Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 376: Golden Post Road

   “What? Plundering the golden post of Hilius?!”

   When Milan made this scream.

  The group includes Alvin, Milan, Gary, William “Iron Bones”, two Arawak guides, Zenaro and Paka.

   In addition, there are twenty-four former excellent navy members of the “Cape Storm”, fifty elite pirates from the “Iron Bone”, and twenty Arawak warriors temporarily recruited.

   A 100-person assault team armed with the best equipment allocated from “Fort Dilburn”, aboard an inconspicuous smuggling merchant ship, it has traversed the entire “Golden Sea” and successfully landed in Balboa. isthmus.

   And this is also the heart of the Kingdom of Sirius in the New World!

   went further into this endless tropical rainforest for another 20 kilometers, and it was almost impossible to leak any more information. Ivan then informed the action team members of his destination and combat objectives.

   is to do something that no one has done before, or that many people want to do but never have the courage to do it.

   went straight into the hinterland of Hilius and robbed the gold, silver and gems that had been transported from the west coast of the mainland before they could board the ship!

   It’s no wonder everyone is moved except the Arawak who has a **** feud with Hilius.


   In the end, he did not escape the fate of “Iron Bone” William. When he faced Hudgens, he had to run away from the wind. At this time, he faced the regular Hilius army…

   He just felt like he was on a thief boat, and he was the kind that he could never get off. If you follow Irvine to finish the vote, you will really have to hold this thigh firmly in the future.

   William, who knows how to protect himself, is still thinking about the long-term.

   But including the elite pirates he brought, the warriors who had nothing but lick their blood boiled with enthusiasm.

   “My lord, really?”

   “I will kick the Hilius in the ass!”


  has been in the New World for so long, whether it is the navy, pirates, or natives of other countries, who hasn’t experienced the hegemony of the Hilius?

   Looting their merchant ships far away from the naval base, it’s okay to say.

   But directly robbing the gold and silver that Sirius officially regarded as the lifeblood, this is something that even the pirate kings have not done or dared to do.

  The significance of this is second only to the successful capture of the treasure fleet! If this deal is done, the privateer fleet, which currently has no name, will be a blockbuster!

   Seeing everyone’s expressions, Ivan was very satisfied, what he wanted was this effect.

   shock, excitement, excitement, disbelief…

   The stronger these emotions are at this time, the stronger the self-confidence, cohesion and conviction of oneself will be when the goal is truly accomplished!

  For privateer fleets that do not have official military support, the main benefit is to rely on loot, so a sufficiently attractive goal can best stimulate the morale of the team.

  Using the current first battle of the grass platform team, we set a miraculous start that a capable person can’t.

   shapes the “soul” of this team, and at the same time gradually infects the newcomers, in order to create an elite privateer fleet, rather than a group of mobs who are bullying and fearing hardship.

   At least in Ivan’s “Overlord Disqualification Project”, this privateer fleet is obviously going to the frontal battlefield. How can you be afraid of going against Hilius at this time?

   At this time, Aiwen, with a white mask on his face and a camouflage of grass and bark, ordered: “Go ahead and camp in ten kilometers!”

   Everyone behind him has done a good job of learning, and after making a camouflage, they will re-enter the tropical rain forest behind Irving.

  The New World is a gourd-shaped long north and south poles. The thinnest part in the middle is less than 700 kilometers. It is called the Isthmus of Barboa, which is where Ivan and the others are now. It is mainly composed of rain forests, mountains, inland seas, The composition of the river.

  On land, this area is sandwiched between the New Hilly District in the north and the New Granada District in the south. On the west side is the Sea of ​​Broken Stars that is the strongest by Sirius, and on the east side are naval bases, including the Navidad Fort where the New World Naval Command is located.

   Hilius’s inherent powers are all in all directions. Although there are no settlements in the rainforest, it is also the real heartland of Hilius.

   However, even if Hilius has ruled here for nearly a hundred years.

   But in the intricate terrain of the Isthmus of Balboa, there is no route for ships to pass, and it is impossible to connect the east and west coasts.

   Therefore, they usually transport the gold and silver produced by the Mystic Dragon, New Granada, and New Sirius by sea to the city of Balboa on the side of the Broken Star Sea.

   then use mules and horses to transport them through the tropical jungle of the Isthmus of Barboa, and transport them to Port Dios on the Golden Sea before returning to China by sea.

  This forest road across the isthmus is called the “Golden Post Road”!

  The invincible Hilius fleet may have been capsized for various reasons, but on land, this “golden post” has never had a problem.

   normal season.

  After the large fleet set sail in the early spring, a small fleet will not set sail for Hilius again until autumn. Until then, this “golden post road” will be activated.

   But the current situation is obviously not enough for them to spend more than half a year preparing.

   can only count the amount of gold and silver in advance, transport all the gold and silver in advance to Dios on the side of the Golden Sea again, and ship the proceeds from the looting during this period together to return to China.

   also happened to give Aiwen a chance.

   has been eyeing Aiwen here, and since receiving the authorization to establish the privateer fleet, he has sent his own reconnaissance force to carry out all-round control.

  The limit detection range of each seabird can cover a circular area with a diameter of 50 kilometers. Now, in my hand, these 150 seagulls with “spiritual connection” and “spiritualization” are formed. After the network.

   As long as Ivan wants to, it is possible to achieve a panoramic view of the city of Balboa on the side of the Broken Star Sea, which lies in the northern part of the Golden Sea, in the Port of Hattrafa!

   Afterwards, after meeting with the Arawaks who had been fighting with the Hilius for a long time, they obtained information on a part of the **** team, which finally finalized the plan of action.


   A few days ago, from the feedback from the seagulls.

   Ivan discovered that in the city of Balboa on the other side of the isthmus, ships from the south and north arrived at the port, and a large number of mules and horses were mobilized.

   After sending seagulls to detect the mysterious goods in wooden boxes, they have determined that they are the target they are waiting for.

   So I took the time to organize manpower to go straight to the “Golden Post Road”.

   This kind of heavy-duty troops marched in the mountains and forests. Even if there are simple and simple post roads built, but one day (simply refers to the daytime) to death, the straight-line distance is 30 kilometers.

   It will take them at least 20 days to complete the Isthmus of Barboa.

   Just in case, Ivan even came here to ambush more than ten days in advance. Moreover, no matter how cautious the Yunbao team were, they would never escape the real-time monitoring of the seagulls.

   This is the leader in the field of intelligence!

  呲! Bah! Bah! …

   In order to conform to the current “White Knight” persona, Irvine did not use witchcraft, but Gary wielded a long knife in front of him to clear the way.

   The group of people are either extraordinary or elite, and they have successfully reached the camping site that Ivan has selected before dark.

   A flat ground with living water streams and wind-sheltered hills as a support, it is perfect for camping, and it is only seven kilometers away from the ambush spot that Ivan finally selected.

   When the Yunbao team was only a day away from the rainforest exit to relax their vigilance, they unexpectedly intercepted one of them!

   “Set up camp, be careful, we need to stay here for half a month.”

   At this time, Ivan and the others do not need to do it. The physical work will naturally be taken care of by the subordinates, which naturally reflects the disparity in the survivability of the trilateral warriors in the wild.

   Aiwen looked at him one by one.

   The native Arawak is the undisputed number one. The pirates of “Iron Bones” performed the worst, and the naval soldiers who had undergone the necessary military training were inferior to the natives.

   But if you switch to the sea, the order is likely to be soldiers first, pirates second, and Arawaks third.

  Comprehensively, the navy soldiers under his command have the highest combat literacy.


   Only these twenty-four tried-and-tested henchmen were left with Aiwen. They followed Aiwen for a long time, and their combat power, experience, and insight were far beyond the comparison of ordinary pirates or natives in the wild.

  This group of people will become the backbone of the privateer fleet in the future, and those who perform well are likely to become new privateer captains.

   Moreover, Ivan has diverted public and private from the very beginning, so that the regular navy and the pirates of the private fleet will not be mixed together.

   From now on, the “Cape Storm” will be the military Brigadier General Ivan’s seat, and the “Venus” heavy cruiser will be the flagship of the privateer fleet.

   soon after night.

  After the initial running-in, the raiding team finally settled down in an orderly manner.

   The physical exertion on the first day was relatively large~IndoMTL.com~ Ivan did not let them hunt, and a small amount of prey could not satisfy the consumption of hundreds of people.

   is only half a month, and the dry food I carry is completely enough.

  After dinner is over.

   The night manpower was arranged, and most of the people who had been on the road for a day fell asleep in the rain forest amidst the increasingly active calls of nocturnal animals.


   This first night in the jungle, it was obvious that I was not going to let these outsiders live too peacefully.

   is approaching midnight, when the first changing of the guard.

  ”Your Captain…”

   In a separate tent, Aiwen, who was writing and painting with several volumes of “Totem Warrior Training”, suddenly heard a hasty call from outside.

   That’s the voice of Baldwin among the twenty-four confidants who followed him.

   “I will call me the White Knight Lord from now on, what’s the matter?”

   Ivan didn’t care much at first, because the seagulls didn’t give him any unusual feedback.

   But, Baldwin’s next sentence made him completely unable to sit still.

   “My lord, something has happened! I counted the number of people just after the change of guard, and the last secret whistle was silently missing one!”

   “How is it possible?!”

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