Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 547: Escape

Northern New World, Buffalo, a colony of the Kingdom of Ilya.

For ordinary civilians, it is mostly because of last resort, that they leave the kingdom and come to the new world to find a way out, and it is almost impossible to return to their hometown.


They still have some hope in this land, which is vast enough although it is full of dangers. As a natural “superior” Nimmanster, as long as he is not lazy, it is not too difficult to support his family.

However, recently…the situation has changed somewhat.

“Jonson, have you heard? Yesterday, the two loggers entered the cedar forest and have not come out until now. It is very likely that an accident has occurred.”

“Mr. Mayor, I heard that this should be the third disappearance in half a month, right?”

In a very warm wooden house that is not luxurious but decorated, a man with a burly physique and a lush beard poured a glass of water for a well-dressed old man next to him.

There is no tea or coffee. Obviously, this family may have no problem with food and clothing, but it is not rich enough to purchase luxury goods to entertain customers.

Receiving the water glass, the old man frowned and was obviously thinking about it:

“Yeah! There must be some cannibal beast running around the town.

I have decided to organize a hunting team to enter the forest to kill the beasts, so that this homeland that has been built together since your father’s generation can be restored to peace.

As the most powerful hunter and militia captain in the town, this action is up to you. “

The man named Jonson heard the words and banged his sturdy chest muscles loudly and agreed:

“No problem, please don’t worry, Mr. Mayor. Tomorrow I will call people into the woods and go around.”

On hearing these words from the man, the old mayor loosened his frowning brows and let out a deep breath:

“Please, Jonson!”

Talking with the burly man for a while, the mayor put on his pearl-encrusted top hat, lifted the silver-handled cane, stood up and left.

Until the old man’s figure disappeared completely at the end of the field of vision, the look on the hearty hunter’s face changed in an instant, and there was a vague sparkle in his eyes, and he took a sip:

“Bah, a beast that eats people? Is there a beast in the forest that can kill two adults at once? I don’t know?

Since the complete fall of the colonial governor and the strange people of Syracuse came to town, people have been missing continuously in the past two months. Do you treat everyone else as a fool?

Organizing hunters to enter the forest is not to destroy the ‘beast’, but to give some ‘monsters’ who don’t know what to eat! “

After venting slightly, knowing that time is running out, Jonson turned and rushed back to the house quickly.

After the “guest” left, his wife in a coarse dress and their son had walked out of the bedroom.

“Quick! Sandi, you pack your things right away, Buffalo definitely can’t stay any longer.

This old guy has clearly been eyeing us, he wants to eliminate our unstable factors and turn the entire town into a food reserve for ‘monsters’ in captivity! “

They may be somewhat blocked from the news of too far, but with the fall of the original governor of the kingdom, the archon of the largest city in the vicinity of Siracusa also quietly changed.

There are more and more weird people with blue-white skin and cold temperament that can freeze people.

The disappearance of humans in the colony has also begun to emerge in an endless stream, and an inexplicable sense of panic has gradually spread in the nearby towns, which everyone can experience firsthand.

Jonson is also a well-informed person as the captain of the militia. This feeling is particularly deep. He has already noticed something wrong and has made arrangements.

Today the old mayor’s “please” made him instantly aware of his dangerous situation, and therefore made his final determination.

But the ten-year-old son hasn’t realized that this is an escape journey to say goodbye to the hometown of a generation, he raised his head and asked curiously:

“Dad, where are we going?”

Gently hugged his son, the man stared into his eyes and said seriously:

“Let’s go to the Port of Long Island not far from here, where there are free ships that can take us to the stable colony of Falitis in the south. In this dangerous land, only a strong leader can guarantee us The stability of life.

Little Dick, do you dad a favor. Go and find your three uncles, Duval, Eden, and King, to bring me a message and ask them to gather at our house immediately. “



Five kilometers west of Long Island Port.

Clang! clang! clang! …

Sparks are constantly blooming in the night sky. “Maywind”‘s sailor, the official knight Chris, and the fifth-tier ship “Waggle”, the captain of the tree of life totem Samurai Zenaro, are wielding a long sword and besieging a tall tower together. Vigorous figure.


Even in the face of the siege of two formal transcendents, this figure holding two thin-bladed straight knives seemed to be able to advance and retreat, and the strength was far above the two.

Even while evasive, he was full of rants and continued to add fuel to the fire of two rivals who were already burning with anger.

“Oh, I can’t call it, I can’t call it!”

“Oh, it’s a pity, it’s only a centimeter away from my sleek buttocks!”

“Admit it, you are just jealous that I can pinch the cow at will! And my cow is bigger than all of you! Ahahaha…”

There is no doubt that this venomous guy is a tool that Ivan has put on a layer of bionic skin…Oh, Billy the Clockworker.

With a “poisonous tongue”, all new colleagues have been offended in just one month.

So far he has not been taken away by someone “sap sap, sack, sink into the sea”, simply because he is too strong!

As for why they appear here?

Ivan took the treasure scoured from Bradley the “Oath Bearer” and used it as the starting capital for the territory.

Pigens Town, a marble business in the northern part of Georgian collar, a ceramic town in the middle, a steel city in the Cumberland Mountains to the west, and two deep-water ports of Savannah and Brunswick adjacent to the Black Sea in the east, including the first textile The factories have at least an outline.

Another main line of the cotton textile industry is a large area of ​​cotton plantations.

With the original strategy and the expansion of publicity, and excellent shipping conditions, many Ilya pioneers have gradually flocked to Georgia.

Although cotton is generally planted in April each year, the plantation will not be able to provide raw materials this year. However, in the humid subtropical monsoon climate, tobacco can be planted in September and harvested at the beginning of winter, so that the fields will not be left unused.

The main reason for this situation is the collapse of the governor system of the former Ilya Kingdom and the ravages of “ghouls” on the one hand; the rise of Aiwen’s fame these years, and the widespread spread among the tulips is the other.

Except for Falettis, the people of Ilya are probably the people who are most concerned about him because of the Galliot family.

Under the premise that many people need to serve as contract slaves for 4-7 years to pay for the ship, they have almost no ability to cross the Black Sea and return to the mainland after coming to the New World.

Leaving the colony of Ilya, which is gradually in dire straits, it is especially important to choose the right next home. The resounding name of Irving Garriott is the time to give full play to its own brand effect.


After the “High Cliff Fort” was breached, Geer had already arrived at Ilya with the “Maywind”, “Waggle” and two brig mixed sailboats stripped from the privateer fleet. Port of Long Island.

Almost completely wiped out the achievements of the “Oath Bearer” pirate group, so that the commander of the garrison, Lieutenant General Gustav, saved a lot of face in front of the Queen and the military. So everyone gives face to each other, and it’s not a big deal for Irving to use public equipment occasionally.

So now there is a third-order transcendent sitting in town. As long as the free people in this colony are willing to go, no one can force them to stop them.

Chris, Zenaro, and Billiefer, who are the oppressors, are stationed in this camp outside the city. The purpose is to prevent Ilya’s new owner from playing cards according to the rules of the game and taking precautionary measures in advance.

In fact, this kind of thing is not only done by Ivan himself, but also by the other five member states of Tulip. As the life span of the Kingdom’s guardian “Raging Sea Tide” has gradually come to an end, Ilya’s interior has also become a mess.

The entire kingdom has also come to the most turbulent time, what sovereignty and territorial integrity does the lonely colony of the New World come from? The allies haven’t touched this land for the time being, and they have also given the kingdom a last breath of face.

With Aiwen’s current status, status, and strength, it is enough to get a share of it, and no one will feel that he is not qualified.



A sudden gunshot in the wilderness alarmed the three people in the melee.

Billyfer, who had already surpassed the second-order peak knight, reacted the fastest, leaving two people behind and rushed out.

“Ahaha, I finally came across something interesting. I won’t play with you boring guys.”

Two kilometers further west to the mainland.

Two simple carriages have stopped. Three sturdy hunters in deerskin squatted halfway on the top of the carriage, confronting the five large but very skinny hyenas surrounded by the darkness.

The hands of the three men trembling slightly, watching a few humans with pale skin turn into hyenas, it almost broke their three views.

Only the hunter leader Jonson, who was carrying two Kenta baseline rifles behind his back, temporarily intimidated them with the smoldering rifle in his hand and the record of killing a hyena with a single shot.



While they were walking, they scratched the ground with their claws, and groaned in their throats. Obviously, these “hyenas” were not going to let them go.

At this moment.

In the darkness approaching the direction of Long Island Port, a happy laugh suddenly came out:

“Hahaha, come on, a showdown! I just want to kill everyone, or be killed by everyone!”

While a group of “hyenas” suddenly turned their heads and leaped forward and pounced.


A figure engulfed in the gust of wind flew in, and the two straight knives in his hand turned into a bright curtain of light, splashing with blood.


When the five “hyenas” landed, they turned into five white-skinned figures wearing long robes~IndoMTL.com~ Apparently they are not real hyenas, but ghouls with dual forms of humans and hyenas.

Bilver shook off the blood spatter of the blade and put the knife in its sheath, not forgetting to make up the knife with a poisonous tongue:

“Oh, sorry, it looks like I killed you all.”

While speaking, he was in the wide-open eyes of the hunters.

Stepped forward and patted the **** of these “ghouls” one by one, as if to confirm whether they were completely dead.

Slap! Snapped! Snapped! …

Uh, not only did Billy recover his original self, he seemed to have awakened something extraordinary.

His appraisal remains faintly in the night:

“This is too dry.”

“This is too much wood.”

“No one can compare to my Alice…”

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