Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 632: The Mission of the Paladin


In the afternoon sun, a four-man and four-horse team of Silver Knights flew in the direction of the “mountain giant” with four long traces in the white cloud bottom.

Obviously, this mountain-like humanoid demon, for them passing by from the sky, even if they don’t even think about it.

Furthermore, after discovering this horrible existence in the eyes of normal people, what they immediately thought was not to retreat, but to approach reconnaissance.

Probably because it is backed by the strong “Church of Dawn” in the local area, this silver knight team has not experienced the severe beatings of the society, and its style is quite rampant.

But in any case, the “Silver Knight” is also one of the elites of the “Church of Dawn”, and the necessary tactical qualities are still there. When they were at least 15 kilometers away from the mountain giant, they gradually slowed down and circled the “mountain giant”.

It is puzzling.

After they saw the whole picture of the mountain giant and clearly realized the power gap between the two sides, the Silver Knight team did not intend to leave at all, but rushed to the high altitude and hovered there.

“The organization of the Silver Knight team should include at least five members including at least one Tier 3 knight. There seems to be a leader-level character missing here. Are these guys waiting for support after completing the investigation? ?”

After thinking about it for a while, Ivan was keenly aware of the latent intentions of several silver knights that were not well-intentioned.

Especially with Aiwen’s status today, he knows very well that neither the “Iron Wall Knight” nor the “Silver Knight” is a permanent force in the colony.

It would be a coincidence to meet one family alone, but in a short period of time, he encountered two paladins who were obviously just coming to the New World from the mainland, so he would have to doubt the trickiness of them.

Not to mention.

Although Ivan himself has no hatred with the Silver Knight, he has not forgotten that the sword mark that penetrated half of the body of “Mountain Giant” was just repaired by which force three hundred years ago. from!

So there was a move in my heart.

The “Mountain Giant” stopped and turned to the direction where the Silver Knights were hovering.

Lunge down and squat, and amidst their slight agitation, they stepped and jumped.

Boom! ! !

After a major earthquake, it was like a landslide, leaping over a distance of ten kilometers.

The right hand, which was covered with moss like a hill, suddenly protruded into the air.


A circle of ocher ripples suddenly exploded in the palm of the mountain giant.

“Not good, take it high!”

I don’t know how long it has been to fight against the high-level wizards, and the silver knights who have seriously underestimated the explosive power of a “mountain” must pull the reins and pull the distance again.

But it was already engulfed by the circles of ocher ripples.

Immediately, a heavy force acting on every cell caused these silver knights to sink in an instant involuntarily.


Even if they keep flashing with buffing magical auras, the Pegasus under the crotch neighs desperately flapping its wings, it can’t change this trend in the slightest.

The “Mountain Giant” that has been restored has three types of magic abilities in addition to its powerful power: [Gravity Core], [Commanding the Earth Element], and [Landslide].

Digging the canal depends on [Commanding the Earth Element], and just using the [Gravity Core].

The mountain giant stretched out his hand and fished lightly, the direction of gravity was changed again, and they had already fished them even the man and the horse into the spacious palm of his hand. At this time, each of them seemed to have a huge weight on their bodies, and they couldn’t even move them.



As the mountain giant lowered his head slightly, a pair of opal-like auras slowly flickered in his eyes.

[Jewelry Witchcraft·Magic]

Under Irving’s signal, Olivia slowly asked the first question to the four people whose eyes were gradually dull:

“Why did you come to the territory of tulips?”

Although it took a lot of time to resist because of their efforts, the answers of the four people were exactly the same:

“We are using air superiority to perform reconnaissance missions, to see if there are any abnormal personnel that may threaten the mission of the church, to mark them in advance, collect intelligence, or… eradicate them.”

Ivan and Olivia looked at each other, realizing that these Paladins came to the New World with a big problem. What mission deserves such a big fanfare?

Quickly asked:

“The mission of the church? What is the mission?”

However, this question seemed to have touched the forbidden zone in their consciousness suddenly, and they all resisted with unprecedented intensity.

Olivia also hurriedly held a huge opal in her hand to increase the power output, trying to suppress their resistance again.

And these silver knights are indeed the elites of the elites of the morning church. Although they were caught off guard by Ivan and the others, everyone’s will was extremely tenacious.

One by one, clenched his teeth, half-awake, all subconsciously exhausted his whole body to fight against the spells that confuse the mind.

It wasn’t until two minutes later that the youngest-looking knight broke through, struggling to speak slowly:

“Our… mission is… to… will appear in… the clock of this age…”

“Shut up!”


Suddenly a sonorous sword sound in the sky interrupted what he was about to say, and the sacred power contained in it also directly dispelled the magic effect of Olivia [Op’s Eye·Magic Heart], the four silver knights He immediately regained his consciousness.


A brilliant sword light emerged from the sky, and then suddenly turned into golden lightning and shot down.

People have not yet arrived, and a solemn prayer has resounded loudly between heaven and earth:

“I swear in the name of Languedoc: Blow the horn of fertility and take care of the herd of God!”


When the golden rainbow-like sword light flashes, it is necessary to cut off the mountain giant’s right arm directly to rescue his companion.

[Holy Sword·Levadin]

This is the weapon used by the fertile angel Frey under the command of “Dawn and Dawn”, and it is also the confidence of those who dare to swing their swords at “Mountain Giant”.

Just like the divine weapon [Holy Gun Durandal] used to suppress the opera **** Percell in “Newin Harbor”, it is also a powerful force bestowed by the gods on mortals.

However, the magical tool only has the power of the magical tool only when it is used by the gods, let alone a holy sword?

The left arm of “Mountain Giant” has a circle of frost-white sword energy, carrying a sharp sound, tearing the air, and hitting it hard.


The golden sword light shot backwards, and a tall and burly figure appeared from it.

There is no doubt that this is the captain of the Silver Knights team-the peak knight Languedoc.

A circle of gold rims like ears of wheat are inlaid beside the great knight, allowing him to stand in the air. Looking at the mountain giant in front of him, Languedoc’s golden pupils shrank slightly.

Even though every sect has the holy sword, only the devout paladin who serves the gods physically and mentally can wield it. Don’t use it, but you may get a serious backlash if you touch it.

The effect is of course strong, even if the sword bearer is just a peak-level knight, but with the help of this weapon, he is definitely not weak in Tier 4.

At this time, even though he has been retracted into the sheath again, Shenguang Zhanzhan seems to violently kill at any time.

It is not so much that the knight is using the holy sword, it is better to say that the knight is the waiter of the holy sword. Through the feedback of the holy sword, he has clearly realized the power of this rock giant ~ IndoMTL.com~ However, it was just a random blow in haste, and it didn’t mean anything.

However, just as he put his hand on the hilt of the sword like golden wheat ears, he suddenly heard a voice from the mountain giant: “The man is back to you, and the Pegasus is left as a plea for it.”

Wow! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Gravity flipped, four figures were thrown out instantly.

“I hope you can remember the lesson next time, don’t just go to other people’s territory casually”

Feeling the [Gravity] in the palm of the opponent that even the holy sword could not cut off, Languedoc took a deep look at the mountain giant with his golden eyes.

I didn’t say a word of nonsense, and a rainbow light like golden wheat ears was sprinkled straight to his companion, and instantly broke through the air.

Liu Aiwen and the three people stared at their leaving backs, and at the same time their faces were slightly solemn:

“The clock that will appear in this era…?”

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