creatures.

It is completely different from those of the same kind who are still active in the mountains and forests and live on safari. If nothing else, their children and grandchildren will continue to repeat their current lives until…the blood is cut off.

“The situation in Huarez is fairly stable. If there are signs of rebellion among the slaves, they will be suppressed in the cruelest way. If one person resists, the whole family will be put to death. Then urge the mainland as soon as possible…”

“Huh? What is that?”

Just halfway through the words of Vice King Flavio, he suddenly discovered that six strange golden figures appeared in the sky 100 meters above his head, and then black and unidentified objects were dropped from the sky by them.

Boom! Boom! …

The next moment is the raging flames, the sentry towers, artillery positions, gunpowder depots, and barracks in the city’s defense system are all sent to the sky.

Wow, wow…

In the middle of the city, soldiers in tulip uniforms, armed with flintlocks, stepped out of a large emerald butterfly. Most of the people killed the city hall and the deputy king’s mansion, while others killed others. Vital departments.

Boom! boom! boom! …

The continuous gunfire has resounded through the streets and alleys of the city.


Not only Huarez, but also all the capitals of the capitol under the jurisdiction of New Hilius, received the same treatment at the same time. Launch [Dream Cruise] to send troops, and it will be fully bloomed in the Deputy King District of New Hilius.

Ivan’s plan is very simple. Since Hilius took the lead in igniting the war, then you will do the fifteenth on the first day of the first year, mobilize the Alliance army to directly capture the colony of New Hilius, and collect all the fertile land in the north of the new world. !

This is not a fantasy of ants gnawing on an elephant.

Although the New World is vast, according to scholars’ statistics, before the colonists of Hilius arrived here, there were probably only 50 million Atrians in the north of the mainland, and the southern part of the mainland was almost of a similar size.

After a hundred years of killing and enslavement, the population has plummeted.

In the most important northern colony, “New Hilius Deputy King District”, there are about 1 million Hilius living in the area. There are also several times this number of conquered people and Anuma slaves who have been trafficked here, about 9 million people.

That is to say, the total population in the Deputy King District of New Hilius exceeds 10 million.

Now the total population of the three colonies under Irwin’s command has reached 970,000, and the total population of the entire Twelve Colonies of Falates is 3.2 million. The population of the remaining colonies of the alliance member states is less than the total population of Fale. Half of Tis.

But it also brought the total population to about 4.7 million.

Although there is a gap with the New Hilius Vice-Kingdom, it is not as exaggerated as the gap with the ants and elephants. Moreover, no matter how many slaves there are, it is impossible to send them to the battlefield during a battle. Maybe the first time they get a weapon, they will attack the “master”.

With the help of [Creator’s Blood] which ignores the intermediate training process, the air knight force has been greatly expanded, and the total number has reached sixty.

The Griffon’s maximum speed can reach 170 kilometers per hour, the maximum load is 300 kilograms, and its endurance is extremely strong.

Cooperating with the [gunner] who is skilled in holding alchemy bombs, no matter how tall the city wall, or even the bastion specially used to restrain the bombardment, it is useless in front of the sky knight troops.

The first commander of the sky knight, Anita’s direct female pirate Granny exhaled:

“Hilius listen~IndoMTL.com~Your Excellency the Marquis has an order, surrender not to kill!”

“Surrender and not kill!”


The call to surrender was extremely cheerful. As a female knight born as a pirate, how dare to think that she has the opportunity to ride on the head of the supreme ruler of the new world overlord Hilius?

Another alchemy bomb was dropped, crashing the towering tower of the City Hall, and he shouted again:

“The Marquis promised to give all the Atrians a chance to become free people and stand up and defeat the evil empire of Hilius!”

The Atrian slaves couldn’t help but raised their heads and looked towards the sky, suddenly there was a faint look in their black eyes.

In the meeting room.

Even if the enemy’s great knight has not been seen, the faces of Deputy King Flavio and the three envoys have turned pale, and they murmured to themselves: “Falitis people, this continent… .Will it change?”

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