Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 385: Team growth and the spirit world strategy

Looking directly at those young but resolute eyes.

After all, Ivan still failed to reject the self-motivatedness of a loyal subordinate.

As Baldwin himself said: “My lord! Do you think it is possible for me to break through the extraordinary before the age of thirty-five based on my qualifications?

Now is the time when the pirates are hiring people. I am willing to make a bet. Anyway, this life was also picked up by you. “

Ivan also agrees with his judgment, unless his own “essential fruit” manages enough, otherwise, relying on his own “effort”, Baldwin has almost no hope of breaking through in his life.

The reality is so cold and cruel!

What’s more, the number of transcendents who have experienced the test is too small, and only the talented Gary is really slowly developing.

As for the included pirates, the second-tier senior knight “Iron Bone” William is one, but only this one.

In addition to the pirate flagship “Venus”, which he personally served as captain, the two fifth-tier ships, “Gladiator” and “Wrestler”, still lack two extraordinary-class captains.

If the trainee knight is used as the captain of a Tier 5 ship, you and the Dragoon Pirates really can’t afford to lose that person. If the warship has thoughts, it will cry!

But in the pirates, you can get to the extraordinary level, even the most crappy kind, if you want to, you can grab an armed merchant ship or become the captain of your own schooner.

So far, most of the people who have joined the pirate group are just ordinary people.

Now, the most hopeful one under his command can be promoted in a short time, but the two Arawak guides Zenaro and Paka who followed him to the golden post road to raid.

When they were driven out of their homeland by the Hilius ten years ago, the Orca totem poles of the Arawak tribe were cut off, and the shamans of the clan were also destroyed. It can be said that this tribal spirit and beliefs The roots of the above have been cut off.

As a result, Zenaro, who had not obtained the totem engraving at the age of fourteen, had to practice the Cesi scimitar technique that was spread among pirates. Of course, the younger Paka naturally did not say, and all showed amazing sky. point.

Now for the balance of the factions under his command, if Baldwin can really become a “pied man”, it is obviously a great thing for him and for the pirate group.

“Let me see, can you become a hardworking genius compared with them?!”


Wow, la la la…

The increasing number of people has gradually become more lively in the port of Hatrafa. In a hidden corner of the vast lagoon, Ivan has spawned a mangrove forest and surrounded a wooden dam that isolates the inside and outside.

Take the potion that Ivan prepared with the heart of the demonized creature-level dogfish, and put it on the “activated animal skin” that just stares at the same bloodthirsty beast when it violently rises and chooses people to eat. .

Baldwin has been thrown into the enclosed lagoon by Ivan.



However, listening to the human-like roars in the water, and the splash of great power when struggling, it is clear that Baldwin is not in a good state at this time.

Under the water.

The overall shape is a three-meter-long shark with spikes on the back, but from time to time, a fin turns into an arm, and a tail turns into legs of different sizes, and then changes back again after a few breaths. .

This weird form is even more terrifying than the previous “Fish Monster”.

Ivan knew that the physical pain for him at this time was nothing more than cramps and skinning, because the continuous intense pain kept tumbling and roaring in the water, even hitting the embankment made up of mangroves with his head.

Extreme pain can not be overcome by will alone, nor are there cases of death due to pain in medicine.

Even Patwin, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was an elite soldier who had experienced many battles.

What’s more, there is the remaining will of a ferocious large carnivorous demonized creature, which has been left in this activated animal skin. If you want to completely take over its power, you must first ask the original owner if he agrees.

This is a double test from the body and the soul. Since the beginning, no one can directly help him.

There will only be one victor between “Living Skin” and Baldwin!

But this state has lasted for two hours, and the fierce confrontation between the two still shows no sign of subsiding. And the longer the time delays, the less the hope of success will be.

However, as the first loyal subordinate to follow him, Irving certainly did not want the young Baldwin to become the nourishment for “activated animal skins”.

At this time, I can only come up with the last solution.

Turning his head and saying to Gary next to him: “Put it in.”

“Okay, boss!”

An inconspicuous sluice was pulled up by Gary with one hand, and in another small area of ​​water also enclosed by the dam, two large tiger fishes with two-meter-long grinning teeth swam in immediately.

Wow! Whoosh!

The dorsal fin pulls two long white lines on the water. They are more ferocious in nature than sharks, and they pounce on the “dogfish” Baldwin, who is obviously not as powerful as the first.

Although the tiger fish did not reach the level of the demonized creature, the two heads combined are enough to compete with the exhausted Baldwin at this time. More importantly, they are fierce. Not to mention that the demonized creature is the sea monster. Dare to go up and take a bite.


The water splashed, and the three big fishes were already fighting together, and the red blood instantly stained a large area of ​​sea water.

People who don’t know about it might think that Ivan is going to take the already defeated Patwin to feed the fish…



The magical thing is that although Baldwin roared again and again, and seemed to be in a critical situation, he gradually disappeared from the initial precariousness, and he was about to lose control and be swallowed by fish skin at any time.

Over time.

On the contrary, it seems to have turned into a real deep-sea wild shark, with the fierceness, power and cunning of the “wolf of the ocean”!

Obviously, this reciprocal situation was deliberately created by Aiwen.

In the life and death crisis of both parties in the relationship, the opposing state of Patwin and “activated animal skins” can reduce internal friction and unanimously deal with powerful foreign enemies.

It can even achieve a state of real tacit coexistence.

Although it was first created by Aiwen, the effectiveness of this method has never been verified in the Secret Book of Inheritance, but this is the most likely way that Aiwen has thought of to help him.

Anyway, after failure, it’s a death. Who will eat it or not?

So far, the effect seems to be pretty good.

After waiting for another five minutes, Ivan, who was staring at the movement of the water, finally showed a smile on his face, patted his palm lightly, and turned to Gary and said:

“Sure enough, a powerful foreign enemy is the best catalyst for internal unity.

Good luck, it looks like our official team of supernatural beings will be bigger after you.

When Baldwin adjusts to his new body, bring him to see me tomorrow. “

“Okay, boss!”


The ring-shaped spiritual world sun hangs high in the sky.

A slender but vague figure stands holding a sword in the dilapidated city.

Hanging a shield-shaped stone with a slight yellow light around his neck, he was wearing a short cyan robe that was lowered down to his calf, and his upper body was covered with a steel half body armor with black spikes.

The appearance is vaguely clearer than at first.

Because of the efforts to clear the monster like Black Worm some time ago, and continue to receive spiritual feedback from the spirit world, Ivan’s mental value has successfully broken through from 2.1 to 2.4 at the time of the breakthrough.

However, the feedback from this seemingly low-level bug has become less and less. At first, it completely killed a humanoid monster composed of [Black Bugs], and it could get a +0.01 increase.

However, at least more than 60 humanoid monsters have been killed now. Under the diminishing effect, the feedback from the spirit world has been minimal.

The only goal left for Aiwen to pay off these bugs is to obtain the complete [Early Thunder Swordsmanship]!

The great pirate “White Knight” who will inevitably need to show up in the future obviously needs a signature housekeeping skill to make the necessary distinction from the Commodore Ivan Garriott.

This powerful [Thunder Sword Art] came at the right time.

Squeak! squeak! squeak! ….

Among the noisy calls, the [black bugs], which are much sparser than the beginning, have gathered from all directions like a tide.

The location is still where the last Raiders ended on the third floor of Bossedia from the bottom up. During these days of recuperating, Ivan’s Raiders temporarily stagnated, because the physical state of the material world will also be synchronized to the spiritual world.

At least Ivan has not been arrogant enough to think that the dangerous and treacherous spiritual world has reached the point where he can let himself freely. It is simply joking with his life.

Until today, the body is completely healed, and I decided to kick away the stumbling block that has held me for a long time and get what I want!

However, the situation Ivan is facing today is different from the past.

The black worms who swarmed have completely lost the part before the “Transcendent Profound Truth”, and now they seem to be aware of the arrival of the decisive battle.

Wrapped in skulls and black fabric, the “squeak” strange screams began to merge.

The size of a normal human hasn’t stopped. The black worms that still have an endless stream pounced on to become a part of the humanoid monsters~IndoMTL.com~ And as the black worms gather, the momentum of the monsters is also rising step by step.

Apprentice knights, formal knights, senior knights, peak knights, the growth momentum gradually subsided at this time, and the massive black bugs of the third layer have completely disappeared.

Four giant monsters with a height of nearly eight meters appeared in the same place. The monster’s neck was wearing a circle of three-eyed human skulls, and the constantly squirming amorphous head was painted with three blacks on top and two underneath. Big hole.


A sound like a uniform neigh of all black worms, almost shattering a person’s tympanic membrane.

The four monsters wrapped in black rags still remain in human form as a whole, and their right hand is a long sword hardened with black secretions that has not changed for thousands of years. At this time, it has become almost the same as the door panel.

With a light wave, there is a long sword mark on the stony ground.

There is an extra weapon in the other hand, and Ivan thinks it should be called a “lightning weapon” more accurately.

Because each of them is shining with thunder, which are a lightning-shaped spear, a black lacquered hammer, a scepter wrapped in chains and a rattling scepter, and a large drum painted full of Leven.

As soon as they appeared, there was a muffled thunder in the sky above the lost city, as if an extreme thunderstorm was about to destroy the city.

Looking at the monsters gradually approaching him, Aiwen’s eyes opened wide:

“Didn’t you say that you want to be each other’s heaven… Swordsmanship opponents? You guys fouled!”

Next moment.


In the sound of a needle-piercing curse, on the slender and sharp line of cold front in his hand, there are already light blue electric lights pulsating, sparkling and crackling.

Then it became louder and louder like the chirping of a bird, and Ivan’s vaguely profiled face was illuminated with a tiled blue.

“Fortunately…I am not an honest person either!”

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