Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 263: Frenzy Potions

Chapter 263 Frenzy Potions

Sip! Sip! Sip! …

For the time being, put aside the furiously frantic group of lizards that didn’t seem to have diminished much.

On the “Cape Storm” that anchored in the middle of the lagoon.

Already involved in the mysterious and extraordinary world, the ordinary crew can’t help the slightest, Ivan only called Milan and Gary to discuss countermeasures.

“We probably broke into the nest of these big lizards and killed so many of them. It is impossible to hope that there will be nothing wrong.”

Although the “Storm Horn” has temporarily gained some respite, there is a greater crisis behind it. Ivan whispered to analyze the current situation for the two people:

“During the day, they will be harmed by the’Song of the Sea Monster’ like ordinary lizards in the material world, but at night, they will be almost immune to attacks from the physical side.

At that time, they can sneak directly from the sea, jump onto the boat, and then instantly submerge everything on the boat.

So, if we want the Horn of the Storm to last until the sun rises again tomorrow, we must kill them before night! “

After speaking, he looked at the other two extraordinary men on the ship encouragingly, hoping they could give himself some advice.

“Boss! You just need to tell me where to charge, I will listen to the boss!”

The sound of Gary Urn is heard under the full-covered helmet. After completing the extraordinary advancement and equipment upgrade, Gary has gradually transformed into a real berserker.

“Don’t ask how many enemies there are, just ask where the enemies are!”

Well, the creed of Berserker’s life is so simple.

I have understood that asking Gary is also a question of nothing. He has never been a handsome man, but he is a good player in Wushuang. But the key point now is that even Wushuang can’t cut a large grassland even if it cuts the grass…

turned his gaze to Milan again.

“Aven, you know me!”

Milan nodded heavily and gave Ivan a very determined look.

The consistent tacit understanding made Aiwen read the meaning in his eyes very clearly: Teacher! I don’t know this question!


With his hands on his forehead, Ivan feels that he really needs a think tank on his boat, he doesn’t need to be able to make good judgments, but he can give himself ideas at critical moments and expand his thinking. what.

Step on.. Step on.. Step on..

Walking on the spot, Ivan counted the power he could use in his hands.

Conventional forces on board include: two artillery decks and a main deck with a total of eighteen 24-pounders, twenty 12-pounders, and 10 nine-pounders. There are also two 6-pounders mounted on the stern. gun. There are 284 crew members in total.

No shot was fired from the “Cape Storm” on this cruise. The ammunition depot is still fully loaded, allowing each artillery to fire the standard 86 shells (only solid shells), and there is a surplus of gunpowder.

In addition to conventional power, there are five boxes of “alchemy bombs” that can only be equipped with battleships, a total of 20, and there are two boxes of eight in their “magic pockets”.

If you use these things, there is no problem in dealing with human infantry.

Humans will be afraid and will run away. Even the elite corps of the kingdom will lose more than 30% of its personnel and it will not be far from collapse.

But if you want to deal with the tide of lizards, that kind of killing efficiency…too low!

It’s the same even if you add three extraordinary men and all the crew.

The remaining [Ship Head Statue·Monsoon Goddess], [Ocean Treasure·Fog Silver Lamp] including [God’s Gift·Golden Compass], are now even more useless. The premise for all treasures to be used is based on “Storm “The Horn” has the most basic maneuverability.

As for the thing in the magic pocket that presses the bottom of the box. Irving will never use it until the end of the world, the side effects are really too great!

So in the end, I still have to think of a solution from my old line of “wizards”.

“Since there are a large number of enemies, the single power has just touched the extraordinary. Then there is the possibility of turning some enemies into one’s own people, maybe that kind of potion will have unexpected effects…”

I finally had an idea in my heart, Ivan said:

“Milan, you are responsible for controlling the’Song of the Siren’, I will go find a way!”

Turning around and rushing to his laboratory on the ship, although not 100% sure, this is the most feasible way Ivan can think of.

Out of trust in Aiwen, Milan did not ask much, and solemnly promised:

“Don’t worry, leave it to me, there will be no problems before nightfall!”


The door of Irving’s laboratory was heavily closed, and the two basins on the test bench, which looked like a row of small lanterns, “hanging wind chimes” were instantly lit, emitting bright and soft “lights.”

Now Ivan has completed the front of the main “psychic potions” series, but there are still two mountains that have not been crossed in front of him.

In the early stage, we used dozens of different medicines to gain an in-depth understanding of humans and biological bodies.

For the muscles, bones, blood, internal organs, nerves, brain, and the main systems such as the exercise system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system…etc.

There are corresponding potions to influence and even control different parts and functional areas of the human body.

When we finally come to the “psychic potion”, we need to complete two special potions and use them to touch human…emotions and souls!

That is the “frenzy potion” that represents all the instincts of the “intrinsic self” and the “sage potion” that represents the idealized supreme morality of the “superego”.

After moving away these two mountains, Ivan can formulate the “psychic potion” that represents the complete free will of the “self”!

The other two are temporarily set aside. The way Ivan thinks of breaking the game at this time is to formulate “Frenzy Potions” as quickly as possible!

This potion sounds similar to the extraordinary ability of “Exiled Prisoner” to liberate the “wild”, but the actual effect is a hundred times more overbearing.

The instinctive desires of human beings mainly include: the desire for survival, appetite, lust, sleepiness, greed (possessive), desire for expression, desire for indulgence…

You can imagine the terrible scene that aroused all the instinctive desires at the bottom of the human body in an instant.

And when these instinctive extreme desires are infinitely amplified by the potion, even the “zombies” born out of appetite are nothing but scum!

Standing in front of the test bench, Ivan is a qualified researcher, and his mood has returned to calm, and he has temporarily set aside the dangers of the outside world.

The preparation of high-end potions is different from the foolish operation of “Black Sea Potions”. In order to eliminate all accidental factors, Aiwen repeatedly cleaned the crucible with distilled water, and then quickly dried it with heated air.

Ivan took a deep breath, and the preparation officially started.

The standard dose of one serving in the formula:

“Clarified volcanic spring water 1L, violent gopher’s incisor powder 10 grams, Rauvola roots 3 grams, 5 stone lotus seeds, regardless of size, 7 cicada wings on the right side of tibia…”

With alcohol lamp heating, Aiwen will collect a complete range of pharmaceutical materials and add them to the crucible in strict accordance with the requirements of the formula.

After simmering for ten minutes, Ivan began to join the body tissue of the second transcendent creature “the broken tail of the red-eyed gecko.”

Using tweezers, a gray gecko’s tail was clipped from a small glass bottle. I don’t know how long it has been out of the mother’s body, but this tail is constantly twisting and trying to escape.

Ivan did not change his face and threw it into the orange-yellow liquid medicine that was constantly tumbling.


Countless fine bubbles surged up instantly, and the boiling liquid medicine quickly turned blood red.

But the violent reaction did not stop at all!

Keenly aware of something, Ivan pulled back instantly.

Next moment.

In the middle of the liquid medicine, a red plume of smoke appeared like a tentacled hand, snaking through the air as if trying to grab something.

After a full half a minute~IndoMTL.com~ a plume of smoke suddenly exploded, turning into a red smoke ring and rising up.

Looking at the liquid medicine in the crucible again, it has completely changed back to clean water.


“This situation…? Although the cicada’s wings just disappeared completely, the spiritual combination in it was not perfect yet. Next time I will be a little calmer.”

The biggest difference between the preparation of extraordinary potions and the preparation of mortal pharmacists is that even if the prescription is completely dispensed, the dosage and time are the same, and there is no guarantee that the desired finished product will be prepared.

It requires the wizard’s own “spirituality” to participate in it, to grasp the changes in the medicinal properties of various materials, and to grasp the balance at any time.

Use the soul to record the moment that can only be understood and unspeakable, this is the unspoken secret of potion preparation!

It is also the root of all kinds of mysterious creations, including alchemy tools, which can never be mass-produced by machines!

(End of this chapter)

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