Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 874: No one guards

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Bu Yaolian finally found out. It was just a prelude. All night, she didn’t squint her eyes, she passed out from exhaustion, and was awakened by Su Shenfan.

She was so tired and weak, she just wanted to die, but Su Shenfan was refreshed, and she seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

It seems to be reconciled to make up all the times that I haven’t done in the past 20 years.

The confidant of the guard outside the temple, the two looked at each other, and there was no word from the tacit understanding.

From time to time, a woman’s tender and pitiful begging for mercy came from the hall, and the voice became so convulsive that it made people feel bullied.

It was also the first time they heard Young Master’s gasps and low growls, as well as the continuous spitting out of the meat.

Even if they knew what was going on there and they should take a look, they didn’t dare to remind Young Master.

Emperor Yunqi should go anyway.

On Xiao Jingyun’s side, of course he really pretended to be fainted, although he really wanted to faint.

The king said that he was pretending to be dizzy and sent two people to stay in his palace, with the queen waiting on the side.

Xiao Jingyun couldn’t afford to lose his face in front of her own woman, so he just pretended to be dizzy and fell asleep directly.

There is a young master in the underground palace watching, and nothing can happen.

As a result, the underground palace, where nothing could go wrong, has been broken into.

Gu Bailu and the others went around a few times and found a tall golden gate, which was tightly locked, and could not be opened without hundreds of people.

They were banned from spiritual power again.

“There must be something in this door.” Gu Bailu confirmed.

“There should be a mechanism, everyone look for it.” Feng Qingtian ordered.

A dozen of them looked around, but they didn’t find anything in the organization around.

Gu Bailu took out two talismans: “I’ll see if I can explode them with talismans.”

She took off the golden hairpin on her head and the golden bracelet she was wearing. Finally, she took off even the earrings, and was about to blow up the door.

She placed several pieces of gold in different places, and used it to form a pentagonal array. With a sudden explosion, the big golden gate shook, but there was no damage.

“Damn, it’s useless.” Gu Bailu was extremely disappointed.

“The prince, the princess, when the subordinates just discovered that the golden gate was swaying, something was shining on the opposite side.” Ye Qi reported.


Yeqi pointed to a high sky opposite the Great Golden Gate, where there was obviously nothing.

“Subordinates go down and take a look.” Ye Qi finished speaking and flew over, but found no abnormalities: “Weird, the subordinates just saw a light here, maybe the location is wrong.”

“Go up and have a look.” Gu Bailu said: “It may be an invisible node or something, it may be able to open the door.”

Gu Bailu was a little excited, eager at the beginning, and the excitement of the treasure hunt now. Breaking into this kind of mechanism is almost like playing a copy of the game in modern times.

She is also a wasteland team.

Everyone flew up together, I don’t know who stepped on what, anyway, the door opened with two clicks.

Everyone is happy.

Behind the gate turned out to be a cave. It was full of mud and covered with green moss. There was a small lake inside. The surface of the lake was full of water. The top of the cave was a layer of sparkling water. Moonlight passed through the water. Come in.

That layer of water does not come in.

On the opposite side of the small lake, there was a thick white fog. Above the thick fog, there was something faintly shining with crimson light.

“Lord, look, there is a baby.” Gu Bailu became excited.

“You can’t pass, there is a barrier. Once the barrier is touched, we will all die.” Feng Qingtian grabbed her hand and prevented her from passing.

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