Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 441: Ship doctor

Chapter 441 Ship Doctor

Far sail leads to the north, belonging to Aiwen’s high-standard biological laboratory.

Guru Guru

In the glass still, broken green leaves, red, yellow, and purple petals are constantly tumbling in the boiling water, and the scorching steam rises up with the essential oil separated from the oil storage cells.

Pass through the condenser tube above the distiller, continue to flow into the spiral condenser surrounded by cold water outside, and the last drop will drop into the collection bottle below.

A hand wearing a sterile glove removes the transparent collection bottle that has been filled with the oil-water mixture, and replaces it with a new one by the way.


Young people wearing protective clothing use the experimental equipment at hand to separate the oil and water with ease, and then fill the extracted essential oils into several glass bottles.

“Teacher, the essential oil of pineapple flower has been extracted. Would you like to see it?”

Distillation is currently the most commonly used method for extracting essential oils from plants, and there is no one.

About 95% of various essential oils are extracted by distillation. Others include pressing, solvent extraction, etc., which are applicable to medicinal ingredients of different properties.

Now this simple preparation process does not require Irving to do it himself, and the second disciple Calvin is more than enough.

After taking the finished product in Calvin’s hands, Ivan did several sets of controlled killing experiments on the collected [Super Cyst Fungus], and after getting the expected results.

Take the test record and walk to the doctor of medicine who is working at the other end of the laboratory.

“Dr. Taylor, the nature of pineapple flower essential oil is stable, and it has excellent killing effect on this pathogenic bacteria. It is also most suitable for large-scale preparation. I think this is the good medicine we are looking for.”

“Split-leaf pineapple flower? I’ll take a look.”

Not long before Irving and his party separated from Dr. Taylor, Gary led a group of guards to find him and **** him to Yuanfanling.

When Yuan Fanling had the first batch of [cystic attendants] attacked and caused panic infection, he helped a lot in time. Of course, it is not only because of the doctor’s vocation, but because of the great value of being a professional medical wizard, he was originally a guest of the Marquis and his wife.

Wait until Aiwen and his entourage flew to Yuanfanling across the entire area of ​​New Granada’s Deputy King District and the Golden Sea. Dr. Taylor, who was already prepared, used the knowledge inherited from the “Visaari School” to lock a series of targeted herbs using the original strain as the medium:

Diamondia dilatatum, Pterocephalus vulgaris, Butterbur, pineapple flower

In fact, those who look down on Chinese medicine do not know that even the first western medicine is mostly derived from grass roots, bark, and flowers in the vast nature.

It’s just that the pharmacists researched and extracted the most effective, single-component chemical products. This is a Western medicine that is purer and more unitary than traditional Chinese medicine, which is extracted and made by westerners using chemical methods in the future.

For example, aspirin is an alias for acetylsalicylic acid. It is a synthetic compound produced by the synthesis of the active ingredient “salicyl alcohol”. Salicyl alcohol is named after a kind of “silicic acid” from the willow tree.

The original source of raw materials is the resin extracted from the bark of willow and the juice extracted from the leaves of the willow.

Quinine is a special medicine for treating malaria. It is also derived from a flowering evergreen plant, the famous cinchona tree.

In the beginning, the bark of the cinchona tree itself was widely promoted as an anti-malaria drug. Two hundred years after being used as medicine, some pharmacists extracted an alkaloid called “quinine” from it, which transformed it into a conventional western medicine.

Currently in this era of great navigation, with the gradual development of experimental medicine.

Natural plant extracts or essential oils have gradually replaced bottled decoctions with complex ingredients derived from wizards’ “potions”, becoming an important weapon in the hands of pharmacists, and will soon become the main form of medicine in the mundane world.

If one or two hundred years pass, when natural substances are either raw materials for manufacturing medicines or reference samples of artificial products, chemists will also produce more and more chemical compounds that are not available in nature.

Of course, it is now in the initial stage of medical science, and Aiwen and the others are far from the corresponding conditions and knowledge system.

Extracting active ingredients directly from plants is currently the easiest and the only way to produce enough medicines to solve the epidemic at the fastest speed. It is simpler than chemically replicating its complex effects.

As for the pharmaceutical giants in modern society, why never promote these complex natural medicines? It is not because they are not effective, but because they have difficulty in obtaining patents for corresponding pharmaceutical formulations and profit from them.

This problem does not exist for Aiwen.

In a collaborative experiment with Dr. Taylor, they finally selected a plant widely distributed in the subtropical and tropical regions of the New World from several candidate plants: the “Pineapple Flower” of the genus Artemisia of Bignoniaceae.

The essential oil components directly extracted from it can exert a strong killing effect on the witchcraft-modified [Super Cyst Fungus], and even have a broad-spectrum inhibitory effect on a variety of other germs.

Especially this plant has a very wide range of growth, even if the simplest and rude distillation extraction method is used, the effective ingredients will not be destroyed, and it is convenient for large-scale preparation.

Moreover, unlike the antibiotics that Ivan is planning to manufacture, it may have strong side effects on the human body, so it must be tested for allergy in advance.

This also means that they do not need to conduct too complicated human experiments, and they can go directly to the market!

“I don’t think there is a problem, Mr. Irwin. Although it is not the best sterilization effect among them, it is a comprehensive trade-off of various factors, and this drug can fully meet all our current requirements.”

After reading the experimental report and the comparison of several alternative drugs, Dr. Taylor also somewhat excitedly agreed with Aiwen’s choice.


By the way, from the professional point of view of an excellent doctor, a prescription on how to use this new drug was left at the bottom of that report.

With this plant essential oil named [Rurubin] because of its color and several adjuvants, it is expected to be sufficient to cure the second generation of patients infected by [Cyst Servant] within three days.

However, after being absorbed too much nutrients by the cyst fungus, weakness is inevitable for a long time.

As for the first-generation patients who were directly infected by the “Plague Poison Cloud”, it is not yet certain for the time being. Because they don’t have such a patient at hand for the time being, even if one comes in, they have been burned as a source of infection.

Also, Ivan is very suspicious that after killing two members of the “poisonous epidemic school”, they dare not continue to spread the germs in such a big way.

Although they fell into their own hands this time because of various coincidences and the pertinence of the road.

Nevertheless, we can’t question the viability of the “poisonous epidemic school” and the powerful threat to ordinary people. If you are a low-key person, you can at least get very nourishing.

Ivan couldn’t help thinking, just a germ in a crystal hole can cause such a big trouble, what kind of power will it have after the outbreak of various pathogens that are not well known to humans?

Even common diseases that are very popular among ocean-going mariners: malaria, yellow fever, blood dysentery, edema, colds, and parasitic diseases. These are all more troublesome, but they can’t be solved by strength.

So when Calvin left the laboratory with the report and the warrant issued by Ivan, collecting raw materials and calling craftsmen to prepare for the large-scale preparation.

Aven asked the doctor who was around to organize the laboratory equipment:

“Dr. Taylor, after solving the matter here, do you have any other plans?”

Taylor, who just breathed a sigh of relief after finding the special medicine, didn’t expect that Ivan would ask this question. After thinking about it for a while, he answered him very honestly:

“I may choose to continue to travel to the magical new world and improve my medical skills in the process of continuous treatment. I have been practicing medicine for ten years.”

Ivan also knows that the actual age of this seemingly middle-aged doctor is close to 70 years old. It is just because of the wizard’s nature and special knowledge that his physical condition is much better than ordinary people.

It is totally unimaginable for such an “old man” to travel across the oceans and across the Black Sea to the New World without firm belief or obsession.

So, after hearing what he said, Irvine must feel that his plan this time should be stable.

He stared into Taylor’s eyes and said very sincerely:

“With such great ambitions, you are destined to become a great doctor.

It just so happens that I have a little idea, which may be able to inspire you.

Essential oils extracted from plants have multiple effects because they contain specific natural ingredients. “

When the other party couldn’t help but listen, Ivan threw a blockbuster.

“And I also found a special kind of substance produced by a certain microorganism~IndoMTL.com~They can be used to treat various bacterial infections or pathogenic microbial infections. I named it: antibiotics.

Moreover, they have much better antibacterial effects than natural plant extracts, and they are destined to be the gospel to countless patients suffering from diseases.

The most important thing is that this is a brand new category of drugs, and his inventor will be destined to stay in medical history! “

Seeing Dr. Taylor who was already short of breath, Ivan finally showed a devilish smile:

“I haven’t completed the experimental part completely, and the second author of the paper is currently missing, I don’t know.”

“Please give me this opportunity to contribute to the cause of human medicine!”

Looking at Dr. Taylor, who had bowed to the end in front of him, Ivan was very happy and made a fist gently:

“Ship doctor, get!”

(End of this chapter)

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