Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 155: 3 months

“Sample source: comparative test numbered a-2 and a-3


  Experimental project: Research on the increase rate of muscle strength in a bird modification experiment with seabirds as the mainstay


  The only variable: dried sage


  Experimental process:…


   Conclusion: As an inducer with adequate nutrition, it can increase the muscle strength of birds by 20%-30% after directional alienation


  Conjecture: According to the difference analysis of the data of each group, it is possible that the active ingredient is only a specific part of the sage, and the uneven distribution of the specific part causes the difference in the experimental results


  Status: Awaiting secondary verification (non-urgent)”


   Cowper Manor, an experimental site specially arranged for Aiwen. The young man was working at his desk, transcripting paragraphs of experimental records for later reference.


   Even with the “data-based vision” as a very useful auxiliary tool, he will also implement the scientific research method of “plan-implement-check (record, collect, analyze)-improve” that has been proven effective in the previous life Very in place.


   Even many members of “Eye of Violet” who have conducted research with Aiwen highly respect this research method, and there is a tendency to popularize it throughout the association.


   “Angie, help me get folder 3 here.”


   “Okay, teacher.”


  ”An Qi, today you will write this closing report.”


   “Well, leave it to me!”




  Time flies, and it is now three months after the Cthulhu incident.


   Seeing An Qi running around instructed by herself, Ivan couldn’t help feeling that time was ruthless, but it was also the best medicine.


   More than three months ago, Angel, who was still skinny and bony, has recovered the slim and youthful appearance of a natural beautiful girl after the inauguration of the wizard and the adequate supply of nutrients during this period.


   As far as Ivan knows, no born witch has been ugly since the record, and Angel is naturally no exception.


   Moreover, the fulfilling study life and the broader vision after setting foot in the extraordinary world made her more confident and cheerful, and her temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Even if she were to return to the place where she once lived, I believe no one can recognize her anymore.


   Of course.


   Although the hard life has gone away from her, the optimistic nature formed in that environment and the amazing resilience to survive like weeds have been retained. Hardened and decorated her soul, bright and dazzling.


   This is also the point that Ivan agrees most.


   Watching An Qi’s changes at this time is like a process of polishing a piece of uncut jade with his own hands, and gradually turning it into a perfect gem. This sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is beyond words.




   “What’s the matter?” At this moment there was a knock on the door, and Ivan sorted out the last experimental record and asked, looking up.


   “Master Irwin, your appointment has arrived, and the lady invites you to come.” An Qi has opened the door, and Aunt Davli’s close-knit maid Rebecca walked in behind her.


   “Okay, I see. Is Elantra back, Rebecca?”


  Although the large open space behind this independent room in the manor is the experimental site of Aiwen and Anqi, it is actually not too private, and there will be no experiments that are dangerous or need to be conducted secretly. Put it in the manor.


   So in addition to the two of them, there are still a few people allowed to enter.


   “I heard that there was a visitor coming, and the lady did not allow Master Elantra to go out today.” The little maid replied respectfully after holding the skirt corners and saluting.


   Today, Elantra is one of the protagonists, but he cannot be absent. Confirming that everyone has arrived, Ivan nodded: “Okay, we’ll pass right away.”


   did not keep the guests waiting.


   Soon, Ivan, who changed his clothes, led his student An Qi, and found several visiting guests on the martial arts field behind the manor.


   Snap! Snapped! Snapped! …


   When they came, two figures, one tall and one short, were fighting vigorously on the martial arts field, and the sound of wooden swords was fighting together.


Beside   , young men and women with outstanding looks are sitting at a table outside the venue under the shade of the trees, enjoying black tea, fruits, and exquisite desserts.


   Aiwen led An Qi to walk over, and greeted very casually: “Hi! Why did Alva fight Elantra?”


   “Alva, this guy has finally recovered his body. He is not looking for an opportunity to bully the children. However, in this way, he is about to be taught.”


   Dilis smiled gleefully and saw Aiwen’s doubts. After all, no matter how weak and extraordinary, he would not be bullied by a trainee, so she shrugged and added:


  ”He put on one of Anthony’s’extraordinary handcuffs’.”


   “Ha, don’t you think so?!”


  Name: Elantra Cowper


  Gender: Male


  Attribute: Constitution 0.72


   Strength 0.68


  Agility 0.75


  Skills: White Sail Swordsmanship (Introduction) Falettis Sabre Technique (Introduction) Grammar (Proficient) Navigation Knowledge (Introduction)


   had good conditions, coupled with Aiwen’s targeted teaching during this period and the reasonable supply of “whale potions”, Elantra, who is now just thirteen years old, is better than Aiwen’s physical fitness when he just awakened his memory at the age of thirteen. Much stronger.


   What’s more, Ivan uses the monitoring function of “data-based vision” from time to time to tailor a training plan for him. During this time, Elantra’s swordsmanship level has improved by leaps and bounds.


   Although it hasn’t reached the level of “proficient” in a short time, it is already deep enough in the introductory stage.


   If the physical fitness is lowered to the same level, Alva, the guy who can only be promoted to the official knight by witchcraft, may not be the opponent of Elantra in terms of swordsmanship.


  ”Pseudo·Sword·Floating Boat!”




   really fought dozens of moves, Alva, because of a momentary misjudgment, was seized by Elantra to use the simplified version of swordsmanship to bully his side and directly wriggled the long sword.


   “Ah, how is it possible? It doesn’t count, do it again!”


  Alva was easily defeated by a thirteen-year-old boy who was only a knight apprentice. Suddenly, his face was a little bit awkward, and he had to compare Elantra’s hand again.


   “Okay, Alva! Didn’t you see that Ivan is already here? Then I will bully his cousin and be careful that Ivan beat you.” Anthony’s voice sounded in time, preventing his “unreasonable trouble”.


   “Where is it, I am the one who was bullied, OK?”


  Alva said so, but he also put down the long sword in his hand and walked towards them with Elantra.


   A few people seated around the long table. Angel and Elant sat on both sides of Irwin. Because it was not a formal meeting on a social occasion, everyone was more casual.


   “Alva looks like you are recovering well! Anthony has already told me, how does it feel to dance with the beautiful Miss Murderer?”


   Before Alva was controlled by “Very Poisonous Bluebell”, if he wasn’t strong enough in nature, he would have been eaten up like those hapless guys. I have been recuperating at home (without foot) for almost three months before being released by the elders.


   “Can we not mention this? I know it’s wrong!” Alva raised his hand and surrendered, pitifully begging to let him go.


   During this time, he has been ridiculed enough~ IndoMTL.com~ This kind of thrilling escape from the “murderer” with horror, ambiguous, and mysterious stories is a favorite talk in the circle, even if it has already been. After three months, anyone who knew the inside story would laugh at him when they saw him.


   made his psychological shadow appear.


   “Forget it, no kidding. Anthony, how is your foundation doing?” After teasing Alva who was “using the big to bully the small” a little, Ivan put a smile away and talked about business.


  ”The preliminary investigation and statistics have been completed, because the death toll directly caused by the raging murderers is 2,352.


  The number of deaths caused by ‘runaways’ on the last night accounted for half, and the property losses suffered by the city after they went around was an astronomical figure. “


   When Anthony said this, everyone in the audience felt a heavy heart, whether they were witnesses to the incident or not.


  ”Have you really decided to donate all your bonuses to the foundation?”


   Looking up at Ivan, Anthony looked strange.

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