Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 356: Activate Skillful Hands and Venus!

In the next few days, Ivan spent most of his free time on this battleship, in addition to advancing various research projects that almost filled the timetable.

Based on Ivan, Walkley, and the best craftsmen on the original “Storm Horn”, a tough team was formed.

After Ivan chaired the first meeting and explained his vision, all members of the fortification team were full of interest in this new type of warship, which was temporarily still on paper, and couldn’t wait to make it a reality.

So I started to reform the plan design.

During the period, it is not necessary to kill several versions of the design plan.

Either it is not in line with Aiwen’s vision, and it fails to meet the predetermined performance, or it is too far-fetched, and the current structural strength of the material does not meet his requirements at all.

Later, Walkley Jeffery simply used his public tools for private use and shared a large amount of battleship data in the current kingdom with Aiwen. This allows him to perform data statistics and analysis through the “data-based vision”, and then feed it back to the tough team for follow-up corrections.

Because the oak, the main material of the battleship, is naturally grown, it is not standardized and highly homogenized steel, so even if it is a battleship of uniform specifications, each ship will be significantly different.

Even cast iron guns on warships or guns in the hands of soldiers are the same. Because of the limitations of the casting process, craftsmen are required to perform refined secondary processing in the later stage, which also creates a gap in weapon performance.

So, they are not nitpicking.

Instead, I hope that the first new warship born in my hands can achieve the best performance, and it may even become a model for the entire kingdom’s new warship.

Another whole week has passed.

Even when Ivan’s own most important research project, the “Adventurer’s Blood” suppression plan, had been successfully completed, they finally came up with the best plan based on current conditions and obtained everyone’s agreement. pass through.

In Walkley’s words:

“The transformation on the existing basis is ten times more difficult than redesigning a battleship!”

Of course, the more difficult is yet to come.

A large number of sailors were summoned to unload the open-air shipborne artillery, and began to dismantle the upper bow and tail tower and the open-air deck.

But they always felt that the battleship was not strong enough in the battle, but this time they suffered because of the strong hull.

Take the open deck as an example:

After the original laying is completed, it is necessary to first soak the linen with tar to plug the gaps, and then pour in hot tar to completely seal the joints of the planks. While effectively waterproofing, it also makes the overall deck more stable.

Therefore, the general navy will not take time and effort to dismantle and recover warships that need to be scrapped. Instead, they will be sunk directly on the sea as a gun target.

But the “Stellenbosch” is different, because these ship materials have other uses after being dismantled, and it is bound to be impossible for them to violently dismantle them.

So, even if Ivan summoned all the surplus manpower on the island and worked overtime for 24 hours non-stop rotation, the progress of the project would be unsatisfactory.

Although it doesn’t take three to five years to rebuild the sailboat, it is a time-consuming and laborious task.

If only these sailors can complete the preliminary work before the deadline for their garrison in the New World, it can be said to be extremely efficient.

So to avoid changing the night long dream, Aiwen finally decided to postpone his other research projects, and do his own hands, let these useless guys see what is the productivity of wizards!

It’s another night all night long.

However, this time is different from the previous few days. Most of the soldiers have left the dock, except for the ship engineer Walkley Jeffrey, the core craftsmen and a small number of sailors who do auxiliary work.

Of course, after hearing what Ivan was going to do, the officers of the “Cape Storm” and the captain of the “Endeavor” Robbins also stayed here to join in the fun.

“Your Captain! I have no intention of offending you, but can I really use witchcraft to build ships?”

From hearing Ivan’s proposal until the end of the matter tonight, Walkley, the senior engineer, was still a little unbelievable.

There are countless weird things in places like the New World, and the extraordinary isolation is far less strict than the Old World. As a high-ranking senior engineer, he has certainly heard of wizards.

But his impression is only stuck on weird things like poisonous spiders, lizard tails, weird soups, curses, totems, and so on. He never thought that witchcraft could be connected with the greatest weapon of mankind at present.

“Of course! How do you think the domestic machinery industrialization is now in full swing?”

Aven, who was performing surgical drawing on the dry dock floor with Milan, replied to him without looking back.

If it is not good for the world of ordinary humans, how did the “Alchemy Light” that spread across many countries surface upright? And the means I want to use is more intuitive than that!

“Call, done!”

At this time, the complicated technique has been completely formed in the hands of the two.

A perfect circle with a diameter of eight meters passes through five small circles painted with spiritual texts. The circles are connected to each other, and together with the densely distributed spiritual texts, they form a complex array of runes.

They respectively represent the four basic elements in the foundation of alchemy: earth, wind, water, fire, and the fifth element “soul”.

Then Ivan began to place various “spiritual” items corresponding to the elements in each small circle.

The fire element represents vitality, enthusiasm, flame, destruction, life, and the sun, so Ivan placed a 6-pound cannon in this circle.

The water element represents purification, love, witchcraft, intuition, the ups and downs of fate, and travel, so what he puts here is a gold cup that was accompanied by a shipwreck across the ocean and stayed underwater for three hundred years.

The element of land represents prosperity, wealth, money, success, employment, and fertility, so what is placed in this circle is a golden lion that has been polished and has experienced countless transactions at a glance.

The wind element represents knowledge, freedom, breathing, plant growth, and revelation. Therefore, Aiwen placed here is the extraordinary weapon and staff that accompanied him through many battles.

Finally, he straightened up and looked at Milan facing to one side. The latter knew that he had already stood in the last circle representing “soul” very consciously.

Ivan checked one last time and confirmed that there was no problem. I just thought secretly in my heart, or write a book by myself, called “A Hundred Ways of Milan”?

Stopping the wild thoughts in his mind, he took off the extra thing from his body and gave it to Gary, who was guarding aside. He only wore a remade oak fruit around his neck, and walked into the circadian technique in a linen robe. Style center.

He stretched out his hand for a sign, and naturally someone went to turn off all the lights in the dock.

At the same time, all the onlookers held their breath.

Completely quiet in the dock.

Ivan felt the growing spiritual power around him, and took a deep breath.

Subconsciously touched an extra lock mark on the back of the neck, and made sure that this time the “Adventurer’s Blood” would not suddenly run out to cause trouble, and then raised his palms upwards.

The curse that seemed to contain infinite vitality was slowly spit out, reverberating and resonating in the dock.


Then Ivan’s spirit rose instantly, and he was connected to someone who had no self-awareness, but possessed majestic power.


There was a roar in his head.

That is the mysterious source of the “living chemistry school”, the “tree of life” that exists among the roots of the world!


The last curse was spit out, and the magical power and activating aura in Aiwen poured into the rune array under his feet.

A string of characters, the lines light up successively.


Then, the transparent emerald green brilliance burst out like jade, and instantly enveloped a small half of the battleship.

Without the use of rituals, the original limit of Irvine’s “Activating Aura” is only a sphere with a radius of three meters. As long as the volume does not exceed this range, there is no upper limit to what can be activated.

The main effect is to slightly affect non-living bodies or change the form of matter, so that they can gain short-lived vitality like elemental creatures.

The changes produced during this period will continue to exist even after the spell expires, achieving the effect of changing the form of matter in disguise.

Restriction: The greater the density of the material, the slower the activation speed, which is ineffective for extraordinary items.

The so-called “ritual” is to establish a connection with a certain world rule, spiritual spirit, deity, etc. through a specific ritual. Temporarily make the self-consciousness retreat, the spirit resonates with the super-order, and launches a powerful ability that exceeds its own limitations or even does not possess!

【Extra-Limit Ceremony·Activation of Skillful Hands! 】

At this time, after the ritual is launched, not only the range of influence of the activating aura is greatly increased, but the intensity is also greatly increased. Within a straight line distance of 30 meters, the “Stellenbosch” seemed to have suffered a dissociation operation.

The wooden planks, tar, linen cloth, iron nails, and wooden wedges shook slowly, and then jumped out of the hull in the unbelievable gaze of the onlookers, and fell to the ground.

While landing at the same time, there is also the chin of the ship engineer Walkley Jeffrey.

“The goddess is here, unbelievable!”

Subsequently, with the help of this pair of “activated hands” from witchcraft.

The speed of the transformation of the battleship seems to have been equipped with rocket thrusters, and it is advancing rapidly one by one every day.

Flatten the open deck, repair the ribs and sides of the ship, and thicken the hull

Although in order to maintain sustainability, Irvine and Milan will only start the ceremony for half an hour every night, but even this half hour is a half-month less workload for the sailors.

However, after just ten days, even the outfitting of the converted warship is almost complete.

If it weren’t for watching it change little by little, Walkley and the officers couldn’t believe their eyes.

“It’s so beautiful!”

At this time, the battleship lying in the dock has undergone earth-shaking changes!

The original “Sternberg” was a large third-tier ship with 74 ship-borne artillery.

[Specifications] The displacement is 2950 tons, the length of the ship is 5642 meters, the width is 1490 meters, the sail area is 2485 square meters, and the capacity is 680 people.

[Military Equipment] There are 28 32-pounders, 30 24-pounders, and 16 9-pounders.

Now its bow and tail towers and the original weather deck have completely disappeared, becoming a double-deck cruiser of equal height before and after.

[Specifications] The displacement is 2340 tons, the length of the ship is 5642 meters, the width is 1490 meters, the sail area is 3213 square meters, and the capacity is 450 people.

[Arms] Double-layer transparent artillery deck: 28 24-pounder guns, 28 32-pounder guns (one sunk into the deep sea, not available), 2 24-pounder bow guns.

There is a parameter in the fluid mechanics related to ship design called “wave barrier speed”, which is related to the length of the hull, beyond which the resistance will increase sharply. The correct way to build a high-speed boat is to increase the aspect ratio, increase the sail area (power), and sharpen the bow (reducing the resistance~IndoMTL.com~Although the overall aspect ratio of this ship is not daring to move, Ivan) After all, this is not simply a matter of flattening and rounding. The structural strength is there. If you accidentally break the keel, you will lose money.

But the mast passes through several layers of cabins and connects to the keel of the bottom of the ship. The lower the cabin, the higher the availability of the mast. The area of ​​the sail is increased by one-third, and the weight is reduced, which is also conducive to speeding up.

Although the overall speed of this cruise ship cannot reach the limit speed of the USS Constitution, it has surpassed all battleships of this era. If you add the assistance of the “Head Statue·Monsoon Goddess”, it will not be inferior to the “Constitution” in the slightest.


Ivan also drew a semi-permanent technique on the deck, which can temporarily give the rigging and sail activity, allowing himself to replace most of the work of the sailing crew in an emergency.

It also gave it a little bit of an extraordinary battleship flavor.

After convening all the people who have contributed to this ship to brainstorm.

Ivan finally adopted Walkley’s suggestion and named the heavy cruiser “Venus”, representing the brightest morning star that appeared on the horizon in the early hours of the morning, but it will not be the only one. .

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