Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 57: Respective worries

   Dealing with the smuggling merchant ships did not delay them too much time. The two warships arrived at Lighthouse Island on time three days later according to the scheduled voyage.

   Lieutenant General Snett and his entourage boarded the island, while most of the combatants on the two battleships stayed on board to form the security force for the celebration.

   Aiwen has no interest in this kind of celebration which is more of a business carnival. Apart from the inevitable necessary inspection work, he has stayed on the boat to meditate and practice, and at the same time try to avoid the attention of “Zorro”.

   The status between him and “Zorro” now is that he knows “Zorro” and “Zorro” also knows him; he knows the true identity of “Zorro”, but “Zorro” never named him Avon Garriott’s navy lieutenant connected.

  In Aiwen’s thoughts, the two may not have any intersection in the future. Instead of bearing the consequences of not knowing good or bad after revealing their identities, it is better to avoid them at the beginning.

   “After all… his dad is a lieutenant general!!!”

   isn’t Irving’s counseling bag, but who has the boss behind it? Can’t afford to offend, can’t afford to offend, goodbye!


  As time goes by.

   Large and small boats and bustling people slowly gathered on this very deserted island on weekdays. Under the auspices of many chambers of commerce from all over the country, the warm-up activities of the celebration were opened in advance.

   Colorful flags are fluttering on the island, and a temporary theater is also set up.

   In the grand rehearsal ceremony, the gorgeously dressed dancers, the unruly artists, the rough poets, and the reporters sent by major newspapers, all kinds of personnel activities, injected new vitality into this remote island.

  Because of the large gathering of people with complex identities, the work of the navy sent by the three major fleets to participate in the event is not easy. As the official representatives of the kingdom, they must also maintain order on the island.

  Large mass gathering events, no matter where they are placed in the world, they are enough to attract the attention of those in power!

  , as a rare second-order official knight, Aiwen does not have much work, mainly as a mobile force to deal with problems that ordinary sailors can’t handle.



   At this time, he had no work and was busy, standing on the bow of the Silver Wing, waving a handful of bird food mixed with potion. Dozens of seabirds hovering in the sky quickly swooped down and moved swiftly and skillfully, and the bird food was eaten up before it fell into the sea.

   These are the preliminary research results of Aiwen’s “Bird Transformation Witchcraft”. After all, are there any birds in the vast sea that are more reliable, diverse, and unobtrusive than seabirds?

   And Ivan also worked **** the selection of seabird species.

   From the most common “white seagull” on the Black Sea shore to the extremely fast “needle-tailed petrel”, from the “black feather frigate bird” with its specific type and speed to the largest sea bird “the albatross”, although There are not many types but each has its own characteristics.

   After nearly a month of careful cultivation, although little progress has been made in the transformation technique, they have been fully qualified as scouts who have taken “Bird Whisper Potion” for a long time.

   listening to their chirping in my ears, Ivan’s heart has automatically translated the “code” of the seabirds’ hearts. Invalid information is directly eliminated, and valuable information is gathered up and processed quickly.

   Two more merchant ships have just arrived in port… The drinks used for the celebration have been put into storage… The two opera troupes are fighting over who is more famous, and sailors have already gone to deal with it… etc.

  With the end of the feeding, Irvine’s intelligence gathering work also came to an end.

   “Another peaceful day.”

  The transformation of the seabirds is still very primitive. Although it can automatically collect information, it seems like a drone with only Bluetooth transmission function. It can only be recorded with their very touching brain capacity and then handed over to Ai Text analysis and processing.

   and they themselves can’t distinguish the priorities, nor can they understand the meaning.

  In Aiwen’s vision, in the future, a “central processing bird” should be specially cultivated as a “base station”, which is responsible for processing the information collected by the birds, and even after the seabirds are matured, they can help to command the battle.

   is like the crow swarm commanded by the crow hag before. It can do nothing but a swarm of suicide attacks. I’m really sorry for this huge potential witchcraft.

  , only then can this “seabird legion” become a real complement to the combat power in Aiwen’s hand that can be used as the trump card.

   But it’s too early to say this. The reason Ivan brought out all the hundreds of seabirds accumulated this time is to sum up experience in continuous use and prepare for continuous improvement in the future.

   How to turn ideas into reality is also a daunting challenge for Aiwen.

  While Ivan was thinking hard about his seabird training plan, Mr. Zorro on the other side also got into some kind of trouble.

  Different from Aiwen living on a warship, “Zorro” was placed in the best condition hotel on the island as soon as he landed ashore, with a luxurious independent suite.

   Sitting behind the carved cherry wood desk, “Zorro” fixed his eyes on the crystal ball that was emitting a white light on the desk.

  As an apprentice-level wizard of the school of prophecy, he has already been able to apply the tarot divination and spiritual number divination that the first-order “divine master” of his own extraordinary path should master ~IndoMTL.com~ but in front of him There is another big mountain that needs to be crossed, and that is the “crystal ball divination” that applies one’s own spirituality and resonance with the crystal ball to divination.

   Known as the most difficult apprentice-level “crystal ball divination”, it is very effective in predicting large-scale events and missing people and objects, but it has made him stuck for a whole year.

   is not to say that he cannot use this kind of divination. As early as when he was practicing divination as a fortune teller of the “crow bazaar”, he was able to master it proficiently, and he had also successfully predicted the whereabouts of saltwater crocodile for Ivan.

  His current predicament is that as part of the promotion ceremony, only by successfully completing a prophecy that affects the life and death of hundreds of people or more, or an event of equal influence, can he become a second-order official wizard “prophet.” “The prerequisite.

   This is also his original intention to change his usual style of hiding himself as much as possible (for example, dressing up as “Zorro” stealing?), and voluntarily ran out to participate in celebrations to expose himself in an attempt to participate in major events.

   this time.

   In “Zorro”‘s eyes, the light clouds and ribbons floating in the crystal ball have different meanings in his eyes. From time to time, some fragments of images or sounds pass through the spirituality of mutual inductance between him and the crystal ball.

   Now he is not making prophecies, but using the unique sorcery of the prophecy school to monitor Beacon Island to see if there is a source of turmoil, and he can give himself a chance. It’s a pity that, like Ivan’s seabirds, he hasn’t gained much from landing on the island until now.

   “Ah…ah… Am I really not talented as a prophet?”

  Without a clue for a long time, “Zorro” stretched out his limbs in a self-defeating manner and sat on a chair like a catty cat.

   A look that has been played with by fate and can no longer resist…

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