Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 397: New style privateer


   To whom the contract of this batch of slaves should be transferred, it takes Aven to think carefully.

   Even if it is limited to the Kingdom of Falitis, there are six royal colonies, two owner colonies, three autonomous colonies, and a total of eleven colonies.

   No matter which colony has been developed for less than a hundred years, there is a huge labor gap.

   Although Anuma slaves have a lazy nature in their bones, the slave owners have already learned how to manage them.

   has always been a hot commodity in the slave market with its strong physique and the tenacious vitality that can adapt to various environments.

  If you make good use of it, you may be able to exchange other benefits for yourself besides the golden lion, even exceeding the value of their lifelong slavery!

   As for drawing part of the Anuma people into their privateer fleet?

  唔, Ivan has never had that dangerous idea…

   These slaves are excluded from the spoils.

   The second most valuable thing in Aiwen’s eyes is not the [Head of the Ship·Lucky Gold Coin] that has been added to the Venus, but the batch of brig mixed-sail slave ships!

  Because the four main battleships in the privateer fleet are full as the pirate crew grows, every extra day of idle personnel is a huge waste.

   is just the cost of the fleet and cannot create value for itself.

   But with this batch of small sailboats, at least the problem of the future main pirate ship in the private fleet has been solved.

   On the surface, these ships are nothing compared to the cruisers and battleships in their hands.

   But in fact, in the current maritime plundering activities, this kind of faster small warship is the real main force!

   Without the leadership of an extraordinary-level captain, it is really not easy to capture a large merchant ship with the power of a small fast ship, but sea wolf pack tactics can be used.

   when the bald eagle was just established and was blocked by John Bull.

   In order to break the situation, a reciprocal battle was carried out. At first, only six heavy cruisers such as the “Constitution” were launched.

   is the main privateer, or the small privateer “Brigentin” brig mixed sailing vessel (more advanced than the same brig Jackdaw).

   This is the pinnacle representative of the design concept of the sailing pirate ship before the launch of the steam ironclad ship. Like the heavy cruiser, it is also derived from the bald eagle’s special design for John Bull.

  Brigentin type two-masted mixed sailboat, usually displacement 210 tons, equipped with a 24-pounder and six 6-pounders. It happens to be a brig just like these slave ships, with horizontal sails on the front mast and schooner sails on the mainmast.

   Its main feature is the use of a streamlined V-shaped cross-section hull with a deep draft at the tail, which improves longitudinal stability and speed.

   And sailing is easier than ordinary horizontal sailing boats, and the professionalism and number of sailors required are greatly reduced.

  These ship design features represent the most advanced ship design ideas at the time, making the Brigentin sailboat one of the best fast sailing ships in the 19th century by Bluestar.

   And I can completely re-squeeze the boat on the basis of the existing ordinary brig, using the “activating aura”!

   is just a small ship of two to three hundred tons. I didn’t expect them to last long. Even if the ship’s structural strength might be broken after pinching, it is completely acceptable.

  ”However, it is better to need a group of professional craftsmen to cooperate with me, otherwise it would be too difficult to deal with eight slave ships and a fifth-tier ship.”

   Thinking of this, Ivan rubbed his chin, already thinking of the next home for the Anuma slave in his hand.


   Far sail collar.

   step on.. step on.. step on..

   A tall young man in a stiff general uniform and a gilt-gold commanding knife hanging from a big cloak, walked into the towering family castle under the personal guidance of the housekeeper of the Emore family.

  ”Your Excellency General, please come in.”

  The Marquis of Yuanfan family still retains the tradition of its own great aristocracy.

   After completing the initial colonial development that year, he rebuilt his own military castle on this foundation, and it is located in Yuanfan City.

   or Yuanfan City was originally built on the basis of this castle.

  The main body is a towering five-story fortress built with large blocks of granite.

   has the Wengcheng as a military facility and tall towers. Of course, there is also everything that a castle should have, such as stables, small Tibetan soldier caves, and martial arts grounds.

   The Egret River, a river that traverses the entire city, “just happens” flows through the front of the castle, adding another defense force to it.

   Although it seems that it does not match the prosperous Yuanfan City, it is very necessary in the crisis-ridden New World.

  If it were not limited by financial resources, the early pioneers would have liked to build every city in this way to withstand the ubiquitous dangers here.

   Normally speaking, the castle that exists as a military fortress is disappointing in terms of living comfort.

   However, this orange leaf castle belonging to the Emore family is obviously an exception!

   Aiwen walked in it, not at all feeling the cold and gloomy of the large military castle building, and the body feels comfortable as if every step is stepping on the breath of spring.

   Compared with the subtropical weather outside the castle, the temperature and humidity are like two worlds.

   And when he completely entered the main building of Orange Leaf Castle, this feeling was even stronger, and even his sensitive wizard was a little frightened.

   This feeling is derived from the rune styles that are scattered in every corner of the entire castle!

   When I noticed this, Ivan’s time-tested mind couldn’t help but lag. I felt that I was not entering a great nobleman’s castle, but a wizard tower that killed secret cloth.

  ‘The Marquis of Yuanfan must enshrine a powerful wizard! ’

   The housekeeper of the Marquis Yuanfan’s house beside   , as if not aware of Ivan’s strangeness, continued to lead him in front of him.

  ”Your Excellency, the Marquis is waiting for you in the living room!”


   If you are an obscure little wizard, when you get to such a place where people use a knife and you are a fish, of course, you just turn your head and run away.

   But now, although his status in the kingdom is not small compared to that of the Marquis, he is the one who should worry about his safety the most when he comes to the other side’s territory.

   So, after a moment of hesitation, Ivan has walked in calmly.

   Through the lobby, although not too luxurious, it is very artistic and historical.

  In the reception room belonging to the Marquis on the top of the castle, I met one of the most powerful figures in the entire kingdom colony, the Great Knight Duke Emore, the Governor of Far Sail.

  ”Your Excellency, good day!”

  ”Welcome to Yuanfanling, General Irwin, please sit down.”

  , standing by the window looking at the wharf area, the Marquis, who was delivering slaves in the name of the East Lundz Company, turned his head and smiled and invited Ivan to sit on the sofa opposite him.

  As a great knight with an average life span of 150 years, the Marquis looks very young, wearing a simple aristocratic costume, and facing Irving, a young man who is about the same age as his daughter, he has no pretensions.

   even personally poured him a cup of black tea from the housekeeper, and said with a smile while Ivan was flattered and thanked:

  ”During this time, you have done several important things in the’Golden Sea’. Encouraged by your deeds, a large number of young people have joined the ranks of privateers.

  I heard that even if an armed merchant ship without a privateer permit looted Hilius’s cargo at sea, as long as it is willing to pay taxes to the Maritime Court, without exception, it will be declared legal.

   A wave of turmoil has been set off throughout the New World, and those overbearing Hilius will have headaches in the future. Ha ha ha…”

   manages as the kingdom’s bridgehead to go deep into the Golden Sea, the Far Sailing Neck, who is the closest to the Hilius, of course, the Marquis is also angry with those who inevitably have to deal with.

   may have been regarded as a figure of the same level by the Marquis because of the identity of Aiwen.

   Although I only passed two letters before, this is the first time I have met, but there is no majesty and majesty of the great nobles and colonial governors in front of outsiders.

   At this time, even a hint of schadenfreude was revealed, which added a sense of intimacy.

  ” Your Excellency Marquis was absurdly praised, but it was because the Hilius did not change their minds in a short period of time.

   It is impossible for them to sit back and watch this situation continue to develop and remain indifferent. The strength of the overlord is still not enough to underestimate. We still have to be careful of Hilius’s back players.

   may not take long. When they react, the three main forces of Tulip, Sack, and Atlan will inevitably bear the brunt. “


  The Marquis’s face is a bit strange. Standing in this position, he certainly knows the famous Ivan better than outsiders, and he even has a copy of “The Overlord Disqualification Plan” here.

   At this time, he did not expect that such a young man who should have done so many important things, who should have been so content, still kept such a clear head.

  It is obviously not a fluke to be able to walk from a declining noble child to the present.

  ” But anyway, because of your series of actions, even our shipyard business has improved a lot.

   Even without this batch of slaves, the need for excellent craftsmen to help transform the privateer as mentioned in the previous letter is not a problem at all. If the dock is not enough, we can provide it.

   To be honest, most of the orders we received during this period were small privateers. We still have a lot of experience in craftsmen for what you want to change. “

  In the eleven colonies of Falettis, COSCO Sailing and Fortmont have the most developed shipbuilding and shipping industries, and in the colony occupied by Falettis, which is the eastern part of the New World, there happens to be a wide distribution of white oak that is very suitable for shipbuilding. .

   Although it is not as good as the iron oak, which is a specialty of Treasure Tree Bay in the Southern Continent, it can be used to build second and first class battleships, and there are even extraordinary materials that can be used to build legendary battleships.

   But there is no problem at all when it is used to build cruise ships or even low-level battleships.

   At this point, the Marquis is also very generous, and he didn’t even mention the cost of the extra boat material.

  ”Is that so?”

   Hearing the Marquis introduce the current status of the colonial shipbuilding industry, Ivan suddenly had an idea.

   Just like the previous call for a large number of “aspiring young people” to join the privateer business, the advancement of privateer tools will inevitably increase the success rate of the looting and the efficiency of the “blood loss plan”.

   I have already obtained the brigadier general ship and a large number of resources that I can mobilize only by relying on the “Overlord Disqualification Project” on paper.

  If you plan to achieve rapid progress under your own leadership~IndoMTL.com~The follow-up benefits will inevitably be endless.

   I don’t expect to be confined to the New World like the two nobles of Emore and Pine, but it should be no problem to restore to the heyday of the Galliot family.

   Even if Anita and herself are already striding forward on the path of transcendence, there should be no new members born in a short time, but only if they have their own foundation can they no longer be a wandering duckweed.

   Blackrock Town, Leopold, Shipwreck Port, although these places are of great significance to my siblings, they are not “home” after all…

   A privateer design is nothing compared to it.

   During the execution of the plan, every point of the Kingdom’s achievements has its own merits, and there is no need to worry about temporary gains and losses.

   For every cent invested today, there will be a hundredfold and thousandfold return in the future, as long as… you are strong enough!

   So, putting in his ceramic teacup, he said to the Marquis: “Are you interested in a new, faster and stronger privateer?”

  The Marquis who takes the shipbuilding industry as the fundamental economic pillar immediately came in interest:

   “Oh? Are you saying that the Kingdom has begun secretly building the Garriott cruiser?”

   Aiwen smiled slightly:

  ”Unfortunately, it is not. But in the privateing of the whole people, it may be more meaningful.”

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