Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 794: Beauty is a double-edged sword

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There is a beautiful woman in the north. When I see Qingrencheng and goodbye Qingrenguo, her beauty can almost illuminate the night.

Even the faces of the Red Wolf and a few guards were stunned.

Mo Qianer frowned slightly, this woman is so beautiful, and a woman like Meicheng is mostly fatal.

There is no strong family to support her beauty. This beauty is a double-edged sword.

Mo Qianer sympathizes with her, but feels dangerous.

Even a man like the Red Wolf who is indifferent to any beautiful things will be moved. It can be seen that her beauty is deeply rooted.

Mo Qianer looked at Lu Fenying subconsciously.

His face was obviously not as tense and displeased as he had begun.

Red Wolf asked hesitantly: “Prince prince, would you like to take her to the small town ahead?”

Lu Fenying put down the curtain and did not speak.

Red Wolf knows this is tacit approval.

Mo Qian’er clenched her hands tightly, a little worried.

The beauty of this woman even moved Lu Fenying’s compassionate heart. If she really has ulterior motives, she is worried about the child’s accident.

“Prince, let the baby be with me.” Mo Qianer whispered.

Lu Fenying gave her a cold look: “He is with you, what should I do in this palace?”

“You… go where you sleep.”

The carriage is spacious, with Jinluo soft couches on the left and right, and it’s not necessary to sleep together.

She couldn’t help him at all now.

“Mo Qianer, don’t make my palace angry if you want to live.” Lu Fenying covered her with a big palm and pulled her into her arms.

Mo Qianer thought about it and still didn’t dare to carry him anymore.

Lu Fenying is angry about getting up. He hates being disturbed the most when he is resting. He has been woken up twice today, and his temper should be particularly bad at this time.

So, he was still willing to take that girl with him at this time, which Mo Qianer felt a little weird.

But it’s normal for men to like beauties.

Mo Qianer felt that as long as he was willing to raise his son for her, and according to the agreement, he would not abuse her anymore, she would be satisfied.

It doesn’t matter who he wants to favor and who he is fond of.

Besides, for so many years, hasn’t he been spoiling Su Muwei?

Find someone to go back and fight Su Muwei, but she can be quiet.

Anyway, my son can’t touch him now, so it’s better to sleep at ease.

Mo Qianer fell asleep more quickly, and Lu Fenying opened his eyes to see her heartlessly asleep, her eyes gloomy.

I was very worried about bringing that woman, but now I fell asleep regardless of it.

Don’t care about the beauty of that woman at all?

Lu Fenying bit her neck fiercely.

Mo Qianer murmured: “Prince Prince, let me sleep.” Turning his back to him, he continued to fall asleep.

The next day, Mo Qianer woke up to the sound of the child’s cry.

She sat up in fright: “What’s the matter?”

This kid never cried, but suddenly cried like this, maybe something big happened.

She rushed out of the wagon with disheveled hair, and saw the nurse coming over with the tightly wrapped little prince, she ran over quickly, but was carried into her arms by a pair of big palms: “Naughty, come out like this, body is gone.”

Mo Qianer was only wearing a thin coat, and she was worried that the child would not pay attention just now. When he yelled like this, she suddenly felt stiff.

Lu Fenying carried her into the carriage and looked down to see that her lips were almost purple.

“If you do this again, my palace will let someone send the child back first.”

The past few days have been to take care of her body, so the carriage walks slowly.

But in order to be able to rush back, so I rushed in the middle of the night.

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