Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 47: The Crow Market

   Today’s Mr. “Zorro” can be said to be very different from the image of the thief that day.

   A gentleman’s hat is pressed down almost to the nose, only a few strands of dark blue hair are exposed at the edges. It is low-key but embodies the luxurious and decent clothing in the details. At first glance, it is a handsome noble child.

   It’s just that this guy did something that didn’t match this beautiful clothes. After turning away from Gabriel’s bustling main road, he kept digging into the remote alley.

   If it weren’t for this guy in a hurry and never looked back, Ivan would have thought he had discovered himself and was evading tracking in circles.

   “What a mysterious guy.”

   But to be cautious, Ivan still stretched a little further away, just hanging from a distance so that he wouldn’t completely leave his sight.

   has been walking through five or six small alleys so narrow that even a carriage can’t go in. Ivan finally saw him stop at the door of an abandoned yard.

   Although the location is remote and the building is old, the place is really big.

   Judging from the mottled and shattered decorations, this place was once a place where the old city was filled with gold, but now I don’t know how many years it has been abandoned, and even various shrubs have grown.

   stood at the door of the deserted house.

   “Zorro” took out a black one-piece cloak from his small bag and put it on his body, then faced the locked iron gate, and walked directly in.

   Amidst the waves of water, the whole person disappeared without a trace, and the door that seemed to have been baptized by wind and rain seemed to be non-existent.

  ”Witchcraft? Hallucinations?”

   Ivan walked out from the hiding place in the distance and observed carefully.

   It was not until he approached that his active mental power captured the witchcraft atmosphere remaining in the air.

   A solidified permanent witchcraft was cast here!

  In fact, this place was originally meant to only shield ordinary people, but for the transcendent, especially the spiritual transcendent who has activated the law system, as long as it is within five meters, it is as conspicuous as a beacon.

   No wonder this guy has no sense of anti-reconnaissance all the way. It turns out that this place is basically a semi-public place, anyone can enter as long as they can find it.

   And after reading Leon’s notes, he is no longer a completely innocent Aiwen, and has already guessed where it is.

   “Good luck, I got a pillow when I really fell asleep.”

   Ivan is a little grateful that he didn’t wear a military uniform today. Instead, he wore a hooded casual clothes. When the hood is pulled down, people can only see one chin.


   then walked straight in, as if passing through a layer of flowing water, and the hustle and bustle sound instantly filled his ears.

  ”How much is it…..”

   “It’s too expensive, and the side effects are too big…”

   “Don’t buy it, don’t touch it.”

  Various kinds of stalls, shops, and walking crowds gave Aiwen the feeling of being in a lively market in an instant.

   It’s just that this market is a bit different from other places.

  The mysterious buyers and sellers who dressed up in secret, deliberately suppressed the conversation, the whole is biased towards the dark decoration, the stalls are all kinds of strange and even creepy goods, and there is a strange smell everywhere, all Explains the weirdness here.

  In fact, this is indeed a bazaar, but it is not a bazaar for ordinary people, but a “crow bazaar” that only serves the extraordinary!

  Leon’s notes have a record of the crow bazaar. He is also a frequent visitor to it, and he is active in it as a seller. Although the ages and regions are not the same, they are basically the same.

   If I want to find a secular existence to compare with it, it will be similar to the “ghost market” in the previous life, where sunset and sunrise will disperse, and we will not be responsible for anything bought and sold here.

   Aiwen felt that Mr. “Zorro” was simply his lucky star, and he delivered a pillow when he was dozing off. First he “sent” Leon’s notes to himself, and this time he “sent” a crow bazaar. He is really a good person.

   Ivan had to guess that this guy must also be a wizard, otherwise he couldn’t make a reasonable explanation for his weird behavior.

   aristocrats, thieves, peak-level apprentice knights, and apprentice wizards. With so many identities, Ivan became more and more interested in the secrets of Mr. “Zorro”.

   Although it is also a bit strange.

   This kind of existence, which is clearly the focus of the church and the kingdom, can appear in such an important city as Gabriel. But Aiwen has never been a poor person, and the deep-seated reasons are not far from what he, a newcomer who has just entered the extraordinary world, should explore.

  , after keeping a little careful, walked into the bazaar formally.

   entered the crow bazaar for the first time, with a sense of novelty, regardless of where “Zorro” went, merging in the flow of people and wandering around by himself.

  ”How much are these clever tongues?”

   squatting in front of a medicinal stall, Ivan pointed to a bunch of herbs on the stall with leaves that looked like sparrow tongues, and asked the stall owner with a disguised voice that was deliberately lowered.

   Clover is the main material of one of the three self-made potions recorded in Leon’s notes, “Niaoyu Potion”. Although it is not a treasured herb, it is of course not to be missed if it can be encountered here.

   I was worried that frequent purchases of strange herbs would be eye-catching, and I wanted to avoid the limelight. But in the crow bazaar, where everyone hides their identities~IndoMTL.com~ this kind of worries ceases to exist. When you leave the crow bazaar and take your hood off, no one can recognize it.

  ”There are twenty trees in total, you can take both of the two golden lions.” The stall owner, who also covered his head with a black hood, did not even lift his head, and a cold voice came from the shadow under the hood. .

   doesn’t care about the attitude of the stall owners. Most stall owners along the way have this kind of unsatisfactory virtue of buying or not buying. If they were put outside, the business would have long been stale, but here it is normal.

   “Two silver bulls!” Ivan faintly expressed his psychological expectations, but the price was directly cut by two-thirds.

  The stall owner looked up at Aiwen.

   At least Ivan did feel two cold gazes from behind his hood, and after a while, he said: “Take it away.”

   is still Gujing Wubo.

  ”It’s still higher!” Although Ivan has tried to overestimate the degree of black heart in the crow market, but judging from the attitude of the stall owner, the price he quoted is still much higher than the stall owner’s psychological price.

   But he didn’t feel frustrated either. It was so shallow on paper, and Leon’s notes were only his own experience.

   What’s more, a hundred years have passed. If I have been stuck with the insights on Leon’s record, I will suffer a loss.

   Then Ivan went through every stall. Except for the familiar herbs, I started with some scattered ones, and the other things that seemed weird didn’t even touch them.

   In the “crow market” shopping eyesight is very important.

  You can lose some money at the most when you slap your eyes in the antique market. If you buy weird things of unknown origin here, it will be terrible!

   This is also the reason why Ivan has encountered weird enemies in the past, and he dared not even collect the spoils. This is true for Zach the Blood Anchor and the indigenous witch doctor Gagon.

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