Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 484: The burning sea

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The horn of counterattack sounded silently from the fog.

Under the command of the deputy commander who was already familiar with the new tactics, the battle line quietly departed from its original position, riding on the sea breeze to the other side of the wingspan.

There is no need to worry about the sporadic counter-attacks from Hilius, they can calmly switch to the artillery favorite-the searing bomb.

After relying on the experienced fire control officer to uniformly calibrate and fire all the elements, the fleet salvos were launched again with the momentum of shattering the sea.


The commander gave an order.

Boom–! ! !

The entire battle line retreated collectively, and the powerful recoil of the ship-borne artillery made a big wave in the sea.

Like a volcanic eruption, with nearly a thousand ship-borne artillery guns on one side of the battle line, the hot lines of fire spewed out into one piece and turned into a devastating cloud of lava fire into the thick fog.

There is also a rose-red trail that is not too conspicuous.

In the mist.

Realizing the uselessness of the Crescent Formation, the right wing of the Invincible Fleet, which began to shrink and transform, was directly defeated by the sudden justice from heaven.

After that, two muffled thunders pierced through the fog and blasted in the ears of the Union soldiers.

“Ah! This is… smashed? We can win!”

“Goddess Blessing!”

There was cheers in the Alliance fleet.

The attack power of the fleet salvo, this kind of casual full blow, is truly the strongest force of the front-mounted smoothbore gun. Perhaps only the Tier 4 crown wizard standing on the top of the extraordinary can match it. .

Make persistent efforts.

The commander’s order is passed to the ears of the officers:

“Second round of salvo, get ready!”

The current situation between the two sides is like a strong bull blindfolded by a red cloth. No matter how angry, there is no way to use the seemingly weak matador.

Subsequently, he would only be bled one by one with the bullfighter’s javelin.

And on the “Storm Horn”.

Olivia, who is waiting for the electromagnetic cannon to be recharged, has a charming smile on her lips:

“First drop of blood!”

The barrel of the electromagnetic gun rotates automatically, sending another enchanted aluminum bullet to the activation position.

Only a handful of people in the Alliance fleet noticed the source of one of them just twice.



In the thick fog, the “Maywind” fired its cannon.

At the same time, Geer’s voice was also transmitted to the other two battleships that jointly besieged the “San Juan” through the psychic network.

“Albatross, Oak Tree, launch a battle, let’s get close.”

Geer is very clear about the characteristics of the foggy silver lamp. Now that the fog is filled, the isolated army commander Ricard and his “San Juan” have become completely solitary.

At present, they are not on the battle line, and no one is marking them to shoot the yuan. The firing is a waste.

But their three Tier 4 ships were not far away from each other because of the siege of the San Juan.

Even if it is invisible to the naked eye, the sense of direction has been confused, but it is not a problem to use other people’s field of vision to spend a little more time on the connection.

At this time, the number of crews of the two sides is compared. The three-tier ship has a capacity of 680 people, and the three fourth-tier ships have a total of 1,000 people.

Among the transcendents at the core of combat power, Geer, as a newly promoted Tier 3, is doing my part, and the other two official knights at the top of Tier 2 are enough to suppress the opponent.

Because for a long-lived knight, who can maintain his peak state for a long time, he will only age rapidly within a few years of his life, and his strength will also experience a cliff-like decline at that time.

Although Ricard’s eyes are still sharp, but his old appearance can’t hide from others at all, now is a golden opportunity to kill the commander of the Hilius fleet.

The pompous credit is waiting for them!


There is no doubt that the other two captains turned the bow and rushed up.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three “small” boats got aboard a big boat.

In the torrent of charges, Elantra, who looked unremarkable in the uniform of an ordinary soldier, quietly opened the “Black Panther Talisman” on his waist.

Relying on the [White Sail Swordsmanship] that had already reached the proficiency level, a sword stabbed the Hilius soldier who stood in front of him to a chill.

After that, he threw himself into the enemy line with a roar.

In his pocket, the top-notch “Shadow Talisman”, the “elves” necessary for setting fire, the “Voodoo Potion”, the artifact for clearing the scene, the “Laughing Spores” that everyone hahaha, three years of extraordinary five The year simulation…and so on are all from my brother’s love.

The conditions of practice are better. Two years have passed since Elantra, who was “carefully” taught by Gehr and Ivan, had enrolled in the Royal Naval Academy. At the age of fifteen now, he has also come to the first-order peak to prepare to complete the extraordinary transformation.

Furthermore, after hearing Gehr’s bad news in this critical period, it seemed that he had grown up overnight, and he firmly believed that his current will was sufficient to resist the fierceness of the flesh during the extraordinary transformation.

Just wait for a suitable extraordinary feature.

Boom! boom! boom! …

Hilius’s mood is completely opposite to that of the Alliance Navy, and the tactic of attracting the enemy is simply the biggest failure in this situation.

The “San Juan” at this time is useless even if it hooks more tulip warships. In the face of the wolf-like tulip soldiers, they can only rely on themselves.


In an extraordinary world war, what counts as a real victory?

Sink the enemy ship on a large scale? Beheading the commander? Kill the great knight who is the backbone? The enemy flees? …

Now the Alliance’s answer is of course…all.

Wow! Whoosh!

At the same time that the fleet launched a long-range hunting, two senior knights in the fleet were summoned. They were Major General Falettis Marshall who was originally stationed at Treasure Tree Bay and Hammi from Tyrol Colony. Major General Dayton.

After they merged with Lieutenant General Elvis, they immediately flew towards the “Red Maple” that had to slow down because of the fog.

The target is currently the strongest in the Hilius fleet-the pinnacle knight Griffiths.

The powerful transcendent is the biggest variable in the battlefield after all. Thanks to the unexpected joy brought by Ivan, as long as Griffiths can be eliminated, the victory of this war will almost be destined to be theirs. .

There are only two people here, not that more manpower cannot be deployed, but the entire fleet except for Major General Siric, the captain of the “Five Mast Peak” who is still confronting the “Flamingo”.

These two senior knights are already qualified to participate in the Battle of the Peak and provide assistance to Lieutenant General Elvis.

Ivan also went with the three of them, but the target assigned to him was not the pinnacle knight, but the former quasi-legendary captain Marz who had just escaped to the “Red Maple”.

After a moment.

Boom rumbling…

A group of great knights comparable to monsters set off horrible storms and huge waves like natural disasters on the sea, and even the fog over the battlefield was once emptied by the force that shakes the atmosphere.

The loud roar accompanying the collision of swords is almost as intense as the fleet war on the other side.

This time.

I selected the battlefield on the “Red Maple”, and also experienced the treatment of being besieged by a second-order patriarch-level priest and a third-order knight. As for the other crew members, they were just weeds. There is no threat to him.

The two have fought for a long time, and the aftermath of the battle has almost emptied all the ordinary crew on this battleship that had ambushed Aven.

Clang! clang! clang! …

The extraordinary long sword in Malz’s hand has been almost turned into a pitted saw blade after Iwen’s sharp and sharp slash with the sword.

Once again, I was forced to accept Ivan’s “lifting light as heavy” slash like a siege hammer, and the great knight who reached the end of the crossbow was directly rammed into the lower compartment.


At this time, the “Red Maple” seemed to have been ravaged by two war elephants. It was already in a mess. The corpses were covered in blood flowing into rivers. Even the red sails that were said to have been blessed by angels have completely fallen down. Two roots.

Between the battle, Ivan took the time to glance at the misty battlefield on the side of the peak knight.

“Bah! Griffits is such an old yin B!”

The same day as that day, the [Divine Art·Flame Sacred Emblem] was launched, wielding the [Dragon Breath Torch] that turned into a flame sword, and fighting against three at least senior knights alone.

Although it seems that the left and the right are very embarrassed, the Commander and the others will never be able to take him for a while as long as they don’t want to pay a life.

Of course it can be seen from Ivan’s current vision that Griffits has already returned to a state of heyday, and the half-dead appearance on the way back was obviously pretended.

It’s self-evident that you want to cheat.

“Huh? Decisive enough!”

It was just a little bit of God’s skill, and Ivan discovered that Malz, who knew that the situation was over and was not lightly injured, had penetrated the bottom of the “Red Maple” and escaped from the water with a cannonball.

At the same time.

The other main force of the confrontation, “Red Maple”, the priest of the army, Webster, chose the opposite. He did not choose to escape. Instead, he resolutely launched the [Divine Art·Sacrifice] incarnation of the “Hell” with long horns and flames on the top of his head. The flame demon launched a decisive charge towards Aiwen.

Every step you take will leave a violently burning flame footprint.

“Heaven, you should belong to the true god!”

After being stretched out by Aiwen and flying into the sky, he easily dodged.

The priest of “eternal fire”, who had already anticipated it, didn’t care, and then exploded like a bright sun.


The shock waves spread far and wide, breaking this thick fog into a huge hole!

It seems to have gained some kind of inspiration.

“Eternal fire, I pray to you;


Soon after louder and louder prayers, one dazzling little sun came down in the thick fog.


The melee in several battlefields has lasted for nearly half an hour. The first thing that can’t hold on is the invincible fleet that can neither be hit nor run away.

The Alliance fleet fired a fleet volley every minute, dumping a total of 26,000 rounds of shells with a total weight of nearly half a million pounds at the Hilius fleet, almost blasting the invincible fleet like a sea fortress. Become a sieve~IndoMTL.com~ The magic is that the first twelve rounds of volleys caused at least one battleship to explode each time, and then the sound of the explosion gradually became sparse and normal. Only the electromagnetic gun, which has been somewhat overloaded, knows what this is the most.

And just as the alliance’s Lieutenant General Elvis initially judged, without targeted ocean treasures, it is impossible to restrain the opponent’s rule-like absoluteness.

Inspired by Webster’s [Sacrifice], the army priests discovered that the absoluteness of fog is to shield the sense of vision and direction, rather than the existence of fog itself.

So against the rumbling gunfire, the braziers on the deck of all the remaining Tier 3 ships in the fleet were lit one by one.

One after another “eternal fire” priests with a sacred light on their faces, cut their wrists with a gold-encrusted ivory-handled dagger, their pious blood trickled into the brazier, and the bright yellow was already glowing. The flames of white light rose high.

“Eternal fire, I pray to you;

Eternal fire, I will bet my confidence on you;


Eternal fire, there is no other **** in my eyes. “

【Divine Art·Sacrifice! 】

Boom boom boom…

One after another dazzling little sun descended on this sea area, and a fiery spiritual storm rose along with it, blowing away tens of kilometers of white mist in a swift and violent manner.

At this time, the scene of the sea appeared in front of everyone.

On the burning sea, there are only seventeen warships with a long flame flag and operational capability left! All wounded!


A figure shrouded in flames flew into the remaining fleet, roaring like a suppressed volcano:

“Invincible fleet, retreat!”

I don’t know why, the name that drifted away in the wind is so harsh, no matter which side on the battlefield…

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