Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 573: The blood is stripped!


   Between the flapping wings, it flew to the sky above the square where a dragon was lying.

   Ivan lowered his eyes and looked at his feet indifferently, the two Tier 3 dragon men whose faces were panicked because of the Lord’s anger.

   I’m not in the mood to negotiate with a doomed enemy, so I won’t talk about these two people first.

   At the moment they heard the movement and raised their heads in shock, a bright red witchcraft light flashed above Ivan’s head, and the “Sacrifice of Flesh” had automatically jumped out, and the pages of the book “Hula La” quickly flipped.


   A flood of iron and steel poured down from the pages of the book like a real flood. That is a total of fifty-two people remaining in the [Mobile Barracks] that are equivalent to the second-order transcendent [flesh puppets]!

   Although there are not many people, it is already a terrorist force capable of slaughtering a small human city.

  锵! Cang! Cang! …

   The well-forged two-handed epee in mid-air has been out of its sheath, turning into a sharp and sharp wave in the torrent of steel, and it swept toward the two people on the ground.

   “Wow! Who are you?”

   In response to the anger of the Sea Emperor Dragonman Andreas, only the epee cold front that the flesh and blood puppet slammed down.

   They have no emotions, no self, no pain, and they don’t care about anything except obeying their master’s orders. They are the perfect killing machine in the hands of Ivan.

   at the same time.

   An Qi was carefully placed on the back of the white deer who had been summoned, and Ivan was also smashed down with the rolling thunderstorm wrapped in his arms.

   Andreas was surrounded by neighing water vortex torrents. He just waved his sturdy arms and knocked out the two [flesh puppets] that had attacked him, and Ivan rushed in front of him like lightning.

   Facing the empty door opened by the dragon man, the monster-like power in Ivan’s body has been integrated, stepping and stumbling, the thunder flashing right elbow is like Thor’s hammer, and it hits the dragon man with scales like a city wall. On the thick chest and abdomen.



   The dragon man’s upper body fell backwards, but he was caught by Ivan at his feet. He suffered severe damage and increased his weight loss. While the dragon man opened his mouth and spouted blood, he slammed back into the ground fiercely.

  When the power gap between the enemy and ours is huge, this lying down is destined to be eternal.

  The [flesh puppets] in heavy armor swarmed up and put a two-handed epee on his neck. The Tier 3 powerhouse was restrained with one move, and it was not as good as the performance of the “Tiger Spirit” big shaman in the secret realm when facing the “Sea Snake God”.

   Although he was a bit wrong about the nature of the dragon man being strong and capable, Ivan’s movements were not slow at all. It didn’t take much effort at all to deal with another female dragon who had already fluttered into the air when the situation was bad.

   kicked her out of the sky after just three or five moves.


   Aiwen’s current attributes have reached: 7.2 Constitution, 7.2 Strength, 7.2 Agility, 4.99 Mental Strength, plus a master-level swordsmanship level. It didn’t take much effort to deal with two dragon people who grew up naturally by blood, and didn’t know how many years it took to reach the third rank.

   In Aiwen’s eyes, their fighting skills except brute force are almost the same as children.

   is the same as the principle of “do not practice your hands and feet for one day, and lose half if you don’t practice for two days.” Only constant fighting is the only way to maintain a strong strength. In an overly comfortable environment, you will inevitably not cultivate a strong fighter.

   and it may be because they have stayed in this extremely closed place for many years. The two dragons have strength, but the combat experience may not be as good as that of an ordinary naval soldier on the “horn of storm.”

After    landed, I personally put them on the [Transcendental Handcuff Lock] to force them to restore their human form, and used the technique of tying the transcendents to bind them firmly, even if they move a little bit, it will make people feel painful.

   Aiwen looked at the two dragon men with horror in their eyes, and clapped their hands lightly:

   “It seems that you are living very comfortably under the protection of that existence, but you are only dragon people, not Tianlong people. Is it really good to be pampered to this level?”

   gently pulled Angela who fell on the ground to her side, pointing to the mark on the girl’s shoulder, her face became cold:

   “You guys tell me, what does this mark mean?”

  Although the two people understood the origin of this unsuspecting disaster at the moment they saw An Qi, their worship of the power of the main **** far exceeded their fear of Aiwen, and they obviously had no meaning to cooperate.

   Andreas, the sea king dragon, even yelled with his neck:

   “Huh! Hades is not a place where you can go wild, let us go if you are interested. Let me restart the sacrifice and return the sacrifices belonging to the main god. Maybe you can still die a little bit easier!”

   Aiwen raised his brows. This was not the answer he wanted to hear.


   followed a top-heavy weird curse.

   Still floating overhead, an invisible force struck Andreas with lightning speed.

  【Witchcraft·Blood Reverse Flow】

   The power of the pinnacle wizard, with the blessing of a powerful magic book, the strength of the witchcraft cast is not much weaker than that of ordinary Tier 3 witchcraft.


   a terrible cry from his mouth.

  The veins of the Tier 3 dragons burst out, and the blood vessels twisted like snakes, making people wonder whether they would burst and explode in the next moment.

   In just a few short breaths, Andreas, who was imprisoned with all his powers, was already drenched with sweat.

   Irving’s face doesn’t change color, he said lightly:

   “Now, let me ask, you two will answer, is it clear enough?”

  Leonie, the Storm Dragon, who was frightened by the tragedy of his companions, did not dare to say a word of nonsense, and quickly said:

  ”Enough! Enough! That is the sacrificial mark of the dragon **** “Dark Dragon” Nidhogg. Although the **** is bound by duty and cannot leave the source of the “Stay River”, there should be other areas soon The dragon man followed the mark to Mitte.

   There may even be powerful dragon law enforcers who belong to the real underworld on the left bank of the Styx River to chase you down. They fight with underworld monsters all the year round. They are completely different from the managers of our branch territories. “

   But out of the pride of an underworld administrator, Leoni couldn’t help but add another sentence in the end:

   “You can never escape. Even suicide in the Hades cannot save your souls. Returning the sacrifice is the only choice.”

   “Answer wrong!”

   Irving unceremoniously also gave her a [Blood Reverse Flow] to get her back to the subject.


   In the intermittent narration of the two dragon men, he understood what kind of power he and An Qi will face.

  The [Stay], which runs through all the realms of the **** of death, originally came from three springs, namely, the fountain of holiness, the fountain of wisdom, and the fountain of cold mist. Each spring has incredible power.

   The dragon kings “Black Dragon” and “Ancestral Dragon” Nidhogg, the dragon kings of the level equivalent to the demigods, are entrenched in an endless swamp beyond the source of the Styx River.

   He is the guardian of the three springs, the gatekeeper of the Hades, and the “extraordinary source” of the dragon people.

  , however, is not the kind of “extraordinary source” that humans think of in the general sense.

   The golden crown of the frog **** that Ivan saw at the time, acts as a powerful “radiation source” carrying specific rules, knowledge, and energy, and unconsciously transforms the environment around Kunsai City.

   formed a mystery like a fairy tale, and also produced many creatures that are rare in other places, such as gem shells.

   And the power radiated by this dragon king is consistent with the meaning of the golden crown, and it is also the root of these dragon men and dragon beasts.

   Therefore, they are not the normal descendants of giant dragons and humans, but dragon family members who are invaded by the power, knowledge, and power of mysterious existence.

  Dragons are not only their race, but also their profession.

  Of course.

   Even so, in the final analysis, the blood of the dragon king on them is of a higher level than the blood of Anita’s Shanghai dragon. These are real dragons, not subdragon species like sea dragons. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Looking at the past, the species is very rich, from the very common green dragon, white dragon, black dragon… to the two third-tier leaders of the storm dragon and the sea emperor dragon. At a glance, there are at least a dozen species.

   But it is obviously the result of adapting to the environment of [Hades], and there is no such positive element tendency as the red dragon.

   If it weren’t for their current situation, it would be a paradise for “living chemistry” wizards. Ivan would like to stay here for a while to explore the secrets behind the dragon veins.

   From their mouth, Ivan also got another important clue about the “dark dragon”.

   By the riverside of the [Stay], there is often a shadow of a black-robed man with dragon wings wandering around. The residents of Hades are called “gatekeeper”, “angel of death”, “sue the dead”. His duty is Lead all the creatures that come here to the end of their destiny.

   In other words, the left bank of [Stay] is the farthest power projection range of the “black dragon”. This is also the reason why he didn’t choose to shoot directly after projecting his will through the [Sacrificial Gate].

After    pondered for a while, even though Ivan didn’t report any hope, he still asked them:

  ”As one of the administrators of [Underworld], you dragon people, can’t open the underworld?”

   As expected, Andreas laughed at himself:

  ”Oh, the so-called managers are just another kind of dead souls with flesh and blood. This is the home of the dead and our prison.

   If you ask us, it’s better to ask the shamans in the lower reaches of the [Stay], based on the “Pyramid of Castillo”, let them communicate with Uho to reopen the Mitte and let you go out. “

   Obviously, the dragon people still don’t know that Wuhao, the Atrian’s “god of death”, has been silent. Of course, Ivan will not say much. But I also understand that [Hades] has hierarchical and geographical management authority, and only Wu Hao has the “key” for Mitte and the gate of the material world.

   But knowing that there is no need to worry that a demigod will commit suicide, Ivan has been relieved a lot.

  ”Then those who follow [Sacrificial Mark] will come here, will there be fourth-order dragon people? How can they cross the space to reach Mitte?”

   has already answered so many questions from Ivan, and the two dragons also went out and broke the jar. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

  ”Even an ordinary adult dragon is only Tier 4. As far as I know, the limit of dragon people is Tier 3, but there are strengths and weaknesses in Tier 3. In the underworld across the river, there must be better than you There are even stronger Tier 3 dragon people, and there may be far more than one.

   As for how to get here?

   We dragon people master the way to enter other death gods through [Stay]. When there is fog on the river, drip the blood of the dragon veins from the “dark dragon” into the oil lamp to guide the way, so that you can travel freely on the Styx.

   But it must be at least Tier 3 or higher, and the blood of three different types of dragon people. The more the number, the better the effect, because it will be closer to the original authority of the ‘black dragon’.

   And the distance above [Sty River] is not a problem at all. Maybe tomorrow, at the latest, the day after tomorrow, there will be powerful dragon warriors here. “

   Hearing this, An Qi’s body couldn’t help but tremble a little even though I kept pulling Ivan’s strong palm.

   Aiwen’s face is also a little heavy.

   Although it is not the first time facing a demigod.

   When Hipponoah recovered, the guardian of the kingdom and the pope were in front.

   Although faced with a chaotic ancient god~IndoMTL.com~ last time in “The Sea of ​​Mist”, “The God of Labyrinth” did not have targeted subjective malice.

   But this time, it was different. A demigod’s malice was not concealed at all, and no one stood in front of him.

   Under the premise that there is no way to leave [Hades] directly for the time being.

  My top priority is to advance to Tier 3 as quickly as possible. If there are no real dragons of Tier 4 here, under the suppression of the upper wizard’s level, even if facing more Tier 3 dragons, it’s not a problem. .

   looked down at the two dragon men, a slight smile appeared on Aiwen’s face:

   “Very good, thank you for your cooperation, the two of you did not lie.”

  When the two people were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Ivan’s next words directly sent them back to hell:

   “So, are you ready to atone for everything you did to Angela before?”

   The “Sacrifice of Flesh” on the top of his head quickly turned, and the red brilliance of blood was poured out.

  bell! bell! bell! …

   In the sky, countless runes, spells, spells… form a chain of circles, endless knowledge collides and cheers in the red light.

  The wind of spirituality blew the cloak on Aiwen, and he stood here and solemnly declared:

  ”The altar unfolds! The blood is stripped!!!”

   At the moment before being overwhelmed by the red light, two Tier 3 dragon men who were completely restrained and unable to resist were horrified and wailed:


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