Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 664: Corruption and foreign visitors

Broken Star Sea, the westernmost side of the Celebes Islands.

This vast sea area with a width of three hundred kilometers is a buffer zone between human wizards, extraordinary people on non-mainstream paths, and the inner layer of the Broken Star Islands covered by the “fog of war.”

The dozens of islands scattered among them are also the habitats of many aboriginal people who are not so dangerous and even humanoid creatures. Some have lived here for generations, while others have been driven here little by little by wizards.

On a small island without a name in the buffer zone.

A group of Yingying and Yanyan in cool clothes with bows and arrows on their backs, each holding a earthenware jar and walking along the path in the forest. The earthen jar was filled with fresh water from a spring in the mountains, which is also the only source of fresh water on the island where water can be taken safely.

These are a group of young and beautiful “girls”, but they are different from normal human beings: their slightly pointed ears, white hair, and blue-purple skin with a pearly texture, all have a different kind. charm.

The most special thing is that almost all of them have different-colored pupils, golden, silver, amber, emerald, blue, brown, red, black…extremely magnificent.

There is no doubt that this is a group of “eidolons”.


A group of talking and laughing “Eidolons” noticed the figure of a crockpot in their hands that came across from each other.

They greeted him friendly:

“Good afternoon! Mr. Yellen, why didn’t your attendants come? Do you still need to come and fetch water yourself?”

“Hahaha, beautiful Miss Ye Ling, good afternoon! I can do such a small thing as fetching water without bothering others. Having left my homeland, even I am not more noble than others.”

Although he changed from the luxurious and elegant appearance of the past, he put on a gray robe that completely covered the body, but the former Crown Prince Ilya still did not change his former demeanor.

After a simple greeting, the two sides passed by like this until they couldn’t even see the other side’s back.

An Eidolon asked his companion slightly suspiciously:

“Did you hear the faint sound of insects on Mr. Yellen?”

“It seems to be there, but it’s no surprise that there are bugs all year round on this warm-climate island.”

“Yes, yes, shall we still think about what to eat tonight?”

“What else can there be? Wild fruits! Wild fruits! Still wild fruits! I really want to eat meat, but even a fish in the river may be better than us!”

The cruel truth was told by the straight-hearted companions, a group of Eidolons sighed together:

“Hey–! We are so pitiful!”

As a natural semi-superior species, “Edragon” is a man-made non-combat servant, coupled with long-term racial history and living habits as a vassal. Even if they have a natural [Sentinel] profession, they are far better than normal humans, but they have never been qualified fighters or guards.

I was even so optimistic by nature that I was a little heartless, and I even forgot the pain very quickly.

At the beginning, after the backers behind them lost in the survival competition, the entire group that depended on them completely escaped. Some of them escaped with luck to the new world where the pressure of survival was not so great, and they were transformed into the “mechanical immortality school”. Slaves, eventually became the strikers of Aiwen and Olivia’s family.

But a large part of the rest is struggling to survive on the scattered islands nearby, and this group of Eidolons is obviously part of it.

Yellen was originally planning to rely on the help of [Legendary Battleship Southern Cross] and a group of powerful men to go deep into the Broken Star Islands to complete the great cause of navigating the sea and gain “world favor” by the way.

According to the sentence “Heart is higher than the sky, life is thinner than paper”, if the “Broken Star Islands” is really so easy to open up, the wizards had gone to do it hundreds of years ago, and how could it be his turn? ?

After being slammed into his head under the recklessness and losing a lot of blood, he temporarily fell on this inconspicuous island.

The two people who are sick and pitiful are both licking their wounds. Especially this group of Eidolons, who are like rabbits, can’t give people any sense of threat. They are living in peace for the time being.

The Eidolon, who is even more adaptable to the environment of the Broken Isles, also gave Yellen and his party a lot of help out of nature.

Until the news of [Clock Tower] appeared on Celebes Island, many people went there to try their luck. Of course, Yellen, who was in desperate need of strength, would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The initial journey was fairly “smooth”, although even [Beacon] didn’t have him who couldn’t team up with his great knight attendant at all, even if he tried his best, he just stopped at the third level.

But still relying on the “benefits” gained from the inside of [Clock Tower], he was successfully promoted to a third-order knight.

In normal years, this kind of strength is enough for him to safely inherit the throne.

At least in the mainland countries, even if all royal families have a “titled knight” ancestor on their heads, the powerful bloodline can only ensure that they use a lot of resources to nourish them, mixing the days to reach the peak of the official knight.

No one can guarantee that from generation to generation, a great knight who can crush steel and front arrow will be produced as a monarch.

But all this comes at a price…

Starting today, the friendly relationship with “Edwin” is about to end completely, and even the relationship with the relatives, guards, and supporters who followed him to come here will never be the same again. .

In the past, it was a ruler and a minister, and since then it is just a common servant of a great existence.

Yellen walked alone by the sunset to the clear ring-shaped spring.

Stab it—-

Tear open the skirt of his body, revealing a strong body that has been mostly shelled. It is not only the body that has been corrupted by the ancient gods, but his mind is also corrupted together.

This is a coincidence between the “ambition” of mortals and the “power” of ancient gods!

Whether or not he “turned against the wind” as he said when he left the Old World, he is undoubtedly embarking on the path of being born against the sun at this time.

Take out a sophisticated enchanted dagger and slash it across his chest. The yellowish blood mixed with small substances, which looks a little dirty, spews out, splashes into the clear spring water and disappears.

This is the [corrupted blood] from the ancient gods.

It is also the basis for the original “Oath Bearer” Barger said: “With the assistance of the Chaos Worm, even the enemy may not be unable to become his own.”

“Hehehe, the revival of the Kingdom of Ilya begins here, and I will take back all the things you took away, and there will be more and more!”


Outside the mountains and forests, the “eidolons” who live in simple tree houses are still fighting about who is picking more delicious fruits today, and they have no idea of ​​the imminent disaster.


[Witchcraft Garden] Laboratory.

In addition to entering the winter, Irvine personally ordered the restart of this year’s literacy class.

The tone of the development of the territory has been set, and there should not be any major adjustments in a short time. After having sufficient talents, it is enough to let them develop step by step.

However, Aiwen himself and the core personnel around him did not dare to slow down the pace of strength improvement, whether it was the future destined battle for maritime hegemony, or responding to the spiritual tide of the new continent, entering the “broken sea of ​​stars” and seeking the world’s favor, Or to enter the world behind the door to explore the endless ocean, strength is indispensable.

Ivan has always agreed that “people without far-sightedness must have near-worries”. It is the real reason to become strong for a while, and to be strong and always cool.

It just so happens that the harvest of [Clock Tower] has accumulated enough material for them. At this time, when will the accumulation be turned into real power?

Among them, Ivan and Anqi, the main research team members, are most interested in the [Holy Grail of Blood] that can produce blood from any creature in the world out of thin air and [Divinity] that is temporarily unable to study. It also comes from some of the residues after the destruction of [the children of the ancient gods], and the “genetic information” contained in them.

DNA is the hard disk of life, and there are so many things that can be obtained from biological tissues with the ability of the “living chemistry school” today.

“Teacher, this [child of ancient god] is a divine creature. Although it also has genes in the general sense, there is no trace of the existence of [golden chain] at all. Even the gene sequence includes all known creatures. There is a huge gap between the lower monsters.

This is our theory…has it gone wrong? “

However, the results of the inspection made the two people frowned. An Qi even had a deep self-doubt about the theory of the [Golden Chain] that she had compiled.

But in the theory built by Aiwen.

As long as it is a creature born on this planet, no matter what era it is, the original roots should be the same ancestor, that is, the original “one”, so they have the same original gene.

However, the samples collected from the [Divine Heirs] of the Ancient God Chaos Worm obviously do not conform to this law.

However, after thinking for a while, Alvin suddenly made a very bold guess:

“Maybe’Chaos Worm’ is an outsider!”

After having this guess, it also reminded him of the ballads sung by the corrupted Skeleton Kings on the seventh floor:

“The gods come from far away Kalksa!

Along the shore, cut through the clouds; the dim sun sinks into the lake.

Only dryness and silence remain in the lost Kalksa…”

Comprehensive multiple evidences to make judgments~IndoMTL.com~ This ancient **** with the authority of [Time and Space] is simply an alien who came to this planet without knowing how many years ago!

If this conjecture is true, it would be too amazing. Perhaps this is the ultimate secret that even other ancient gods, including the “Black Wing God”, don’t know.

After reorganizing the experimental materials, the two people with complicated mood walked out of the laboratory side by side.

Ivan looked at the bright starry sky above his head. Although he did not have the ability to leave the atmosphere at all, because of this unexpected discovery, he couldn’t help but feel a little leisurely fascinated by the world outside the sky.

It took a long time to tell An Qi next to me:

“The interpretation work of [Ancient God’s Heirs] is temporarily sealed, and the following is devoted to the [Holy Grail of Blood], which is the easiest to transform into power. If my theory is correct, then the new biological armor that can be used for you should also be used. Can come into being.”

“Okay, teacher!”

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