Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 54: Return and new missions

   Irving didn’t think about buying some ingredients to cook at home, but after trying it once, he gave up. The time spent on cooking is too much for him.

  I might as well exercise my body when I have that time, or use it to study new knowledge about witchcraft.

   The good news is that the effect of “Whale Potion” is so good that Ivan’s expectation. On the premise of sufficient nutritional supply, at least the time for Aiwen’s extraordinary transformation was shortened by half, and in the process, his physical fitness is still growing rapidly.

  That alone is worth the adventure in the swamp.

   Time is hurried, and it will soon be two weeks later.

   in the room.

   Aiwen stared at himself in the mirror, his facial lines were soft and his eyes were firm, his skin was fair and moist but not weak at all, his figure was tall and sturdy and well-proportioned, and his muscle curves clearly contained powerful explosive power.

   In less than a month, Ivan seems to have undergone a complete rebirth, wiped out all the adverse effects of the acquired growth process, and reached the best state that can be achieved by innate genetic genes.

  No! It is even much higher than the upper limit determined by genetics.

   Appearance tends to be perfect, and the attributes have also undergone earth-shaking changes:

  Name: Irving·Galliott

  Gender: Male

  Military rank: Captain (belonging to the Silver Wing, Third Fleet of the Kingdom of Falettis)

   rank: junior formal knight/intermediate wizard apprentice

  Attribute: Constitution 1.82

  Strength 1.65

  Agility 1.95

  Spirit 0.34

  Skills: Basic Meditations (Introduction) White Sail Swordsmanship (Proficient) Falettis Sabre Technique (Proficient) Archery (Proficient) Grammar (Proficient) Navigation Knowledge (Introduction) Pharmacy (Introduction)

  The knight metamorphosis stage will release all the accumulations in the apprentice stage in a short time, thus completing the extraordinary qualitative change.

   Ivan’s original apprentice knight’s peak attribute of nearly 1 point limit is almost doubled at this time, not to mention, just a light fist is already stronger than using the “secret secret” full attack in the past!



   In the whistling fist wind, even the windows in the room shook slightly.

   “So strong!”

   Looking at his white fist, Ivan fell silent.

   Strength is only an external manifestation. The data that cannot be displayed on my immune system, various circulatory systems, cell activity, etc., has actually undergone qualitative changes. The extraordinary transformation is completed, and I am gradually walking out of the road of inhumanity. One small step.

   Aiwen believes that the current self alone can beat at least five of the past self, and can remain unharmed!

   This is the gap between the extraordinary and the mortal.

   Not only that, the mental power attributes that have just been developed have also risen due to the enhancement of physical attributes. The human body is a sophisticated and complex system that moves the whole body. Naturally, it is impossible to distinguish between various attributes.

   And Ivan was able to quickly cross the threshold between elementary and intermediate in less than a month after becoming an apprentice wizard.

   However, after this extraordinary transformation is over, it will be impossible to have this rocket-like speed afterwards. Whether it is mental or physical attributes, they can only accumulate step by step.

   “Boss, I bought butter bread, do you want to eat?” Gary’s voice came from downstairs.

   “Okay, I’ll get down right away.” Alvin changed his clothes and walked down the stairs.

   Silver Wing performed another cruise mission when Ivan was absent, but this time the mission was calm, no accidents occurred, and the voyage was very smooth.

   Tomorrow is the day to set sail again. During the two days when Gary came back to rest, he actually ate a lot of good things with Aiwen, well, in the name of a nutritious meal.

   “Boss, Master Captain explained that we are going to carry out an **** mission, and we can meet the big people of the fleet! Captain Gehr himself is a colonel. The big people should be at least a general, right?”

   Gary quickly stuffed butter bread into his mouth, while telling Irvine what he had heard.

After the transformation of    was completed, Ivan had already submitted an application for returning to the ship.

   “A big shot? I’m looking forward to it!” Hearing this, he took a bite of the sweet butter bread, looked at the large group of seabirds hovering outside the window, and said with a smile.


   The next day, Aiwen’s return was warmly welcomed by all the members of the “Silver Wing”.

   Although he is just a young captain who has just been promoted, his seniority can only be the last among the officers, but as the second official knight on the “Silver Wing”, Ivan’s true status on the “Silver Wing” is already a ship. The first person under Changgel.

  Although Ivan’s sudden emergence may reduce the interests of the veteran officers in a short time, it will make the overall strength of the “Silver Wing” skyrocket. The safety factor on the sea has also greatly increased, but in the long run it can bring more benefits to everyone.

   Moreover, the news that Ivan is Geer’s nephew is no longer a secret, so in addition to the grassroots sailors, the officers also sincerely welcomed Ivan’s return.

   “Just do you think that there are so many seabirds in the sky today?” After the simple welcome ceremony, the navigator Trius said to himself somewhat strangely. As the navigator, he said to the seabirds The pointers of ships on the sea are very sensitive.

  ”That’s the white seagull, the most common bird in the Black Sea coast ~ IndoMTL.com~ is the black feather frigate bird, with a wingspan of more than three meters, flying very fast, and specializes in looting other birds. Kind of prey.”

  ’s rich knowledge allowed Trius to quickly distinguish the species of seabirds following the Silver Wing.

  ”Oh, and that big guy, the largest seabird albatross living in the Black Sea waters! These few have a wingspan of at least five meters.

   Let me see what else is there? what! That is the wizard in the sea, the needle-tailed petrel that can fight the storm, flies like lightning, and is indeed the fastest flying seabird! “

   “It’s so beautiful!” All kinds of seabirds appeared in groups, which fascinated Mr. Navigator who has a lot of research on natural hydrology and ecological environment.


   At the same time.

   Ivan also stood on the main mast and watched silently at the accompanying ship. Only then did he know that although it was an **** mission, it was not the merchant fleet but the third fleet that was escorting. Another warship.

   To be precise, it was Lieutenant General Snyder, the chief of the logistics department of the Third Fleet on the warship, and his family members, who was the big man named by Gary.

   “Wow, life is amazing.”

   Ivan had heard of this general’s name as early as when he was training for recruits. No one else, it was the wonderful man who threw the naval enlistment office at the corner of the corner. The hunch at the time became a reality, and it really has an intersection with him today.

  The sea breeze blows, and the two warships break through the snow-white waves, and the Gabrield Naval Port has completely disappeared from the end of sight.

  Destination: “Lighthouse Island” which is eight days away from the station;

  Task: To **** the Lieutenant General to participate in the “Sailing Day” celebration held there.

   There is no danger, soeasy!

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