Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 422: Everything is ready

“Extraordinary Sailing ()”


Amidst the frantic screams, two long, uplifting sand lines in the desert flew up, and among the flying gravel, two poisonous tails with shiny barbs were raised high.

I don’t know if the toxins in it will be fatal. Even the half-meter-long barb in the previous one is absolutely uncomfortable.

Shoo! call out!

Two orange-red flame bombs the size of a human head, carrying the high temperature that almost scorches the desert, cut an arc and land exactly in front of the sand line.


It is as if the shelling of two heavy artillery blasted two hot pits in the sand sea, and the 3000-degree scorching current easily melted the sand into shiny crystals.

At the same time.

Under the yellow sand, two giant sand scorpions covered in transparent topaz-like shells were also exploded into the air.

Stab it—-

A sharp blue thunder light swept across the bodies of the two sand scorpions, and easily cut their topaz shells, splitting them in half from head to tail.

The scream stopped abruptly.


Ivan returned the sword to its sheath, and the ruby ​​ring on the right index finger of Miss Moonstone beside him also slowly dimmed.

After a dozen or so nights of joint action, one hour corresponds to a day and a half.

The two people actually spent more than 20 days in the spirit world, and their cooperation has been very tacit.

Moreover, this kind of strange creature, which is almost impossible to exist in the material world, obviously has the common characteristics of both the “living chemistry school” and the “gem school”.

It is also the normal state of the spirit world monsters when the two are acting together during this period, which is derived from the additional benefits of the mysterious binding of the two.

Although they can’t see each other’s expressions, both of them are more satisfied with the mysterious knowledge that comes with spiritual feedback.

“A way to cultivate organic gems? Great!”

There is a third-order physical supernatural person who can enter the spirit world to escort, Miss Moonstone’s time to explore the spirit world during this time is really relaxed and enjoyable.

Let’s not talk about the knowledge gains related to my own path, even after killing these spirit world monsters, the spiritual growth rate is at least ten times faster than when I explored alone a few days ago.

‘It’s not bad to have such a neighbor, but… it seems that I am too inexistent. ’

Although she feels a little depressed, who is always proud and strong, she also knows that her situation is almost impossible for others to meet.

Even if there are powerful high-level physical transcendents who are willing not to gain, and at the same time take huge risks to act as bodyguards, those great knights whose spirit (will) is as hard as iron and stone cannot enter the spirit world at all.

It’s like a piece of sea surface can absorb a lot of water, but as long as you poke a needle, it will poke a hole in the sponge. Compared with the priests, the great knights are the needles!

After that, no words are needed.

The two of them looked at each other, turned around and came to a dark seam not far away.

Wow! Whoosh!

Jumped into the crack of the ground, and after turning around in the continuous caves and underground rivers, he has returned to the two beacon anchorages.

Before bidding farewell, the moonstone looks very petite in the contrast of body shape and looked up at Aiwen slightly speaking:

“Mr. Red Hemlock, after a few days of discussion, I think your design proposal is very complete.

In response to your question today about the arrangement of different kinds of gemstones or the same kind of gemstones, I will consider answering you tomorrow. “

Although the tone remained as cool as ever, the arrogance had almost disappeared.

“Thank you for your help, Miss Moonstone.”

“It’s nothing, just return your hyacinth.”

Olivia silently added a sentence in her heart:

The stronger the ‘horn of the storm’, the safer I am. Yes, that’s it! ’

Ivan didn’t think it was because of a familiar relationship, Miss Moonstone was much stronger than her arrogant appearance at the beginning, and it was actually not difficult to get along with.

“Then, see you tomorrow!”


After waving goodbye, Aiwen watched the girl disappear from the back of the forest, whispering to herself:

“Although getting along with each other is quite pleasant, but I always feel that the relationship with Miss Moonstone is weird.

For this hour every night, I spend a day and a half alone with each other.

The time in the spiritual world is like another life, and it is longer than the time in the material world. Is this…a strange soul mate? “


After daybreak, work will continue.

After completing the modification of the eight privateers and the last five-tier ship, the Shake, Ivan and Milan did not rest long.

Sufficient steel was delivered in place, and they immediately launched a plan to transform the Horn of Storm.

The seawater in Dock Room No. 1 has been drained again, and all the outfitting of “Cape Storm” has been removed, and it is fully prepared.

He gestured to the craftsmen and engineers who were watching.

Ivan slowly raised his hands.


Next moment.

The characterization has been completed a long time ago. On the five horns representing fire, water, earth, wind and soul, a small cannon, a golden cup, a golden lion, a sword stick and a Milan rune array are respectively placed.

The transparent emerald green brilliance burst out like jade.


Ivan has re-launched the [Extra-Limit Ritual·Activation of Skillful Hand] that I used to transform the “Venus” before.

Aven, whose abilities have been greatly enhanced, this time the “Activated Hand” easily covered the entire battleship.

With his current soul strength enough to cope with multi-threaded operations, it seems that countless skilled craftsmen work together under the same brain, and the wooden ribs that were originally firmly fixed in the battleship are a little loose and peeled.

During the period, no damage was caused to the hull itself.


In fact, the keel of the battleship could have been replaced normally.

Even the current shipbuilding habit in the entire Tulip Alliance is to use inferior materials as the keel when building. Finally, the keel was knocked out and replaced with a real keel made of good materials, so that the keel that was launched was as “new” as possible, and it was inconvenient to bear the hardships during construction.

This method can also prevent the keel from deforming to the greatest extent.

It can be said that most of the battleships currently in service in Tulip have changed their keel at least once.

Compared with the keel of wooden structure.

Steel is a crystalline state at the micro level, and its interior is completely coherent at the macro level, which determines that steel has good macro mechanical properties and mechanical conductivity.

The wood is completely different, because the texture that penetrates the material-“annual rings” is visible to the naked eye.

It is made up of many xylem fibers arranged in parallel, and the strength of the connection between these fibers is far less than that of the inside of a whole fiber. Therefore, it is said that “chopping wood without illuminating the pattern is exhausted.”

The material revolution is an inevitable trend to build larger, stronger and more robust warships.

It’s just that, now the wooden sail battleship has only appeared for a few decades, and no iron rib wooden hull ship has been launched yet.

In Aiwen’s memory, even the earliest iron-ribbed wooden shell warships generally required wrought iron box keels and riveted ribs, which required extremely high craftsmanship and materials.

The technology of this world is stronger than that of the contemporary Blue Stars. Because of the need to equip powerful knights with suitable weapons, materials science, especially steel production and processing technology, is relatively mature.

With ideas, the technology tree can almost meet the requirements of small-scale manufacturing.

The material Ivan chose was low-carbon steel, which is relatively easy to shape.

Steel is a carbon-iron alloy in plain terms, and it has different properties only because of the difference in carbon content. Wrought iron (wrought iron): C% 0.0218%; steel: C% 0.0218% to 2.06%; pig iron: C% 2.06-4.3%.

The iron components (fixing cleaning rods, etc.) on normal warships generally use wrought iron with better plasticity.

Ivan is aware of the difference in strength and hardness between wrought iron and steel. For him, the increase in material hardness is nothing more than a matter of effort. Of course, it has to be done in one step.

Ding Ding Dong Dang…

Wooden keels, ribs, iron nails for fixing, cleaning rods, etc. are easily hollowed out by “activated hands.”

The whole section was processed in advance by him. The long steel had already raised its head on its own and crawled into the lower cabin like a snake.

From start to finish, I fit myself into the void left by the original keel and side ribs.

Whether it is a box structure with a hollow keel or a connection problem between steel components, it is a piece of cake for Aiwen.


After this whole piece of steel arrives at the predetermined location, it grows naturally like a tree. The keel, ribs, and steel beams are integrated into one piece. This technique is more than a hundred times better than welding and riveting?

Then the steel and wood of “Storm Horn” grew at the same time, just like two acacia trees with life growing together firmly.

Then in the inevitable gap, tar and linen have been automatically filled in, providing an excellent buffer zone~IndoMTL.com~ turns the entire battleship into a perfect whole.

After the transformation was completed, Ivan also cleaned the bottom of the boat covered with copper skin by the way, activating the aura, and the copper skin immediately shone like the new one.

That’s it!

Ivan’s old friend, Walkley, the senior ship engineer who once helped him transform the Venus, rushed to the “Cape Storm”. After using his professional knowledge to check carefully, he couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“Your Excellency, this iron ribbed wooden hull ship…is the future of the kingdom warship!”

Of course it can be seen from Walkley’s experience.

The advantages of the iron rib structure are very obvious. It can make the ship longer without greatly increasing the weight of the ship, can better withstand the recoil of the artillery, and increase the number of artillery.

At the moment when the precision and power of artillery are limited, more is strong!

Furthermore, when building a new ship, the rib drying time can be greatly shortened. With the steam drying of the ship board, the production cycle of a battleship can be shortened from several years to several months.

Ivan smiled, neither approving nor disagreeing.

In fact, the steam armored ship is the future of warships.

However, with the gradual shortage of large, high-quality timbers throughout the colony, the use of relatively low-cost steel-ribbed boats should become an excessive choice and supplement.

Of course, the premise is that with the progress of industrialization, the production capacity of steel must keep up. Now that the strength of the navy is measured by the number of cast iron cannons, this desire is difficult to realize in a short time.

However, Ivan doesn’t care much about the future development of warships, but the “Stormhorn” has everything ready, and only the final finishing touch can usher in a gorgeous rebirth!

“Miss Moonstone, I hope you can bring good news for the Horn of the Storm tonight.”

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