Extraordinary Voyage Chapter 124: Respond

  All the participants were silent.

   Based on the intelligence gathered after the tragic change that year.

   “Dead Soul Box” is actually a toy of Percell, the “God of Opera” who has fallen into an evil god. He who was a good **** before the fall loves the laughter and all the beautiful art of human beings!

   But after the accidental fall, He began to chase all kinds of negative human emotions, such as anger, sadness, selfishness, loss, timidity, despair, hatred, jealousy, inferiority, greed… and draw strength from them!

   Driven by instinct, He willfully creates disasters among humans and directs one tragedy after another! The more painful and miserable a mortal is, the greater the power he can draw from it.

   eight years ago.

   He was not only the object of the Welsh family’s sacrifices, but also the source of their destruction.

   The “Dead Soul Box” was created by him based on the characteristics of this evil god. If it were just thrown in an uninhabited place in Liao, a box without autonomous action might not be very harmful.

   But once the box is opened, seven “killers” with various strange abilities will be released (seven is considered the most magical number, in fact, many mysterious creations and witchcraft rituals are related to the number seven ), they will follow the established rules and kill people wildly!

   At the beginning, the “murderer” only had the power of elementary transcendents, and the targets of hunting were limited to ordinary people.

   But as time goes by and the number of victims increases, the abilities of the seven “killers” will also become stronger. If it is not contained and allowed to grow freely, it only takes only seven days a week to naturally break through the extraordinary third-order human knight!

   At that time, they will also become truly extraordinary disasters. It is only a matter of time before the seven powerful knights let go of their hands and feet, and destroy a city.

   Besides, the place “Newin Harbor” is a bit special…

   tragedy happened once eight years ago. Fortunately, there were super-powerfuls who took action in time to avoid even greater disasters.

   What about this time?

   Facing the Archon’s question.

  Charlie, a representative of the Royal Naval Academy, responded positively:

  ”The words of Principal Princeton are evidence! And I have brought the information to everyone, whether you want to believe it or not.

   I just want to remind you again that now is different from eight years ago, His Royal Highness Prince Livina is here to watch everyone! “

   His words shocked everyone present.

   “Hoo—, I have no problem! In order to avoid panic, I think we should temporarily block the news and send more people to search for the hiding places of ‘murder ghost’ and ‘dead soul box’!”

   The consul used his authority to suppress the crowds of discussions and gave a final word.

  ”Secondly! The power of the ‘killer’ cannot be dealt with by ordinary people. Whether it is outside or at home, hiding or hiding cannot change the ending.”

  ”Second! We must resolve the root cause of the incident as soon as possible to avoid further expansion of the harm.”


  ’Human lives can be sacrificed, but factories can’t be shut down, shops can’t be closed, and economic lifeline can’t be cut off! ’The gentlemen have seconded, but no one can say it to the mouth…

   “I ordered the arakkoa forces as the main force, with the assistance of the city guards. From now on, I will carry out uninterrupted patrols until I find the **** box and solve the source! Your Excellency Diesel has worked hard for you.” Then the Archon Diesel, the chief officer of the arakkoa, said solemnly.

   “It is incumbent!”

   The arakkoa chief Diesel stood up and saluted again. Although his hair was gray, his words were loud, giving everyone a sense of security.

  ”I have another question. Although there are only seven murderers, they have been supernatural since their birth, and only superhumans can fight superhumans.

   I don’t intend to offend, but the arakkoa troops and the supernatural beings of the city guards are not enough to fight them, right?

   And these monsters are getting stronger day by day, where should we draw enough transcendents to defend our city? “

  The representative of the Urban Defense Committee who had not spoken at this time raised his own question. His concerns are also very reasonable. Today everyone may face only seven extraordinary and junior murderers. The guards are still strong enough, but what about tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow?

   Today is the second day. If they are not lucky enough to catch them in time, they will face seven great knights in five days.

   Even during this period, they have to face two levels of enemies, the senior transcendent and the pinnacle transcendent. The gap at each level is huge.

  ”The church will send members of the Knights of the Iron Wall and the witches to assist!”

  ”The Sea Hunter Union will mobilize union members to gather information in time!”

  ”The First Fleet will send non-task officers into the city to assist in defense!”

  ”The Noble Alliance will support some private soldiers!”

  Representatives of the major forces have opened their mouths to support, and the current situation cannot be handled by one party alone. If the unfavorable disaster expands, no one wants to run. Even if he ran away, and his Royal Highness was watching, don’t think about staying in the Kingdom of Falitis anymore.

   Then they simultaneously turned their attention to the silent representative of the Royal Naval Academy. Although the principal of Princeton is the “Newin Harbor” Dinghai Shenzhen can not move lightly, but at this time there is a strong force in the academy that can be used as a fresh force. .

  ”Your Excellency Charlie, I remember your school’s latest military officer training course is still going on, right?”


   in the evening.

  ”Teacher~IndoMTL.com~Is this the crow bazaar? It’s amazing.”

   Anqi wore a black robe and walked in the crow market in “Newin Harbor”, pulling the corner of Irwin’s clothes.

   Although she is now much more cheerful than before, the habit she has cultivated all the year round still makes her a little timid in a crowded place.

   A lizard with two heads, a bird with colorful feathers that can talk, a strange plant that looks like a human hand, a metal puppet that can move on its own… She was dizzy.

   When the two came here, it was the busiest time of the crow fair.

  ”An Qi, before we leave, you can choose something as a reward for your apprenticeship as a wizard!”

   is not ashamed of her talent. At this time, An Qi has successfully completed the spiritual activation through the first meditation and has officially stepped into the ranks of wizards. Although he was only a junior apprentice, he already had a future completely different from the past.

   “Really, teacher?” An Qi was surprised when she heard the words. No matter how mature and sensible she is, she can’t change the nature of her child.

   Aiwen put down a stone sculpture with the indigenous style of the New World in his hand and patted her head gently: “Of course it is true.”


   In the next “shopping”, the little girl showed her talent as a woman. It seems that he has obtained the buff bonus of “Energy MAX”, and he is so aggressive that he has to visit every stall in the Crow Fair.

   Aiwen didn’t stop her deliberately.

  Although this is mainly a gathering place for the transcendents of the law system, materials and artifacts that are too evil or dangerous are also rare, at least not on the bright side. Don’t worry too much about An Qi accidentally encountering unmanageable danger.

  ”Huh, Violet Eye?”

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