Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 233: Weird

Time moves forward.

   After receiving an emergency dispatch order from the military headquarters, with the full cooperation of the Third Fleet Headquarters, various procedures were processed without too much time delay.

   Aiwen led his crew on board the fourth-tier ship “Cape Storm”, which has been systematically repaired and maintained, and officially entered the battle sequence of the Kingdom’s Navy, and rushed to “Newin Harbor” without stopping. .


   In the captain’s room, Aiwen, who has a double harvest of military rank and battleship, has not given up any improvement in his own strength.

   Although there are only three advanced prerequisites for the apprenticeship of the “Living Chemistry School”: psychic potions, wild talisman, and activated plants, they are actually the three cornerstones of the school’s witchcraft mansion.

   Behind every witchcraft is a complete set of profound mysterious knowledge system!

   Even if Aiwen has good learning methods, habits, and the knowledge base he already possesses, he also has the aid of a “data-based vision”, but it is not so easy to fully grasp this knowledge in a short time.

   Therefore, after getting the knowledge inheritance of the “Living Chemistry School”, as long as there is a little free time, Ivan will sit down and carefully study the inheritance secret scroll “The Sacrifice of Flesh”.

   It’s just that Ivan is a little depressed. Whenever he feels that he has made great progress, new and more difficult content will appear in the “Sacrifice of Flesh”, which will completely remove every trace of his faint emotions. Obliterate, leaving only the most rigorous and dedicated learning attitude.

   However, Ivan is also happy to be full of himself at all times, and he doesn’t feel boring at all. And this “data-based vision” that can see every bit of progress at any time has really helped him a lot.

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  Owl Beth tilted his head and stared curiously at his master Irwin’s every move.

  After the witchcraft transformation, the bass has grown extremely fast. Although strictly speaking, this time is only about a year, but its intelligence level is no lower than that of human seven or eight-year-old children.

   Aiwen has even prepared to teach Beth to recognize words by connecting his mind. To make it more worthy of the title of “symbol of wisdom” in occultism, it is not impossible even to become a true owl scholar in the future.

   The sky gradually dimmed.

   The afterglow of the setting sun shone obliquely on Aiwen’s face through the porthole of the captain’s room, and he was awakened by focusing on the book. Only then did Aiwen realize that it was almost dark.

   stretched slightly, looked at a gas lamp in the corner of the room, and didn’t plan to use it at all.


   snapped his fingers casually.

   Two pots of plants that look like a row of small lanterns on the desk are instantly lit, emitting very bright and soft “lights”. The white, fleshy flowers are the “bulbs” of this plant’s electric light.

   This is a “hanging wind chime” that has been cultivated and transformed by the school. It is a natural and environmentally friendly lighting tool unique to the “living chemistry school” wizards. It can absorb sunlight very efficiently during the day and store it, and then can provide the wizard with stable lighting for up to two hours at night.

   only need to prepare a few alternate use, you can say goodbye to the outdated lighting tool like gas lamp.

   Under the bright “lights”, you can also see that Irvine’s captain’s room is very different from when it was first settled. The main thing is that there are a variety of weird-shaped potted plants.

   Most of them are collections sorted out by Aiwen from the collection of “Snake Man” Heber Crete, with various magical abilities.

   can be used to purify water (including the purification of sea water into fresh water) green core grass, four-leaf purple that will change color when swept by spiritual light, nightshade scent that helps to sleep peacefully…

   Among them, there is only one plant that is not from the collection of the school, but is the plant that Ivan himself is going to add to the research list. It is an ordinary…Venus flytrap.

   The reason why it appeared among a bunch of demonized plants is also very simple. Now that you have the magical witchcraft of “activated plants” in your hands, how can you not use your brain to make the best use of it?

   If the Venus flytrap can be modified to a certain extent, and then all its vitality can be stimulated in an instant, then in the fierce naval battle, is it possible for a huge pile of flytraps to catch flying Where are the shells coming?

   I have to say that Ivan’s brain is big enough.

   But the witchcraft shield that can cover the entire ship was not realistic before the legendary battleship, but this disguised method is very maneuverable.

   This is also an ambition in Aiwen’s heart. If it can be realized, not only will the safety factor be greatly increased in the future, but also a very practical plant variety can be added to the school’s “activated plant” list. Like the ancestors, leave your name in the inheritance of the school.

   There is another thing worth mentioning. After the pirate hunting mission ended, Milan did not intend to return to the logistics department of the Third Fleet.

  When they set off with Aiwen, they even said something inexplicable: “The tributary of fate will eventually meet the mainstream, the eyes of the storm will open in the waves of the Black Sea, and the’heart’ will determine the ownership of the crown. …. As a great prophet, how can I be missing at the turn of the times?”

After    jointly killed the “Wizard of Fate” Bassem, Milan’s “Prophet” ability has once again made great progress. However, the side effect is that people also become more nagging…

   It was only later that Ivan learned that what Milan said turned out to be a warning from the “Prophecy School” to its members! It was also a prophecy made by the “All Seeing Eye” himself!

   Even Milan himself can’t understand the meaning at all, just use it to pretend to be 13 in front of Aven!

   However, Aiwen naturally liked his choice of staying on the boat, wishing that he would be the captain of his life, such a useful guy, at least, Aiwen has never seen a second one for the time being.


   “Storm Horn”, with the help of “Monsoon Goddess”, went all out, far exceeding the speed of the first enrollment, and arrived at “Newin Harbor” in less than ten days.

  According to the order, Ivan is going to report to the Navy Department.

   As the key department in charge of the kingdom’s strongest military power, the navy headquarters is of course in the royal capital of Bekele. However, in order to facilitate command, the military department also set up a branch management department in “Newin Harbor”.

   In the future, the command of Irvine and “Storm Horn” will belong to this place.


   After he successfully called in with the transfer order, everyone else was left behind. Aiwen himself was picked up by a civilian colonel who had been waiting here for a long time, and picked up an unremarkable carriage without any signs!

   What is even more surprising is that there were six heavily armed and heavily armored knights who accompanied the carriage, guarding both sides of the carriage like two moving steel walls.

   Even if the consul travels, there is no such battle, right?

   “Lieutenant Colonel Alvin, I’m instructed to take you to a confidential location, please!”

The colonel    politely and resolutely made a request to Evan.

  ”Confidential location? Don’t you come to ‘Newin Harbor’ to receive the ‘Navy Rising Star’ reward?”

   riding in the ordinary carriage, Ivan felt that things suddenly seemed a bit complicated and weird.

   I was so desperate to get the first name of “Navy Rising Star” before, and the main purpose was to get the “Golden Compass” in the treasure list.

   Seeing that the thing is close at hand, the development of the matter suddenly seemed to exceed my expectations.

   summoned himself from Gabriel hurriedly. It seemed that he was just using the “Navy Rising Star” as a cover, and there seemed to be a deeper inside story behind him.

   If it hadn’t been for Aiwen to recognize that the colonel was a part-time lecturer at the Royal Naval Academy, and had seen it several times before, Aiwen would have thought there was a conspiracy.

   even if he is a half acquaintance, no matter what Ivan asks, the other party will only reply “I’ll know when I arrive.” There is no way, Aiwen can only follow the other party to the so-called “secret location” to see what is going on.

   da da da…

   In the crisp sound of horseshoes, the team did not enter the main city, but marched all the way south along the coastline.

   Today’s weather is not so good, and the foggy sky makes people feel a little depressed, always feeling that something is about to happen.

   And as the team continues to advance, a layer of fog gradually thickens, from the beginning if there is no such thing to the final visibility is less than 100 meters.

   Aiwen looked at the colonel sitting across from him with an unsurprising look, and then he solved the doubt about why he didn’t take a boat because he was going to the beach at the beginning.

   In this kind of weather, it would be a miracle if you were sailing along the coastline by boat in the offshore ~ ​​IndoMTL.com~ if it didn’t hit the rocks.

   The gas lamp that had been prepared on the    carriage was turned on, and along the foggy path, I walked to a place almost completely deserted. In the bottom of my heart, Ivan couldn’t help thinking about how to solve it in the shortest possible time. When losing six reloaded knights…

   I heard the colonel on the opposite side suddenly speak:

   “We are here!”

   took a sigh of relief.

   Ivan followed the colonel and got out of the carriage. There was already a small boat waiting here on the shore just a few minutes away. On the sea farther away, even though the visibility was not high in the fog, Ivan was faint I saw a huge black figure lying on the water.

  In his experience, that is at least a second-tier battleship!

   However, the authority of the colonel can only end here. After sending Ivan, he turned and left with six heavy armored knights who didn’t say a word from beginning to end.

  ”Do you still want to go to sea? Why is it so mysterious?”

   No one answered his question. Aiwen was greeted by the boat and was quickly sent to the second-class battleship.

   I didn’t expect this battleship to be an acquaintance. It was the “Sword of Frost” who had escaped the battle to destroy the “Ghost Ship”.

   On this ship, Ivan unexpectedly met an acquaintance-Anthony Kramer.

   Seeing this guy, Ivan must have guessed what he was going to do on this trip.

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