Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 299: Bronze cannons and bomb cyclones!

Guru… Guru…

One of the benefits of elemental creatures is that the form is not limited. The original naive large dog, whose body length is less than 20 meters, has woven itself into a piece of more than 100 meters under the water at the moment of approaching the “iron armored seahorse”. Huge fishing net.

Suddenly closed!


It’s like when the heavily loaded knight charged on a galloping war horse, he suddenly encountered a stumbling horse, and the “iron-clad seahorse” protruding from the sea to a height of nearly forty meters instantly leaned forward and slammed into the sea.

While blowing up a large splash of water, it also made the lone “ghost shrimp” co-initiating the charge stand out, completely exposed under the muzzle of the simple “battle line”.

The power of the “Song of the Siren” carried on the two battleships is superimposed. After the distance is close, there is no room for it to dive and escape.

Exposing to the surface of the sea, the natural ability of “Ghost Shrimp” to hide and move is easily destroyed.

With Seabird Messenger, the synchronization rate of the two battleships is amazing.


Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ….

The four-tier ships of the same specifications, all of which were 50 ship-borne artillery, fired at the same time, and the orange-red flames of the artillery were connected into one piece, which reflected the faces of the artillerymen and the entire area of ​​the sea.

Single side ship, a total of 18 24-pounder guns, 20 12-pounder guns, 10 9-pounder guns, and two 6-pounder guns.

Fifty scorching iron cannonballs, turned into iron and fire, covered their heads and faces toward the “ghost shrimp”, and the total projected mass in an instant was 774 pounds.

This kind of firepower is the same as the second-class ship carrying 90 artillery at the time of the experiment, with 26 32-pound guns, 26 18-pound guns, and 38 12-pound guns, projecting a total mass of 878 pounds. Compared with firepower, the gap is not too big.

Moreover, in order to achieve concealment, the pure and transparent carapace of the “ghost shrimp” with a shrimp-like chitin shell is obviously inferior to the “mantis shrimp” like an iron-clad train.

After just one round of volley, even the hardest carapace had cracks, the five pairs of swimming limbs in the abdomen were all cut off in half, and the swimming speed immediately dropped sharply.

In this way, although the performance is slightly better than the “Sea Devil” without a carapace, it can be completely taken away by just another round of salvo!

The gunners on the two battleships gave orders loudly.

“Solid bullets! All artillery assembled bullets!”

Using a tinder cloth medicine bag that can burn completely, greatly speeds up the rate of fire of the artillery. Under skilled artillery operations, even the heaviest 24-pounder gun on a Tier 4 ship can achieve a rate of fire of three rounds per minute.

Before the “Ghost Shrimp” rushes over, it is entirely possible to have another round.

However, even if the speed drops sharply, the “Ghost Shrimp” at this time has already reached a position less than 300 meters away from the two warships. At the same time as the next round of artillery fire arrived, he also raised his sturdy right chelate.

Boom–! ! !

Before the “Ghost Shrimp” itself was submerged by the dense cannonballs, the huge claw teeth suddenly closed, and amid the resounding thunderous sound on the sea, a bunch of high-speed currents mixed with countless bubbles rushed towards the two battleships.

The instantaneous maximum temperature of this blow even reached 5000°C, instantly heating the sea water into a majestic steam, turning it into a powerful shock wave.

Be aware that even the surface of the sun is only 6000°C!

In a blink of an eye.


The officers and soldiers on the “Cape Storm” who were facing the rapids only felt a huge shock at their feet, and many of the crew even turned into ground gourds and fell to the ground.

“Report to the captain! Our waterline was hit!”

The first officer quickly reported the damage to the battleship to Ivan.

At this time, a beam of shock waves hit a large hole half-person high near the waterline of the “Storm Horn”, and the turbulent sea was rushing in frantically.

Fortunately, the “Ghost Shrimp” had to attack early because of the impact of the artillery fire.

As a result of this extremely fast attenuation shock wave, there is actually only a aftermath when approaching the battleship. If it is hit within a hundred meters, it is entirely possible to lose half of the hull.

However, this kind of thing doesn’t need Ivan to worry about, a hole can’t sink the ship for a while. There are already carpenters on the ship hanging the rope and quickly sliding down the ship’s side to plug the hole with spare ship materials.

Ivan’s gaze has been fixed on the sea, and the thick water mist raised by the shock wave in his field of vision is slowly blown away by the sea breeze.

He saw the “ghost shrimp” that shattered its head and twitched unconsciously on the surface, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

This also proves once again that the tactics of “Song of the Siren” to create a plane battlefield and add battleship shelling are indeed very effective.

And me, it really is a day…

“Be careful! The hippocampus is out of control!”

Suddenly a loud shout from Bertram pulled Alvin back to reality from complacency.

Looking farther away, the “iron-clad seahorse” that was originally entangled by the water elemental seal Cypress has already waved countless sturdy tentacles and broke free from the restraint of the current.

Obviously, Cypress, who is only a quarter of the opponent’s body, cannot compete with such a large species as the “Iron Armored Seahorse” in terms of strength. And this water elemental creature obviously did not understand the true meaning of “overcoming strength with softness”, and was easily broken by a brute force sea monster!

“Bartley, you are such a scam!”

With a secret curse, Ivan quickly yelled:

“The gunner!”

“Yes, sir! Solid bullets, all guns assembled!”

The “iron armored seahorse” that immediately entered the range. The upper half of its normal body was wrapped in a 12-sectioned hard black bone ring. The neck was slender like a sea dragon, and the body was covered with thorn bush-like cold hard bone spikes. .

Furthermore, the body surface of the “Iron Armored Seahorse” in the charge at this time was shrouded in a thin layer of blue aura, obviously possessing some extraordinary ability that they didn’t understand yet.

This also aroused Ivan’s vigilance.

In analogy to the “ghost shrimp” just now, he had to think about the unique ability hidden behind this “seahorse” from the perspective of a wizard.

“Hippocampus” is a creature similar to “owl” which has a unique position in the occult. “Owl” represents “wisdom”, and it represents the sacred power of the ancient sea god!

In many occult classics, it symbolizes the power and authority of the ancient sea god.

At the same time, the seahorse also has a keen perception and a stubborn personality. Even many scholars classify the seahorse as a kind of sea dragon, thinking that it has a very high degree of mystery!

Actually, Ivan’s guess was right. In terms of maritime combat power and extraordinary power, this “iron armored seahorse” is definitely one of the best in the sea monster army this time.

Otherwise, Harkins will not be sent to town!

“Milan! Prepare the fog silver lamp. If the situation is not good, use it as soon as possible, don’t forget to open a connection to Bertram.”


However, Evangelion does not prevent Ivan from ordering fire as soon as the “Iron Armored Seahorse” enters range!

Clang! clang! clang! ….

However, the sound like the humming of gold and iron caused the crew to change color.

The thick bony plate armor on the hippocampus is obviously much thicker and harder than the chitin shell of shrimp.

What’s more, the higher and higher waves on the sea at this time made the hit rate, which was not high at this distance, very touching, even less than 20%.

The effect of this round of volleys has made Ivan realize that this is an enemy far more difficult than the “Great Hammer Mantis Shrimp” that took down half of the bastion.

As for why you don’t use the “powerful voodoo potion” to reapply the old technique?

Let’s not talk about my own medicine reserves, the key is that the medicine itself is soluble in water…


A message sent by Solomon through the messenger refreshed Ivan. Although the previous containment mission failed, it was still very reliable at the critical moment. I quickly asked:

“Marine Secret Treasure·Caselle Bronze Cannon? You picked that item from the Naval Nova Treasure List?!”


The response to Ivan was a whimper-like whistling sound from the Royal Guard.

The crew felt as if the winter had arrived in an instant.

A white, cold, cold light shot out from the line of sight. Although the speed was not fast, it carried the majestic power to stir the atmosphere and flew towards the “iron-clad seahorse” that had charged within 900 meters.

This is the bomb cyclone inspired by the “Caselle Bronze Cannon”!

Normally, “bomb cyclone” is an extreme natural celestial phenomenon, which refers to the rapid decrease of air pressure in a certain place in a short period of time, forming a low pressure system.

Then when the wind direction in the adjacent area converges, this area will rotate in the same direction as the planet, forming a high-speed cyclone, often accompanied by strong hurricanes, heavy rainfall or even heavy snowstorms!

Of course, although the “Kassere Bronze Cannon” claims to be able to affect the celestial phenomenon and create “bomb cyclones”, its coverage is extremely limited compared to nature.

The range is two kilometers, and the three effects of Frost Blade, Hurricane, and Arctic can only cover 50 meters.

However, the advantage is that it comes with a high-speed rotating low-pressure core, which can even adsorb smaller targets, or directly adsorb to large targets!

So ~IndoMTL.com~ Even if the accuracy is a little bit worse, as long as it can hit within 50 meters of its side, there is no problem at all.

“Little meaning…”


Ivan watched the cold white light pass over the head of the “Iron Armored Seahorse” in the charge, flew to the range limit of two kilometers, exploded, and in the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​the sea was frozen into a lump of ice. .

In the freezing cold wind.

Wow——wow——, fool—— fool——

Ivan only felt a flock of crows flying over his head, mocking him mercilessly.

Turning his head stiffly to the “Royal Guard”:

“Bartley, if I believe you are reliable, I will be a great mallet!”

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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