Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 254: The eyes in the waves

“Go to the cabin and plug the hole, or we will all die here!”

   The first officer gritted his teeth with red eyes and gave the order, a pair of bloodshot eyes were still staring at the whale that had begun to dive quickly, and the rope at the end of the whaling fork was firmly tied to the sturdy brig. On the mainmast.

   Until this time, he has not given up hunting the giant white whale.

   the rope “swish swish” quickly shortened…

   “Be careful, hold on to the hull!” The chief officer reminded the crew to welcome the imminent impact.

   The next moment, the entire sailboat was violently pulled by a huge force.

   tilted almost 45 degrees to the left. Fortunately, the barrel of whale oil at the bottom of the cabin perfectly served as the ballast counterweight, so that the whaling ship did not roll over directly.

   However, before Fisher was lucky, he heard a loud click in his ears.

   The mainmast of the “Harpoon” was broken by…!

   The last piece of rope tied to it was of course dragged into the water, and the white giant whale that broke the main mast of the sailing boat was regained “freedom” with the whaling fork on it.


   At this time, the faces of the sailors of the whaling ship were miserable.

   Losing the main mast of the whaling ship means losing most of its power. Will this crazy whale give itself a chance to repair the mast?

   did not keep them waiting, the giant whale quickly gave his answer.

   The sea under the boat rolled and roared violently, rushing to the sides along the ship’s side.

   It seems that even they have consciousness, have foreseen the coming danger, and want to flee the whaling ship desperately.

   The giant whale, which has already dived deep into the water, has been accelerating continuously from a few hundred meters deep underwater. The strong body shakes the water flow, but the giant beast of more than two hundred tons rushes like an off-string arrow. To… the bottom of the Harpoon!

   The huge amount of sea water above its head was easily squeezed away without any hindrance to it.

   Next second.


  In the explosive roar, the sailors on the ship were thrown off by the irresistible majestic force in an instant, no matter whether they had grasped the sailing boat or not.



  The Harpoon, who was the first to be hit by the brunt, was hit by a direct keel. After a flick of its tail, the giant whale broke into two pieces and capsized.

  In an instant, all the income of one year of going to sea has been wiped out!

   However, the sailors who accidentally survived the collision should worry not about the year’s gains, but their own…little lives.

   A whaler got out of the water and swam to a nearby broken ship board.

   But before his fingertips touched the board, a huge mouth full of sharp teeth behind him had already bitten down!


   The horrified scream stopped abruptly.

   The unidentified white giant whale’s revenge heart is obviously heavier than the average animal. Even the sailors who have fallen into the water and will live and die are overtaken by it one by one, and directly killed!

   When the “Cape of Storms” heading to the Kingdom of Tyrol passed by here.

   saw such a **** massacre scene!

   There is still a considerable distance, and a group of people who noticed the movement of the sea have gathered to the bow of the ship.

  ”This seems to be a ferocious creature!

   The whaling ship is really unlucky, it actually encountered an opponent that he couldn’t resist.

   I just don’t know if this big white whale has achieved stable reproduction and has become a new demonic creature group? “

   Milan’s bad luck seems to be over in a few days. Recently, the mental state is obviously much better than before, at least it has recovered from the shadow of “Angel Coming”.

   Of course, he wouldn’t be gloating for someone more unlucky than himself, but he just uttered his own guesses as if he were talking to himself.

   “This may not be a coincidence.”

   Next to    is still full-covered armor, frowned slightly and spoke.

   Actually, Ivan’s seabirds tens of kilometers away have already sent back images of whaling boats here.

   But “The Horn of Storm” was already sailing at full speed. Even if Ivan was interested in saving the whalers, he was really helpless.

   At this time, when I heard that Ambruce seemed to know something secret, he couldn’t help being curious: “Is there anything weird in this?”

  Ann Bruce did not deliberately hide it. Although it is the internal information of the church, it does not involve secrets that belong to the church alone, and is not within the scope of confidentiality.

  ”This sea domain is called Atrid Sea, and it is also the blessed place of ancient Black Sea **** Hipponoah…”

  Yatried sea area is a bit special in the entire Black Sea, the climate is very good, and the fishery resources are very rich.

   and it is not part of any modern country-controlled area. Fishing boats from various countries can travel freely. It should be a very famous fishing ground.

   But on the contrary, very few fishing boats dare to come here to fish.

  In the legend.

  This is actually the hometown of the ancient moody Black Sea goddess Hipponoah. Only when he is protected by his divine power can he enjoy peace and prosperity forever.

   But because the residents (mainly fishermen) who once lived here committed evil deeds against the gods (see Chapter 239 Sea Witch for details), this sea area was blessed and cursed at the same time!

  Any act of fishing here will offend the goddess, and the final result, without exception, is to be buried in the sea and be swallowed by fish!

   So the residents living nearby, no matter how hungry they are, they never fish in this sea area.

   Only desperate gamblers and foreign speculators who only see whale oil in their eyes will challenge the authenticity of ancient legends regardless of their lives.

   Of course, looking at it now, they obviously lost the bet…

  ”It’s just that people did not think that although this ancient sea **** has been sealed, he still has the bottom line power to maintain the curse.”

  Ann Bruce told Ivan and the others about the past and legends of the Sea Witch in the church’s ancient archives.

  His origin, the eight hundred years of sinking into the Black Sea…It was not until he was sealed more than three hundred years ago that the present era of great voyage has arrived!

  ”For this former Black Sea god.

   has suffered such a tragic past, there are indeed reasons for any retaliatory actions.

   It’s just… after all, it blocked the path that mankind opened up. “

   Although several listeners sympathized with the experience of the ancient sea **** Hipponoah, but from a human standpoint, if they were the decision makers, they would have made the same decision on that day more than three hundred years ago!

   is just witnessing this kind of mythological story with my own eyes. It is really new to Aiwen, a bun who has never been born in the country except for Ilya and Falettis.

   Strictly speaking.

   This transnational mission is only the first step for Aiwen to get out of the bathtub in front of his house, and there are too many mysteries like the Atrid Sea waiting for him in this magnificent and magical sea.

With    speaking, the “Storm Horn” has already approached the sea where the “tragedy” has just occurred.

   Just as Ivan hesitated whether to interfere, which might be a punishment from the gods, he might have realized that this battleship was not easy to provoke.


   After a long neigh, the white giant whale that had seen a bad situation plunged into the water and disappeared.

   Finally, all the remaining survivors were spared.

  Uh, to be more precise, there are only two people.

   One is the first mate Fisher who has suffered a major blow and lost his companions, relatives, and career eyes.

   The other is even if he was rescued on the boat, he still yelled incoherently: “Forgive! Hipponoah! Great! Goddess!…” Pips, a gambler with words like that.

   Seeing the two of them, Ivan is not interested in questioning either.

   No matter what they came to this blessed and cursed waters for whaling, they have nothing to do with them, waved and said with excitement:

  ”Prepare a place for the two of them to live, and let them disembark when Nisk!”

  Aven’s words made Fisher’s eyes a little radiant.

   The former chief mate seemed to realize that he was saved now, and slowly and deeply bowed in Aiwen’s direction before he followed the sailor away like a marionette.

   “The Horn of Storm” set sail again and continued to advance towards the Kingdom of Tyrol.

   Atrid Sea has also repeatedly restored its former tranquility and peace.

   only after a long time.

  A pair of extremely beautiful eyes suddenly opened among the snow-white waves amidst the surging waves, looking in the direction of the departure of “Storm Horn”, cold and merciless!


  The next trip was calm and smooth.

   Aiwen spends most of his time studying and researching at the apprenticeship stage in a specially remodeled laboratory on board.

  Occasionally come out to interact with Milan and the others, go fishing, practice swordsmanship, occasionally get interested, and even show off their cooking skills in person.

  Take sword fighting as an example.

  Even among the most basic sailors, three lucky people can get the captain’s sword skills every week.

   and benefited from Ivan’s extensive practice during this period of time “Pharmaceuticals~IndoMTL.com~ often casually take out a few bottles as rewards for outstanding performance.

  Some newcomers who have just joined the “Storm Horn” experienced their own progress before and after boarding, and they were surprised to find out:

   The crew qualifications on the “Cape Storm” may not have a bright future, but a chance to make them truly extraordinary!

   This is a normal situation, before they become official officers, they can’t even think about it.

  ’s already very positive and motivated mentality and cohesion have once again risen to an unprecedented level.

   Ivan’s most intuitive feeling is that the crew on the ship, not only did not have a sneak peek like on other ships.

   is more like a chicken blood, mobilizing all of its subjective initiative to make this battleship act like an arm, as if it came to life.

   This situation is also easy to understand. No matter which world, employees have a simple idea: “Don’t talk about ideals with me. My ideal is not to go to work, so we only talk about money!”

   So Ivan never talks about ideals with his crew (well, occasional mental interference does not count).

   Ivan concluded that every captain has his own command style.

   Some people turn every crew member into a machine part, which is concise and efficient; while some people boldly delegate power to let professional talents give full play to their role.

   And Ivan naturally has it.

   The generous distribution of trophies, swordsmanship guidance, and personal rewards (pharmaceuticals, etc.) are his strongest management methods alone!

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