Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 184: Stand back and wait for the rabbit

There are only two people in the captain’s room, Aiwen and Milan.


   A nautical chart was spread out on the desk between the two of them.


   The quality and graphics of the nautical drawings are very new, and you can see that they are the most recent high-end goods. Countries, shore shapes, islands, reefs, water depths, navigation marks, lighthouses, supply points, habitats of dangerous marine life, etc., are clearly marked on the silky paper.


   And the scope of this nautical chart is unexpectedly large, including the entire “Tulip Alliance” offshore trade route and more than a dozen commonly used ocean routes, and there is even Irwin’s most eye-catching route to the New World path.


   Compared with the one I received from the Fleet Headquarters before Ivan set off, it was much wider and more detailed.


   As a qualified navy captain, Ivan certainly knows the goods. This nautical chart shows that it is not a common product, and it may even belong to a special collection that your lieutenant admiral does not know where to get it.


   Well, the most important thing is that while the value is priceless, the level of confidentiality must be very high…


   Milan didn’t notice Ivan’s strange eyesight, and had already taken the role of the captain of the navigator. He focused all of his attention on the nautical chart, sliding his fingers on the chart, and said to himself:


  ”At the current speed of the ‘Conch’, we will be able to reach the Shell Strait in three days. After that, it will be the open sea area in a vague sense.


   I don’t suggest to continue to hunt down the big pirates who can cross the open sea. In addition to the uncontrollable risks, a sixth-tier ship of our “Conch” simply can’t adapt to the changing open seas. Weather astronomy.


   Unless a naval fleet is formed to perform its duties, if a ship rushes in recklessly, the fault tolerance rate is too low, and a single accident will kill us in the sea. “


  The two people around the nautical chart are planning the next itinerary. Because it is a hunting mission for vicious pirates, where the danger lies, the choice of targets and routes is particularly important.


   At this time, there is no so-called difference between the captain and the navigator, the superior and the inferior, all of them are treated seriously, and they are straightforward to express their opinions.


  ”Well, I agree with you. Although at the Naval Academy, I have also learned how to deal with the complicated sea conditions in the open sea, but our main members are still recruits after all, and it is right for our Tier 6 ships to go directly to the open sea. Irresponsibility of everyone.


   But even if you don’t go to the open sea, there are articles you can do in the offshore area.


   More than ten days have passed since the “Beluga Harbor Massacre”. Let us think about the next possible movement of the pirates who have acquired a large amount of wealth…”


   Before he set off, Ivan actually had an overall plan before he got Milan to join. Now Milan’s arrival also added an insurance for the smooth progress of the plan. At this time, naturally, he would not hide it from him again.


  ”You mean…neutral port?!”


   Milan understood what Ivan meant in an instant.


   Although pirates are chasing treasures in their bones, they are also insulated from treasures. They are destined to be unable to return to the civilized world, but they do not have the concept of saving money, and having fun in time is the norm.


   patronizing Orioles, enjoying wine and food, and gambling, no matter how much wealth you have in your hands, you will be squandered in a short period of time, at least for the vast majority of pirates.


   However, although the ports of civilized countries are full of flowers and can meet all their needs, the risks are too great for the pirates.


   Fortunately, various countries and forces have different attitudes towards pirates. In addition to the “Tulip Alliance”, which has received the grace of the “kingdom and the goddess of navigation”, the east coast of the Black Sea is also scattered. A small number of neutral ports of various scales allow pirates to dock.


   There is a gold-selling cave for pirates, and it is also a cornucopia of neutral forces!


   Of course, in addition to neutral ports, there are many private ports all over the sea, but no one can tell.


   Seeing Milan’s expression, Ivan smiled slightly. The wise man didn’t need to spend much time, and then he reached out and pointed his finger on the nautical chart. Milan followed his fingertips and looked over, his face was instantly stunned: “Attilan, the largest neutral port city on the East Coast!”


  was awakened by Aiwen’s words, and instantly understood Aiwen’s original intention with Milan’s wisdom.


  ”It turns out that the route you chose in the first place was purposeful!


  According to this time calculation, from the “Belby Whale Harbor” in the south of Ilia to “Attilan”, our position is almost the only way for them to go in a straight line, as long as they do not go to the open sea, or deliberately Go around a big circle, otherwise there is a high probability that you will pass through this sea area.


   plus your seabird reconnaissance, they may hit your muzzle head-on without even noticing them within 50 kilometers. Even without me, it would be impossible to get nothing from the “Conch” trip.


   You guys are really insidious! “


   Aiwen deliberately slammed his face:


  ”What is insidious, is this wisdom, okay?


   There are more than two hundred pirate ships, all of which have made a fortune in Beluga Harbor. Staying here and waiting for you is much better than searching the sea aimlessly.


   plus your divination skills, let’s fortune telling when there are pirates passing by here, which is much simpler than dividing the specific location of a specific pirate.


   Think about it, those pirates carrying pockets of treasures, singing songs, thinking that they will be able to spend a lot of time and drink, and they will be robbed by horse bandits…cough cough…suddenly hit Is it a big surprise in our hands? ! “


   “Although I only saw your evil taste, I agree to this plan.” Milan gave Ivan a weird look, always feeling that there was a hidden meaning in this matter that he couldn’t understand.


   But he didn’t care too much, and instead offered his own suggestions.


  ”I just boarded the ship, and I don’t know much about the tactics of the Conch, especially you.


   Let’s sort out the strength of our side in advance. When I do divination, I will compare the strength. If we run into an existence that we can’t provoke, we’d better avoid it for a while. “


  Name: Irving·Galliott


  Gender: Male


  Military rank: Major Captain


   rank: official knight/intermediate wizard apprentice


  Attribute: (omitted)


   Skills: (omitted)


   Extraordinary items:


  Iron Cross Medal (Effect: the goddess, the wearer is protected from damage from the sea)


  Wild Charm (Effect: Increase the speed and reaction power of 20% of users)


  Alchemy props (the plural is omitted)


   Secret Treasure: Fog Silver Lamp (The ability is to ignore the original celestial phenomenon, and it takes a minute to create a dense fog that only the lamp holder and no more than three designated companions can see. And the dense fog can interfere with the enemy’s A sense of direction, even using a compass or even directional magic is useless.)


   Head of Ship: Goddess of Monsoon (a constant passive effect for ships, the speed of downwind ships can increase up to 30% over time, the speed of upwind ships can increase up to 20% over time, and the effect is zero when there is no wind.)


  ps: The props held will appear soon, and the specific data will not be displayed later.


  Name: Milan Snetter


  Gender: Male


  Military rank: Major Nautical Captain


   Rank: Official Knight/Official Wizard (Prophet)


   Attribute: Physical 1.1 Strength 1.1 Agility 1.3 Spirit 1.2


   Skills: Navigation knowledge (proficient) Mysticism (proficient)…


   Extraordinary items:


   pure crystal ball (essential props for crystal ball divination)….


   It’s worth mentioning that the “School of Prophecy” that Milan belongs to, after abandoning most of the offensive spellcasting abilities~IndoMTL.com~, gained a purer spiritual power, instead focusing on early warning, detection, mind, The curse of doom is quite successful.


   There are only two of them as the official knights on the ship as extraordinary powers. Below them, the power of the two peak apprentice knights, the sailor captain Gary and the rope leader Vader, is the most. Others, including captain officers and all soldiers, are either old or not yet grown up, and can only be used as conventional combat power.


  In addition to the personnel on board, the most important measure of combat effectiveness of a warship is the number of artillery on board.


  Whether it is a bronze or iron cannon, it is a reflection of a country’s financial and technological level. Even many scholars in this era often use the number of artillery in a country to measure their naval strength.


   is just that as a six-tier ship “Conch” there are only twenty ship-borne artillery (continued until the end of the great voyage era, ship-borne artillery only has smoothbore guns).


  The firepower is far from strong, so in addition to the necessary armed forces when facing pirates, we need a little bit…wisdom!

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