Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 530: The lowest level king vs. king

The four people stopped and waited for a while.

The ethereal and distant singing that surrounds them has gradually disappeared, but the little girl’s evil spirit has never reappeared.

After that, Ivan dragged out the coward hiding behind him:

“The little evil spirit girl asking for help? Have you also seen the Atrian evil spirit?”

Milan smiled embarrassedly:

“Yes, you don’t know, she really frightened me when she suddenly talked to me.”

After Milan and Irvine, who had also witnessed the evil little girl, exchanged information, several wizards in the team couldn’t help but show some interest in her.

An evil spirit that still retains a clear self is of great value to the wizard, and may even provide another shortcut to achieve immortality.

Moreover, this evil spirit who claims to be a priest and saint of the feathered snake god, unlike her fellow Atrians, still retains a human appearance. Listening to the meaning conveyed in her singing, not all the upper-class people in the Kuma Empire (priests are also members of the upper-class powers) have turned into “blasphemers” because of the pursuit of immortality.

Some people still chose to retain their human identity and their belief in the feathered snake **** Kukulkan.

At least…before they died.

According to normal logical thinking, if these people were able to protect themselves, the Kumar Empire, which was once prosperous, would not be able to perish silently in this way.

That ballad also conveyed several key messages.

First, we enshrine the noble snake god, who is in charge of sunlight and rain, sowing and harvest, life and civilization…

This illustrates a series of priesthood and power of Quetzalcoatl.

Secondly, I hate living sacrifices and blood sacrifices, as long as the people return with kindness and prosperity…

It shows that the blood sacrifice of the Kuma Empire is a black pot, and this main **** does not bear it.

The third and most interesting one is here.

The **** in the mist stole a pair of wings from the snake god, and the great father can never return to heaven…

“I” was born in the mist, in the kind thoughts of the people, in the wings of the gods… Let “life” return to the earth and continue to protect the people on that land.

The “God in the Mist” is obviously Ehot, the **** of the labyrinth, or Loygar, the owner of the Sea of ​​Mist.

Of course, according to the current situation, the possibility of the former is obviously higher, but the latter is not entirely without suspicion, and it may even be a conspiracy between the two parties.

But what they stole from Quetzalcoatl is hard to guess. And I don’t know if it is because of the scruples on Ehult’s site or simply not wanting to tell them that the little girl evil spirit did not tell them clearly, but used metaphors.

But it is certain that this must be an extremely important thing, even so important that a demigod cannot return to “heaven.”

In the end, combined with the original intention of asking for help, the little girl obviously wanted her group to help, to bring something referred to by “life” out of the “sea of ​​mist” and send it back to the mainland.

Ivan and the others are not sure whether this wise little girl evil spirit only came to them or asked for help to everyone who entered the maze.

However, this is a standard Cthulhu territory after all. Although the mighty force can make them unimpeded temporarily, even if they are as strong as Tier 3 Anita and Aiwen, they have self-knowledge.

In the eyes of an extraordinary fifth-order evil god, there is probably no difference in existence below the fourth-order.

The hope for a group of people to escape from their birth lies in the “rules of the game” set by Ehult, not in the force they rely on, so if you can’t do extra things, it’s better not to do it.

“We will leave her alone for the time being, and leave this ghost place safely before considering other things.”

The team members agreed.


Until they got through the second floor as quickly as possible, they didn’t see the little evil spirit girl appear again.

The second floor of the maze is much smaller than the first floor, and it is a group of underground mines.

There are “earth-boring monsters” everywhere here that only need one to fill the entire tunnel. In fact, their size is comparable to small sea monsters.

Maybe these intricate mines are their masterpieces.

The “Earth Burrower” has dozens of streamlined tentacles on its head, like a sticky octopus, and the soft gray-black body at the back is like a large stretched cloth pocket. Before it appears, it will emit harsh sound waves. It is guessed that it should be a perception method that adapts to the underground no light environment.

Even some huge monsters themselves have replaced the existence of the tunnel, using their own body cavities to form a tunnel of flesh and blood that is exactly the same, but there is no exit.

To deal with these monsters with huge body and slow moving speed, Ivan’s [Fresh Collapse Technique] shined brightly, and easily squeezed out a path that was enough to pass in the middle of a wall of flesh.

When approaching the exit of the second maze.

As the “blasphemer” said, probably every wave of people needs to experience the triple test of strength, wisdom, and luck at random. After experiencing the test of the strength of the upper maze, they ushered in the test of wisdom at the end of the second layer:

The two farmers brought a total of 100 eggs to the market to sell. The money they both sold was the same.

The first person said to the second person: “If I have as many eggs as you, I can sell 15 copper plates.” The second person said: “If I have your eggs, I can only sell 6 and two-thirds of the copper plates.”

Ask how many eggs each of them has?

For a world where literacy rates are generally below 1%, mathematics is definitely a high-end subject.

On the outside, this topic is already a nightmare difficulty enough to make countless people scratch the scalp, but for Aiwen, it is only an elementary school level.

After only three to five seconds, he snapped his fingers.


Showing a handful of IQ in front of everyone, the four people in the team immediately thought of the answer is Olivia, Milan, and then… uh, cough, in short, easy to pass the level.

The third level of labyrinth whose area has been reduced a lot again.

In addition to various targeted monsters, the biggest feature is that the labyrinth itself is composed of various indestructible mirrors, such as flat, concave, convex, and uneven mirrors.

There is not much left of that grotesque and twisted architectural style. The various straight lines and arcs that have been replaced are still messy, but they are already works that can be designed by some crazy artists among human beings.

In the maze of mirrors.

Some mirrors reflect figures that will jump out to attack the owner, and some mirrors are connected to the intricate mirror world, and you will be completely lost in it if you are not careful.

Fortunately, there is a “golden compass” that points to life at any time, but there is no danger.

In the last level, face a bunch of flat mirrors that may transport them to various desperate situations. There is no need to entangle with Milan, who is now full of luck, to lie down and win.

In the process, they also confirmed that there are established rules everywhere in the maze, and the **** of the maze, Ehud, also broke away from their inherent impression of the extreme chaos of the ancient gods.

And starting from the second level, the taste of order in the maze has become heavier and heavier. By the third level, it has almost completed the shaping of chaos to order.

It also more and more confirmed the original speculation of Aiwen and Olivia that Ehuot, the **** of the labyrinth, intends to reshape his priesthood through such a ceremony, and then migrate from the chaotic ancient **** to the side of order.

This is good news among the bad news for them.


Prepared by their strong team, the first three levels caused almost no hindrance to them, and it only took less than three hours in total. They are about to face the last hurdle, which is the “choice before God” as the blasphemer calls it!

Even in order to determine the accuracy of the intelligence, they took the opportunity to attack several waves of blasphemers, and the results of the torture were no different from those on the first floor.

A powerful existence that can figure out the context is better than the crazy, weird and indescribable.


Riding on the inexplicable wind blowing from below, the four of them slowly descended to the fourth and last level of the maze.

Until this time, the evil spirit of the little girl didn’t mean to reappear.

It’s just that they sing that song every time they reach a level of the maze, and the group of people who made up their minds never responded to her.

“So… how do we pick it up?”

Looking at the scene on the fourth floor, Milan looked around at a loss.

Because the fourth floor and the first three floors are completely two extremes, even the simple path in front can’t wait to wind up with eighteen folds, but on the fourth floor of the inverted pyramid maze, it’s a piece of See the smooth water surface of the boundary.

Visually, it is about the same size as the initial 5 or 6 square kilometers of the small island outside.

Even the walls around and above the head are completely made of flowing water, and there is nothing but water.


Milan’s voice just fell, because the ripples under their feet disturbed the calm of the water and triggered the response mechanism here.

Wow, la la la…

A huge rock arch fully conforming to human aesthetics slowly floats from the water, and clear water flows down the surface of the arch.

Every arc, every nick, and every detail on the arch seems to be shaped in accordance with the strictest design standards, perfectly fitting human geometry, and even the wonderful golden ratio.

A tall and solemn building stands in a blue water. Everyone who sees it can experience a strong mathematical beauty, just like a national monument, a solemn and sacred church building.

People can’t help holding their breath~IndoMTL.com~ and the material has also become pure white marble from the gray-white rock that formed the labyrinth, which seems to imply a profound transformation.

When the change stopped, a group of four returned from this extreme contrast.


In a curse that resonates with the water world and is full of life.

The water swelled under the feet of the four of them, forming round heads and long tails. In the blink of an eye, they had turned into a naive big whale.

[Witchcraft·Lord Elemental Elf]

“Go, let’s go!”

Ivan waved his hand gently, and the whale formed by the current waved its tail, carrying four people to the huge arch.

The gilt-like font is written on it, and every extraordinary person can recognize the spiritual writing:

“Offer sacrifices as you wish.

——The ruler of all the labyrinths, the fair rule maker, the great and generous **** Ehud. “

This is the most intuitive hint they have seen since going deep into the maze, but it is still as concise and ambiguous as Ehult’s style.


Milan swallowed lightly. He had already learned the importance of this “decision before God” from Aven and the others.

Ivan raised his palm.

The water flow controlled by the whale of the water element surged along with it, and the arch in the water had gradually been pushed open by a gap.

At this moment.


Suddenly there was a loud shout in mid-air, making the eardrums hum like a blast of thunder.


The smoky fighting atmosphere still remained on his body, and there was attrition behind him. Only three “sworn bearers” Bradley, who went with him, flew down from the sky.

Apparently their last test is: strength!

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