Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 521: Encounter

Georgia’s territorial terrain can be divided into three main areas: the northern mountainous area, the western piedmont plateau, and the eastern coastal plain.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people to directly observe the “magic element” context, but its general trend cannot be separated from the framework of the mountain and river context.

Moreover, wherever the “magic element” is active, there is a high probability that there will be some peculiarities that are different from other places, such as the “Treasure Tree Bay” in the Southern Continent, and the “Storm Eye” on the ridge of the Black Sea.

Unusual terrain, climate, properties…etc.

So Ivan’s goal is also these unique places. After determining a few rough ranges through the seagulls’ “psychic network” in advance, he will use the spiritual resonance tonight to search in detail.

Under the moonlit night.

A [black cavity] with a diameter of several meters suddenly opened at the top of a small hill, as if suddenly weightless and then fell to the ground, four figures fell from it.


In the end, only Calvin got up from the ground with his **** slapped, and looked at his teacher who had reached out his hand to support his mother and sister and let them land smoothly.

‘This is too realistic! It’s the third time tonight, shouldn’t it be me who is the weakest and should be taken care of? And the two of them obviously have the physical fitness of a formal knight…”

The young man who finally recognized his status, silently shed tears of grievance in his heart.


Wow, wow…

A continuous sound of water poured into their ears.

“This is… Cascade Hill? It’s so beautiful!”

The two girls could not help exclaiming when they saw the magnificent scene in front of them.

Under the bright moonlight, small waterfalls arranged in steps from high to low are like hanging jade belts.

Leaning on the majestic rock, there is not much drop when falling at the first level. Although it does not have the majestic momentum of a big waterfall, it gives people a different kind of delicate and gentle like a girl next door.

Starting from the Savannah River Valley all the way north, this waterfall hill is the third stop of their itinerary. It is located between the piedmont plateau and the coastal plain. It is composed of a series of low valleys close together, and the scenery is very picturesque.

“Teacher, look! There are a lot of **** bells there, so many!”

But at this moment, Calvin, who had no interest in the scenery, suddenly yelled in excitement.

Several people looked in the direction of his fingers, and as expected, under the full moonlight of spiritual energy, a large swath of beautiful white flowers with a transparent texture was gently swaying in the night breeze.

It’s more than that.

In a dark corner not far away, a cluster of at least twelve deer flower fungi poked their heads slightly, and further away, the flowers grew like blue butterfly-like chamaecis aconitum, and white with long and narrow purple-red flowers. Fresh, weird-looking green leafy cat’s eye…

A variety of raw materials that can be used in the preparation of potions are everywhere like weeds.

Here is the most obvious one among the several candidate targets I have found so far, and a few people can no longer take care of the beautiful scenery. Alvin was excited and patted his palm:

“Okay, let’s find out if Georgia’s magic node is here…huh? Wait, there is a fire there?”

From the light of my eyes, I suddenly noticed that there was a flash of fire in the lower reaches of the river where the waterfalls merged.

Fluttering edge——

In the heavy night, the sound of wings vibrating immediately flew towards the lower reaches of the river.



Old Buck and Will, who were still thinking about a bright future just now, are supporting each other and stumbling away. There was an extremely heavy gasp in his mouth, and the nasal cavity was full of rusty smell, as if the capillaries surrounding the alveoli had burst overwhelmingly.

But the screams of the prospecting team members from time to time behind them made them dare not stop their steps.

“Huh… Damn… Damn, that was the’Deer Bone God’ who destroyed countless pioneer settlements. We can’t run away.”

Old Buck is old after all, and his physical strength is not as strong as Will, who is still moving his legs mechanically, but his face is full of despair.

Ten minutes ago, the camp was raided by that terrifying monster that did not know where it came from. The prospecting team with only two dozen people was not its opponent at all. It was just a charge, and the camp had been crushed by the withered horse. .

Soon to be burned in the fire.

When the members of the exploration team scattered and fled, the monster began to pursue it slowly, seemingly not going to let any of the Nemansters appear in front of it.


As prospectors in the field, the two of them know very well that there will be no humans within a radius of tens of kilometers in the current location. Even if there are settlements or even hundreds of muskets, they will definitely not belong to that monster. opponent.


Suddenly with a gunshot, the screams of the last companion stopped abruptly.


At the same time, the loud horse hooves behind them are getting closer and closer. Obviously they are the next target of the “Deer Bone God”!

But, on this relatively flat river bank, how can a person’s legs run past the four legs of a horse, let alone a war horse that breathes flames like a ghost?

A sound of horseshoes is like a reminder hitting the hearts of two people. When have they experienced this kind of scene as technicians? In a trance, Old Buck accidentally fell to the ground, and by the way brought Will, who was almost at the end of his life, with him.

The two grumbled down the river beach together.

The withered warhorse wrapped in a shabby rope, has already followed closely, and the stone briers dragged behind him shoots terrible sparks on the ground.

The two people who were so terrified that they couldn’t get up were shuddering. They moved their hands and feet backwards and kept moving back, even if their palms were pierced by gravel and bloody, they didn’t notice it, all just to be able to live a little longer.

“Leave us, we haven’t killed the Atrians!”

“Absolutely not…”

Obviously, begging for mercy is useless to this kind of evil spirit who can only act instinctively and has little self-concept.

In the dark.

In the eyes of the giant elk skull Bai Sensen, two scarlet icy lights shone on the bodies of the two people. The obsidian saw swords that had just ended more than two dozen humans stained with blood have been raised high.

The death knell has sounded for them.

The terrible murderous intent on “Deer Bone God” even made the river next to him quiet for a moment.


Just like the screams of the victims before, the obsidian saw sword slammed down.


In the upper reaches of the river, a bright red line of fire flew in and struck the bloodthirsty weapon that had fallen on the heads of the two of them like lightning. The powerful movement can make the “Deer Bone God” stagger, almost being lifted off the Withered Bone War Horse.

Only then did I hear a gunshot from a distance in the air.

Taking advantage of this short gap.

Chang! Cang!

After the long metal vibrato, two roars that seemed to carry a sonic boom also slammed on their heads.

Two shining silver “silver knights” descended from the sky, and the huge wings behind them folded into a thick tower shield, and slammed into the deer bone god.


There was a loud noise, and the evil spirits in it fluttered out into the river in black smoke. Affected by the majestic shock wave, the two exploration team members next to them also became ground gourds, although they were embarrassed, they eventually saved their lives.


Ivan hugged Olivia, and Minnie the White Deer came down from the sky carrying Angel and Calvin.

“‘Deer Bone God’? Why is this evil spirit here?”

When he first arrived in the New World, he had heard the legend about the “Deer Bone God” and the “Vengeful Spirit” in Thomastown, the first colony established in the kingdom.

Its origin is related to colonists.

Almost a hundred years ago, the pioneers of Hilius came to the New World when they had just begun a large-scale invasion.

An indigenous tribe who worshiped Wuhao, the primitive death **** of the New World, sacrificed all the souls of the whole clan to this **** of death before being attacked by these “civilized people” from afar.


The strong resentment has spawned a terrifying avenger in the bones of thousands of people in the entire tribe!

It was wearing a dirty deerskin tabard, with the skull of a big horned elk on its head, holding an obsidian saw sword and an obsidian spear.

Riding under the crotch is a dead bone warhorse that is entwined with worn-out ropes and tribulus, and whose mouth and nose can squirt out sparks. Wandering all day long in the vast wilderness of the mainland, killing all the “civilized people” who appeared in front of it.

Not afraid of knives, guns, swords and halberds, nor muskets and artillery. It is a real evil spirit, unstoppable and immortal!

Even if it is killed by high priests with infinite sacred power, it will return after a period of time, and bloodbath any “civilized” settlements it sees.

Since even civilians had heard of its story at the beginning, it is obviously not limited to a rumor, it is likely to be seen in the local area.

The place where Georgia and Thomastown are located is just separated by a Charles collar.

But after hearing its rumors, Ivan has already learned about it.

The “Deer Bone God” that was raging in the colony of Falitis has been completely wiped out by the sacred power accumulated by a group of priests urging the colonial church. It shouldn’t have been revived so soon.

“Is it…is it because of the spiritual tide again?”

The Huron princess Apsuya once said that because the three main gods of the New World were destroyed, the spiritual origin of the mainland originally controlled by them was released. The New World is about to usher in a new demigod, which may trigger a long-lasting carnival of all spirits including evil spirits, evil spirits, and natural spirits.

The previous few times the “lost son evil spirit” Pocatello, the “headless ghost” Aida, the sea shark Ovig and the germs spread by the “poisonous school”, etc., are just this spirit body. The prelude to the carnival is only ~IndoMTL.com~ so there is not much doubt. This “Deer Bone God” who should have been sleeping for a while obviously also recovered in advance and just came to his own territory when he started to wander again.

No lord can tolerate this threat. Originally there are not many leeks, you still have to come out from time to time to simmer a large piece, when will the territory develop in this way?

I have the ability to go to the new Hilius colony not far to the west!

However, the deeper influence has to make Ivan wary.

In this upcoming grand spiritual wave, Aiwen, who has already settled his home in the New World, has long been a directly related person, and it is absolutely impossible to stay out of the matter.

“So, does the appearance of the Deer Bone God have anything to do with Milan’s prediction of the inflection point of the spiritual tide?”


While Ivan was meditating, the two “Silver Knights” had rushed into the river with their lances like two heavy tanks.

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