Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 892: Sanjinhua

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Su Shenfan has always asked the guards to speak truthfully to women. In his opinion, women should know his whereabouts, so that they can be jealous and angry. This is fun.

He doesn’t like women’s gentleness and generosity, and his heart is like water. He likes women to be jealous for him.

As long as nothing major happens.

Bu Yaolian frowned slightly: “Last night, Shao Zun also rested in their room?”

“Back to the girl, yes.”

Bu Yaolian felt a pain in her heart, making her feel uncomfortable.

Although he used to go to other beauties from her room in the same way, but after all, he has not really had a relationship with him.

She will be upset in her heart, but she won’t be as sad as she is now.

I laughed self-deprecatingly, crossed a piece of saliva and gnawed it down.

I was still worried about being exhausted last night, and I was beaten today.

You are weak and can’t serve him. Some beauties come to serve him.

Three identical beauties, so you don’t have to worry about monthly credit or physical strength.

People can come in turns overnight.

Three maids and one husband are really enjoyable.

Bu Yaolian laughed at her innocence, thinking that if she believed in the moon, Shao Zun would be aggrieved.

But I forgot at all, there are others without her.

Bu Yaolian shook her head, eating her food in peace.

Who makes her like such a jovial man?

From the time I liked her, I knew that he was such a temperament, and now he has no right to be uncomfortable.

The man you like, even after gritting his teeth, he must like it to the end.

The heavy rain did not decrease, and a curtain of water was hung along the window. Bu Yaolian did not dare to eat again after she was half full.

Afraid to accumulate food again.

At this moment, the guard shouted outside: “Young Master.”

Bu Yaolian saw Su Shenfan walk in refreshedly.

He is still full of spirits, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, which makes him feel in a good mood.

Being served by three beauties together, I must be full. I am satisfied in that aspect, so I am happy.

She stood up and saluted: “Young Master.”

Su Shenfan sat down, glanced at the meal on the table, frowned slightly: “The deity hasn’t come yet, why have you eaten so much.”

Bu Yaolian looked blank: “No one told my concubine that you are coming to have a meal together.”

Aren’t you at Sanjinhua?

Why do they have no food there?

“Su Lian! I want to send someone to notify you if I want to eat?” Su Shenfan lowered his face.

Bu Yaolian confessed her mistake quickly: “No, it’s because my concubine sees that you have something important, and thinks you will stay there for dinner.”

It was true that she used to send someone to ask Su Shenfan if she wanted to be together when they were eating.

Today she heard that he went to Sanjinhua’s place, so she didn’t bother to ask.

Lest people think that she is going to grab a man in someone else’s room.

Su Shenfan raised his eyes and stared at her: “How come your deity sounds like the deity goes to someone else, are you very upset?”

Bu Yaolian climbed up to him and grabbed his arm: “Nothing, it’s a concubine’s fault. Your lord does not count the villain’s fault.”

Su Shenfan coldly snorted: “You still know that you will leave some and not finish eating.”

In the eyes of Su Shenfan, Bu Yaolian could eat the same amount of food as yesterday, even a cow

This table can be swallowed by her alone.

“No…Don’t dare…Last…night I was uncomfortable eating up.” Bu Yaolian blushed.

Thinking that she is a magnificent beauty, she is all over the country, delicate and graceful, but because she eats too much and accumulates her stomachache, this kind of thing is too low for a beauty.

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