Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 464: Extraordinary Arms·Electromagnetic Gun One. Zero

   seems to be sparkling, but the temper is not much better than the Treasure Sea of ​​the Black Sea.

   A fleet of 23 large and small ships dominated by battleships, in a two-column formation to ride the wind and waves, and travel all the way south along the established route.

   It’s just that the flags flying on the masts obviously did not come from one family. The fleet is dominated by Falettis and Tyrol, with the flags of Palos, Thessaly, and Tulip Principality sporadicly mixed.

   On the surface, it looks mighty and majestic, but it can’t help but have the sense of sight of a miscellaneous army.

   Because this time the opponent is not a pirate, but the world’s largest power, Hilius.

   The high-level leaders of the alliance know very well that sending low-level warships to battle is just a gift. For this reason, they have launched all the war potentials, but the battleships that can be transferred in a short period of time are basically here.

   The Tulip Alliance is located in the archipelago composed of six island nations, unlike those land-based nations, which have a vast continent as a depth. Everything about them comes from the ocean, and they can only rely on the ocean.

   Therefore, the alliance’s will to develop the navy and maritime trade is also the most determined, especially Falettis, whose national strength is thriving.

   However, even though Falettis, the first in the league, has the ambition to replace it, the gap between them and the first power is still obvious.

   There is not only a gap in the number of ordinary battleships, but the same is true for quasi-legendary battleships with top power.

   Although the colony of Hilius in the Southern Continent is not large, because of the rich mineral and vegetation resources, there are two quasi-legendary ships all year round. And the total of the six countries of the Tulip Alliance, there are only two ships in the southern continent, the “Northland Cold Wind” and the “Five Mast Peak”.

   So, for them, this is a war that can only be won but not lost. The great cause of the Hilius family may be able to lose, but they simply cannot afford to lose.

   If it fails, the navy as the kingdom’s barrier will have to regress for at least ten years, and maybe even decades later, there will be no chance to shake the Sea Power Throne of Hilius.

   this time.

   as the flagship and pilot ship of the “Horses Sparrow” Class III ship.

  The most experienced navigator uses sextants, marine chronometers, compasses, charts and other navigation tools to accurately determine the course from time to time to ensure that the fleet will not yaw.

   Although the celestial phenomena of the Treasure Sea are equally dangerous, because generations of navigators have forgotten their lives, the navigation between the two continents is very common today, two hundred years after the opening of the great voyage.

   The route from the Tulip Alliance countries to the Southern Continent cannot bypass Ilya, let alone the Galliot family who opened this route.

   or the current Falitis Galiot family is more suitable.

   Following the fame of the Brigadier General Galliot.

   That name that seems to have been buried in history, except for the scholars and professors who are buried in the old paper, adventurers and navigators who fought in unknown areas, in the navy of the Kingdom of Falettis, no one knows. People don’t know.

  Especially the navigator who also came from “Newin Harbor” under the Kingdom’s First Fleet, this is even more clear. And he also knew that the passengers who boarded the ship before the departure of the fleet had a lot to do with Garriott, but…

   “Oh, it’s a pity that Colonel Geer…”

   put down the brass telescope in his hand, the weather-stricken old officer couldn’t help sighing even though he had been fighting for a long time.

  The center of the fleet is a large supply ship.

A 10,000-meter high above the supply ship, a huge albatross with a wingspan of nearly ten meters circulates around the fleet like a small plane.


   The six pure white seagulls on the supply ship, which are much larger than ordinary seagulls, stand in a row on the main mast’s sails.

   On the deck under their feet, a girl with a clean and ethereal temperament in a white long skirt, like a spring water, slowly retracted her slender right hand that was blooming with white light.

   “Live, Babu is alive!”

  ”Long live Miss Angel!”


   Watching the companion lying on the deck slowly opened his eyes, the surrounding sailors couldn’t help but burst into cheers. He had just suffered from body burning, vomiting, cramps, heart palpitations, red skin, and half awake. At this time, he completely regained consciousness.

   According to their experience, being stung by a blue beard jellyfish will lead to death of acute internal organ failure in less than three minutes. But three minutes can’t wait for the priests on the next Tier 3 battleship to be rescued.

  If it weren’t for the girl to shoot, Bab would definitely die.

   “Let him drink more water in these two days, there will be no sequelae.”

  The girl’s voice is like a mountain spring, sweet and refreshing, but not cold at all.

   “Okay, thank you Miss Anqi.”

   The crew are very grateful to the girl, even the captain and first officer on the supply ship who think they are about to usher in non-combat attrition.

   “You are welcome, you still need to take care of the rest of the journey.”

  As a born white witch, she possesses three talents: sacred, healing, and animal affinity. The bite and sting of the animal is nothing but an effort for An Qi.

   “You should, you should, if you need to say anything on board.”

  In the fleet, warships may join the battle at any time. So Davli and his party, who were notified to go to the Southern Continent to meet Gehr for the last time, were arranged on the supply ship located in the middle of the fleet.

   da da da…

   When the girl turned around, the white skirt whirled like a lotus flower.

   The crew watched her all the way into the cabin with the best living conditions upstairs on the stern, still admiring her. If it were not for the robe and the holy emblem, they would even think that she was a saint of the church.

   walked into the tail building, An Qi’s eyes drooped slightly, and her steps lightened.

   Through the round window, she could see Elantra, wearing a rumpled shirt, practising the sword silently in the small cabin.

   gritted his teeth, his face was cold, as if facing an invisible enemy with every sword using his whole body’s strength.

   Where is the second-year old boy?

   In the next cabin, Davli, who has put away all her colorful clothes, sits by the porthole and quietly looks at the sea.

   These days, she has lost a lot of weight, her shoulders are thin, and her chin has become a bit thin because of her wealthy life.

   But since receiving the news of Ge’s accident, Davli has not cried from start to finish, but in An Qi’s eyes, this situation is even more worrying than crying.

   Obviously this sudden change has changed a lot of this originally warm home.


   bit the cherry blossom-colored lower lip, An Qi, who was equally uncomfortable in her heart, held a bunch of tulips that she had spawned by witchcraft in her hand, and opened the door and walked in.


   After slaying the steel knight and returning to “Treasure Tree Bay”, another week passed quietly in a blink of an eye.

   “The Horn of Storm” still did not arrive. Milan sent a message through the spirit world messenger that they had encountered a hurricane halfway and delayed the trip. It may take two more days.

   It’s the manufacturing of electromagnetic weapons on Aiwen’s side that has gradually gained attention.

  The best choice “Magnetite” is obviously not so easy to crack as the crystallization of a civilization.

   Even if Olivia, an official wizard of the gem school joins, on the premise that some technical materials have been harvested in the city, it is not an overnight process to reproduce Magnetite in the material world.

   Aiwen finally thought a little simpler.

   However, it’s not completely unprofitable. The two people worked together to create a transitional product.

  Natural gemstones belong to the hexagonal crystal system like magnetite, including apatite, beryl and blue cone ore.

   Olivia relied on the intuition of a gem school wizard to use the light blue “aquamarine” in the beryl as a substitute to successfully reproduce some of the functions of the “magnetite”.

   is a kind of “extraordinary battery” with extremely high energy storage efficiency. Although there is no unlimited energy, it is enough for the electromagnetic weapons that Ivan is currently making, but he needs to store the “battery” in advance. can.

  Using this “extraordinary battery” as the core, Ivan used these few days to successfully produce the first prototype electromagnetic gun.

The principle of    has long been figured out. For a wizard with extremely strong hands-on ability, it is not difficult to turn the theory into reality.

   There are two initial choices for Aiwen: electromagnetic railgun and coil gun.

   They have different principles.

   Railgun is a magnetic field interacting with electric current to produce a powerful ampere force to push the projectile, reaching extremely high speeds

The    coil gun uses a multi-stage acceleration coil. The magnetic field of the induced current interacts with the magnetic field of the acceleration coil current to generate Lorentz force, which accelerates the movement of the projectile and launches it.

   Comparatively speaking.

  The rails of the railgun will produce violent ablation, and the rails need to be replaced after a certain number of launches. And even if friction is ignored, the conversion of electrical energy and kinetic energy can only reach about 35%-50% because of energy efficiency.

   However, the coil gun can avoid the mechanical contact between the projectile and the barrel through the magnetic levitation technology, which avoids the generation of frictional resistance. In theory, the coil gun can reach 100% potential, almost twice the efficiency of the railgun.

   And Ivan has already used the latter technique very well.

   Although the structure is relatively complicated, he finally chose the “coil gun” as his first electromagnetic gun.

   means that it can be carried on the ship and can be hand-held

   Because you don’t need to consider what you can carry, it looks like a huge revolving machine gun. The silver-white gun has fine blue runes on its body. The caliber is 23mm. The barrel is four meters long and has rings of gold. External magnet.

  Considering factors such as electrical conductivity, ease of acquisition, plasticity, etc., the material used in this electromagnetic gun is pure silver enchanted by alchemy.

   When looting the golden post road before, there were still a lot of silver ingots left in my hand as ceremonial materials, and it was more than enough to build a machine gun.

The end of    is inlaid with a hexagonal crystal pillar “Aquamarine” battery from Olivia.

   serves as a plug-in at the same time, as well as a pair of wristbands connected to countless wires, which can be operated manually at critical moments.

   And in order to increase the muzzle velocity, he used everything he could think of.

  External parallel uniform magnetic field: A horseshoe magnet mechanism with iron core is added outside the barrel~IndoMTL.com~ to allow the projectile to obtain a larger acceleration magnetic field.

   Increase the track: Because the end kinetic energy is proportional to the square root of the track length.

  Using lightweight projectiles: With the same kinetic energy, the end velocity is inversely proportional to the square root of the projectile’s mass.

   For electromagnetic guns that need to be energized, there are two main types of ammunition, inert metal damage element and active damage element technology.

   Inert metal damage elements mainly include aluminum, steel, tungsten, etc., and can only destroy targets with the kinetic energy of high-speed flight.

   The active destruction element technology not only has the mechanical strength similar to metal, but also contains the chemical energy equivalent to high explosives, and also has the safety similar to inert materials. It will only explode after hitting the target at high speed.

   is theoretically the highest quality electromagnetic artillery shell.

   “Unfortunately, I won’t create the active damage element!”

   After comprehensive consideration, Ivan finally chose a lighter aluminum bullet after enchantment as the main ammunition of the electromagnetic gun, with tungsten steel.

  Even with alchemy, aluminum that needs to be electrolytically refined is a precious metal comparable to gold and silver in this era, but in fact it is the metal element with the highest content in the earth’s crust.

   In the future, others may think that every shot is extremely expensive and has great restrictions, but for Aiwen, it is actually the price of cabbage.

   So, after creating a big killer, he doubledly discovered a way to get rich.

   There are many ways to make a fortune, so leave him alone for the time being.

  As people who love guns, Ivan and Olivia felt around this silver-white machine gun, and they really couldn’t put it down.

   has everything, they only have one question left:

   “Who should I give this hot first shot?”

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