Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 48: Saltwater Marsh

   I didn’t turn around this time.

   Ivan also has a certain understanding of the general prices of the crow bazaar.

   There is one point to be especially stated. The common currency used for transactions in the crow bazaar is the same as the outside world, using golden lions and silver bulls. Because high-purity precious metals such as gold and silver are precious materials for spellcasting themselves, they are also of great use to the extraordinary.

  ”Fortunately, I still have some Golden Lions.”

   Purchasing the extraordinary characteristics of the Blue Flag Demon Shark didn’t make Ivan spend his own money. Now he still has a total of more than 3,000 Golden Lion gold tickets in his pocket. As long as he doesn’t spend money indiscriminately, it’s a sum of money for ordinary people. A huge sum of money for food and clothing in this life.

   It’s just that Ivan is a little disappointed that the level of things sold here does not seem to be very high, and most of the extraordinary in the market are also very ordinary.

  When Ivan turned on his mental power attributes, the data-based vision was also updated. Although I can’t tell the mental power of others at a glance, I can still make a rough judgment based on Ivan’s own senses.

   The apprentice-level first-order transcendents account for ninety-nine percent, and there are few knight professions like themselves, and most of them are partial legal system career paths that have activated their mental power.

   But most of these people are weak to the existence of Alvin, who is already an official knight.

  As apprentice-level wizards, they can use potions or witchcraft items prepared in advance to cast spells and perform rituals.

   But in a sudden battle, the actual frontal attack power may not be as high as that of an ordinary sailor holding a musket.

   This is also the embarrassment of the professional apprentice level of the legal system. Ninety-nine percent of the unlucky people captured and executed by the church are at this level.

   If Ivan doesn’t have two paths of part-time jobs, this is also the problem he will face.

The    street stall has been scanned once, and Ivan again looked around the crow bazaar, which was obviously the place of the shop.

   It’s like a business outside with long-term fixed assets that seems to be more reliable than a roadside stall. Intuition tells him that there should be more high-end things in it.

   When Ivan walked into the first shop casually, he was taken aback by the situation inside.

   This shop turned out to be a divination hut.

   And “Zorro”, who hasn’t seen since entering the crow bazaar, sits grandiosely behind a table with a crystal ball, acting as a diviner.

   is pulling a red curtain with golden tassels in front of him, and the green smoke formed by incense curls like a cloud of mist. Even among the wizards, the atmosphere is so mysterious and unpredictable that people can’t help but hold their breath.

   And at this time, “Zorro”’s costume has changed again. His face is completely covered by a silver mask studded with white crystals. He is dressed in a white robe, and there are various jewelry hanging on his body. The dress is very neutral. .

   In the deliberately created sense of mystery, the stranger can’t even tell whether he is a man or a woman or whether he is young or old.

   “‘Zorro’ turned out to be a fortuneteller?!”

   This discovery was somewhat unexpected, but it also explained why he was able to learn about the “Leon Diary” hidden on the supply ship without the quartermaster’s knowledge.

   Moreover, whether it is in the fantasy works of the previous life or the understanding of the extraordinary world in this life, the fortune teller of the school of prophecy is not a profession known for its combat effectiveness.

  No wonder he didn’t use any witchcraft in the battle that night.

   “Hello, guest! Do you want to do divination?” A very neutral voice sounded, not distinguishing men and women. I don’t know if it was Aiwen’s illusion. He always felt that there was a strong sense of expectation in his words.

   “As long as I point directly at no more than one level, my divination is very effective whether it is a thing or a person.” Seeing Ivan’s hesitation, “Zorro” added.

   “Okay, let me see it.” There is one thing Irving really needs reliable information. In the face of “acquaintances”, Irving doesn’t mind giving “Zorro” a chance.

   The Crow Market is indeed a gathering place for legal professions. When collecting herbs before, Ivan had already gathered the “Birds Potion” after only a lap. The “Whale Potion” that can strengthen the knight’s digestion and absorption ability is also only available. One material is missing.

   But with this last material, the scales of the saltwater crocodile were not found in the market. Maybe you can find the answer by yourself in “Zorro”, and even if there is a problem, it won’t hurt, and you just need to find it elsewhere.

   Following the guidance of “Zorro”, Ivan sat down opposite him.

   “You don’t need to tell me what I need.

   Please look at my crystal ball and imagine your question. The more detailed and profound the effect will be, the better.

After   , I will tell you the answer. “

   In the calm tone of “Zorro”, Ivan stared at the crystal ball placed on the heart of an oak tree on his desk, trying to imagine the shape, texture, and function of the saltwater crocodile scales.

  ”Okay. Five kilometers to the northeast, you can find what you want.”

   Soon Ivan was awakened by the sound of “Zorro”, and instantly escaped from a state similar to meditation.

   Just now, Ivan actually felt that his spiritual sense was entangled with this crystal ball for a moment, and even caused a moment of loss of consciousness. Fortunately, “Zorro” was not malicious, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

   A slight cold sweat came out of his back.

   hastily paid for the divination fee, but Ivan, who was still in shock, stopped chatting with “Zorro” any more, turned around and fled and left the divination shop.

  Walking outside the market, Ivan suddenly remembered that because of his panic, he did not have time to ask “Zorro” if he could fortune telling the whereabouts of his sister Anita.

   However, I already know that there is such a magical guy among the people I know, and Ivan believes that it will not be difficult for him to find him next time.

   “Strange, how do you feel that this person is a bit familiar?” Looking at Aiwen’s back, “Zorro” also has an inexplicable sense of familiarity with him.

   But just as he said, his current divination ability does not apply to objects whose strength exceeds the first level, and besides being an apprentice wizard, Ivan is also a second-level extraordinary knight.


   Early the next morning, after Ivan prepared the map, dry food and necessary equipment, he set off for the destination of “Zorro” divination.

   “Whale Potion” can greatly speed up Aiwen’s extraordinary transformation speed. Originally, he didn’t want to expose himself, so he didn’t start collecting materials. Now, under the circumstances, only one step away from the goal, Aiwen didn’t want to waste any more time.

   So, after knowing the location of the last material, I can’t wait to set off directly.

   The map shows that five kilometers to the northeast is a swamp not far north of the harbor.

   Because of the low-lying terrain, seawater is often inverted, coupled with the habitat of various creatures, it has become a complex saltwater swamp for many years.

   There are various marsh creatures in the marshland, such as water birds, leeches, poisonous insects, water snakes, fish, etc. Naturally, the saltwater crocodiles that Ivan needs are indispensable.

   Ivan is not sure if “Zorro” knows this.

   But without telling him clearly about his needs, being able to come to this conclusion has proved that he does have two brushes compared with the “masters” of the previous life.

  Although this is already an undeveloped wilderness area, but fortunately it is also marked on a map bought from the Crow Market. The danger here is not great, and it is more than enough for an official knight to deal with.


   Ivan is very fortunate that he has prepared a pair of high-top leather boots, which can save him from intimate contact with the smelly silt and dirty water that contains no idea how many bacteria and parasites are hidden.

   The topography in the swamp is really hard to describe in a word. The place that looks flat may be silt, but the place that seems to have water can make people step on it. Even if there is spiritual power to assist the senses, Ivan has also been recruited. Second-rate.

   Not to mention the extremely deep camouflage pythons, all kinds of annoying flying insects, highly poisonous spines, dangerous things are everywhere in this swamp.

   “This is too good to hide!”

   Deep into the salt-water marsh for nearly two hours, the contiguous tracts of land have disappeared, leaving only patches of low land islands and dense water plants protruding from the continuous waves.

   Here, Ivan finally found traces of saltwater crocodile crawling on a piece of mud.

   There are preliminary clues and the rest is easy to say.

  With the help of a data-based vision, Ivan’s ability to track and trace is no less than that of any experienced hunter. It’s only a matter of time to find these guys.

   searched for ten minutes.

   Soon, Ivan found several saltwater crocodiles lazily basking in the sand on a sandy ground protruding from the water. And they carry forward the fine tradition of animals in the fantasy world, and each individual is very huge!

   looked at their trunk-like body, thick scale armor, and sharp teeth longer than a dagger. Irving doesn’t think that in the period of transformation, it is a good idea to fight shirtlessly with such a big guy.

   Fortunately, the difference between humans and animals is the use of wisdom and tools.

   removed from the belt a plump waterfowl hunted on the road, hid a four-forked barb in its belly, fastened it firmly with a strong rope, and then Throw it to the group of crocodiles in the distance~IndoMTL.com~Wow~

   The water splashed all over, and the free food caused them to scramble for a while.

   Unfortunately, during the scramble, the waterfowl was also torn apart, and the barbs fell out.

   The first attempt failed.

   was mentally prepared for a long time, and Aiwen went hunting for a water bird again, so he repeated the technique. When a crocodile was placed in the order, he threw it directly to its mouth, and then the big greedy guy opened his mouth without even thinking about it.


  How amazing is the bite force of a crocodile? The upper and lower jaws were pierced directly under the huge force.

   Aiwen couldn’t help but shrink his neck: “This must be painful!”



   It’s almost as sad as those who saw it, and those who heard it shed tears. The intense pain made it struggle and roll, and the sand, dead branches and leaves, and gravel were scattered all around under the huge force of the limbs and tail.

   Then the hunter Ivan exits, and the fisherman Ivan enters.

   He kept controlling the rope in his hand neither too much loosening to let it escape his sight, nor too tight to give it a chance to break the rope.

   This is a contest of patience.


   After more than half an hour stalemate between the two sides, after the crocodile used the “death roll” because of the pain, the big guy finally floated in the water without any movement.


   dragged it ashore forcefully, took out a sharp dagger, and snatched enough scales from his prey little by little.

   Ivan took a sigh of relief. Even though he has surpassed the human limit and his various attributes are still in a period of rapid improvement, it is indeed a bit difficult to stand in a stalemate with such a big guy for so long.

   But the winner, after all, is himself.

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