Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 225: Treasure Fleet

However, when everything seemed to be ready, they found a new problem embarrassingly.

  ”The trophies are so rich that more than two hundred people can’t drive three warships, especially one of them!”

  The sail system of sailing warships in this era is complicated to operate. If there are fewer people, they can’t start at all. Even simple sea steering requires the tacit cooperation of the rudder and the sail system. As long as there is a little operation error, it will cause a very ugly scene. .

   Therefore, the feat of two men like Jack Sparrow and William Turner driving away a warship is simply a feat.

  According to the normal staffing, the basic three shifts can be realized. A standard Tier 4 battleship requires 350 people.

   There is no way. I count all the sailors in my hand. With a little hard work, I can barely achieve two shifts of uninterrupted sailing, while the other two warships can only lower their sails and let the battleship tow.

   The problem of battleship one towing two is not a big problem without an emergency, and there is the assistance of “Head Statue·Monsoon Goddess”, which should not be much slower than normal sailing.

  ”Raise the sail and set sail!”


   Soon the sailors chanted loudly on the ship, and the crew worked together to raise the sails and start the big guy again.

The    tow rope connects the “Storm Horn”, “Conch” and “Thumb” in a line, and heads to the east, which is the offshore direction.

   successfully killed Bassem, and Ivan’s feats have been accumulated to the point where others are completely unattainable. A stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he was no longer worried about hunting.

   The crew of the original “Reef” on the ship was a bit envious. My original battleship was sunk by pirates. I wanted to return to the mainland on a colleague’s ship. I didn’t expect to witness this group of colleagues who rescued me in a blink of an eye. We settled in a Tier 4 battleship.

   colleagues who were faintly inferior to their own ranks were immediately qualified to enter the main battle line. In contrast, their own group of people have become stragglers who have lost even their ships.

   This kind of gap is difficult for people who have never experienced it.

   However, I think about it too much now. It is better to perform well on the ship, and hope that Captain Ivan can say a few good things for himself at the headquarters when he returns to the fleet, so as to avoid the impact of being defeated and captured.


   Riding the wind and waves, the motivated fleet was forced to stop after driving on the sea for less than half an hour.

   “What’s wrong?”


   Before running up to the stern, Milan had already shouted to Ivan, who had just issued the sailing brake command.

   “See it for yourself!”

  In the connection of mind, the seabirds looked towards the sea below.

  Under the vast white clouds, there is a large area of ​​azure blue water. On the sea, a large fleet of ships is full of sails and slanting toward the south.

  The snow-white sails are connected into one piece, like white clouds falling to the surface of the sea, it is very spectacular!

   At a glance, there are at least sixty sailboats. It is a huge fleet of more than fifty merchant ships with extremely deep drafts and ten **** warships of various sizes.

   “What a big fleet!”

   Although it is really rare to see a fleet of this size, it is not the reason why Ivan ordered the ship to stop.

  The point is the identity of this fleet!

The flagship of the    **** fleet is at least a Tier 3 battleship. The bowsprit is covered with flags of generals, nobles, fleets… and all warships behind it have flame patterns on the mainmasts. The long flag of Changqi undoubtedly shows their origins——

   The treasure fleet of the Kingdom of Sirius! ! !

  ”The all-seeing eye is on! What luck is it for us to encounter the treasure fleet returning from the New World! They took this route, did they drift off by accident?”

   Aiwen didn’t have the relaxed attitude of Milan to give directions to Jiangshan. He observed more and thought more.

  In the seabirds’ reconnaissance network, it is far more than this treasure fleet that appears on the sea. Across dozens of kilometers, at the extreme distance that the watchman can identify the flag with the aid of tools, there are still many ships, large and small, whose identities are difficult to identify.

   This is not like a harmonious situation!

  Hilius, as the current maritime overlord, organizes two large-scale fleet voyages each spring and autumn, connecting the vast colonies and the mainland.

   When departing, bring local guns, linens and other goods to the major colonies. When returning to the voyage, they are loaded with gold and silver, gems, spices, tobacco, silk, etc., especially gold and silver that are abundant overseas. Let all the big pirates and enemy countries on the sea covet.

   Every time I return from the New World, there are countless eyeliners staring at me.

   is greeted by this richly profitable hostile country, powerful multinational organizations disguising their identities, prestigious pirates, and even some brave little pirates like hyenas who try to take a bite on this piece of fat.

   Actually, even the invincible Hilius fleet has not been destroyed in this dangerous sea. Sudden storms, sea monsters, snipers from powerful enemies!

   If you are lucky, even a small pirate is not without a chance.

  Of course, they have the same mentality as a gambler.

   The Hilius navy, who undertook the **** mission, will naturally have a spirit of twelve points at this time. Although only a small fleet is returning this time, the goods in it are also invaluable, which is related to the kingdom’s huge military expenditure this year. Expenses, any disturbance will arouse their highest level of vigilance!

   Of course, as the defensive force of the overlord fleet at sea, it is the greatest deterrent in itself. Before the irresistible external factors intervene, it is already enough to discourage the hungry wolves.

   Just like this **** fleet, in addition to the accompanying cruiser, the leader is a quasi-legendary battleship “The Commander of the Guards”!

   three decks, equipped with 70 ship-borne artillery, 520 personnel, and displacement of 1,500 tons. This is the main battleship with the largest number of naval battleships in various countries other than the fourth-tier ships belonging to the compromise plan.

  This class of warship is the perfect combination of firepower, speed and cost in this era, not to mention this is a quasi-legendary warship with super conventional power!

  ”Your Excellency Commander! As in previous years, after we left the open sea smoothly, the gaze that we watched along the way slowly increased.

   It’s just that they travel far away, and they have been hanging behind the fleet. For the time being, I don’t know if there is an ambush behind them.

   Do you think we are going to allow the cruise ship to leave the group and go to drive these madmen at sea? “

   Adjutant enters the captain’s room of the flagship “Commander of the Guards” and reports the latest information to the fleet commander, Viscount Lavender, captain of the quasi-legendary battleship, and Grand Knight Lieutenant Adonis Auston.

   The tall and burly fleet commander, who has the elegant demeanor in his bones, heard that there is no first time frame. Instead, he looked at another person in the room and asked in a very equal tone: “Mr. Anduen, what do you think?”

   is a middle-aged man in a black robe and white short hair on the high-back chair. His skin is fair and clean and his hands are crossed on his lap, even if he is facing a fleet commander, an extraordinary person at the level of a knight. There is no sense of restraint at all.

   Hearing what Alston said, Anduen smiled slightly:

   “Although it is safe to expel all of them, as long as we see the uninvited guests with our own eyes, can we make a decision later?”

When    spoke, he also had his own plan.

   This time I returned from the New World, I originally wanted to meet with His Majesty King Hilius, the first sea power country, on behalf of my school, and seek some unspeakable cooperation.

   Although the power he possesses is beyond doubt, it is just this opportunity to let this respected lieutenant admiral gain insight and heavier the bargaining chip afterwards.

   “Oh? Do you want to go to the observation deck?”

   didn’t quite understand what this Mr. Anduen meant, the general asked.

   “Hehe, please look!”

   didn’t mean to be mysterious, the black-robed man directly cut his finger and ejected a drop of blood.


   However, this drop of blood did not fall to the ground. Instead, it blended into the air in front of the three people, fainting the **** light like ink dripping in water.

  A few breaths have formed an oval half-length mirror without a frame.

   And the picture presented in the mirror is exactly the scene on the sea near the large fleet, and it is still a 360-degree panoramic picture.

  The sixty-five merchant ships and battleships belonging to the fleet are constantly shrinking, and the scope of the picture in the mirror is constantly expanding, five kilometers, ten kilometers, fifteen kilometers…

   gradually surpassed the scope that the observer can observe with the naked eye~IndoMTL.com~ is still expanding.

   Suspiciously, the vessels that are keeping pace with the fleet are completely exposed. Although I can’t see too much detail, we can still tell the power of each sea vessel based on the flag and style of the ship.

   and…Is there a hidden fleet farther behind them?

  ”The ‘rainbow trout’ pirate group, the nearby Akamodo state… are all small characters with little weight.

   There are two Tier 5 cruisers of the Sark Empire, a privateer warship from Atlan… There is also a Tier 4 battleship with both black sails and Falitis flags. Well, Is it a fleet? “

  The adjutant is treasured by all the powers of the Black Sea, all small and large, and all of them have been named by him one by one. In his words, he has an undisguised amazement at the methods of this mysterious figure.

  As an experienced naval officer, how can he not know what this ability means for navigation?

  The enemy’s first opportunity has allowed the fleet to gain absolute battlefield advantage, not to mention…

  ‘If you have this ability, with the extraordinary ability of the Guard Commander, it is not a dream to achieve long-range precision strikes beyond the visual range! ’

   What he can think of, the general naturally wants to get it.

   suppressed the surprise in the guest’s magical methods, smiled and said, “Hahaha, Mr. Anduen is indeed the second seat of the curse school! Today, I will pick two big fish to bleed and scare those who dare to be here. Monkeys jumping around in front of us!”

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