Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 887: My stomach hurts

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Bu Yaolian drank a bowl of porridge in twos or twos, picked up the bowl, and licked all that was left on the side.

Su Shen annoyed and stroked his forehead. He had never seen such a shame.

Bu Yaolian threw down the bowl and began to chew the pig’s feet again. The chewing was fast and clean. The food was not ugly at all. It only made people think that the food was particularly delicious.

Su Shen thought annoyed that it was time to give a reward to the cook next to Yun Qidi.

Bu Yaolian has been on a diet for so many days, and finally broke her gong under a braised elbow.

Next, Su Shenfan saw Bu Yaolian’s ability to eat.

She swallowed a table of dishes like a windstorm, and Su Shen’s eyes widened.

Is this woman a pig?

No, pigs are not as good as hers.

If she eats like this all over, I’m afraid I won’t be able to afford it.

He regretted how he didn’t let Gu Bailu take her back just now.

Fuck, it’s no wonder Gu Bailu asked her to go on a diet to lose weight.

It turns out that she simply can’t afford it.

Su Shenfan instantly felt that he had fallen into a huge pit and couldn’t climb out.

So he made up his mind to do a few more nights to get Ben back.

Ran Goose…Bu Yaolian woke up in the evening, hugging her belly and rolling on the bed: “It hurts… It hurts to death.”

Su Shenfan opened his eyes, a strange color flashed in his eyes: “What’s the matter?”

“My stomach hurts, ooh, uncomfortable.” Bu Yaolian got into his arms with uncomfortable feelings.

Su Shen felt annoyed. Maybe he was eating too much and his stomach troubles.

“It deserves it, letting you eat so much, there is no restraint at all.” Although Su Shen scolded in his mouth, he still held her in his arms and gently stroked her belly.

“Yes… it was Shao Zun who told me to eat more.”

“I still have the strength to return my mouth, it doesn’t seem to be very painful.” Su Shenfan rubbed her belly: “Hurry up, I have enough rest, and I am going to work hard at night.”

Bu Yaolian heard this and her stomach hurts even if it doesn’t hurt.

Working one more night, she really won’t be able to live.

Fortunately, this stomach hurts in time.

“It hurts, it really hurts, Shao Zun called a doctor for her concubine.” Bu Yaolian lay pitifully in his arms.

Su Shen annoyed the guards to come in: “Go and ask an imperial doctor, the best medical skills.”

The imperial doctor came, and gave Bu Yaolian a pulse. As expected, the stomach was a little weak after eating too much and accumulating food.

“When will it be better?” Su Shenfan was only worried about this.

“Take a pill and it will be good, but the girl’s body is very weak, so she has to rest, especially when the monthly letter comes, and she can’t work hard.”

He glanced at Su Shenfan meaningfully.

“What monthly letter?” Su Shenfan’s face was pulled down.

“Women cannot have **** for a few days every month…”

“Nonsense, of course this deity knows what Yuexin is, how can she have Yuexin.” Su Shenfan said impatiently.

“Lian’er girl is here, doesn’t Shao Zun Yuexin know it?” The imperial doctor was struck by lightning.

“It was fine in the afternoon.”

“That’s probably just here.” The doctor gave him a sympathetic look.

Su Shen was so annoyed that he wanted to slaughter him. The stomach accumulates and eats nothing, and he can be cured by taking medicine.

“Is there a way to make the monthly letter disappear.”

“There is a way to do this, but it can only shorten the monthly letter time, and it is extremely hurtful.”

Su Shenfan really wants to kill Su Lian, it’s really better to choke her to death.

Let him open the meat and rob him of his innocence for more than 20 years, and her mother patted her **** and came to Yuexin.

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