Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 633: Development and discovery

Buffalo, St. Ivan.

The turbulent turmoil in the extraordinary world has not affected the pace of development of the secular world.

With the gradual establishment of the framework of the new city hall, the social order in this territory has begun to gradually restore.

At the same time, thanks to a series of measures taken by Aiwen, a small part of the areas that are not dominant in terms of transportation, resources, population, etc., as well as the terminal cities that have been severely damaged in the turmoil of the past few years, have been abandoned, and the population Migration is concentrated in core cities.

St. Ivan, the center of development that brings together a quarter of the population in the territory, has gradually revealed a somewhat prosperous scene.

This is now abandoning rough and laissez-faire development and has the benefits of overall urban and industrial layout planning.

“Look, our first batch of barges for inland trading is back.”

Five flat-bottomed barges loaded with various leather goods are descending down the Hartson River.

Part of the barge’s crew are early immigrants from Buffalo’s Ilya, and part of them are naturalized native Hurons. This combination is also more affordable in the Midwest.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As soon as the barge docked steadily, a large group of workers from the “Hartson Leather Company” who were wearing uniform overalls and driving a carriage rushed forward.

After unloading the ship in a messy manner, the trade rifles, gunpowder, lead bullets, sword oil, holy salt bombs and other munitions that were pulled from the wagon were refilled. Five barges were in the tugboat. Continue to return without stopping under the lead.

After the canal was opened, it took another month and a half before the “Hartson Leather Company” really established contact with the Atrian tribes living in the Midwest.

While leaving manpower to maintain the first batch of 15 temporary warehouses along the way, the first full-process transaction was finally completed, and the first pot of gold was dug from the inland.

Furthermore, affected by the continuous blocking of traffic by the “spiritual tide”, the fur that is a byproduct of hunting tribes has already piled up like a mountain, and every minute of delay is a waste of money. Work income is linked to performance. At this time, even scourges cannot stop their enthusiasm for making money.

The raw materials shipped back by the traders will enter the handmade fur workshops in St. Ivan, where they will be made into various finished garments before being shipped and transported to the mainland.

Only because Ivan knows that Buffalo has no future purely as a source of raw materials, and subsequent finishing to increase the added value can get the most benefit. He even established his own brand and gradually occupied the fur market.

Although it is only the beginning, all employees of the leather goods company believe in the bright future that Ivan portrays from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, another fleet of ships coming from afar from the tulips slowly docked in Port St. Ivan.

The main force in the fleet is still merchant ships, but the flagship of the **** fleet has not returned to China since it first came to the New World. It happened that by taking advantage of the opportunity of the last rebellion, Ivan was given a long holiday “Storm Horn”.

“Milan, here!”

The Atrian girl with smooth wheat-colored skin and wearing a goose-yellow lady’s skirt suddenly lit up in her big bright eyes when she saw a figure walking down from “Storm Horn”. Stand on tiptoe and wave vigorously.

“Apsaya! Why are you here?”

Seeing the lover who thinks about it day and night, Milan has already dashed to the girl’s side, and was picked up by the excited Princess Huron for several times.

When the couple, who had been separated for half a year, were still kissing each other fiercely.

Behind them, there are more people walking off the board.

“Brother, is this our new home?”

“Yes, although Buffalo is waiting to be thriving for the time being, Georgia is just getting started. But Lord Marquis is a benevolent lord, and I believe that under his leadership, this place will become the richest place in the entire New World. !”

Gary, who is like a tower, patted another young man who was a little like him. Behind him were his parents and four or five siblings who traveled with him across the ocean.

It is clear that the family has been relocated, and they are ready to be “hanged” on the big tree of Aiwen.

Also, Gary’s situation is not an isolated case. Not only did “Storm Horn” return all the staff, but most of them took advantage of the holiday to return home to bring their families.

The idea of ​​these 350 crew members is simple.

As Avin’s direct descendants, their various treatments in the New World are much better than those in the Kingdom, and everyone feels that their rapid promotion to the Marquis Captain, the future is far more than that.

I have already bought the original stocks, and every fool knows the truth.


In response to the construction plan of the Avon Territory, they moved their families to Long Island, which has been classified as a private estate of Marquis, with a total area of ​​4,500 square kilometers. They will also be the first vassals to be bound to the Garriot family, and the affiliation will continue for generations.

This is also the necessary accumulation of every noble family, in exchange for generational loyalty and sacrifice in exchange for the cultivation and funding of the lord. It lasted for several generations and became the most loyal and reliable team of a noble family.

Many housekeepers, personal guards and even dead men kept in the homes of the great nobles mostly came from here. In many cases, this will be a more reliable force than the relatives.

St. Ivan, which has gradually entered the fast lane of development, is more than that.

Because of its superior geographical location, it is a natural gateway connecting the New World with the Old World.

But in the past, during Ilya’s rule, like many countries, they used this place as a source of local resources, only thinking about continuous plundering, and never thought about building this place vigorously.

Ivan, who is very optimistic about the development here, wants to keep the pioneers and capitals who have come here from the old continent in this precious land.

On the basis of a large world-class port, upgrade to a trade center connecting the north, south and east. Through the accumulation of capital and talents, riding on a series of waves of productivity changes such as steam industrialization, it will further develop into the world’s manufacturing center and trade Center and financial center.

In particular, finance is a double-edged sword for a country. You cannot rely on it as the foundation, but you must not turn a blind eye to it.

In another world, international bankers manipulate huge amounts of capital and can even determine the rise and fall of a country. It is difficult for even a government that gathers all the people’s power to resist.

They set up banks to absorb public deposits and pay interest, and then earn profits through investment in the industry, and then distribute the profits obtained to the accounts of the depositing public.

And this process of investment has allowed bankers to unknowingly penetrate their tentacles into multiple industries.

As a trend of world development, if Aiwen does not make early layout in this industry, sooner or later, someone else will fill in these gaps for him under the guidance of interests.

So, Hawkins, who left the New World for a long time and went to Ugor Island to take charge of construction affairs, just returned, and under the authorization of Ivan, he selected a group of financial elites from the territory’s talent pool.

The “Long Island Development Bank” was established in St. Ivan, which is also engaged in insurance business.

It is also the second “state-owned” enterprise fully controlled by Hou Guo after the “Hartson Leather Goods Company”.

In his new team, there is the widow of Speaker Jerome, who has been renamed Edith Hobbyn, a very young and charming lady.

Although the appearance has been changed, the level of appearance is still the same as before. I have to say that this guy Hawkins is still…cough, very discerning.

After presided over the bank’s ribbon-cutting ceremony with Olivia and explained his development ideas, Ivan no longer manages too many bank affairs. Although secular wealth is important to him, it is not fundamental, and Aiwen has already re-entered his new subject for the first time.


Witcher Tower, the third layer of internal ecological circulation system.

After being promoted to the upper wizard, he has gradually expanded the space in the wizard tower, and the smallest floor has been enlarged by at least three times. This area with the largest space has almost become a huge botanical garden.

After finding “The Knight of the Iron Wall” Ambrus, but trying to find no results, Ivan has temporarily put aside the so-called “clock that will appear in this era…”.

It is not worth spending too much energy on things that are not sure whether they have anything to do with them.

Returning to focus on the improvement of my own strength, it is also the most important research topic [gene theory] at present.

Especially at this time, the Silver Knights happened to provide themselves with a very interesting material.


Four shining silver flying horses, which are at least 2.6 meters tall, but weigh very light, only about 300 kilograms. The flight relies on strong, powerful wings and outstanding talented spell abilities. .

Ivan and An Qi discovered that Pegasus is not a celestial creature close to the energy body, like Minnie, the envoy of the ambassador possessed by Angel, but a demonized creature with flesh and blood in the material world.

Perhaps a long time ago, it was indeed possible to go through the “Church of Dawn” or other people, artificial hybridization or demonization induction, to produce this kind of seemingly sacred and extraordinary, and it can also make a second-order official knight A powerful flying unit that can be ridden.

Except for the dragon, it is simply an excellent mount that every knight dreams of.

Silver knights equipped with bows, crossbows and spears have the same advantages when facing ground troops as [Emerald Corona] facing ordinary sea warships.

Ivan also knows that the powerful knight holding the holy sword easily gave up these flying horses without worrying about being copied by others. The difficulty of raising is on one hand, and on the other hand, because these four flying horses are all males, even if they are acquired by others, they cannot reproduce normally.

Aven, wearing a wizard robe, sneered at this moment: “Innocent.”

If you have urgent needs, you don’t actually need a whole horse, just a drop of blood is enough.

Just as at this moment, he and An Qi are staring at several processed blood slides in the light source in front of them, and with the help of [Witchcraft·Supermicro Vision], they are interpreting the secrets like reading a book.

With the continuous development of “micro-vision”, it is no longer a problem to “see” the gene structure at the micro-molecular level directly.

The DNA double helix is ​​composed of two DNA single strands in opposite directions. Each single strand is composed of four bases (A, T, C, and G), and forms DNA according to the principle of base complementary pairing. Double stranded.

The so-called “gene” is a DNA fragment with genetic effects, and is the basic unit of heredity to control biological traits.

Compared with the 01 code of a computer program, [Gene] is just a four-base pair sequence code. They are now able to get a sample and extract the life code from DNA like a hard drive.

Since the creation of the witchcraft [supermicroscopic vision] last summer, they have begun to explore the secrets hidden in the blood of ordinary creatures, demonized creatures, and supernatural beings in this world.

In addition to recording relevant theoretical knowledge in the inheritance secret volume “Sacrifice of Flesh”~IndoMTL.com~Aven also produced an additional magic book “Genetic Code”.

Record the various biological [gene] sequences that have been decoded in this magic book, and become the cornerstone of the follow-up research by the members of the school. By the way, it also provides theoretical support for transforming [Talent Spells·Bloodline Plug-in] into general witchcraft of the school.

This milestone in the life sciences of the “Biological Genome Project (Not Just Humans)” is dominated by Aiwen, with An Qi as the deputy. This is to provide an excellent research direction for An Qi, who has successfully crossed the veteran formal wizard barrier, and obtain the resources for promotion to the third rank in the future.

Ivan is still guiding An Qi forward more.

So, when he noticed that An Qi’s face beside him suddenly showed a trace of surprise, Ivan couldn’t help but leaned over and asked:

“Angie, have you encountered any problems?”

The girl raised her head, with doubts gleaming in her silver pupils, she said to Irvine with some uncertainty:

“I seem to have found something extraordinary in the [Gene] sequence of Pegasus, teacher, I think you’d better come and take a look!”

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