Exceptional Sovereign Emperor Chapter 158: Going

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The connection between Lin Qian and Wei Wushuang’s tactical mirror was broken, and the tactical mirror in front of each other was calm.

In this conversation using tactical mirrors, Lin Qian let Master Zun and Ye Xin rest assured that they would let them know their true situation, and don’t worry about his current situation.

“Senior, I don’t understand. Xiaoqian wants to take control of the small world and let his men go directly to wipe out those two despicable races. Isn’t that enough? Why is he just helping the people of that small world? , Let them hands-on.” Ye Xin blinked, asked curiously.

She is also curious, why did Wei Wushuang see his purpose because of Lin Qian’s behavior.

“Because of the past experience of that small world, they made them unconfident and overly inferior to their own suzerain.” Wei Wushuang looked at the already bleak tactical mirror and slowly spoke out, “If Lin Qian’s If you have no idea, as you said, you will directly destroy the dwarf and giant ghosts, and then take these humans out of the small world, once and for all.”

“It is because this kid has ideas about the small world that he will cultivate those human races and let them do it himself. The purpose is to let them regain their blood, restore their confidence in their race, and rebuild their dignity.”

“Don’t forget, these people call him His Majesty, and call you the Queen Mother. My disciple, I want to be the emperor of that small world, those people will be his people.” Wei Wushuang looked at Ye Xin , Said, turned and walked up the stairs, ready to leave the cabin.

“I want to come, my people who are not allowed to be their own people, will be a group of waste that has low self-esteem, no dignity, and does not believe in their own blood.”

Wei Wushuang left the command room, leaving Ye Xin alone in a daze, silently thinking: “Control the small world, Xiaoqian’s people?”

Thinking of this, in Ye Xin’s mind, Lin Qian’s proud face appeared, and his cheeks were flushed.

“No gentle gentleman is so handsome!”

“Ah sneeze!” In the small world, Lin Qian was looking at the Shizu tribe, and suddenly he sneezed and rubbed his nose. “What’s going on?”

Soon, Shi Yun and Qin Xing rushed to Lin Qian from a short distance: “Adults and tribes have all been packed.”

After hearing the reports of the two, Lin Qian nodded secretly, watching the crowd approaching.

Everyone knew that they were leaving, and looking at the wooden houses, they were still upset.

“No need to reluctantly, the future will be better than these.” Seeing their look, Lin Qian said, pointing at the sky.

Following this, the people of the Stone Tribe were all confused, because they found that their place suddenly became dark, as if something was covering them.

When they raised their heads blankly, they immediately discovered the behemoth that appeared above.


Fast time passed. In a blink of an eye, eight days had passed. The gathered dwarf and giant ghost clan were all screaming in excitement and rushed toward the south.

The dwarf tribe and the giant ghost tribe did not form an army. Although they all followed the instructions of the black blood tribe, the two tribes invaded the south from both sides.

Every alien in Nirvana Realm will bring two or three hundred Yuanyuan Realm tribes as a squad to move through the dense fog.

Although the vision is limited, neither the Dwarf Clan nor the Giant Ghost Clan will be affected by the dense fog and will produce illusions.

At the same time, they have known the orientation of the various tribes of the human race, and there is no such thing as going wrong.

Every dwarf and giant ghost races going south are extremely excited, including the command of breaking through the sky, which is their saint-level alien.

No dwarf clan and giant ghost clan wondered why the clan sent out to spy did not return.

In their hearts, it is impossible for their own people to have an accident, maybe they have already enjoyed the delicious food first.

The order given to them by the black robe is only to capture all the human races with soul power. As for those who have no soul power, let them enjoy.

And the other party told them very clearly that they would take them out of this world, there are more delicious people outside.

The premise is that they fulfill the order of the adult.

“Hahaha, the human clan ants, the giant ghost clan you serve is hungry.” A grinning voice came from the thick fog, and a giant ghost clan rushed out of the white mist to the stone tribe. Behind him, followed by a lot of people of the giant ghost clan.

However, when they saw everything in front of them, they were dumbfounded.

In the stone tribe, people go to the empty building, where there is a little figure. Not only that, Tarn also found the corpses of giant and dwarf tribes near the stone tribe.

“This group of bugs are so brave that they dare to follow us!” The giant ghost of the team leader roared angrily, “Look, these little bugs can’t hide for long.”

Not only this team, but gradually, no matter whether it is a giant ghost or a dwarf, they begin to find that there is no figure in the human tribe, and it is empty.

At the same time, they discovered that all the tribes that had been sent out for spying had died.

The flames of anger burn in the chests of these dwarf and giant ghosts, and they speed up to search for other tribes.

Work when the fog is up, and rest in the tribal areas of those human races when the fog is up.

At the beginning, the commanded alien race did not feel anything wrong. In the past, when the dwarf tribe and the giant ghost tribe went south, the human tribe also fled and kept retreating.

It seems to them that this time it is the same. These human races to the south have fled to the end.

However, according to the dwarf and giant ghost races, this is just in vain. Where can they escape?

“This poor family of people, I’m afraid I don’t know yet. We only live in the so-called small world, and there is a wider world outside.”

“Yes, it’s a pity that the human race is about to perish.”

“If it is not the arrival of adults, the human race has not been kept in captivity by us, and the destruction of them is actually a kindness.”

When the mist is resting, these aliens with broken air are gathered together, talking to each other, and laughing from time to time.

After a few days, they couldn’t laugh.

All the tribes of the human race have been searched, no one.

The open land with few dead trees to the south, no one!

It seems that the human race disappeared to the south just like the world evaporated.

“How is it possible, this is not possible.” Within the group of giant ghosts, an eight-footed figure stomped on the ground angrily. “Why did the human race worms disappear, why!”

In the dwarf clan, the muscular, tight little old man stared at the dense woods of dead trees further south: “Aren’t the human races going there? Impossible, we go deep into that place, and we all seek our way to death, not to mention This group of livestock in captivity.”

At this moment, the question of where the human race is, lingering in their minds!

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