Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 332: Activated skins

Chapter 332 Activated Animal Skins

Under the slightly gloomy sky.

Wow, wow…

Two warships with the long-flag flag of the Sark Empire “galloping cavalry knife” lined up on the sea and moved at full speed.

After accepting the task.

The “Cape Storm”, which the officers and soldiers had prepared for a long time, set off immediately, and after reaching the northern base “Fort George”, they met with the “Endeavor” waiting there.

Hanging both the Sark Empire flags for camouflage, they rushed to the far sea boundary together.

This route was not chosen by them, but the best route between the Colony of Hilius and the Potosí Islands after a comprehensive calculation by the Garrison Staff.


Although the sea is vast, it does not mean that you can sail at will.

According to the wind, currents, waves, fog, ice and other conditions in different seasons in each navigation area, combined with factors such as geography, hydrology, meteorology, and ship conditions, the so-called route can be formed through long-term navigation practices.

For the current climate characteristics, the most likely route for Hilius’s late reinforcements and supply ships is to avoid the open sea boundary of the tulip colony’s territorial waters.

Of course, if there is a captain who is willing to take the risk to go around a big circle and directly enter the open sea area where the celestial phenomena are volatile, then Ivan can only respect him as a man.

Let him go by the way.

“Captain Robbins, there is nothing unusual for the time being, let’s move on.

I think since the senior management does not want to reveal their intention to participate in the war in advance, we go directly to Tulip and Zack’s territorial sea buffer zone. At least Hilius’s supply ship did not have an accident on our territory, and they would not be able to find us. . “

A white seagull stopped at the command position of Captain Robbins of the Endeavour, acting as a messenger between the two captains, which also avoided the inconvenience of signal flag communication and the limited amount of information. .

“Captain Ivan, your ability is really great. I seem to have seen the scene where this ability shines in large-scale fleet battles.”

Robins did not reply to Irving’s intelligence question immediately, but was surprised by this novel method. This short-distance instant communication capability is simply an epoch-making weapon for the command of warship formations.

Although it can only be used when Ivan is present, it is not concealed!

I didn’t know that Robbins, who had already mastered similar technology in “Violet Eye”, didn’t hesitate to say good things about him.

“We have a real-time intelligence network, and the purpose of the mission is very simple. This time the Endeavour and I will follow your instructions. We will go wherever you say!”

Robins is also very simple, “Storm Horn” is far more powerful than himself, and it also controls the source of intelligence.

Besides experience, he really had nothing to praise in front of the opponent, so he gave up the command very readily.

“Okay! Then I’m welcome, Captain Robbins!

Adjust 3 compass points to the left, and we blocked the border of Tulip and Sark’s territorial waters. “

“Yes! Your Captain!”

Soon the two battleships deflected and headed north.


Of course Ivan will not be idle while sailing.


On “The Horn of Storm”, a big shark that was alive and kicking more than three meters in length was thrown onto the deck.

Ivan easily suppressed the struggle of the giant shark with his knees, and then clenched his fist with a light blow on its head.

The invisible strength has easily knocked it out.

As for the divine power structure difference between sharks and humans, the sequelae that may inevitably lead to, this time does not matter.

Because its countless predecessors have proved with blood and tears that there is basically no chance of waking up again on this deck.

“Captain, here you are!”

Ivan took the special knives handed by Gary, who was attacking nearby, and looked down at the big shark that was no longer moving but still alive.

“Should be successful this time, right?”

After being promoted to the official wizard, Aiwen’s main spell list has been expanded again, except for the enhancement of several spells that originally belonged to the apprentice level.

There are also two new branch series with “activated animal skin” and “biological modification” as the core.

[Activated Animal Skin]: Use the skins of extraordinary creatures to create “skinsmen” (normal creatures have limited skin enhancement effects and no gains for formal wizards).

[Biological Transformation]: Including bloodline stimulation rituals, contract monsters, bloodline transplantation, induced mutations, etc.

Except for the “flesh puppet” recorded in the second volume, the current “Sacrifice of Flesh” has a complete record.

Each branch of witchcraft is composed of many small witchcraft, forming a complicated and sophisticated system.

Including: “Alienation Curse”, “Flesh Riot”, “Firming”, “Frenzy”, “Sleep”, “Blood Reversal”, “Sage Mind” and other powerful spells.

After setting off, Ivan has already begun to study the many powerful witchcraft inherited by the school, and is preparing to suppress the “adventurer’s blood” like a time bomb on his body.

Especially in the current situation where the gods are resurrected, the game between nations, the conflict between the colonies… this kind of sight is increasingly turbulent.

I just barely got rid of the “duckweed” identity that is drifting along with the crowd. With a little foundation and confidence, Ai Wen is far from enough to sit back and relax.

If you don’t seize the time to strengthen yourself, you might be knocked over by a wave in the sea.

Moreover, I passed a letter with Anita in the middle, although my sister who is far away in Ilya did not say any bad news.

But from the lines between the lines, Ivan can also tell that Anita has nothing to do with the Earl Wright, who is gradually gaining control of Ilya’s supreme power.

Even a great knight, but after all, there are limits.

Conquering a group of little pirates, beheading a few doglegs, and frustrating the maritime trade of the “Egret Chamber of Commerce” and almost expelling them, it is already the limit.

Given the other party’s current status, after a little bit of burn, just hanging the merchant ship under the names of other subjects, Anita’s actions almost came to a halt.

After all, she is not a real murderer, she still can’t do things like innocents.

For this level of power, perhaps the deterrence of a great knight is not as painful as a large-scale economic war.

Therefore, Ivan felt that he had to follow his original plan step by step, using the kingdom’s platform to accumulate strength and power, and to push Wright from the foundation at the critical moment of Ilya’s internal struggle. Down the abyss.

At this time.

The research topic he initiated is the new series of witchcraft [activated animal skin], which can strengthen the strength of his crew in the shortest time.

When you put on “animal skin” and become a “pied man”, you can immediately gain a certain degree of increase in physical quality. It is one of the easiest witchcraft in Aiwen’s hands to form combat effectiveness.

After going to sea, I have to do several experiments almost every day. Ivan feels that he has almost prepared a series of theoretical knowledge.

Roll up your sleeves and lower the knife slowly.


The blade soaked in the magic light easily peeled off the shark’s skin without causing any unnecessary damage, and even little bleeding.

During this period of time, I have practiced dozens of large fishes, and Ivan’s techniques have become very skillful.

During this process, Ivan’s life-rich curses continued.

That layer of shark skin also began to wriggle constantly, as if what he peeled off was not a layer of skin, but a living creature with a special life form!

While peeling off the shark’s skin, various information about it also flowed through my heart.

This is a dogfish that is very common throughout the Black Sea. It is not just an ordinary shark. It is named after a hard spike on its back. It mainly feeds on marine mammals, fish, and carrion.

The skeleton of the shark is all cartilage, which is lighter than the normal skeleton, and there is no swim bladder. Instead, it contains a lot of fat in the liver, which can be used as a supplement for the crew’s extra nutrients.

Bone fish have bone scales, while cartilaginous fish like sharks have shield scales, which mainly consist of enamel, tooth cavity, and medullary cavity, which are somewhat similar to the types of teeth.

Even from an evolutionary perspective, the teeth that sharks can continue to grow are actually a kind of alienated scales themselves.

Stab it—-

The last piece of skin connected to the head was peeled off, and the dogfish on the ground shook, and then there was no more sound.

But this shark skin seems to have completely turned into an alienated monster, even if it is caught by Aiwen, it is constantly struggling and wriggling.

But as Ivan’s curse continued, the aura that spilled from this shark skin became stronger and stronger, but the extent of the struggle continued to weaken.

The appearance also gradually began to alienate and expand from the shape of a shark, with some human characteristics, such as growing hands and legs, like shark skin and a piece of clothing.

Finally after struggling for a minute in Aiwen’s hands, he finally calmed down.

This means that the first “activated animal skin” in Aiwen’s hand is completely completed!

At this time, the appearance of shark skin has not changed much. Although the inside is indeed a red, but the tentacles are slightly cool and soft, and have a rubber-like texture.

Shaking this magical magical artifact slightly, Ivan’s gaze swept across the crowd of onlookers.

“How is it? Does any volunteer want to give it a try?”

The voice just fell.

“Your Captain! I want to give it a try!”

“Your Excellency! Let me come!”

Two young people walked out at the same time.

They were all old men of the “Conch” era, two of the four recruits who first defected to Aiwen.

One is Flake, who Ivan believes is only under Gary and resembles the captain Vader, and the other is on the island transformed by the rock golem “Mountain Giant”, **** by pirates Baldwin walking.

However, I thought about it.

Ivan did not choose Fleck with better qualifications, but Baldwin with relatively mediocre qualifications.

This witchcraft creation is meant to be used by those who need external help. If it is given to Flake, a “talent” who has the potential to be promoted to an official knight, it will not show the ability to “activate animal skins”. May affect Fleck’s future development.

“Baldwin, come on!”

Flake saluted and didn’t feel any dissatisfaction with Ivan’s decision, and went back to the queue.

Another young soldier with a firm look was overjoyed when he heard his name:

“Yes! Your Captain!”

Stepping up to Aven’s side, I took over this “witchcraft” that looked a little weird and had nothing to do with decent people.

“Just put it on your body and just think about it. If you are afraid of losing your concentration, you can also shout. The secret word for activation is ‘invincible’!”

Baldwin knew his talent was average. Although he worked at the same level, in just two years, he gradually drew a distance from the better-qualified Flekla.

But every time I think of the shame of being captured by the enemy, and the promise to the captain, “turn the shame into a motivation to spur yourself, and have the power to protect yourself and your comrades from such encounters.”

Although he didn’t say anything, he always had a sense of urgency and mission in his heart, and he didn’t want to be taken too far by Flake.

Take a deep breath, and put this shark skin on my body~IndoMTL.com~ Then I may feel a little ashamed and whispered in a low voice:


As if the invisible switch was activated, the “activated animal skin” immediately squirmed and covered Baldwin’s whole body, from the head, chest, abdomen to limbs, all wrapped in gray shark skin with fine shield scales.

After a few breaths.

Badwin’s image in the same place has changed drastically. His head is as smooth as a shark, his height is slightly increased by half his head, and the muscles all over his body are bulging to outline very obvious lines.

There is a dark spike on the back. Both times the elbow has a structure similar to a shark fin. If it weren’t for a human face protruding from the “shark”’s mouth, it’s a big alienation. Sharks are not much worse.


Let’s not talk about the combat effectiveness. From the perspective of the appearance, it is simply… ugly! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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