Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 44: Black Sea Potions and Transmutation

   Aiwen returned to his residence with the exquisitely crafted wooden box. Gary didn’t care too much about the contents of the box, and he returned to his room very consciously.

   A few months of training is enough to make a reckless and simple country boy repressive and understand the world. This may be the price for a person to mature. Gary is like this, so is Irving.

   opened the wooden box, as expected.

   A semi-crystallized heart about the size of a fist after processing, lying quietly on the silk cushion in the box, there is a faint light red aura flowing, quite a bit mysterious.

  ”Is it the Blue Flag Magic Shark?”

   took out a label in the box, which clearly recorded the source and place of capture of this extraordinary material. It was a blue-flag demon shark captured from the upwind route.

The capture time of    was very short, just half a month ago.

   The Blue Flag Demon Shark is a magical creature that lives in the Black Sea. Its swimming speed and endurance are amazing. In the ocean food chain, only after the sea monster family and various giant monsters, it is an extraordinary predator with strong adaptability.

   Aiwen was born in the Galliot family, an extraordinary family of knights who have inherited more than 100 years, and is no stranger to the knowledge of knight transformation.

  During Transcendent Transformation, transcendental master materials from different sources will guide the physical fierceness in the knight stage. Some people are good at strength, some are good at speed, some are good at physique, and the wrong choice of materials will adversely affect the future path.

   Aiwen’s main attribute is agility, so this blue-flag demon shark who is good at speed fits him very well.

   And even among the extraordinary materials with agility attributes, the Blue Flag Magic Shark is also one of the best raw materials.

   Of course, this is not to say how powerful this demonized creature is, but because it belongs to the class of materials most suitable for apprentice knights to perform extraordinary transformations, the best effect without many side effects.

  The nature of the demonized creatures is similar to the ferocious animals that Ivan has encountered before, but the ferocious animals are just ordinary creatures, and they have undergone a certain transformation under the influence of mysterious factors. The demonized creatures are inherently extraordinary and have been able to multiply normally to form a fixed population.

  Whether it is a demonized creature or a human transcendent, it will form its own “transcendent organ” when it advances to a truly transcendent creature.

   But this “organ” is not a body organ in the general sense, such as eyes, arms, heart, liver, etc., but a conceptual existence.

   This kind of “supernatural organ” can never be found in the body of supernatural beings while they are still alive.

   Once the supernatural beings die, their supernatural characteristics have a certain probability to condense in a certain organ in the body, and thus survive.

   also said that after untold hardships to find suitable supernatural creatures, after risking their lives to hunt, it is impossible to guarantee 100% of what they want.

   Even, what finally condenses into material is a small probability event. More extraordinary characteristics will be directly dissipated as the owner dies and then return to the spiritual circle. This has also caused the scarcity of the extraordinary characteristics of high-quality raw materials, and no matter how high the level is, there will not be too few.

   “It’s too precious!”

   At least Ivan felt that he couldn’t afford it with the thousands of Golden Lion deposits he had saved.

   There was a rush of heat in my heart.

Uncle   Geer is very careful and thoughtful. He originally wanted to wait for him to come back from his trip to discuss with him the issue of extraordinary qualities, but he had already arranged everything.

  From that failed cut-off, he already knew how rare it is to have a suitable extraordinary trait. In such a big power as the Royal Navy, some people use dark means for it.

  Without Gehr, he couldn’t imagine how much time it would take to obtain suitable materials by his own power. Even if he could finally obtain it, he would not be able to achieve this quality.


   After acknowledging Geer, Ivan’s utilitarian heart seemed to disappear most of the time. He was an orphan in his previous life. After losing all his family members again in this life, that wandering and helpless heart regained its existence here and now.

   Only when you have lost it will you know how happy it is to have a loved one who is considered for you regardless of gains or losses, and you should cherish it even more!


   patted myself on the cheek, Ivan whispered to myself:

   “Start work!”

   He is not ready to choose a good day. Whether it is the keen senses brought by the mental power or the monitoring results of the data-based vision at any time, it shows that the current physical state has reached the best.

   Today is my day of advancement!

   said don’t bother with Gary, and Ivan walked into the pharmacy room converted into a loft, and likewise took out the potion materials that had been prepared.

   began to brew the “Black Sea Potions”.

   The curtains were tightened, and the same material was added to the crucible in the bright yellow light, and bubbles came out of the dark green soup.



   If this weird scene is to let outsiders see an “evil wizard” hat, how can it be impossible to take off.

   seems to be a potion level, but in fact this kind of advanced potion brewing is very simple. The main purpose derived from it is not to reconcile the medicinal properties of various materials, but to maximize the effect of extraordinary properties.

   It doesn’t matter if you add a certain material more or earlier, even if you are a novice.

   Not to mention that Ivan has a wealth of pharmaceutical experience in the “White Rock Pharmacy”, until the last adjuvant iron reef moss is added to the crucible, the cooking process is perfectly controlled by him.


   The most important moment came, and Ivan swallowed nervously.

   carefully took out the precious blue flag demon shark demonized heart, without any further treatment, put the whole one in the cauldron.


After    there was a soft sound, the medicinal soup finally produced a magical change due to the addition of extraordinary materials.

   The dark green liquid medicine began to boil violently, and a small vortex was created in the center of the crucible. Then, starting from the very edge of the crucible, the medicinal juice gradually became clear and transparent from the outside to the inside, as if all the colors and essence were sucked in by the vortex in the middle.

   One minute, two minutes… Ivan carefully kept the flame steady.

   Until the change completely stopped, the whole crucible had completely restored to transparent water.

   In the cauldron, a small blue and green fish is swimming in the boiling clear water, like a real creature with life.

   while sighing the magic of the extraordinary world, he scooped out the small fish with a ceramic spoon, and quickly poured it into a glass containing half a cup of ice water.


   After a roar, the small fish and the ice water turned into a glass of azure blue, as magnificent and mysterious as the deep sea.

   re-recall all the changes of the potion, and each change is in line with the record of the “Black Sea Potions” in the family heritage.

   Aiwen looked at this beautiful potion for a while, didn’t hesitate anymore, drank it close to his lips.


   The extraordinary transformation begins! ! !

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